Ciel X Reader ~ A Deal with the Devil

+ . . : Chapter One : . . +

Kuroshitsuji(Black Butler)/Characters © Yana Toboso

(You are a 13 year old girl working as a maid being trained by Mey-Rin, but also a reaper who made a deal with Sebastian that as long as you don't kill anyone in the mansion or anyone he asks you not to kill, then he would grant your one and only wish.)

"Mey-Rin! Watch out!" you yell as you rush over to the other side of the room to grab the plates falling out of her hands. You were too slow, but luckily Sebastian was there in time to save all of the plates from their terrible fate.

"Now, you two, let's do this as quickly and quietly as possible." He says, glaring at Mey-Rin.

"Yes Sebastian," The two of you reply simultaneously.

"Oh, I'll be able to put them away like that someday, yes I will!" Mey-Rin says confidently as Sebastian leaves the room. You smirk as you go back to polishing the silver.

"[name], I need your help with something! Come with me now," Ciel bursts into the room.

"Y-yes, right away young master!" You reply, leaving the knives on the table behind you. You wonder about what Ciel might want your help with.

"There," He says as we arrived in his room, pointing to part of his ceiling, "In the corner. Sebastian won't kill it and it's been bugging me all day."

"Alright, but. . . I-I may need a. . . uh. . . l-ladder?" You stutter.

You have a horrible fear of spiders, so big that just seeing a small one sends shivers up your spine.

"You know where to get them, don't you, [name]?" Ciel smugly replies as you bow and fetch yourself the ladder and a handkerchief. You set the ladder up to the wall in the least awkward position possible. Just as you are about to grab the spider, it crawls up your arm.

You lose control of the ladder and it comes falling right towards Ciel. You see the fear in his eyes.

"Young Master! Look out!" You say as you shield his body from the ladder with your own.

The both of you blush as you realize you are nose-to-nose. You make awkward eye contact for a moment before his eyes cower away from yours.

"Are you alright, Young Master?" You say, trying to hold back your own pained expression.

"I'm f-fine," he stutters, still blushing, "But you look otherwise." He gestures to the floor around the two of you and you watch your own blood drip into puddles next to Ciel.

You smack the ground right next to Ciel's ear and he winces at the noise.

"Got it," You smile, "I'll clean up this mess immediately, Young Master."

"If you're talking about the blood, I'll just get Mey-Rin to clean it up. I'll get Sebastian to bandage you up and mend your dress right now.

"Thank you, Young Master. I am truly unworthy of your kindness." You sincerely reply, bowing, but the wincing and realizing the pain you are in.

He blushes again as he rings the bell for Sebastian to come get you

"Now, [name], this may sting a little. Just try not to make too much noise or else you'll scare the young master," Sebastian says, "Roll over onto your stomach."

You do as Sebastian says. And what he said about a little was a huge understatement.


You bite your lip and let out a quiet, almost inaudible, whine as Sebastian sticks a needle through your skin. The worst part? He had to go up through you're skin after that. What is this called, maybe stitches? I know Finny had got these before, you could see the scars on his back.

"Are you all right, [name]?" Sebastian asks you.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you," You reply quickly since you know if you talk for too long you'll end up crying like a baby. He smiles demonically as he turns back to sewing you up.

About twenty minutes later, Sebastian is finishing with the stitching.

"One more," He says as tears stream down your face. You're in too rough a shape to talk by now. He pulls the string and that makes it even more painful. Them finally, he bandages your back up. The bandage is so stiff that you have trouble bending down. Then you realize you were just crying, so you wipe your tears away. You are dressed only in your underclothes when Ciel walks in.

"Agh!" You scream as he stares and blushes at you.

"Put some clothes on!" He says imperatively, blushing even more.

"Y-yes, young master," You say, bowing slightly so as not to show too much pain on your face.

Just as you're about go, however, he blocks the door. You step back and don't understand why he's doing what he is.

"Sebastian," he says, "Go fetch [name] some clothes."

"Yes, my lord."

As Sebastian leaves the room, Ciel walks up to you and laughs.

"My god, you're so scrawny! Even through the thick bandages I can count your ribs!" He remarks.

You haven't actually noticed this until now, so you're kind of fascinated at the fact. Your hip bones are extremely prominent, and, as a matter of fact, you can count your ribs.

And you have an odd number of them.

"Anyways, how are you feeling, [name]?" Ciel asks you.

"I'm fine, thank you." You reply, taken aback by his kindness.

"That was quite the fall you had," Ciel continues, "Did you hear Mey-Rin scream? She was sure somebody died in there, there was so much blood!"

You laugh along with him, even though it hurts enough just to breathe.

"I'm glad. . . you aren't dead." Ciel says quietly, blushing. "Oh, and one more thing."

"Yes? What is it?" You ask him.

"Thank you." He says.

Well, that's sure not like him.

"[name], is this all right for you to wear?" Sebastian asks, walking into the room holding out your usual outfit you wear when you aren't working. A white button-up shirt and a short green skirt with green suspenders. An outfit that has always got me attention from everyone.

"If you'll excuse me," You say, quietly leaving the room. It's only then when you realize you haven't dressed yet, so you quickly put on you clothes and slip on your knee-high maid socks and shoes.

"Oh, and [name]," Sebastian says as you slip on your shoe, "You are relieved of your duty until next Wednesday."

"Thank you so much, Sebastian!" You say, eyes sparkling.

"It's nothing, really, I want Mey-Rin and yourself in good shape, even if it means only having one maid for six days. And besides, it's the least I could do, considering our little 'deal'."

You nod and hurry down the hall towards the study, where Mey-Rin usually cleans at this time of day.

"[name], you're alright!" She says, jumping towards you and hugging you, "I was sure you'd be dead!, yes I was"

"Unless you let go of me, then I may be!" You manage to say as Mey-Rin squeezes you hard enough to make you suffocate.

"Agh! I'm sorry! Oh please forgive me!"

"It's okay, I'm fine now! I'm just lucky you weren't Finny," you smile, giggling with her.

"Don't worry, I haven't told him, so you're safe!" Mey-Rin whispers into my ear as she leaves the room.

"Thank you," you whisper when she leaves the room, "For everything."

"I'll be leaving for the day," Sebastian says, "If there's anything urgent, just tell Finny to get me."

"Yes, Sebastian," You, Mey-Rin, Finny and Bardroy say.

"Ho, ho, ho." Tanaka appears from behind you, surprising you.

"[name], can you take care of Ciel today, since you aren't working as a maid for the time being?" Sebastian asks you.

"Yes, Sebastian," you smile smugly at him, "For it is the least I can do, considering our little 'deal'."

Mey-Rin's face goes as red as a tomato.

"D-deal?" She manages to get out before scurrying to her quarters, muttering things under her breath.

"Well then, I'll be off!" Sebastian smile as he steps into the carriage, Tanaka moving up to the drivers seat.

Bardroy and Finny start chatting as they into the estate, so I grab Ciel's hand and follow.

"You don't mind, do you?" He asks me as we enter the study, "You know, being my Butler for the day?"

"Not at all."

"Good," He says pompously, "Now, go make me some tea."

"Right away, young master." You bow, then remember the pain in your back You aren't wearing you're maids outfit, so you feel kind of out-of-place at the moment.

"Hey, Bard? Do you know what kind of tea Ciel likes?"

"Nope," he replies, about to set some dynamite off.

"Bardroy! You idiot, what in the bloody hell are you doing?" You yell at him, snatching the explosives out of his hands. "Come on man, this has to stop!"

"Sorry," He laughs, "Kind of slipped my mind!"

You glare at him and go back to selecting the tea. There seems to be quite a bit of earl grey, so it's probably a good guess he likes that. You set the kettle on the stove and sit down next to it.

"Bard, you're too reckless. Have you ever thought about what might happen to others when you try blowing up stuff?" I tell him

"They do too?"

"Precisely. Now, how do you think Sebastian would feel if you blew up the both of us?"

"I don't think he'd really care. If anything, he'd be mad that he had to scrape us up from the ground." Bardroy says, chuckling.

"You should stop laughing at your own jokes, Bardroy." You say, glaring.

He is surprised by how serious you are. Usually you're really quiet and happy, but you are being quite serious now.

"Okay, listen here, you damned bloke," Bardroy starts, "What the hell do you think your problem is. This is a free world, in case you didn't know. I can do whatever the hell I want to."

"Well, in case you didn't kn—" you began to say as the kettle whistled. You got out the tea set quickly and then left.

"You're damn lucky that kettle went off. It saved you one hell of a mouthful." You say as the door closes behind you

"Well, what type is it?" Ciel says impatiently as you pour his tea.

"It's earl grey, young master," you reply with a smile, noticing Ciel makes a face. "Is it not to your liking?"

"No, I do enjoy this. You just sound so much like Sebastian right now."

"Well, I am supposed to be your butler today, am I not?"

Ciel smirks as he drinks the tea.

"[name], can I ask you something?" Ciel asks you as he finishes up his tea.

"Sure, I don't see why not." You say in return.

"How much does your back really hurt?"

You are kind of surprised at the question. It's only now that you realize how much nicer Ciel is to you than the rest of the servants.

"You want the truth?" You answer him with another question.


There is a long pause.

"The pain is almost unbearable. My back feels like someone is constantly swiping at it with a knife," you say, almost to yourself. You watch as Ciel's reaction goes from amused to hysterical. He was completely shocked at your answer.

"But I will do anything it takes to please the young master." You finish with a smile, now facing Ciel. He looks like he could throw up at any point now.

"About that name, 'young master'," Ciel says, after a long silence, "Please, just call me Ciel. I hate being called 'young master'."

"Your wish is my command," you giggle as Ciel makes an odd face, which you can tell if it's happy or sad or angry.

Maybe it's all three.

Ciel sets his tea cup down in a loud and obnoxious manner.

"What is it, youn— Ciel?" you ask him.

"Well," He says, blushing harder than anyone you've seen before.

"Usually, I take a bath about now."
