"And now it's my most sincere pleasure to announce the winners of this year's Stark Build-a-thon and the Young Innovator of the Year award. But first, I'd like to say that every kid here is the future of this country. People in this very room will grow-up to be presidents and engineers and doctors. These are the brightest minds in America's youth. Congratulations." Colonel Rhodes read off the speech card.

One of the many ballrooms in Stark Towers had been decorated for the occasion. Streamlined, stainless- steel arches were draped with streamers and a chandelier made of tiny arc reactors hummed quietly overhead. The room was lit with red and gold lights plus the shimmery light blue of the arc reactors: Iron Man colors. The huge room was filled with well-dressed people crowded around tables and press people crowded around the stage.

The front row of tables was packed with people ages fourteen through nineteen, some of the brightest minds in the country as the Colonel had said, all of them waiting to hear a name, their name, called out. There had been fifty contestants in the Build-a-thon, three of which were also nominated for the Innovators award. Plus seven other nominees not participating in the Build-a-thon. I could hardly believe where I was right now, Stark Towers for an award ceremony. I was one of the three with the chance to win both awards, I was so amazed at how far I'd come. The award for winning the Build-a-thon was a $100,000 and the ability to have the whole Stark Industries work on manufacturing the winning invention. The Innovators award got $100,000, a rent-free living space in Stark Towers, and a mentor-ship from Tony Stark. So in other words it was big, really, really big.

"Ms. Potts, the envelope please", Rhodes asked stepping towards the podium and we instinctively leaned towards the stage. The Colonel ran his fingers to the top of the envelope. We collectively held our breath. So much blood, sweat, and tears had gone into both and this was some body's chance to be great.

"I seriously hope that you were NOT about open that envelope, Rhodey." The one and only Tony Stark sauntered on stage. He tousled his hair as he moved toward his friend. He was wearing an expensive black suit, white shirt, a red and gold tie, a pair of really, nice vintage Aviators, and to top it all off red, hi-top, converse. I had pair of those shoes back at the hotel.

" Why you were about to open that, I do not know, because it's my job to open the envelope." Colonel Rhodes chuckled and handed Stark the winner's name. "I feel like I need to draw this out for as long as possible, build suspense an' all that." Tony Stark's fingers slid the flap open and he peeked inside at the name. "Ahhh, Spoiler alert, there's only one name." The genius's face held a look of mock shock and surprise.

"And the winner is..." I had a thirty-three per cent chance of winning this. "Mizzzz Tonieeee Haitezzzzzzzzz!" Stark shouted loudly. The crowd started to applause furiously. Oh wait Toni Haitez, that was me. That was me. I jumped up let out a whoop of happiness. "Hey, kid, are you Toni Haitez?" Stark questioned face suddenly serious. I nodded. "Then get that smart - ass of yours up on this stage!" He yelled reaching out a hand to help me.

Tony Stark motioned for the crowd to silence and it did. "Miss Toni Haitez, may I call you Toni?," I nodded quickly,"Great, Toni with an 'i' you my dear are pretty damn incredible. Congrats on winning. Now, somebody get this girl an over-sized check for lots of money!" He shouted.

I was shaking when Colonel Rhodes handed me the check. "you did good." he whispered. Tony Stark turned towards me and asked, " Any thoughts?" That caught me a bit off guard. "We.. Mi..mister Stark, I have the same shoes as you." I said clenching my check. Stark smiled at me,"then you, kid, have good taste in shoes." Then, Tony Stark grabbed my wrist and dragged me into a bow and pulled me off to the backstage.

A/N Hey there, I'm M, or Morgy, which ever you prefer. I'm new to this site, I have been working on this story for a while. Please R&R because reviews are like Tony Starks...awesome. Kay, thanks. Much love. ~M A/N