ML54: I don't own pokemon.

Christmas Time

Sunlight started to shine through the windows of the Floroma town house. The beam of light that entered through the window had shone itself onto the face of the sleeping yellow mouse Pokemon.

He started to stir and squinted his eyes open to adjust them to the light, and went to get up.

Only to be held down by something on his chest. His eyes snapped open and franticly looked down to see Buneary, breathing lightly, still asleep.

Soon, memories of the previous night, flooded his mind as he smiled. He remember last night. The late night stroll, meeting Mew and Celebi again, puking his guts out on the road...Not a pleasant memory...Entering the house to see Buneary, breathing in glitter...Again, not a pleasant memory...Seeing the mistletoe, kissing Buneary...This one was a pleasant memory...Confessing his feelings and her returning them and them falling asleep.

He looked down at her peaceful face and laid his head back on the floor, not feeling like disturbing her. He started to rub her arm affectionately.

Unfortunately, Chimchar came down at that point and spotted them. "Alright! You confessed!" He cheered, Buneary then jerked awake, and shot up, unravelling her ears and putting up a defensive position.

"What? Where? When? How?" She yelled, before looking round and calming down, glaring at Chimchar. "Don't do that! You're lucky I didn't attack you!" Chimchar backed up and gulped.

"Okay." He replied, scared. Buneary smiled and looked back to see Pikachu, lying on the floor.

"Need a paw?" She asked, jokingly. Pikachu took her outstretched put and she helped him up. Once that was done, she kissed him on the cheek, before going into the kitchen.

Pikachu sighed with happiness. He then realised that Chimchar was still in the room. "Oh! Morning Chimchar, merry Christmas." Chimchar nodded.

"Merry Christmas to you too. At least you didn't forget, like last year." Pikachu sighed.

"Hey! I just got a new alarm clock, and I set it for the wrong date!" Chimchar shook his head, an amused grin on his face.

"And you thought it was the fourth of July." Pikachu rubbed his head, uncomfortably. "You had a window. I figured you'd look outside and know it wasn't."

"Okay. We all know I'm not the sharpest of knives out there. I may be the most blunt can we just drop it?" He asked, annoyed.

"Okay sure. Quick question, where are the Netherlands?" Pikachu smirked.

"I'm not falling for that one. We all know that Netherland is where Peter Pan lives." Chimchar suppressed to laugh in his face.

"Whatever you say, Captain Hook, but I think that's Neverland you're talking about. The Netherlands are in Europe." Pikachu grumbled, and went to get breakfast. Chimchar, went upstairs to get dressed.

"Hey Pikachu. Sorry about falling asleep on you like that." Buneary said, rubbing the back of her head, sheepishly. "I was just..."

"Bun'. Don't worry about it. It's fine. The floor wasn't completely uncomfortable. At least we have carpets." Buneary held an amused grin. "What?"

"Did you call me Bun'?" Buneary smirked at his uncomfortable, but cute little act. Him avoiding eye contact and blushing, though not noticeable unless you really concentrate. "Cause if we're just going to nickname each other I'm going to start calling you Pika'." Pikachu smiled.

"Deal." He agreed, holding out a paw. Buneary shook her head and hugged.

"You're a dork sometimes." He was about to complain. "But you're my dork." He then calmed down, and hugged back.

Sometime Later

Everyone were back by now, after they were done with what they were doing.

Chimchar let Piplup sleep in for a little bit, seeming as she was pretty tired last night, church browsing again.

Chansey and Croagunk had woken up and went downstairs. Croagunk actually does converse and have fun this time of year as well, which surprised everyone at first, but then they just put it down to Christmas cheer.

Staravia and Swinub passed out, drunk in the bar. So they were there the whole night. They woke up at about ten, and quickly got back and showered and changed.

Since the Teleport Positions were closed, Buizel and Pachirisu stayed in a hotel for the night. Pachirisu was a little sick in the morning though, so were also late back.

They had all already opened their presents from everybody. They had to wait for Turtwig and Chikorita to come back before they could get their presents. But they were fine with that.

Everyone seemed happy with what Pikachu got them this year. Though he was suspicious they were just acting it out, since he actually made an effort this year. But him and his oblivious mind brought it down to Christmas cheer and just went along with it.

"Thanks Buneary." He whispered to her, she smiled at him and hugged him.

Everyone weren't really surprised to come back and see them together, after all, they all knew they liked each other. So they knew that they would tell each other sooner or later.

"Alright everyone! Food's ready!" Chansey called to the rest of the group. They all walked there, knowing that running would just end up with people getting hurt.

Since Pokemon don't really eat meat, they had wide selection of roasted fruit and vegetables. Usually Pikachu and Swinub would down their food all at once. Pikachu decided against that, and tried to impress Buneary by taking his time with his food.

Swinub didn't, however, since he doesn't have to impress anyone, and chugged down his food all at once. "SWINUB!" Everyone shouted, half-annoyed, half-amused. Swinub just grumbled and sat there, waiting for everyone else to get through their food, so they could watch re-runs of old Christmas TV specials, like they do every Christmas after dinner.

Once everyone was done, they left the table and sat round the TV. Staravia announced, "You know, next Christmas, we'll be having a new married couple here." Chimchar an Piplup smiled at each other before hugging. Everyone cheered, before turning back to the TV to watch 'Jack Frost'.

After that was over, Croagunk turned the TV off. "Guys, we do this every year. Can we do something else. I got a Mock the Week, quiz game. We could play that." He suggested. They agreed, just because it was a change.

Croagunk was the one who asked the questions. Buneary, Pikachu and Staravia were on one team, Piplup, Chimchar and Chansey were on the other. Pachirisu, Buizel and Swinub were just watching.

"Okay guys! We'll start with Headlines. Here's a picture, of team Galactic leader Cyrus from 2007. But what does, stand for?" Pikachu then called out.

"Cunt seen in photo!" Everyone laughed, hard after that comment. Croagunk shook his head.

"I wish that was the answer. But sadly it is not. Any one else?" Buneary then guessed.

"Is it just his favourite TV show. CSI Portsmouth." Everyone giggled a bit. "Every week it's the same, a gay guy gets bludgeoned to death by a pipe." Everyone burst out laughing."

"Cyrus Shits In Primark?" Chimchar guessed. Everyone laughed.

"Which newspaper was that from?" Croagunk asked, Chimchar shrugged.

"Dunno, the same one that also had the headline Cunt Seen In Photo." Everyone burst out laughing.

"Cock Slip Impregnates Purrlion?" Pikachu guessed again, not getting as much of a laugh from the first one, but still pretty big.

"That would be the concerned look on his face." Pikachu burst out laughing.

"HAHAHA...Oh dear." He said, mimicking the look, Cyrus gave in the picture.

"Chamander Shits In Pie?" Piplup guessed. Staravia interjected.

"Why would a lizard pokemon shit inside an ex-leader of Team Galactic's Pie?" Chansey shrugged.

"Why wouldn't they?" Everyone chuckled a bit.

"It makes a point." Croagunk added, causing Staravia to chuckle a bit.

"I just think everyone wants the actual answer now! And it's Catholic School's Invented Paedophilia!" Pikachu explained with fake annoyance, while everyone else laughed. Croagunk just nodded.

"Thank you, Pikachu! Thank you! It's good to know that someone's actually playing the game properly." He replied, with fake happiness.

"Cyrus's Situation Includes Prosecution?" Buneary guessed.

"Well done, Buneary points to her team!" He exclaimed, She high fived Pikachu and Staravia, as everyone else clapped.

(I can't be bothered to write a whole episode like thing for this, so I'll do This is the Answer but what is the question, Scenes we'd like to see, them the lemon.)

"The next round is, If this is the Answer but what is the question. We have six categories, Sport, Politics's, Economy, Environment, Celebrities and World news. Piplup, which category would you like?"

"Um... Economy please." She replied.

"Okay, you went with economy, your answer is 25poke, but what is the question?" Piplup looked thoughtful.

"Is it, what is the price of half a Big apple?" Everyone chuckled at the irony.

"So a medium apple?" Croagunk asked.

"Is it the amount of money for the rights to my new film script, Delibird the Paedophile?" Everyone laughed hard at that. Pachirisu held her mouth, and ran up the stairs. Buizel following.

"Don't wait for us. I'll help her!" He called down to them, heading for the bathroom. The other's shrugged.

"What is the British name, for the American, rap-star, 50cent?" Staravia asked, everyone chuckled lightly.

"Trust you to make the exchange rate, funny!" Chansey exclaimed. Staravia shrugged.

"Is it, how much would I have to be paid, upfront to kill Paul's Electabuzz!" Pikachu exclaimed harshly, causing the rest to laugh loudly.

"You should consider becoming an actual comedian Pikachu. You're really good at it." Chimchar told him, once he was done. Pikachu scratched his ear in embarrassment.

"I think too many people will find him a bit...offensive." Chansey said. Pikachu laughed.

"I haven't even started yet." He exclaimed causing them all to laugh again.

"Alright can I steer you towards the correct answer."

"Oh! Wasn't this the price for Viagra and hair growth pills." Chimchar exclaimed.

"That's the correct answer, well done Chimchar!" Piplup hugged him and Chansey settled for patting him on the back. "The correct answer was how much were people on the internet selling fake Viagra and hair growth pills for?"

"This story confused me a bit." Buneary started. "I mean, it took them three YEARS to work this out. It surely would have been figured out when the man took the pills, looked down and thought 'hang on a second, I'm sure something's meant to happen.'"

"I actually found Viagra in Professor Oak's lab and tried it, not knowing what it was." Croagunk then voiced the question, everyone wanted to know.

"What happened?"

"I had a hard on for so long, I actually hid in my PokeBall for about three weeks before it wore out!" Pikachu then added as an after thought. "Those PokeBalls aren't actually as cramped as I thought they were going to be."

"So that's where you were!" Staravia exclaimed. "I thought it was just Team Rocket trying and once again failing to get you."

"Anyway. We now move on to Scene's we'd like to see. You each take one turn, thinking of something funny. One person on each team each time, it doesn't matter who goes when, but each team must take turns. And the first topic is..." Croagunk turned the card around. "...Bad thing to hear over a Tannoy system. Pikachu goes first."

"And if you look to your left, you'll see the burning remains of the left engine." Piplup went next.

"Hi, I'm your captain, praise be to Giritina!" She yelled out. Pikachu took another turn.

"Kirlia and her in-flight team will be looking after you this evening. And your hijacker's name is Dusclops." Chimchar took a turn.

"I'm delighted to inform you all that Jigglypuff is on board this flight, and she has her guitar." Buneary took a turn this time.

"Can somebody come to the salami slicer please!" She said, in a high pitched, masculine voice. Chansey went next.

"Can the owner of the burning Jeep, please remove it as it's blocking the entrance to the airport." Pikachu took another turn.

"The parents of a small boy name Tommy. He left ten minutes ago with a man in a balaclava." Chimchar took the last turn.

"This is your Captain speaking. And those were my final words." Croagunk then interjected.

"Okay the next topic is..." He then flipped over the next card. "...Bad things to hear your new neighbour's say." Pikachu took the first turn.

"Do you know what day the bins get collected? My wife's body is starting to stink!" Everyone laughed hard at that. Chimchar took the next go.

"That's a hard one to follow up." He said, quietly to himself. "You know. You look a lot bigger then you do through the Telescope." Buneary took the next turn.

"Yes so, my wife's killed a few people, my daughter's in the marching band and I am a Paedophile." Chansey went next.

"Hello I'm Paul's Electabuzz." Pikachu shook his head with an amused grin on it. Staravia took the next turn.

"I should tell you that those sofa's don't go with that paint...Yes I know I haven't been in your house before. I looked through the window!" Piplup tried her luck next.

"I like to have parties every Wednesday, so I'd appreciate it you'd keep the volume down." Croagunk interjected.

"Okay. I'll give the points to Buneary, Pikachu and Staravia, meaning that they are the winners of the game, since I want to go to bed. Goodnight." He said, going upstairs. The others, however, waited on Buizel and Pachirisu.

"Do you think something's wrong with her?" Swinub asked, the others looked at him.

"No. When someone throws up about three times in one day, it's always good news." Chimchar retorted, sarcastically. Swinub huffed.

"I bet you it's good news." He said to himself. Staravia held out his wing.

"I'll take that bet." They shook paws/wings on it. Pikachu and Chimchar both shook their heads.

"I can't believe you guys thought I was stupider than those two." Pikachu exclaimed. Chansey shook her head.

"We never said you were the stupidest. We just said you were stupid." Buneary grabbed Pikachu's paw.

"Well we're going to bed now. See you guys in the morning."

"Yeah, see you guys!" Pikachu also said, the others also saying goodnight as they headed upstairs.

Once in the room, Buneary tiredly curled up into a ball and Pikachu, curled up around her, his head resting in her neck. "I love you, Buneary." He whispered softly to her as she drifted off.

"I love you too, Pika." She replied affectionately, as she drifted off, with him joining her.