So, I ended up leaving Bella at the restaurant yesterday. I slightly regretted it because she looked like she had gone into some kind of post-traumatic stress induced shock and may have needed some medical attention, but I'm sure she snapped out of it eventually. I hoped. Every time I thought of it my stomach would turn into knots until I decided that someone sitting next to her would have noticed and assisted her if her condition were to have reached that bad a state.

To take my mind off things (and also to dodge questions of how my "meeting" with Bella went from Jasper and Emmett) I started playing around on my guitar. They know not to bother me when I'm playing my guitar. Jasper and Emmett were sitting on the couch across from me playing video games and looked extremely into it.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I looked at one of them and they appeared as if they did not even hear the noise.

"Hey, guys! Door."

Emmett's face scrunched up and he replied, "You can't honestly expect us to do anything about that while I'm trying to defeat the demon dragon, do you?"

"Em, pay attention, asshole! I just got shot!" Jasper screamed at him.

"Sorry," He mumbled, jabbing furiously at his controller.

I rolled my eyes as I sat my guitar down. "I guess not."

I got up and strolled over to the door mumbling about lazy-ass friends obsessed with stupid video games.

"We heard that!" Jasper called out.

"You were meant to."

I opened the door and on the other side is this gorgeous, blonde bombshell standing there looking like she was ready to kill. I recognized her immediately.

"Rosalie Hale?" I questioned confused. At this the boys dropped their controllers and whipped their heads toward the door. I guessed the demon dragon could be put on hold for Rosalie Hale. I rolled my eyes internally and stepped back so she could walk into the apartment.

Rosalie Hale is a model. Not just a model, a supermodel. Not just any supermodel, a Victoria's Secret Super Model. And, here she was standing in our apartment looking like she was about to walk down the runway. I about jizzed my pants.

Somehow Jasper and Emmett had made it over to the door as well. Assholes. I cleared my throat. "Can I… Can I help you with something?"

She looked at me with steely eyes. "Are you Edward Cullen?"

I scrunched up my face. Yes, a lot of people knew who I was, but I didn't think she knew or cared at all. This was crazy. I nodded slowly.

That was a mistake.

The very second my head was on its way back down to nod a second time her hand flew out and slapped me right across the cheek.

The fuck?

"The fuck!" I screamed out. I placed a hand on my (now, probably red) face. Jesus, that hurt. "What was that for?"

She put her hands on her hip and glared at me.

I tried slowly, "Did I… did I sleep with you and forget to call you or something? I mean, I can't really understand why you just hit me."

She looked about ready to slap me again so I slowly backed away and looked over quickly at Emmett and Jasper, which was no help at all. Jasper was laughing and Emmett's eyes were just shining with excitement. Nice to know my pain is of no importance to them when Rosalie Hale is in the fucking building. I was totally telling Alice on Jasper.

She got right and my face and pointed at me. "That was for B." She scoffed at me and tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder. "Although I should slap you again for myself because you're a fucking asshole."

Wow. Pretty girl had a dirty mouth. "Who the hell is B?"

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Oh, so now you're going to pretend you don't even know who she is? That's pathetic. She told me you weren't an asshole and I really wanted to believe it, but I can't. You're a fucking asshole."

Jasper giggled (I was going to blast him for that later) and tried to stifle it by placing his hand over his mouth.

I was starting to become furious. First, she barges into my apartment unannounced, then she hits me, and now she wants to call me an asshole! There's only so much offense I can take on a daily basis.

I gave her the best death glare I could conjure up and said coldly, "Look, Rosalie. I have no idea why you're here. I have no idea who the hell you're talking about. And, if you don't start speaking some fucking English really fucking soon, I'm going to kick your ass out my apartment." I figured speaking her language, with all the cuss words and what not, would get an answer out of her faster.

Emmett hit me on my shoulder and whispered harshly, "No, don't do that!"

Her lip twitched and her face turned a deep red. She looked furious. "You told her she killed your baby? You actually said those words? Like she doesn't already feel that way already, you actually said that to her?"

I stiffened as everything finally clicked. I was kind of pissed that she had said that because Emmett and Jasper didn't know everything that had went down between Bella and I, granted they knew some minor details, but they didn't know what really made me hate her forever. I rolled my eyes and walked away from the doorway and started toward the kitchen. I did not even bother to look at Em and Jasper's face. I did not want to have to deal with that right now. I heard Rosalie following after me and I sighed loudly.

She continued yelling at me, "Please tell me that she's crazy and imagined your entire conversation!"

I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge, opened it and took a sip. I turned around toward her and leaned against the fridge. I stared at her, clenched my jaw and said nothing.

She was standing across from me, arms crossed, waiting for me to answer. When I didn't, her face became indignant. From outside the kitchen I heard Emmett and Jasper's footsteps. They were probably right outside the door listening.

"Tell me this then, Edward Cullen," She spit out my name like it tasted like poison coming out. "Do you even care that she has been a hysterical, sobbing mess for 24 straight hours? I had to cancel a very important photo shoot today that could have boosted my career because I was afraid that she might physically hurt herself! The only reason I'm here now is because she finally cried herself to sleep about twenty minutes ago."

I flinched and she gasped and placed a hand to her chest. "What? Was that emotion? Does the Edward Cullen actually care about someone other than himself?"

I rolled my eyes up to the ceiling and took another sip of water. Rosalie walked up to me, grabbed the water bottle from my lips (spilling water all over me, by the way) and threw it across the room, which resulted in water spraying everywhere.

This girl was a bitch.

"He-" I stopped when I saw the look on her face.

"Edward," Her voice startled me because it was softer than it had been since she asked me if I was Edward Cullen. "I have never been as scared as I was last night. I didn't know what was wrong. I thought I might have to hospitalize her." I swallowed thickly and guilt flushed through my body. "She's been fine. The past couple years, I mean. She's been fine. I thought – I thought maybe she had gotten over it, that maybe she had moved on. I mean, I haven't seen her this jittery and this upset since I first met her ten years ago."

I run a quick hand through my hair and attempted to break her icy glare by walking over toward the sink. I placed my hands on the edge of the sink with my back to her. I breathed out deeply twice, trying to keep my emotions from boiling over and out onto this (while not entirely innocent, not exactly deserving) woman.

She sighed loudly and continued in a very stern, fierce voice, "Here's what you're going to do. You're going to call her. You're going to tell her that you don't need her to be in your stupid little band. You are not going to make her feel guilty about it. And, you're never going to mention this topic again." I bite my lip and think about what she is asking (more like telling) me to do. Forgive Bella. In essence, that is what she was asking me to do. I didn't know if I could. I didn't know if I wanted to. "Do you hear me?" When I didn't respond, she shouted louder at me, "I said do you hear me!"

"I hear you!" I strangled out through my teeth. My grip on the sink had gotten impossibly tighter; I had to let go because my hands started hurting.

A full minute passed before I heard her speak again. And, when she does speak her voice sounds teary.

"She fucking loves the three of you. A lot. I can tell. I don't know exactly what it is that she loves about you or the two bozos outside listening in on a private conversation," She screamed out the last two words. "but it must be something pretty fucking special." I finally turned around and saw that she had let go of her defensive stance and there were tears in her eyes. "I love Bella to death and if she can't figure out what she needs then I will figure it out for her. She helped me through a rough time, it's only fair."

And, all I could think about was how this girl really loved the word "fuck".

She started walking toward the door to exit when she stopped abruptly. She looked me in the eyes and nodded as if we had come to some kind of understanding. I had barely said three words to the chick, so I wasn't exactly sure where she was coming from, but she was looking at me as if we were comrades. She smirked at me like she just knew what I was going to do and asked, "Walk me to the door?" But, there was really no question mark in the way that she demanded it.

I walked over to her and led her back to the door. On the way we passed Emmett and Jasper and I gave them a hard glare. They returned it with a "What the fuck is going on?" look spread all over their faces.

When we reached the door, I opened it and leaned against it. As she walked out I stopped her with a soft hand on her upper arm.

I swallowed. "I'll tell her. I didn't mean to say it like that. I was angry. I am angry. All the time. At her."

She looked at me for a long time and as if she had suddenly made a decision, she straightened, flipped her hair across her shoulder and stated, "She doesn't think you should know. That's what she told me." She hesitated, switched her weight to her left foot and stammered, "But, if I were you and I found the girl I was in love with in the arms of another man after hearing some news like that, I would want to know."

For a brief second I had a flash of an eight year-old child running around followed by Bella and my heart grew heavy with anger. But, then I thought about her highly publicized life and realized that that would be impossible.

"She didn't abort your baby, Edward." She looked me square in the eyes and said softly, "She miscarried."

My face flushed and I stumbled in surprise, the open door, which I was leaning against, smacked me in the face. I placed a hand over where I was hit and squeaked out, "What?"

Rosalie shrugged and finally turned to exit, but stopped one last time. "But, if she had had an abortion, that was a totally uncool thing for you to say." She narrowed her eyes at me again. "I understand you, Edward, but you're a fucking asshole."

And, with that she was gone.

I stared at the space where she was once standing and gaped at it. I sunk down onto the ground and leaned up against the wall next to the door and placed my head in my hands. Everything I thought I knew has gone to shit. And, all that I know right now is that I don't know anything… if she was telling the truth. But, she didn't have any reason to lie.

I'm interrupted out of my sad inner monologue when I heard Emmett gasp in wonder.

"Who was that goddess?"

I didn't look up because I could feel my eyes tearing up and I didn't want to come off as a pussy. I kept my face in my hands.

"What the fuck is going on, Edward?" Jasper yelled, sounding a lot closer to me than he was moments earlier. "Bella miscarried? Was this – was this around the same time as Jake… I just don't – I don't-don't understand?"

I whipped my head up at him and directed all my misplaced anger at him. "What, you didn't get enough information from the eavesdropping session you partook in a few moments ago? Did you need me to fill in some of the blanks in my life for you?" His face turned red and he slowly backed away as I continued viciously, "Oh, that's not it. Did you want me to call someone from my long, dark past to record a song with us because you think it'd be a great idea? I mean, you already know that I wrote that song about her, why not have her sing it to? Is that what you want? Who cares if it all blows the fuck up in my face, right? You don't care!" I was up on my feet by now. I bumped him harshly on his shoulder as I walked past him heading toward my room. "You sure as hell don't."

When I slammed my door shut, I heard from the outside Emmett muttered again to himself, "But… who the hell was that goddess?"


I had stewed long enough. I had paced long enough. My nails had been chewed. My room destroyed. There wasn't anymore possible venting I could do inside my room. I stormed out, grabbed my car keys, and headed straight to Carlisle's.

When I got to his house, I let myself in. Not wanting to waste any time I yelled through the house, "Carlisle? Carlisle, where are you?"

"Yeah! I'm in here." I followed his voice into his office where he was typing away on his computer. He looked up from his computer quickly and then continued whatever he was working on.

"Well, you look like shit."

I licked my lips and debated whether I should sit down or just spit out what I needed.

"I need Bella's address."

Carlisle's eyebrows shot up into his hairline but he didn't look away from the computer.

"Is that so?" He laughed softly. "What's with the sudden change of heart?

I rubbed at my chin as tears shot to my eyes. "Bella had a miscarriage." He stopped typing and his eyes shot up to meet mine. "All this time I thought she had an abortion without even consulting me or telling me or considering me in her decision. And, I've given her so much shit for it and she… just… let me."

I watched as his hands slowly slid from the keyboard onto his lap. He was shocked. I could tell. It was the face I wore only hours ago.

"And now I feel like I'm grieving all over again." I said as I finally fell apart. I began crying softly in my hands. But, that manly kind of crying, which is totally acceptable and not ridiculous or womanly in any way, shape, or form.

Carlisle had come over from his side of the desk and leaned against it right in front of me. He crossed his arms against his chest and waited me out. Once I had finally calmed down, he handed me a box of Kleenex silently and re-crossed his arm against his chest.

Carlisle asked, "What do you plan on doing about it?"

"I'm not sure." I answered honestly. I run a hand through my hair. "I'm still angry. I feel like shit, but I'm still angry at her for keeping this from me, for lying to me. I'm angry that she had to go through this alone. I'm angry that she didn't feel like she could tell me and I'm mostly angry that I believed she could actually do something like that without telling me."

Carlisle nodded and handed me another Kleenex. I blew my nose. "I think you should tell her that. I think it's time you and her had an actual conversation that didn't involve any accusations, yelling or swearing."

He was right. I wiped my eyes and under my nose.

"I'm going to need that address."

He looked at me for a long time and then nodded, "I'll get it from Esme."


I knocked on the door. More like pounded. But, I wanted to make sure she heard me. It was 2 o'clock in the morning. I instantly regretted banging that loud on her door. I didn't want her neighbors to call the cops before she even opened the door.

Finally, it swung open to reveal a very worn out Bella. She had huge bags under her eyes. Her eyes were blood shot. She was wearing a huge hooded sweatshirt and boxer shorts. She looked like someone just ran her over with a car.

Or like someone just told her she killed her baby.

I felt like shit. Worse than shit, even – if that existed.

My face began to crumble. She scrunched her face up at me, narrowed her eyes and then her face relaxed. She spat out angrily, "Rosalie."

I nodded and she let me in her apartment. I sat myself down on her couch and she sat next to me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I swallowed thickly. "Why did you let me continue to say those hurtful things to you?"

"I figured," She sighed as her eyes began to tear up as well. "if by hating me, I could save you an ounce of the pain I went through when I lost our baby, that would be okay with me."

I breathed in quickly and quickly rubbed at my face as I felt betrayal tears escaping from my eyes.

She cried and grabbed one of my hands. "I'm so sorry you had to find out."

I ripped my hand away from her and her face crumpled again. "How could you not trust me enough to help you through this? How could you turn to Jacob Black instead of me?"

She grabbed a pillow and squeezed it tightly to her chest. "He was there! He was there when I – when it happened. He was there. He was at the hospital. You weren't answering your phone. And, you were the only person who knew. And, he was there."

I looked at her angrily and shook my head. "I walked in on you to kissing."

"He kissed me."

"Don't give me that –" I stopped when I remembered Carlisle told me no swearing. I turned my head away from her. So, I just repeated. "Don't."

"It's the truth!"

"No," I demanded. She was not going to pull the "I wasn't kissing him, he was kissing me" stunt right now.

"It is." She stated watery and she just shrugged.

"You knew he liked you. You knew he was in love with you." I accused. "Why would you let him get that close to you?"

"I needed to be held!" She rushed out, hysterically and threw her pillow at me. "I was bleeding from my fucking uterus and you were nowhere to be found! Nowhere! You were off with your stupid little band doing God knows what! Jacob was there." Tears fell from her eyes at an amazing pace. "Jacob was there."

I turned toward her and grabbed her face with my hands. "Why didn't you let me be there? You could have found me. You didn't try hard enough."

We were both a sobbing mess. I felt like it was ten years ago and this whole fiasco had just happened. I felt like my heart was breaking all over again. I felt like such a woman for feeling like this.

She licked her lips and latched onto my upper arms that held her face. "Partly, because I truly, honestly felt like I had done something wrong and that was why I lost the – our baby. So, when you said I killed the baby, I didn't correct you." She pulled a piece of hair behind her ear and stared at the wall next to my face. "But, I went to a help group where they help you through grieving… especially for miscarriages and that's where I met Rosalie." She licked her lips and wrung her hands. "They told me there wasn't anything I could do, that it wasn't my fault. But, it's hard to believe that, you know? I mean, the one thing my body is supposed to be able to do and it can't do it right. I was given one job: protect the baby that was growing inside me and I couldn't do it. I failed… as a mother, as a girlfriend… as a woman. I felt like… I sometimes still feel like I killed our baby."

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry," I pulled her into my arms and she cried into my chest. I ran my hands through her hair. She pushed me away on purpose, that's what she was trying to tell me. She felt like she had let me down and she ran away. Well, I wasn't going to let her run away any further. I continuously murmured in her ear, "I'm here now. I'm here now."

Ten years later and my feelings for this woman were still so incredibly strong. It went from intense love to extreme hate in seconds. I didn't know what I was feeling now, but I knew I wanted to kiss her.

I pulled her face back so I could see her face and stroked her cheeks with my thumbs. "Don't you ever run away from me again, Isabella Swan."

She let out a soft, "Okay," and tried to nod, which wasn't quite so easy with my firm hold on her face.

"Promise me."

Tears fell over my thumb. "I promise."

I laughed and looked deeply into her eyes. When I was satisfied with what I saw there, I bent down to kiss her. When my lips were almost pressed against hers, she whispered out, "We probably shouldn't."


"Knock, knock!" A voice (a male voice) said from outside her apartment. She sprang away from me so fast, you would have thought I had leprosy. We heard the door open and we heard him head toward the kitchen and rustle around for a minute.

I mouthed, "Who's that?" to her, but she just started wiping her eyes and her face and brushing her hair back with her fingers.

He began to speak loudly from his location, "So, I couldn't find The Notebook anywhere, which is crazy because that movie is literally everywhere. So, I ran over to my mom's house 'cause I know she has, like, the biggest Nicholas Sparks' book collection and grabbed the book. Now she tells me it's not exactly the same but I figured, you know, we could snuggle up, I could read it to you, and it'd almost be the exact same thing. What do you – "

He had finally made his way to where we were. This man was tall (not taller than me, but at least six feet). He had blonde hair, blue eyes and his face was unshaven. He was wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans. I scoffed at the very idea of this man. He was carrying a book, a carton of ice cream and two spoons. It was like he didn't even notice me standing there. He set down his items and went straight for Bella.

"Oh, honey, you were crying again? I was only gone for thirty minutes." He sat down, pulled her into his lap and kissed her eyelids softly and laughed softly. He finally looked over onto the other side of the couch and jumped. "Oh, hello," He looked over at Bella quickly. "Little early for visits, yeah?"

"Um, Mike, this is Edward Cullen," She said, pointing her hand out toward me. "Edward, this is Michael Newton."

"Ah yes," Mike nodded, knowingly. He rubbed her arms up and down with his hands (protectively?) and looked at her sideways. "Did you guys sort everything out?"

She smiled weakly up at him. "We did."

"Great," He smiled brightly. He looked over at me sharply. My eyes narrowed. "It was nice meeting you, Edward."

That was a threat if I ever heard one. He not only was kicking me out of Bella's apartment, but he was letting me know that she was his and I was overstepping my boundaries. He knew who I was and he was not intimidated. Was everyone who hung around Bella now so headstrong and harsh?

I did not take this lightly. Hell, no. I just got her back in my life. We just got everything sorted out. I was not ready to let her fall back into the arms of some random nobody because of a misunderstanding.

I got up slowly and said to Bella, "Rosalie said that I'm supposed to let you know that you don't have to be in the band." As I say the next part, I look at Mike the entire time. "But, I want you in the band. We have good chemistry. You and me… it works Bella. I understand now. So, I won't be in your way. I won't make things difficult for you. Please join our band... for me."

She nodded slowly and then firmly. Her eyes tear up again. "I'd love to be in your band, Edward."

I smile brightly. "Okay." I licked my lips and inwardly laugh at Newton's frown. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay," I hear her mumble from behind me.

Oh, Mike Newton, you have another thought coming if you think you're going to stroll in out of nowhere and take my woman. Another. Thought. Coming.

Haha, so I really liked how one reviewer put it. So before I start this a/n I want to give props to Kgunter34 for this name.

It seems as though as soon as we kill one "drama llama" another one rears its ugly head. hahaha. Lots happened in this chapter. Check out the blog for my thoughts on it. (angieferrarifanfics . blogspot . com)

Also, don't forget to review.

Angie :)