Disclaimer: As Much as I want to own it... I sadly do not own the Phantom of the Opera just Echo and Evelyn.

Please I would love for you to comment and give me feedback on ideas or something that could help me improve. This is my first story so I`m sort of nervous to share it with you and its like my baby. Please no flames or I`ll send Erik with his punjab lasso after you. I do want help on making it better or things I could improve on. I have to be torn down before I can start to rebuild again... if that makes sense. Anyway I hope you like it! Read and Enjoy!

"Oh come on Echo, really your overacting, it won`t kill you too watch it again." Evelyn huffed, as she ran a hand through her blond curls, that landed softly on her shoulders, her green eyes narrowing on her friend. Echo rolled her blue eyes as she picked at er black nail polished fingers. Her jagged, platinum bangs falling in her eyes as the rest of her long black hair fell over he shoulders. As she tucked her hair behind her studded ears, she looked up at her friend." You don`t know that."

Eve huffed, If you looked at the two girls you would have never guessed that they were best friends. Evelyn held the basic happy look. She wore bleached jeans, with a white tank top and a white vest. She had the look of your hot blonde. Then there was Echo, with the style of a punk emo kid. She wore, her black combat boots, with chains and buckles, ripped black fishnets, a black leather mini skirt, a black tea shirt with blood splatter and a skull. Her black hair layered, with her bangs dyed platinum and punked to the max, her arms had several bracelets on each and several rings on her hands, with gloves and around her neck was a silver necklace with a peace sing pendant, a skull pendent, a converse pendant and a broken heart pendent. Though she didn`t wear lip stick but lip close, her eyes were heavily eyeliner and massacre. Her eye shadow black. SO when people looked at these two together, they did double takes. Both girls were known to be wild and quite loud, but were Eve was the more polite, respectful one, Echo was her own person, she did what she liked and if you had a problem than deal with it.

Eve went and plopped down next to her grinning." Yes I do, come on, you think the phantom is sexy."

"That may be true and yes I do like his music but the rest of the story sucks. You have Christine your basic barbie, loser and Raoul the common fop falling in love. The only thing that saves it is that the Phantom kills a person, is insane and wears a mask." Echo simply answers with no obvious interest as she plays with her necklaces. Eve sighs." You're a lost case."

"I know isn`t it great!" Echo smirks. Eve ignores her but pushes play once again for Phantom of the Opera. Echo rolls her eyes getting up, she boredly opens Eve`s closet, to check if she got any decent clothes or not, as she spotted a pink dress she held it up in distaste." Pink really?"

"Echo put that back it`s special!" Eve warned. Echo smirked." Yeah Special Ed."

"Echo!" Eve growled launching for the dress but instead fell into Echo and soon the girls kept on falling into darkness until everything went black.

Echo groaned, as she blinked open her eyes. It was dark very dark and cold. She could hear the sound of water dripping, the sound of rats scattering. She sat up rubbing her head and tried to look around in the dark."Eve? Eve where are you! Come on this isn't funny."

"Will you shut up! I`m right here!" Eve snapped sitting up just as bewildered. She groaned. I am so not going to have a good hair day under here."

"Where in the hell are we?" Echo hisses searching around for her hands. Eve is about to answer when makes out two lumps in the dark, slowly she reaches for both of them and squeals for joy." Yay we have our bags!"

"Never knew a girl could be so excited about bags." Echo rolls her eyes but takes hers standing up." Come on Eve, we have to find a way to get out of this place, where ever… this place is."

"Ugh fine, but seriously, we need to get out of this place, my hair is going frizzier by the second." Eve groans following Echo, As the girls finally find a signal torch to led them. As they continued walking, Eve began to whistle a happy tone, Always look on the bright side of life. Echo raised her eyebrow rolling her eyes, leaving eve in her little strange world. As they finally approached a lake. Echo frowned." What in the hell is a lake doing down hear?"

"SHHHH! Listen do you hear that?" Eve shushed her as the listened. In the distance they heard, the sound of an organ being played. It was an angry song. Echo frowns but Eve starts putting things together. They were underground, there was a lake, organ music and the place looked familiar. She let out an over exaggerated gasp, that lasted for thirty seconds until Echo slapped her." Will you stop it?"

"OMP, OMP, OMP! Echo! Echo, do you know where we are at?" Eve jumped up and down excitedly. Echo raised her eyebrow again, something she seemed to be doing a lot of recently shrugged." Should I?"

"We are in the fifth cellar, under the Opera house in Paris… Phantom of the Opera!" Eve giggles. Echo sighs. Her friend really had lost it. Crazy Phan…." Come on you… special girl, let`s get in this boat eh gondola and see where we go"

Eve jumped excitedly into the gondola, forcing Echo to row, as always. It takes five minutes of cussing and fighting, until she finally learns how to use it and rows. She frowned how in the hell did the French do it. It hurt! Eve started humming Phantom of the Opera. Echo rolled her eyes but as they got closer the organ music came louder. Echo looked around. It did look very phantomish… new word, phantomish. Eve barely could hold her excitement as they entered the lair and saw a caped figure leaning over the organ playing. Echo sighed. Great now they were in a lair with this so called phantom the one who likes to kill people. As they met the small beach, the music abruptly stopped and the man turned, showing all his phantom glory. Upon seeing his white porcelain mask on the right side of his face, his golden green eyes, and his rather handsome aristotic left side of his face. Eve let out a squeal and fainted straight away.

The Phantom seemed phased by the fainting girl but only for a second as he reached for his Punjab lasso but found it in the hands of the other girl. Echo swung it around lazily." Looking for this."

"Give it to me!" He hissed ready to attack but she held up her finger." Ah ah ah, what is the magic word?"

"Don`t be ridiculous, give it to me!" He hissed again. Echo sighed." Really do you have no manners man! What were you gonna do, try to lasso me?"

"Uh… no." He muttered looking quite guilty. Right then Eve came too and squealed again seeing him. She jumped up and ran too him before glomping hm." ERIK!"

The bewildered phantom let out a cry of shock as she knocked him over on his back and hugged him furiously, kissing him all over. After a minute Echo felt bad for the poor guy who was trying to fend her off but failing, so she dragged Eve off." Down girl! Down!"

Erik got away crawling up against the wall as he crawled up in the fetile position." No more, no more, make it stop!"

"Look what you did to the poor man! You probably scared him for the rest of his life!" Echo scolds but as she`s scolding she hardly notices Erik snatch his Punjab lasso back. But as she whips around due to her fast reactions she blocks his attempt and pulls hard before letting it go making Erik stumble back into his organ." Don`t try that again, unless you want to be a hanging phantom."

Erik looked at the two girls as if they were crazy, he stood up to gather what dignity he had left and glared at both of the girls." Please do tell how you managed to get past my traps and get here. Not many dare venture or make it past cellar three."

"Uh we`re talented?" Eve points out, only making his eyes narrow more. Echo and Eve share a look before echo shrugs speaking up." Well you wouldn`t believe us if we told you, you`d think us insane."

'Does it have something to do by the way you both are dressed, for godsakes what are those things in your ears!" Erik frowned. Echo growled narrowing her own blue eyes." There called studs and I happen to like them, so you can get over it or I`ll kick my foot so far up your ass-"

Eve covered her mouth laughing nervously as Erik stared shocked at the young lady`s language usage." It is not proper at all for a Lady to talk like such, or dress as such."

Echo ripped Eve`s hand away from her mouth as she glared daggers at Erik, her blue eyes burning." AH HELL TO THE NO. I know you just didn`t diss my clothes. Boy I will kick your ass, you motherfu-"

"Enough! Please let us explain. We are from the future and we fell through a closet and ended up in the fifth cellar, heard you playing and now we are here!" Eve quickly explained before the two ended up killing eachother. Though right now she thought Echo probably could kick his butt at the moment. Erik stared at the both of them as if they were insane and frowned."What?"

"Yeah we are from the future and you're the phantom of the Opera aka as Erik. We know your story and pretty much all about you, well actually I only know some Eve knows all, because she is your basic crazy, obsessed Phan who has OPD, Obsessive Phantom Disorder and it`s phan with a Ph." Echo lazily explains with Eve nodding excitedly. Erik blinked a couple times. The girls stared at him waiting, but they didn`t have to wait to much longer as he started pacing talking out loud to himself." They know to much about Erik! They know about Christine! They know my story! They know what lies under the mask! They know too much!"

"Uh Erik you do know you`re talking out loud right, take deep breaths and count to ten." Eve instructs. Erik looks at her his eye twitching but as he closes his eyes and counts to ten, he suddenly feels calmer. When he opens his eyes. Echo is now sitting in a chair leaning back playing with a pocket knife and Eve is practically drooling over his organ. He watches them each for a moment. Not knowing these girls name at all he spoke up." Well since you know everything about me, or so it seems and I know nothing about you. Please do enlighten me on who you are."

"Oh ME FIRST!" Eve exclaims jumping up and down. Echo looks at her lazily but goes back to playing with her knife." Go ahead Barbie."

"Yay! I`m Evelyn, but you can call me Eve, I`m 20 and from America, New York! A Cheerleader like you know…. GO TEAM GO! And I love cute things like kittens and butterflies. Diamonds, rubies, jewels I love sugar and I absolute love romantic things! OH and love fashion!" Eve excitedly and rapidly explains leaving Erik scooting farther away from Little Miss Sunshine. He nods though."Uh very interesting, A pleasure to meet you Mademoiselle."

Echo stands up putting her knife away and brushing some of her hair away from her blue eyes." After that obnoxious introduction…I'm Echo, yes that is my real name if you have a problem with it than screw off. And I am is only three things you need to know about me. One I don`t do bright colors, Two I don`t do mornings, and Thirdly I don`t like to change, so don`t even try."

Erik blinked at her but slowly nodded. Echo smirked satisfied before speaking once again." Now since our little introductions are out of the way, where is our rooms?"

"Your room?" Erik repeats staring at her in disbelief. She rolls her eyes crossing her arms." Uh yeah I am not sleeping on the floor and it`s not like we have anywhere else to go. We are from the future, duh. So it would only be polite if you gave us a room to stay in."

Erik stared at Echo, his left eye starting to twitch. Who was she to make demands? But as she returned his glare with her intense blue eyes, with no intention of backing down, Erik glared back. Eve sensing the tension and knowing if she didn`t intervene they`d like kill eachother she stepped between them." What she means is, could you be kind enough to let us stay here until we uh find suitable arrangements and learn uh French culture and uh how we should act in this time period."

Erik finally looked away from Echo`s eyes as Echo smirked looking smug. He studied Eve." Well even though I find you down right frightening and disturbing, your more polite than your companion and have hopes of being somewhat normal… I suppose I will allow you to stay now."

Echo snorted as she picked up her bag earning herself a glare from Erik, but she stuck out her tongue at him. Erik fought back his annoyance and motioned for the girls to follow him." This room can be yours Mademoiselle Evelyn."

"Yay! Thank you!" Eve grinned hugging Erik tight. As Erik struggled for breath he looked at Echo who just raised an eyebrow and shrugged. Finally Eve let he go skipping into her appointed room. As Erik turned to Echo he sighed and led her to the Swan room. He was reluctant to let her use this room, but he had no more rooms and she seemed less likely to deface or do anything too disturbing to any of his lost beloved`s room unlike Evelyn who seemed to be in love with anything that involved him." This is your room."

Echo looked around and shrugged." Good enough, now if you excuse me, I`m going to take a nap."

"You could say thank you!" Erik snaps. Echo smirks and pushes him out the door before shutting the door in his face she smirks." Thanks and Good bye!"

Erik stomps away grumbling about the infuriating girl. How had he gone from being alone and mopping in his self pity to now housing a obnoxious touchy feely teen and a rather intimidating, foul mouth, independent girl. He shook his head and went off to think about his sudden company, he`d need a whole bucket full of morphine after this. What had possessed him to let them stay?