A/N: Hey guys, so this is my first Sam & Mercedes fic ever. Basically, it's based on the seven deadly sins. Each chapter will have a theme related to them. They are all going to be unrelated, just about. I hope you like it!

Side note: I do not own Glee, unfortunately.

Seven Deadly Sins: Envy

Envy: a resentful emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement, experience or possession and wishes that the other lacked it."

Sam Evans may have been dyslexic, but he was far from stupid. Standing down the hallway, peeking out from the end of the lockers, he watched as his girlfriend, Mercedes was being stared down by Finn. One of his hands rested on the locker beside hers and another was in his pocket. Now to anyone else, this scene looked like a simple exchange between friends. But to Sam, it was more than that. He watched as Finn's eyes traveled down from Mercedes' big, brown eyes to her voluptuous lips and lower, looking at the way her gray skinny jeans hugged the curve of her ass.

She is not a piece of meat.

Finn's predatory smirk slid across his face as he watched as Mercedes' eyes lit up at some stupid joke he made about Blaine and Kurt acting like an old, married couple.

Do I make her laugh like that?

Finn wasn't necessarily the only guilty party. Sam's darkened green eyes narrowed as he watched Mercedes close her locker and gently push at Finn's shoulder, telling him that he was crazy.

She's flirting with him right in front of my eyes.

Sam had had about enough when he watched Finn pull her in for a tight hug. Sam stalked over to them and obnoxiously cleared his throat. He watched them quickly and suddenly pull away from each other.

A little too comfortable for my liking.

"Hey, Sammy," Mercedes greeted warmly, her bright smile almost lessening his resolve…almost. He saw guilty features flash over Finn's face only to be replaced with an equally bright smile.

"Hey, what's up, dude," Fine said coolly.

"Oh, nothing much, just wondering what all the laughter was all about. Anyone care to inform me?" Sam said as he stared down Finn, who took a sudden interest in the floor.

"Finn was just telling me that Mr. Schue changed rehearsal time and wanted me to tell you. But the boy became a comedian when he was telling me about Kurt crying over a bowl of ice cream because Blaine wanted to wear paisley and plaid together. Those two are a mess!" Mercedes replied, barely getting through the explanation without laughing at the end of each sentence.

"Yeah…that's funny," Sam grated, "Hey Finn, isn't Rachel around here somewhere crying over NYADA? Maybe you should go attend to her." Mercedes caught on to the gruff tone in Sam's voice and change in demeanor and she quickly switched glances from Sam to Finn and back.

"Uh…yeah, man. I should probably go check on her?" Finn replied, a bit confused at his friend's signature click in his jaw that was a tell-tale sign that meant to back the hell away from him.

"Good choice," Sam whispered.

"I'll see you later, 'Cedes," Finn mumbled as he walked down the hallway, intent on finding Rachel.

"Bye…Finn," Mercedes replied weakly. She turned around to see her boyfriend's narrowed eyes making sure that Finn was out of sight. "Excuse me, what the hell was that?" Sam snapped out of his thoughts which included punching Finn so hard, that his dance moves improved.

"What was what?"

"Do not play dumb with me Samuel Evans. What was with that macho crap you pulled with Finn?" Mercedes acquired with her hands on her hips and an eyebrow arched.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mercy," Sam drawled, letting his Southern accent push through, knowing she was putty in his hands when he did that.

"Don't try to butter me up, Evans. What is your problem!"


Sam let out a heavy sigh. "Maybe I don't appreciate Finn looking at you like he hasn't eaten in two weeks and you're the three course meal."

Mercedes tilted her head to the side in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I see that I'm not the only one playing dumb here." Sam almost regretted those words when she heard an offended "excuse me" come out of his mouth, but he pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and continued. "I saw the way Finn was looking at you. That look in his eye, I noticed it because it's the same way I look at you."


"And you're no better! Laughing at whatever dumbass thing he had to say and basically flirting with him right in front of me. Are you kidding me, Mercy?" Sam finished, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

Mercedes, wide eyed, pieced the puzzle together and let out a dry, humorless laugh, "Samuel Evans, are you jealous?"

Sam who had his back turned to her trying to collect his thoughts, turned around swiftly with a bewildered expression on his face. "Me? Jealous? I'm not jealous!"

"Oh please, then why are you acting like this? You're throwing a temper tantrum over nothing." Mercedes let out a sigh. "Me and Finn are friends and that's all we will ever be. But you, you need to grow up. Come off it, Sam." The bell rang, signifying that the next period had started. Mercedes, who was already frustrated, had reached her peak. "Oh great! I'm late to my next class all thanks to you. Good job, Evans." Sam, who couldn't believe she had told him to grow up, didn't give a damn about being late to class. He wanted, needed to finish this. Mercedes let out a scoff and headed in the direction to her next class, intent on pleading with her Calculus teacher to have mercy on her. She was stopped by a sudden hand being slammed against the locker. She turned to see Sam, his eyes dark, almost black, his bangs resting low on his forehead, almost covering his eyes, letting out deep exhales. He pressed his other hand on the other side of her head, effectively trapping her. Mercedes looked around to see if anyone was in the hallway.

"Boy, are you cra-"

"Listen here, Mercy. I am not jealous. I am, however concerned at the fact that my friend, who has taken a girlfriend from me in the past, was looking at you like he was going to push you up against these here lockers and have his way with you. And you, giving into his advances and having a grand old time while my pal was eye fucking the shit out of you. What the fuck do you think I'm supposed to do!" Mercedes let out a gasp. Sam never dropped the "f" bomb around her unless it was in coital bliss. She looked everywhere except his face, feeling nervous and begrudgingly ashamed at her actions. She hadn't meant for them to come across as flirting but at this moment, if Sam saw it that way, it was so. Sam saw the expression on her face and let out a sigh, letting his head drop to her shoulder for a moment. Mercedes let out a whimper at the contact. "So you think I'm jealous, huh?" Sam mumbled into her shoulder. He looked up at her with determination on his face. He leaned in, Mercedes eyes fluttering at the close proximity. Sam whispered, "I'll show you jealous." Sam pushed himself off the lockers and grabbed her by her wrist leading her to only god knows where. Mercedes snapped out of the slight fog and started struggling to be released.

"Sam, what do you think you're doing?" she hissed.

"Mercy, baby, shut up," he said without looking at her. Mercedes let out an unbelieving gasp. She was about to protest when Sam pushed her into an empty classroom that was being used as storage for extra desks.

"Are you kidding me right now? Are you out of you god-" Mercedes was cut off by Sam roughly pushing her up against an empty wall and planting a demanding kiss on her lips, not giving her any time to breathe or comprehend what was happening. His tongue pushed through her lips, dominating every part of her mouth, letting her know who the victor was. He pulled away with a loud smack. Sam let out a deep chuckle as he took in Mercedes' shocked face. He didn't waste any time though as his lips immediately became attached to her neck. Sucking here and there until he found the spot that made her sing his praises.

"God, Sammy!"

Sam grabbed her hips in a bruising grip and pulled her impossibly closer to his body, wrapping her legs around his waist. He ground his hips into hers letting her feel just how "envious" he was. Mercedes threw her head back as she felt every inch of his growing erection, even through the fabric that separated them. She clenched her eyes shut, mumbling incoherent words as she silently pleaded to the heavens that Sam would move a little to the left that would have her seeing stars.

"Open your eyes," Sam growled into her neck. He looked up to see that she hadn't listened. He slowed his ministrations and tried again. "Open. Your. Eyes." Mercedes slowly did as she was told and she immediately tried to latch on to Sam's even more swollen cherry lips, but he gently pushed her back up against the wall by her shoulders.

"I can make you laugh louder than he can, right?" Sam whispered. The question came out gently, but the darkness in his eyes made it seem more determined.


"Answer me, Mercedes, I can make you laugh louder than he can, right?" Mercedes looked into his eyes and they seemed to have cast a spell on her. Subconsciously, she wanted to push him off of her and tell him he can shove it where the sun don't shine, but the answer "yes" fell effortlessly from her lips. Sam let out a low chuckle and kissed her neck once more, licking a line from there to the top of her breasts.

"You want me more than him, right? More than anyone, right?" Sam mumbled as he unbuttoned her flannel shirt, well his, but they'd discuss that later. There were more important matters at hand. Once he got the shirt all the way open, he didn't waste any time pulling the cups from her peacock blue bra down, flicking his tongue out and gently licking the stiff peak. Mercedes shuddered and had Sam not had her securely wrapped around him, he would have certainly fallen to ground.

"Y-yes. Please, Sam."

"Please Sam, what?" Sam said whilst sucking at her chest, switching from gentle nibbles to harsh bites. Mercedes internally scoffed. As much as she loved Sam's dominant nature in the bedroom…well, the classroom in this case, sometimes, she knew he had no qualms about taking it too far and intentionally teasing the life out of her. He slowly descended kissing down her chest, to her soft stomach, and right above the pulsing spot between her legs.

"Can he ever make you feel the way I do?" He inquired looking up at her with those piercing eyes. Mercedes' breath caught in her throat. "No, Sammy, he could never."

"That's what I thought." Sam mumbled as he yanked at her pants and pulled them down, getting her to step out of them. He all put ripped her matching peacock blue boyshorts off of her which snapped Mercedes out of whatever fog he had her in.

"Oh hell no, are you crazy? I really liked those, Sam! You are buy-oh fuck!" Mercedes' rant was cut off by the first long lick of Sam's tongue.

"What were you saying?" Sam said against her, knowing the vibrations would send her into a frenzy. He threw her thigh over his shoulder to get a better angle. After a few teasing licks, he circled his tongue around her clit and slid two fingers inside her heat, pumping in and out at a rough pace, making her bite down hard on her bottom lip in an attempt to stop any noise to escape her mouth. Sam was having none of that.

Oh really? You want to play that game?

He removed his mouth from her, making her mewl in displeasure, knowing that she needed stimulation around her clit to push her into pure ecstasy. He slowed his pumps and stood up, licking his lips to taste her nectar. He undid his own pants, pulling down his gray boxers, and began stroking himself. He whispered harshly in her ear.

"Will you ever scream his name like you do mine?" Mercedes needed release and she needed it now. She wasn't too keen on feeding his ridiculous ego, but goddammit, this man has made her do things she never would've thought she ever would've done, for anyone for that matter. She swallowing her own pride in exchange for orgasm, she told him exactly what he wanted to hear…and deep down, what she knew.

"No, only yours, Sam. It's only you, P-please," she whimpered, tears forming in her eyes from the pleasurable pain she was receiving from a combination of lack of release, the increased pulsing sensation in between her legs from watching him pleasure himself, the intensity in his eyes, and the slow pumping of his fingers.

"You're damn, right," Sam grated as he increased the speed of his fingers, adding his thumb to mix to repeatedly push on her button. All the while, he kept stroking himself to orgasm. He was a man of many talents. Mercedes' cries were hardly contained as she felt herself get closer and closer to her impending release. Mercedes slammed her hand up against the wall behind her, bracing herself as she felt Sam's fingers curl into a come hither motion, stroking her g-spot. Mercedes' walls started tightening around his fingers, resulting in Sam mumbling in Na'vi, imagining it was his cock inside her and not his fingers. A few strokes later, and he felt her release coat his hand.

"Oh, god, Sammy! Yes! Y-," Mercedes was cut off by Sam's mouth, swallowing the rest of her cries, tongue thrusting into her mouth. Sam groaned in his throat as he came into his hand. Sam lightly stroked her as to bring her down from her high. Mercedes looked at Sam with hooded eyes as Sam licked her release from his hand, moaning at the sweet taste. Sam pulled himself away from Mercedes to find something to clean his other hand off with, luckily finding a roll of paper towels. Mercedes' knees finally buckled underneath her and she slid down the wall in a stupor. As Sam finished cleaning himself off, he turned around and smirked at the sight before him, before shaking his head. Sam reached out a hand to Mercedes and pulled her up. He reached for her ruined panties, holding them up.

"Um, I think you may just have to go without, today," he mused before stuffing them in his back pocket; Mercedes being too out of it to protest. He got her to step into her jeans before pulling them up, zipping them shut, and buttoning them. He pulled the cups of her bra over he exposed breasts and buttoned the flannel that was loosely hanging on her shoulders. He smoothed down her mussed hair, placed his hands gently on her neck, and gave her a lingering kiss on her forehead, and then reached into her purse to find her lip gloss. "Here, you'll probably do this better than I can." Finally, coming out of her catatonic state, she reached for it and reapplied her lip gloss that had been sucked off by his trouty lips.

"You should get jealous more often," Mercedes breathed out.

As Sam was buttoning his blue jeans, not bothering to look up at her, he said, "I wasn't jealous." Mercy snapped her head to him and glared at him.

"Samuel Paul Evans, I swear to-,"

"Come on, Mercy, third period is almost done," he said as he grabbed her by the hand and opened the door.

"But-," with that, he yanked her out of the room.

A/N: So what did you think? Which deadly sin do you want to see next: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, or pride?