Chapter 21: ._. Meeeeep…
N.O: TT^TT Or two... or three… Whatever it takes to make me feel not so guilty and stupid…
Exie: Anyway! ^-^ N.O did a good job on her exams and is definitely not depressed anymore! _ You know how hormones are…
Arachne: Though she feels incredibly stupid for keeping you waiting for so long…
Jay: And then just coming back with this…
N.O: *nods* Q-Q Mhm! A-and! I've gotten tumblr now TwT So if you want to ask me anything and/or get to know things about my characters and me that you can't get know anywhere else just go to .com and ask me stuff _ Maybe even help me get ideas…
Exie: Or tell her about your own theories for the story! ^w^
Arachne: Even if you just praise her… she'll actually write faster and better if you do that _ She'll be jumping with joy! ^w^
N.O: ^-^ So please forgive me! And keep on being awesome! QwQ You guys are so so awesome~ I mean! 59 reviews, 32 followers and 22 favourites! TwT I freakin' love you guys!
Exie: ^w^ And here as a special guest to do the disclaimer-
Arachne: *mumbles* We normally wouldn't let any of the other characters come up here but let go…
N.O: It's the one and only Cassidy Cheang!
Cass: Hi! *waves* It's awesome to finally get some lines! w I need to appear in the story soon seriously..
N.O: heheheheh… ^-^" Just do the disclaimer even though I'm only using my own characters in these short-stories..
Cass: Yeah yeah shortie~ NorweiganOtaku does not in any way own Kuroshitsuji Yana Toboso owns it!
Dan: NorwegianOtaku does however own us and the other characters she's made! ^-
Cass: Dan…
N.O: Oh no…
Cass: How in Bull lake did you get in here?
Dan: Ehmm "_ Door was open...
Exie: This doesn't look good…
Jay: Agreed…
Arachne: Enjoy the stories while we try to keep this situation under control ^^
Things left behind
Cass's P.O.V
"Uh... Phew! That was the last one!" I said and smiled proudly while looking at the very last box that was now finally inside.
"Finally! Now we just need to unpack and put things up and-" my brother started but I cut him off midsentence.
"GAH! So much to do!" I said, crossed my arms and huffed. Why didn't we hire people to do this? Oh yeah… We couldn't afford it.
My brother sighed and shook his head "It's a part of the job Cass… If we work hard we'll have it done in no time so just-"
"Yes! We'll have it done in no time!" I said cutting off Dan again; I clasped my hands together as Dan shook his head once again while mumbling something to himself.
"Let's just get to work" He said and started unpacking.
Ah~ How I love pissing him off.
Emily's P.O.V
"There!" I said as I tucked the last part o my hair under the wig cap, I change wigs almost daily.
The wig I was currently wearing was a nice pale-blonde in pigtails with silken black ribbons with some lace here and there.
I placed my hands and my hips and nodded "Done" I said smiling at my reflection in my full-length mirror.
It was a very pretty and quite special mirror, I got it from my deceased grandmother when I was about twelve. Sometimes it showed my reflection and other times it showed a dark room filled with coffins.
Exactly my type of creepy
The mirror was the only thing I had after my grandmother, but I'm not complaining at all. My Grandmother was a lovely lady, but nevermind the thought.
I was wearing one of my favourite outfits today, as I was going downtown to get my hair cut so that it could fit better under my wigs and still look nice. I had a black frock that fell to my knees in a cute poofy fashion. The dress was simple yet elegant, something I admired about it. The stockings I wore blend with the dark colour of my monotone coloured dress and brought out the black chunky heeled Mary-Janes that adorned my feet.
The blouse I wore was white as snow with beautiful cuffs and a black lace collar. My pale face had been powdered to perfection, which never takes much time since I don't have much to cover up and hide. But nonetheless, I had to have the complexion of a beautiful porcelain doll to be seen out in public, like that of Stacy's over there.
Stacy is my doll, I got her when I was five but I don't remember whom I got her from. She had her small body perched up on the white pillow on my bed, which is her place until the darkness falls over the country, that's when I remove her from the lace and place her ever so gently besides the mirror.
After all, my two most prized possessions should be close, no?
Besides, she seems to like it there. Whenever she comes so close to the mirror it seems as if her green glass eyes light up, as if she wants to tell me something. It's an interesting sight.
I shook my head at the same silly old thought.
What are you thinking Emily, Stacy is a doll… She's not alive nor will she ever be!
At least that was my mother always told me, yet I can't seem to let go of the thought that Stacy may have been alive at some point.
Maybe I read too much horror books… Too much horror books... Ha! Since when could I get enough horror?
Dan's P.O.V
"See! It took a couple of hours but we're done!" I said and looked at my sister with smile.
"Yeah… We can open now, right?" she said looking around in what was now our hairdressing salon.
"Yup! Lioness is finally ready to be opened" I said and looked away from my sister for just a moment only to find she was not standing besides me when I looked back.
"Eh? Cass?" I said blinking in surprise and confusion.
"DANIEL!" I heard Cass yell from somewhere to my right, so naturally I looked in that direction only to see… my own reflection.
"A mirror? What in the Sea of Japan is a mirror doing here? It certainly isn't ours…" I said furrowing my eyebrows together as Cass put the mirror down.
"Read the note!" Cass said as she handed me yellow note with red letters.
"Dear new owners of the shop –can't seem to remember you names, sorry- I have no need of this mirror but I think you can use it –this is going to be a hairdresser's right? Right- So now it belongs to you, don't try to give it back to me I really don't want it. Love, former owner of the shop" I read out loud and sighed.
"Well?" Cass said her eyes were almost sparkling with hope.
"It's ours…" I said and sighed which caused Cass to jump with joy.
"Yay!" she said in a Fluttershy voice.
"You'll be placing it" I said and walked over to the cash register.
Cass mumbled something "Fine" she said.
I sighed once again "It's not your fault she's so childish Daniel she's just like that… You've done nothing to make her that way she's just like that" I said to myself just so I could calm down, unfortunately for me Cass heard what I said and threw one of her bright red shoes in the back of my head.
"Ow to the head!" I said which caused Cass to laugh.
I may not know what I shouldn't say but at least I know how to make her happy again when she's mad.
Emily's P.O.V
I looked at my reflection once more and adjusted my wig slightly; I then grabbed my favourite purse and walked quickly out of my bedroom. The purse was a small black coffin, with a white alchemy circle in the center and fake spider webs decorating every corner.
I stopped in the middle of the hallway and took a deep breath before passing my mothers room as quickly and quietly as I possibly could. I didn't want her to start attacking me on my clothes yet again, I don't care what she says I just wish she'd realize that I will not change the way I dress no matter what she says.
I don't really have the nicest mother in the world, but you deal with what you are given. My mother drinks a lot and goes out to drink at any given time so she's never home a lot, but when she is, boy did she let me know. Mother used to be much nicer before my father died. Father… My father was killed in battle. He was a nice man from what I remember and what my grandmother always told me, but he died when I was barely four years old.
Quiet as a mouse I stepped down the stairs and left a note for my mother on the kitchen counter-common courtesy.
Dear Mother,
Gone out to get a haircut.
I'll be back soon.
Love, Emily
With a deep breath of the fresh air I stepped outside and locked the door behind me. Heads turned to look at me as I walked down the sidewalk, I know it's rude to stare but I've gotten so used to it that I pay it no attention.
As I walked I looked in stores and tried not to make any eye contact with the group of girls in shorts and heels who were staring at me. Their clothes made me… uncomfortable.
Anyway, I was on way to a new salon that I had heard about, apparently this was the day it opened and I figured that I might as well be their very first customer. I like to go on adventures every now and then, so this should be fun.
I hummed a non-existing song as I walked up to the new store, which was painted in red and blue with a big red sign that said Lioness in big bold blue letters.
I'm guess the owner like red and blue huh... Alright
Sure enough, it was the first day. There was a sign on the door explaining so however this sign was blue with red letters.
This is the very first day Lioness is open for customers
Come in come in!
I opened the door and peered inside, just like the outside it was painted in red and blue. No one seemed to be there at the moment.
Maybe I will get to be their first costumer after all!
I stepped inside the brightly coloured room with a smile, the door shut behind me as and a bell chimed to signal my arrival. I looked around in the red and blue room, it didn't seem like there was any one here at all except for me.
I noticed something shimmer in the corner of my eye, but before I could see what it was I was practically tackled by a flash of red. I barely managed to keep my balance as I steadied myself and the short blob of red that was hugging my waist tightly.
I looked down awkwardly with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion "Uhm… Hello?" I said which caused the person to look up and with a bright smile "Our… first... customer! We just opened too! I'M SO EXCIT-" she said but was cut off by a taller mount of blue that pulled her off of me with ease.
We were about the same height, though with my heels I was somewhat taller but without them I would say we were about the same.
The guy dressed in all blue sighed and pushed his blue framed glasses up "Sorry about that, she gets so carried away every second of the day" he said, the girl pouted and slumped her shoulders.
"I do not!" she said in a tone that made her seem more like an adult.
"Come on now we don't want to scare the girl off, do we?" the guy in blue said, the only thing that wasn't blue was his dirty blonde hair and hazel coloured eyes.
The girl practically jumped to our height and adjusted her glasses, which of course had a red frame.
"That's right," she said much more collected and turned to me and shook my hand very strongly for such a small girl. "Hi! I'm Cassidy but you can call me Cass! Mr. Grumpy-bluepants over there is called Dan! Who're you?" she said and tilted her head to the side in a questioning manner.
I realized this was an opportunity to talk and I quickly seized it seeing that I had no idea when it might come again "I'm Emily... I'd like haircut?" I said which made Cassidy, or Cass as she had told me to call her, grin like the Cheshire cat.
"Yay yay yay! Oh by the Artic Ocean I can totally cut your hair! THIS WILL BE S0 MUCH FUN MY FIRST JOB YAHOO!" She said jumping up and down in excitement. I chuckled to myself.
She's an energetic one… Hm… Oh, That's right...
"Oh yeah! May I take off my wig? Is there anywhere I can place it?" I said and tilted my head to side as Cass had done earlier, she looked confused at it though as did Dan. I sighed and removed my wig carefully.
She looked at me with big eyes "That's not your real hair?" she said in tone that was quite cute actually.
I smiled "No, I wish it was though" I said and removed the wig cap as well, I hate how it made me look.
My real hair tumbled out in two separate braids which I untied easily letting my natural hair come down in waves.
Cassidy clapped her hands quickly together a few times in obvious excitement "Ooh~ Your hair is so pretty! Why do you want to cut it?"
I tucked a strand of my dirty blonde hair behind my left ear "It's getting too long. I'd like it shorter so that it's easier to put under a wig, but still looks nice when I'm not wearing a wig"
Cass nodded and pushed Dan over to the counter "Shoosh! Do boring work while I do my magic~" She said, grabbed my hand and skipped happily over to a dark red chair.
Cass P.O.V
I took out a black cape-like thing and put it on Emily who didn't protest like Exie did the very first time I was going to cut her hair.
"Take a seat!" I said and gestured to the dark red chair but just as Emily sat down on the chair carefully so that her –probably very expensive- dress didn't get in such position that it was ruined, I heard Dan's annoying know-it-all tone of voice say something he of course had just waited to say until he was sure I had forgotten.
"Wouldn't it be smart to wash her hair first?"
Why that-
I whipped my head back in his direction.
"I was just about to ask her if she wanted to wash it first!" I said stubbornly back at him through gritted teeth even though that was a blank lie, which Dan of course knew.
"Right..." He said I could practically hear him smirk.
I just made a face and turned back to Emily "So, do you want to wash it first?" I said smiling happily again.
Emily nodded and smiled slightly "Yes please… I feel like if I wash it it'll be easier to cut"
I nodded eagerly "Yesyesyes! Let's go then! Up please!"
Once Emily was up on her feet again I walked her over to a dark blue leather seat set in front of a sink.
Emily's P.O.V
I sat carefully down in the chair as I had done in the chair before. I wouldn't want to ruin my perhaps overly expensive dress now would I?
Cass pushed the chair backwards so that my neck was touching the sink and my hair was in the sink.
"How short would you like it?" Cass asked me as she began to wash my hair.
"About… to my shoulders" I said and let my eyes flutter shut.
Soon enough Cass and I were chatting away about my dress, I told her that I had bought it at Angelic Pretty and opened my eyes.
I blinked hard due to the bright light and colours and let my eyes wander as Cass talked away.
My eyes landed at a mirror with a beautiful black wooden frame with just the same carvings as...
Hold on just a sec…
"The little sister of a friend of my little sister actually shops a lot at Angelic Pretty but also other shops that sell loli-" Cass said but in the middle of her sentence I somehow managed get the idea that it wouldn't be rude to cut her off.
"That mirror… where did you get it?" I asked staring at the carvings that looked just like symbols or something… just like the frame of my mirror.
"No idea… The former owner left it here for us with a note… Said he wouldn't need it anymore and that we could have good use of it… Pretty isn't it?"
I nodded and from there on the conversation went back to normal topics, though my mind kept slipping back to the mirrors.
Are there more mirrors?
Does this mirror show coffins as well?
Why does my mirror even show coffins?
How did my Grandmother get such a mirror?
As Cass cut my hair I decided to ask her about something that didn't have anything to do with the mirror, but either way it had been bugging me.
"How old are you? I'm nineteen myself…" I said hoping that I didn't sound as rude as I myself thought I did.
"Dan and I are twenty-four! We're turning twenty-five this year... And our little sister Exie is turning nineteen!" She said in the same happy tone.
"Wait… You and Dan are siblings? You're so different!" I said rather shocked over that simple little thing.
Cass laughed nervously "Well… It's actually so that we're… twins… My hair used to e the same colour as Dan's but I dyed it red… Our faces are probably alike at some points but I guess the only thing that really looks identical on us is our eyes… Though they're hidden behind our glasses so they're not so easy to so I can understand why you're shocked!" She said, I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment at the last part.
"Besides" Cass continued with a click of her tongue "We're quite different in personalities as well! Almost polar opposites!"
I looked at Dan –he wasn't hard to see from where I was sitting- who was sitting down, doing… something and was quiet.
I couldn't help but grin "Yep! Polar opposites!" I said and let out a giggle that surprised myself but not Cass.
"Theeeere~! All done!" She said and took the cape off of me.
I looked in the mirror in front of me "Oh wow… This looks great! Thank you Cass! How much is it then?"
I might make this my regular place if it's not too expensive…
Something about the people there, and the fact that they had such a mirror, made it so that I wanted to go there again.
It didn't cost much, which was good of course. Cass hugged me and said that we should meet again and get to know each other better, I agreed.
As I walked out of the hairdresser's I saw a group of nine people talking and laughing together as they walked towards the shop.
Only one of them was male but they all stood out in one way or another.
There were three punks, a tomboy, a scene, a little girl with at least three band aids on her face and a girl dressed in black, grey, gold and red with the Gryffindor crest on her gold and red striped sweater.
But the two that stood out most –at least to me- were the two lolitas.
I can swear that I've seen those two before!
One of them was a blonde girl with a stoic expression dressed in a bright blue dress. The other was a boy with auburn hair, dark brown eyes and dressed very similar to a butler, though his outfit was more brown than black.
As they walked into the shop and I heard Cass excited yell "EXIE!" followed by a mix of English and Japanese I knew that I had to go there again.
If there's a chance I could meet those people too and find out something about the mirrors… I will take the chance...
I swear on my name... Emily Couture! I will find out why in the Arctic ocean my mirror shows coffins…
"Arctic ocean? I think the shop left quite the mark on me" I said to myself and smiled as I shook my head.
What a delightfully weird place…
N.O: BAM! DID YOU EXPECT THAT? 'CAUSE I DIDN'T! ^w^ hehe.. I'll have to say thank you to everyone who reads my story and sorry sorry sorry for taking half an eternity to update! T_T And also a big big thank you to OtakuNumber9000 for being so freaking awesome that she helped me out QwQ Together we created Emily and this awesome chapter…
I will work as hard as I can on the next chapters I promise! And if any of you have any ideas or anything just tell me on tumblr! ^w^ I would just love to hear from you awesome awesome awesome people!
Arachne: Thank you for staying with us
Exie: We hope to hear from you soon
Jay: And until next time just remember that NorwegianOtaku loves you to death!
N.O: Bye for now!