X-over: Bleach and Harry Potter

Brothers Bound To Each Other


Harry has been adopted by the Kurosaki Family when he was a child. Strange things are happening after he moves in. Ishin Kurosaki has no knowledge of the wizard community but he strongly believes that there are more things humans can do than meets the eye. So the surprise of Harry being of magical origin is not as grand as Harry only discovers this on his sixteenth birthday. Ichigo and Harry share a close bond together but how close it will get is up to them.

Will Harry come into his magical heritage? Will Dumbledore have a role in this? What about Voldemort? Has Urahara known about the adopted sons ability? How will Souls Society handle this new information?


T ( But this may also change to M later in the story)



Other pairings ( are still being thought upon) Write your most wanted pairing in the review - except Harry and Ichigo of course - and I'll see if I consider it. Maybe I will even put on a poll to decide it.

The metric system is used here. I'm only writing this because I came across a lot of FF- Stories which had the inch system. Because I don't know how to use it, it is why I won't use it.


I am not gaining any money of this Fan-fiction in anyway. Bleach and the Harry Potter series belong to their rightful owner Tite Kubo and J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

He was around six to seven years old when it happened. The Dursleys have won a prize for a vacation on a cruise from the Northern sea to the Yellow see near the boarder of china. There the Family stopped. The Dursleys had "unfortunately" bring their nephew with them because on the prize list stood: only four person prize not more nor less. Vernon participated anyway and has won. So Harry "had" to come with them. But that doesn't mean he could roam free. No he had to stay in the cabin unless he was ordered to leave it and do a chore for them.

The Ship wasn't a typical cruise ship. It was incredibly smaller than the others, if you compare them. Today the cruise ships are about as high in height as a six story house and in length as long as the Titanic was. This ship however was considerably smaller in length and height. That is why it has been a target for some modern pirates in the yellow sea for quiet some time.

The captain of this ship was a gruff man. Neither did he care about the families on board nor about the possible outcome of himself or the crew. He was only the captain of this ship because he had overthrown the previous captain by a strike. He didn't agree with him in any way. To slow in making progress, rather builds his fights up on the strategist of the crew than even going in to battle at all! Considering the possible outcome and even thinking of abandoning the battle when faced with resistance! How dare he was the thought when he had confronted him . He wanted action because only the action of a fight could get him to his sanctuary, if only for a short while. The only place where he was happy even though it only shows through a glint in his eyes and a maniac grin which shows his teeth as if he was about to make a leap at your neck. Which also wasn't impossible, because every one only called him "The Grinning Maniac" who even when he is on his knees he gets up and acts more insane than before.

"The Grinning Maniac ". His eyes have laid upon the small cruise boat and gave the final signal for the other pirates nearby. Luckily it was night and also the best time for the ambush. Oh how he hated those. But even his crazed mind realizes that they are necessary . To bring an "income" to his crew members or they would likely ambush him and not the passengers on the ship.

The Grinning Maniac brought his thought back to the ship in front of him. Only in these kind of events when he was sure he wouldn't get a good fight, he would keep out of the attack.

He watched as the alarms went of and his crew quickly boarded the ship. The families where most likely killed on the spot and stripped of their belongings .

His crew came back with more than he had anticipated. There were several trunks, bags and suitcases all in different colors and sizes. But on in particular caught his attention. He went to a trunk about 1m or more in length and about 0.50m in width.

He heard banging from it and cries of help. When he approached it the noises went still.

Worry gnawed at his gut. But why? He was a ruthless pirate. Why should he worry for some kid in a trunk? He opened the lid and came across a young scrawny boy with black dis-shelved hair and a broken pair of round wiry glasses . The boy had clothes on that the boy would have fit in two times easily.

The boys eyes were closed and had been pressed together till one of his crew grabbed the boys arms and pulled him out with ease.

The captain was distressed. How could this happen. He couldn't possibly kill this small boy who obviously hadn't got it better than them. This Boy had also a hard past behind him and also more than likely a difficult future in front of him.

On this faithful night Harry Potters family wasn't the only on which have won the prize around the world. Oddly enough the Kurosaki family has been on vacation in England and were exploring the market when the eldest Kurosaki Ichigo left his mothers side to glance at a draw. The shopkeeper who had set it up saw him and gave him a free ticket. He drew the winning number and the family won the main prize of the draw. A cruise to the yellow sea starting near the Northern sea at the Port of London. There wasn't much discussion but to decide that the family would stop in China and from there take the next flight to Japan; Tokyo.

After they had explored the city the date for the depart of the cruise came and the Kurosaki family went to Port of London near Waterloo.

When they boarded the ship Ichigo noticed a family with to boys one who was very large and had great similarity to the man next to him, who also was of larger build and a boy who had a nest of black as his hair wiry round glasses and was as scrawny as the woman, who stood next to the two large individuals.

Ichigo thought it strange but paid it no more attention when his mother called him to get on board with them.

Kurosaki Ishin watched the display in front of him. After the pirates had took away every thing on the ship which wasn't bolted to it , the left. He was in a bad mood because he couldn't protect those people on the ship . He would have risked the safety of his family if he had prevented them from hurting anyone on this ship. Even though he decided himself to leave Soul Society because of the mother of his children he couldn't risk it being discovered with his soul outside his body. His strength also had decreased since he left the soul-realm and lived permanent in his Gigai. Thankful Urahara is the brilliant mind he is and it would age and need care like any normal body would. However Kurosaki Ishin found himself in a precarious situation. He how a trunk was being taken away by those pirates but more importantly was the inside of the trunk. He felt it , the Reiatsu that was leaking from the child in that trunk. It was strong and probably because of the frightened state of the owner would lash out at the nearest disruption to the owners body.

He would not leave that child with the pirates. He would find a way to saw him or her. However that Reiatsu was a problem. If he appears in the wrong moment he would have to leave his Gigai and then Soul society would be on alert. They would at least send a low rank Shinigami to investigate.

Ishin sighed slowly through his nose and watched the other ship like an eagle. Crouched behind rail he would not be seen. A plan was forming in his mind and he only needed the perfect opportunity to act.

He saw how the small boat increased in speed to get away from the scene as fast as possible, so when the police arrives the would already be gone. They heaved the bags and other stolen goods onto the ship. On man was overseeing the proceeder and Ishin drew the conclusion he was the captain of the ship. He looked about his age and had the usual look on his face: Annoyed like hell .

The captain went closer to the trunk where the child was in it. He opened the trunk and stared into it. Ishin saw a flash of emotion on his face but quickly dismissed it because on of the crew members made a grab for the child. When the small looking boy in his tattered clothes came into his view that was what triggered it. He made a lot of noise, screamed and shouted at the pirates, dared them to come back and fight like a real man and leave the child alone. He would fight for the child he shouted and if he won they would take him with the other survivors to the nearest populated island or directly to china. He insulted them, and screamed some more threats, only to safe the boy who was now looking at him in astonishment and wonder because of his vocabulary and courage to stand up to those men , to fight and never lose sight of his goal.

Harry realized the man screamed for him. To save him from these men. He had tears in his eyes and they slowly descended down his cheeks.

He glanced at the group of pirates and when his eyes landed on the man who had opened the lid he was scared to hell and back. The man had a crazy glint in his eyes who were watching the other insane man who tried to save him. But what scared him the most was the wide grin which had revealed most of his teeth. He didn't know what to do so he did what he always did when he felt scared and alone. He wrapped his arms around him and curled up on his knees and was very still. He would not cry out . He would not show them how frightened he was. Because if he did he was sure to have all the attention on him and that wast the least he wanted. So he stared at the ground and tuned out everything, only listening to his heartbeat and the waves.

Ishin was sure the captain was a insane killer. He reminded him very much of Zaraki. Well at least from what he had heard of the battle crazy captain of squad eleven. Now he stood against an opponent much like him only in human form and far less Spiritual pressure than the Shinigami captain.

:" What is it are you scared? Come over here, if your stupid pea-brain can comprehend what I am saying. Don't you have pride. I'm sure you couldn't hold yourself in a fair fistfight! Come on get your fat ass over here!"

Ishin screamed some more and the captain hadn't shown signs at first ,but the more insults he put in them ,the more insane his grin and eyes had got.

:" Get me a boat!" the captain screamed.

Two of his crew members ran of to prepare a boat for him. They loaded everything of and shouted for the captain to come. The captain walked to the boat and stopped before he took of. He turned around and grabbed the boy by the shoulder :" You come with me!" He said with a snarl in his voice.

The boy didn't put up a fight and followed him into the boat. He started the motor and drove to the cruise ship. Ishin was already at the dock with a wide place. Enough space to rage in their fight . They would not stop till the winner is clear.

The captain pushed the boy away and he complied quickly hiding behind a couple of overthrown tables and chairs all together in on large pile that stood as a border for him and these crazy men.

Harry looked intently at the two figures and held his breath.

The Pirate jumped at the former Shinigami and the fight began.

Ishin knew he had to win now not only for the boy and his families safety but also for his pride. That was one of the things he still valued most. His pride.

This wasn't just a fight for survival but also a test. A test about his resolve of quitting his Shinigami life and live with his love Masaki.

The captain was fast but he hasn't been a captain for a reason. He saw the mistakes this human made when charging at him. He put to much weight into his back and thighs and not enough pressure into his calves. He easily dodged the attack and moved brought his arm up only to ram it into the neck of the brutal man. He fell to the ground and laid there till he let out a guttural sound. Like an animal which has been enraged that his pray had been snapped away from him . He slowly stood up and charged again. This time aiming at his legs. Ishin easily jumped away and kicked him with his foot on the side of his face.

The man this time only let his head turn with the force of the blow. He couldn't let this man win. Couldn't be humiliated in front of his man but. . . his resolve started fading when he had seen the scared eyes of the child in the trunk . It reminded him too much of the past . Too much on events long forgotten. They should have been but with the child in this trunk like himself so many years ago , he started to doubt what exactly he was doing with his life. And he kept on doubting while he charged again and again. Revolve dwindling by any lost try he made. Again he was kicked , this time with the knee in the stomach and stopped. He stopped. He couldn't believe it. He had stopped.

Why ? Why the heck did he stop?

On sentence loud and clear which would haunt him for the rest of his life stated all his thoughts

:" I win."


That was it! ^^

My very first chapter of my very first Fan-fiction!

For a start it it wasn't really that much , but i got too caught up in the detail and i wanted to bring the story forward. That's why I decided to stop here with a cliffhanger^^.

It won't do , if I just get on with the story and there is no decent cliffhanger.

One thing you can be sure is that nick names like Siri and Remy will be not used in this story.

I'm not really fond of these types of Nicknames just to let the name sound cute when the story it self has a total serious mood. But the nicknames used in the manga and book will be of course used^^

I know i sound a bit mean with that statement but this is one point for me which ruin a story written like that. No offense to the writers out there who still use it. I just wanted to get my point across.

I have proof read the story so if anyone sees a mistake please tell me.

Thanks for reading

And please review^^