Once Upon A Time: The Devil's Next Step, Part Seventeen

By Rebekkalee Mouri-Hibiki

Emma and Jefferson walked down the hallway quickly but cautiously, not saying a word to each other. Each step echoed off the walls, just like the thoughts in Emma's head. She had gone over and over what she had said in the trinket room, how she swore she didn't care if Mr. Gold went back to Belle. ~Liar, ~ the word reverberated in her mind as she retraced each word she had said.

She had no idea of what she would do if that came true, how she would be able to work with him on her magic with the knowledge of their relationship being nothing but a glimmer. Relationship... she couldn't call it anything but that, she didn't dare. She knew it certainly wasn't love they had... not what she thought of as love anyway.

It confused her so much and she knew that confusion would only grow if Belle stayed. What would that leave her as? Belle was the woman Rumplestiltskin loved in The Enchanted Forest, and it had been True Love. She knew the answer to the question already.

She would be left out, just like she had been all of her life. She had been left out of having a loving family, close friends and a normal life because of the foster system. She had no friends because people were scared of her throughout school. She would lash out at those who made fun of her, giving her a reputation as a dangerous child.

She continued on though school, friendless and shunned, almost invisible. She would get painful reminders that she wasn't invisible when she get bullied but the teachers never took her side. She was always the instigator in their eyes. Finally, she had enough of it all and dropped out at sixteen.

She did alright for a while, getting a job and keeping it until the day the police kicked in her door in search of Henry's father. The jail time had been a godsend strangely enough, letting her finish her education and it helped her get her head on straight. She still kept to herself for the most part but it showed her she could be something more if she just put her mind to it. It also showed her she never wanted to lose her freedom again.

She had desperately tried to find her place, bouncing around after getting out of jail and having one disastrous relationship after another until she decided not to bother with finding love any more. No one could connect with her on a level that meant anything. They didn't know what she had been through and would only pity her, not understand, when she tried to explain it to them. None of them knew what it was like to shunned and to feel the things she had.

Well, until she came to Storybrooke. In his own way, Mr. Gold had suffered the same things she had. His stories in the book told her he had been shunned and looked upon the same way she had been before becoming The Dark One, everyone saying he was a coward and a deserter. He was then feared after becoming The Dark One, no one wanting to have anything to do with him unless they wanted something they couldn't get by any other means.

She felt the same way, people only coming to her when they needed something but otherwise seeming to have no use for her. Being a bounty hunter made it profitable but it still didn't change the facts. When she wasn't chasing skips, she was alone and she had grown to like it that way. In a way, she thought perhaps Rumplestiltskin had grown to enjoy his solitude as well, at least from what she had read anyway.

It was the delicate threads that seemed to bind her to him, the common ground they shared. Those bonds seemed to become stronger because of the things they had been through together. She could only think of a handful of times when he hadn't been by her side over the last several weeks. She had even began to miss the seemingly constant presence just a breath's width from her right hand, feeling a bit incomplete without him there.

She had never had that with anyone else and she couldn't take the thought of losing it. A lump rose in her throat at it, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She took a deep breath, quickening her pace when Jefferson moved to walk alongside of her instead of two steps behind like he had been staying. She kept her eyes focused ahead, hoping he wouldn't see the moisture in her eyes.

" Hey, " He said quietly as they continued to walk down the long corridor. He waved his right hand in her face to get her attention but she ignored it, continuing to walk. " You look like you need to talk. "

" Not to you, " Emma hissed. It had been Jefferson's taunting that had forced her face the issue of losing perhaps the only person she had ever met that she could identify with. She had shown Mr. Gold more of her real self than anyone had ever seen and she was sure she had seen more of him than anyone had in a long, long time. " Not after the things you've said to me and done to me tonight. "

" Oh, like what? " Jefferson said.

Emma sneered, " Let see, kidnapping me naked for one. Then there's always the throwing me around like a sack of potatoes. Do I need to mention the duct tape or the rope burns on my wrists? Did you have to be so rough? "

Jefferson let out a strained chuckle, " What was I supposed to do? Come to your front door and knock on it? What would I have said? Oh, hey Emma. I know this is crazy and I kidnapped you once, threatened you with a gun, almost strangled you and helped Regina poison your kid but could you come with me to The Mills' family tomb tonight? "

" Not funny, " Emma snarled.

" So what do you think I was I supposed to do? You would have never come with me even if I did tell you the truth, " Jefferson narrowed his eyes.

Emma narrowed her eyes in return, " Probably if you said it was about Belle and Regina had her heart. "

" You didn't believe she had Graham's until you saw that wall, " Jefferson pointed out. " I could tell. "

" You were hit in the damn head almost as soon as we got to it, " Emma reminded him. " You don't know what I was thinking. "

Jefferson smirked, " I know you thought he died from a heart attack brought on by a high fever. "

Emma blinked, stopping in her tracks. " How do you know that? "

Jefferson quirked his mouth, " I can read lips you know. It makes people watching a lot more interesting when you know what they're saying. "

Emma went cold. There was no telling what he knew if that were the case and was never quite as grateful for curtains than she was at that moment. She sighed in frustration, " Yeah? So? I didn't believe in the curse or any of it when that happened. "

" You do now and you still have a lot more to believe in as well, " Jefferson said.

Emma shut her eyes, " I know that already. Can we just go kick Regina's ass right now though? "

Jefferson arched an eyebrow, " So you haven't changed your mind about saving Belle? "

" No, I haven't, " Emma said. " Why would I? "

" After all that thinking you were doing, I was starting to wonder if you had, " Jefferson replied.

" You don't know what I was thinking, " Emma said. " You may be able to read lips but I'm pretty sure you can't read minds. If you could, you would have never let Belle loose. "

" Touche, " Jefferson sighed. " You do have a point there. "

" Good. Now, can we go? " Emma asked.

Jefferson took a step back, " Yes. "

" Thank you, " Emma said then strode ahead. A few long moments passed before she could see the end of the hall, her eyes fixing on gently bouncing red light in the room the hall ended in. As she got closer, she could make out Regina's figure and face, a smug grin plastered on her face as she played with a red glowing object in her left hand. Emma felt her anger rise with each step she took, pausing for a second to kick out of the too big shoes in preparation to make a run at the Evil Queen.

" Emma? " Jefferson said as she increased her speed, dashing after her once she was in a dead run. " Emma! Don't! "

" Bitch! " Emma shouted as she got closer, lunging at Regina when she felt she was close enough. Pain shot through her body as she slammed against the smooth glass surface of a mirror that lined the back wall of the room and bounced off it to land in Jefferson's arms. He had caught up in time to save her from hitting the floor.

" Are you okay? " He asked as he eased her down to the floor. Once she was there, he knelt down on her right side.

" Like you care, " Emma hissed as she brought her hands to her face to make sure she wasn't bleeding anywhere. Her ears were ringing and her muscles twitching from the impact.

" As rash and unthinking as always I see, " Regina said coolly. " You could have really hurt yourself, Emma. "

" Shut up, " Emma hissed as she let her hands fall away from her face. The pain was lessening with each second, her healing ability working its way slowly through her body. " Come out and face me. "

Regina laughed, " I would but I'm not here. I'm somewhere where you'll never find me. "

" This is unfair, " Emma glared at the mirror.

" Perhaps but you really didn't think I'd make it easy for you, now did you? " Regina continued to play with the red glowing orb. She held it in a way that kept Emma from seeing what it was.

Emma frowned, " Never mind that. What are you holding? "

Regina smirked as she held it up, " You tell me what you think it is. "

Emma looked, a chill running though her as her eyes registered the shape of the object. It was shaped like a human heart, the light inside of it pulsing every so gently with each beat. " Belle's heart, " She whispered.

" Indeed it is, " Regina went back to rolling it around in her hand. " I've had it since I sensed Jefferson spying on me. "

" You knew I was here? " Jefferson finally spoke. Emma looked at him, finding he was shaking just slightly as he clenched his fists at his sides. She could tell he wanted to punch the Evil Queen but knew he couldn't.

Regina looked at him, " Of course I did. Whatever were you looking for? "

" I wanted my hat back, " Jefferson replied. " I thought maybe you left it here after you had me get the apple. You said I could have it back after I did but you never gave it back. "

" I said you could have it back IF the apple worked. It didn't, remember? " Regina hissed.

" It worked, " Jefferson said sharply. " Just on the wrong person. "

" We discussed this at the hospital, " Regina shot back. " Things didn't go as planned so I get to keep the hat. "

Jefferson growled, " That wasn't our deal. "

" So you released Belle as a way to get back at me, hoping Rumplestiltskin would kill e because you can't? " Regina said then laughed. " You didn't even realize what you were doing. Did the thought ever cross your mind that I had a plan for her? "

Jefferson growled, " I didn't think you were THAT cold hearted. "

" You thought wrong! " Regina hissed. She sneered, " It's just like everything you do. A mistake. Just like leaving me and just like taking me to Wonderland. "

Jefferson frowned, " I did that because you said you would help me take care of my daughter. "

" And I did. She went to a family that could provide more for her than a life of hunting fungus in the forest. They provided her with everything she needed to have a happy healthy childhood, " Regina said. She sneered, " I'm sure you could have done THAT in that hovel, right? "

" We were getting by, " Jefferson's voice had a desperate whine to it.

" You're useless, " Regina said. " As a father and as a person. "

Emma got to her feet, " That's enough! You don't know anything! "

Regina looked at Emma, " And you do? I've known him longer than you have, Miss Swan. Don't come to the defense of someone you really don't know. "

" I've seen enough to know he's better than you! " Emma took a step towards the mirror. " Everything he has done has been for his child, just like you and just like me. How can you stand there and belittle him for that? "

Regina sneered, " Always pleading for the lost causes, aren't you? Speaking of lost causes, how IS Rumplestiltskin? "

Emma frowned, " It's none of your business. "

" It's okay if you don't tell me because I already know how he's been making over Belle and leaving you in the lurch, " Regina gave Emma a cold smirk. " That's the truth, isn't it? "

" He hasn't left me anywhere, " Emma clenched her fists. She had felt left behind even though Mr. Gold had tried to keep her close, feeling like his thoughts were more focused on Belle even though he tried to pay attention to her as well. She wasn't going to admit that to Regina though. She would just take it as a sign that she had won some sort of petty victory over her.

" You need to face the truth Emma, " Regina said. " You may have been in his bed but you will never be in his heart. The sooner you face that, the sooner you can stop fooling yourself. "

Emma wanted to put her hand through the mirror, to shut her up somehow. Suddenly, her vision went black and she felt her knees go weak. She started to fall to the floor, her fall slowed by Jefferson's hands on her sides. He eased her down as a fuzzy image began to form in her mind.

" Emma! " Jefferson shouted but his voice sounded far away. Regina said something as well but Emma's hearing faded as the image grew more clear. She could see Mr. Gold sitting on the bed in Belle's room, holding her right hand in his left. She was cuddled to his side, her eyes closed and looked like she was going to sleep.

His eyes were closed as well, looking content with the woman at his side. The scene stabbed her in the heart, making her feel that perhaps she had been fooling herself. She wanted to push the vision away but couldn't as she detected Belle's other hand slip underneath the pillows. She wanted to cry out when she pulled it back to reveal she had the dagger that bore Rumplestiltskin's name but her voice was mute.

She began to shake as Belle brought the dagger up, saying some words that she couldn't quite make out. Mr. Gold's eyes flew open, bewilderment obvious on his features. He said something to her but her only response was to shake the dagger at him in a threatening manner. He slumped his shoulders, an expression of acquiescence coming over his face as he stood to his feet.

Belle got up as well, her eyes never leaving him as she led him from the room and down the stairs. Emma felt her stomach knot as she could do nothing but watch. Belle then led him to the front door and out to the drive where a long black car waited. Mr. Gold got in without resisting, Belle climbing in with him.

The vision started to fade, tears springing to Emma's eyes as the room began to reform in her sight. She curled up in a ball, unable to stop the tears that were flowing from her eyes. Regina scoffed, " Well, I guess you've seen what happened just a little while ago. "

" You bitch! " Emma sobbed. " How could you? "

" He'll be more powerful than me when he regains his full strength. I had to take care of him before that happened, " Regina replied. " And, without him, you'll never be more powerful than me. It's really quite simple. "

Emma pushed herself up on her arms, glaring up at the Evil Queen. She narrowed her eyes, her anger raging more that it ever had in her entire life. She rose to her feet purely on that anger, " We'll just see about that. I swear to you I will reach my full potential and I will defeat you. "

Regina chuckled, " Oh, we shall see. "

There was growing noise in the hallway, Jefferson taking a sharp breath. " Somebody's here. "

" In that case, I had better be going, " Regina said and vanished from the mirror.

Emma ran to the mirror, pounding on it with her fists. It began to crack and she hit it harder, the need to vent her anger overwhelming her. Jefferson grabbed her, pinning her arms behind her back. " Stop it! You're going to hurt yourself! "

" I have to get her, " Emma fought him. " I need to get to her. "

" You heard her, " Jefferson snarled in her ear. " She's far away. There's no telling where she is. "

" I won't stop until I find her then! " Emma growled as she fought harder but he just held her tighter. She became numbly aware of several voices calling her name and the sound of running feet. All of her fight seemed to evaporate when she heard Mary-Margret gasp and she was forced to face her when Jefferson turned to see who was there.

" You let her go! " Mary-Margret rushed forward when she recognized Jefferson. She began punching him, forcing him to let Emma go so he could defend himself. She fell to the floor, her body drained from everything that had happened.

" Stop it! " Jefferson shielded his face from her blows with his arms. " I was helping! "

Mary-Margret didn't let up, " Helping my ass! "

Emma became aware of someone to her side, turning to find it was David. He reached out and touched her shoulder, his face becoming even more concerned than it already was. " Emma, you're freezing... are you alright? "

Emma nodded then shook her head, more tears coming to her eyes as she began to shake. " I don't know... I don't know. "

The cell was dark, dank and even smaller than the one he had been in before. He was silently berating himself for being so foolish, for letting his emotions blind him though he had sworn to himself he would be careful. He tried not to fall into the trap Regina had so carefully laid but did so anyway. Not too far away, he could sense Belle's eyes upon him, watching him as he sat in the corner.

" Rumplestiltskin, " Belle's once sweet voice was like daggers to him now. She had tricked him. She had gotten the dagger somehow and she had tricked him... even after she had told him everything she had.

All the words she had said about how sorry she had been were lies, lies to gain his trust so she could hand him over to Regina. He frowned when she said his name again. " I'm not talking to you so stop. "

" I'm so sorry, " tears tugged at Belle's voice. She was locked up in the cell across from him. " You have to understand why... "

" I don't have to understand anything, " Mr. Gold cut her off. He wasn't going to listen to anything else she had to say. He had done enough listening.

She sobbed, " Please... I did it for you. "

" You've done nothing for me, " Mr. Gold still kept his eyes on the floor. " Except hand me to my enemy. "

Belle's footsteps reached his ears and he could tell she was walking away from the bars in her cell. She returned to them, " I'm going to talk anyway. I don't care if you listen but I know you will hear. "

Mr. Gold huddled closer to the wall, " Waste your breath if you want. I really don't care. "

Belle heaved a sigh then walked away from the bars again. She paused at the back of the cell, Mr. Gold stealing just a glance from the corner of his eye to see she was playing with her fingers as she thought. He could tell she was going to talk regardless of his indifference. He looked away when she looked up, " She said she would give me my heart back if I could get you to fall in love with me again. "

Mr. Gold froze, his own heart skipping a beat. He resisted the urge to look at her. " Your heart? "

" She has it, " Belle replied. " She took it before she imprisoned me. She told me I could have it back if I could make True Love's Kiss work again. "

" And take my powers away, " Mr. Gold said.

" Yes but... " Belle started.

" That would have doomed us all, " Mr. Gold cut her off. He lifted his head to look at the wall opposite of him but still could not bear to face her. He didn't know whether to hate her or pity her for being so naïve.

" Not with Emma in the picture, " Belle pointed out. " You still could have taught her to use her magic and she would have defeated Regina. Or at least that was what I hoped. "

Mr. Gold had to think about that. It was a good idea but was risky. He could have indeed still taught her what to do but the job would have been more complicated. It could have still been possible that little spark of him inside of her.

" It could have worked, right? " Belle asked. " We still could have gotten Regina. "

" There is no 'we' to this, Belle. There never has been. It's always been between Emma and I, " Mr. Gold replied.

Belle was silenced by that for a long moment before she said, " I still could have helped. "

Mr. Gold turned to glare at her, her assumptions making him angry. " You could have done nothing. You were never in any of my visions of this. As far as I knew, you were dead and you never had any part of this. "

" But I'm not dead, " Belle said. " I'm alive and I could have helped. "

" But you have done nothing but get me captured, " Mr. Gold hissed. " Tell me, how did you find the dagger? How did you even know? "

Belle blinked, " I... I found it. "

" Where? " Mr. Gold asked sharply.

Belle frowned, " In the study. "

" That's a lie, " Mr. Gold snarled. " You found it somewhere else. "

Belle looked scared for a moment then said, " I found it in that room below the study. I was looking for a book and I found the switch that opened the hatch in the floor. "

" You had no business there, " Mr. Gold would have got to his feet but his cane had been taken from him when they had arrived. He would have to hoist himself up under his own power. " But that's not important. What is important is how you even knew about the dagger in the first place. "

Belle went back to twiddling with her fingers. She sighed, " When I was traveling, I met Ruel Ghorm and I told her what had happened and how I loved you. She told me of the dagger and how I could control you with it if I just found it. "

" You wanted to control me? " Mr. Gold whispered. " Why? "

" To persuade you to give up your power, " Belle said. " I wanted you to become a better person. I was desperate to do that. "

" Even without knowing why I need to have my powers? " Mr. Gold asked.

" You never told me why, " Belle said.

" You would never understand, " Mr. Gold refocused his attention on the wall. " Not my personal reason nor the reasons that have to do with us all. "

Belle walked back to the bars, " Then tell me why. Maybe I'll understand. "

" I can't tell you here, " Mr. Gold shut his eyes. " These walls have ears and every word will go to Regina's ears. "

" Then just trust me that I had no intention of hurting you, " Belle said, her voice trembling.

Mr. Gold turned his head to glare at her again, " And yet here we are... trapped by my enemy. "

" Did she want you to change? " Belle asked quietly, not needed to let Mr. Gold know who she meant.

Mr. Gold frowned, thinking about if Emma had ever said she wanted him to be different. He couldn't recall a time, Emma seeming to accept him for who he was. She struggled to understand him but didn't want him to change nor did she ever try to change him. He sighed, " It's not important. "

" It's important to me, " Belle replied. " I need to know how you feel about her. "

There was a squeak of rusty hinges and the sound of heavy door swinging open, stopping the conversation cold. It swung shut with a heavy thud, footfalls echoing off the walls as someone approached. " I hate to interrupt this lover's quarrel but there's business I must attend to. "

" Get out, " Mr. Gold said sharply, Regina's voice making bile crawl up his throat. " I don't want to see you. "

" Oh? Do you think you can kick me out of my own dungeon? " Regina stopped in front of his cell. In her left hand she had a glowing red orb he recognized as a stolen heart and her right held his dagger. " You think too highly of yourself, Rumple. "

" What are you going to do to us? " Belle's voice now trembled with fear instead of tears.

Regina turned to face her, " You failed. You couldn't get him to love you again so you shall have to pay. "

" But I control him, " Belle offered.

" For now, " Regina conceded. " I haven't said the spell that will give that control over to me. "

" Maybe I can command him to love me and... and then the kiss will work. You have to let me try, " Belle reached for the dagger but Regina pulled it away.

" Ah, ah. You can't take it back now you've given it to me, " Regina scolded her.

Mr. Gold got an idea at Regina's admission, knowing there was still a slim chance at escape. He looked around Regina at Belle. She looked puzzled then like she understood. " Then try, my dear. What have we got to lose? "

" Fine, try but don't blame me if it doesn't work, " Regina said in a slightly taunting manner.

Belle looked at Regina briefly then at Mr. Gold, " Come to me. "

Mr. Gold slowly rose to his feet using the walls for support. Getting up was easier than he thought it would be. He slowly walked to the front of the cell, grabbing on to the walls as he moved. He got to the bars and smiled at Regina, " I think you need to let me out if you want us to try. "

Regina quirked her mouth, " I think I'll let her out. I don't trust you. "

" You never have, " Mr. Gold sighed. He watched as Regina waved her right hand and the door to Belle's cell swung open. In the instant her attention was not on him, he unlocked his cell with his own magic but kept the door closed. He pointed to Regina's left hand, " She needs that. "

Regina nodded, " Indeed she does. "

Belle stepped forward, closing her eyes, " I'm ready. "

Regina glanced at Mr. Gold before shoving her hand into Belle's chest. She cried out, grabbing onto Regina's arm as she replaced her heart, sinking to her knees as she grit her teeth. She shook her loose once she had finished, " Don't ever touch me again. "

" Sorry, " Belle gasped as struggled to her feet, reaching for the bars of Mr. Gold's cell. He held fast to the door so she wouldn't accidentally pull it open. Their eyes met, Belle looking apprehensive. " Please let this work, " She murmured and pressed her face to the bars.

Mr. Gold glanced at Regina, giving her a dirty look before closing his eyes and letting his lips touch Belle's. They kissed and he took a sharp breath, sending a wave of energy out from his body that he had been building up to aid in the ruse. He gripped the bars, gritting his teeth as he moaned low in his throat, gasping and writhing a bit to sell the act. He fought the urge to smirk when he heard Regina gasp, " It worked... "

Mr. Gold opened his eyes, trying to look as dazed as possible. He kept them narrowed, " Don't sound so shocked. "

" Now will you let us go? " Belle pleaded as she stepped away from the door, her eyes lingering on Mr. Gold's as she did. " He gave up his power and he cannot harm you. Now are you happy? "

Regina took a step towards the cell, " I didn't think... "

Mr. Gold slammed the door open, taking Regina by total surprise. She fell backwards from the force, the dagger clattering to the ground as she fell into the cell Belle had previously been in. He darted out and snatched it up, holding onto the hilt for dear life. He then grabbed Belle by the arm, " Let's get out of here. Help me run. "

" Right, " Belle breathed and slipped her arm around his waist to support him as they headed for the main door.

They had almost reached it when Regina's voice stopped them. " Not so fast, " She hissed.

Belle let out a shriek of pain as she crumpled the floor, clutching at her chest. Mr. Gold looked at Regina, finding she was squeezing her hand as if she were gripping something. He realized she still had some control over Belle's heart. He went to his knees, " Belle! "

" Run, Rumplestiltskin! Just go! Don't worry about me! " Belle gasped then cried out again before becoming still. Her hand fell away from her chest and her last breath flowed out of her mouth without any effort behind it. He touched her throat, finding no sign of a heartbeat there.

" No! " He cried out. He felt like the whole world was tumbling down around him, just like the first time he thought he had lost her but this time it was for real. He put his arms around her and pulled her to his chest, tears slipping down his cheeks as he held her limp body to him.

" Don't leave me again! Please! " He sobbed into her hair, his shoulders shaking with the grief he felt. It wasn't the way the plan was supposed to end. They were supposed to escape, to go somewhere and hide from Regina though he wasn't sure of anything after that.

Regina walked slowly up the hall, smirking coldly. " At least she died thinking she had saved you. That kiss didn't do anything, did it? "

Mr. Gold stood up straight, the feeling that something inside of him was slowly cracking. He narrowed his eyes at Regina, ignoring her chide. He sneered at her, " I think you just made a big mistake, dearie. "

" Dearie? " Regina arched an eyebrow as she took a step towards him but stopped when she noticed something. She gasped pointing at his right hand. " Look at your hand! "

He looked down, finding it was slowly turning golden as his nails blackened and became sharp. As it crept up his arm, he could feel the thing inside of him begin to crack faster. It was like he was becoming The Dark One all over again. He could feel his full power returning, the rage and hate he felt towards Regina being the key to finally release it.

Regina's expression changed from one of victory to one of caution, " What's happening? "

Mr. Gold laughed, showing he was becoming his real self. His high pitched laughter sent a visible shiver through Regina. He smiled, " Becoming more powerful than you once again. "

Regina took a step back, " I think I had better... "

" Go into the cell, " Rumplestiltskin pointed to an empty cell next to Regina. " Please. "

Regina could do nothing but obey, walking into the cell and closing the door. She looked at him, " Maybe we could make a deal? You know, come to some kind of... "

" Lock it, " Rumplestiltskin hissed. He could feel his madness returning along with his power. " Please. "

Regina gulped and waved her hand. The lock clicked into place and she looked at him, " Now what, Rumple? "

" Stay there for a bit, " He instructed. He knew she would obey from the fear in her eyes. He wondered if he had become something even worse but didn't have time to ponder it.

Regina frowned, " How long? "

" You will know when the time is right, " He felt a feral grin curve his lips as he pressed the tip of the dagger to Regina's windpipe, " And if you come after me, I will slit your throat. "

Regina put her hand to the threatened body part when he pulled the dagger back, " You wouldn't dare. "

" You don't have the guts to try me. After what you have done, I wouldn't give it a second thought, " He smirked. He then turned on his heel, waving his hand at the main door. It opened and he walked out of the dungeon. With another wave of his hand, the door slammed shut...

Emma sat on the back of the tailgate of David's truck, a paper cup of hot coffee in her hands and an itchy wool blanket around her shoulders. She hadn't realized how cold she had been until the moment the blanket fell over her shoulders and she began to shiver. She had been horribly exposed in the chill of the night and the tomb because of the clothes she wore, the EMTs telling her she could have went into hypothermia if she hadn't been found. Jefferson wasn't too far away, tied to a tree with the rope that had been around her wrists earlier in the evening.

Tears again came to her eyes as she thought about Mr. Gold and how Belle had tricked him, taken advantage of his feelings and taken him away. There was no telling what plans Regina had for him or Belle for that matter but she knew they couldn't be good. She knew how much Regina hated him and the things she could do now she had the dagger. The story in the storybook had made no bones about it.

She hoped she wouldn't so the most obvious which would be to kill him and steal his powers. It made sense she would do it unless it would cause some sort of repercussions. She recalled how her death would have caused the curse to end, making her wonder if his death would cause something to thwart Regina and her plans. She looked up when Mary-Margret walked up, her sweet face still lined with worry.

" Hey, " She said quietly. " How are you now? "

Emma frowned, " A little warmer... and hungry. "

" I bet, " Mary-Margret let out a strained chuckle. " I didn't get dinner fixed. "

Emma sighed, " I guess not. You were too busy worrying about me. "

" Yeah, " Mary-Margret nodded. " But I can fix something when we get home. "

" That sounds good, " Emma gave her a terse smile. " So does a warm shower and my bed. "

" I bet, " Mary-Margret said. " You were so pale when we got to you. "

Emma couldn't admit that it hadn't been the cold that made her pale. It factored in but she was sure the vision she had probably had left her a little drained as well. As she looked at her mother, she didn't know how she could explain the changes that were happening to her. She barely understood them herself.

Mary-Margret looked towards the ambulance that was parked closer to the tomb. It had taken three EMTs and two firefighters to get Frederick out. He was on a gurney with an oxygen mask strapped to his face while another questioned Jefferson. From the snatches of the conversation, he was being grilled about what he had given Frederick to knock him out. She motioned to the man, " Looks like Mr. Gold came through for you. "

Emma scoffed, " For what it was worth. Jefferson got the jump on him. "

" But he tried, " Mary-Margret said quietly. " Your father wasn't sure he'd keep his word. "

" Well, he did, " Emma said and took a sip of coffee. It helped warm her a little more but made her stomach scream in protest. It was still in knots from her worry over what would become of him and what would become of her.

Mary-Margret looked around then put her hands over Emma's, " Can I tell you something? Just between us? "

Emma blinked, surprised by the seriousness that had come over Mary-Margret's face. " Uh, sure. "

Mary-Margret scooted closer, taking another look around before looking Emma in the eye. " I've been thinking about that night on the stairs. You know, when I told you to stay away from him. "

Emma quirked her mouth, " Are you mad because I didn't? "

" No, no. I just was thinking about it and maybe I've been a little too hard on him, " Mary-Margret held Emma's hands tightly. " After all, he did get your father and I together in spite of everything Regina did to keep us apart. "

Emma nodded, recalling the stories from the book about how Snow and Charming had fought through a lot to be together. The tales had mentioned them getting a little help but the book hadn't said from who. The realization washed over her and she would have dropped her coffee if it weren't for her mother's hands on hers. She gasped slightly before whispering, " He was the one who helped you. "

" Is that question or a statement? " Mary-Margret asked.

Emma shook her head, " Both... either. "

" Either way, the answer is yes. Yes he did, " Mary-Margret replied. " If it weren't for him, you probably would have never been born. "

Emma didn't think she had any tears left inside of her until she felt new ones coming to her eyes. " Oh my God, " She shook Mary-Margret's hands loose and set the coffee down so she could cover her face with her hands.

" Emma? " Mary-Margret put her hands on Emma's shoulders. " What's wrong? "

" Everything. "

To Be Continued