Author note: That's all, folks!
Warning: Sex, prostitution, pole dancing, bad language, and Kurogane actually being NICE.
Pair: Kurogane and Fai
Disclaimer: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, it's characters, and consisting universe is not, nor has ever been, my property. All rights and ownership to CLAMP, Kodansha, and all ensuing manga and anime producers (Sorry, that are too many to list this time).

Much later, after everything that happened between them; after a world of acid rain, and vampire twins, and stolen magic; after the death of king and a father and a brother, they were still together. Fai had been angry when Kurogane forced him to live, but watching the warrior wince in his sleep and clutch at his empty shoulder, the blond knew that he had never, and could never, stop loving Kurogane.

The night after Kurogane had the mechanical arm from Piffle attached, Fai lay on his back on the cool wooden floors, Kurogane's face buried in his collarbone, and tangled their fingers together.

"Kuro-ku?" the warrior looked up, red eyes warm and sleepy. "We should move to a bed." Kurogane grumbled, but moved willingly enough.

They stripped off and snuggled beneath the sheets. Kurogane burying his face in the soft blond tresses that now fell to Fai's mid-back as he curled around his lover.

"I thought about cutting it." Fai murmured softly. "I couldn't bring myself to do it."

"Doesn't matter to me." Kurogane mumbled, mostly asleep now he was warm and comfortable. "Love you either way." Fai blinked then turned slightly to look at him.

"You do?"

"Uh-huh…" Kurogane yawned, then snorted as he almost inhaled a strand of hair. "Ugh. Changed my mind. Love you as mage, or vampire, or human, prince or peasant. But for the love of god, tie your hair back so I don't choke on the stuff." Fai laughed and reached for a hair tie to comply with the order. "Hmm… better." Kurogane pressed a sleepy kiss to the back of Fai's neck, and fell asleep at last.

Fai bit his lip to hold back the tears. Sometimes it seemed like Kurogane was trying to kiss away every tiny bit of pain in him, and sometimes it seemed like the warrior was succeeding. Especially now, when Fai was wracked with guilt at the death of Ashura, and grief at the loss of Fai. Kurogane was injured, barely able to use the new arm attached to his body, and Fai had been so cold to him recently, and yet here they were, the warrior still trying to comfort him.

Just maybe, when all this was over, and they could stop travelling, settling down in Japan with Kurogane wouldn't be so bad. It wasn't like he could go back to Celes or Valeria, after all. Kurogane had been talking about rebuilding Suwa one day…

Fai of Suwa…


That had a good ring to it.

Thanks for sticking with me to the end, guys! I don't think I would have if I ws reading this - the writing style declined horribly, and good Lord, the OOCness hurt. :S

Also,thanks to lexi_nyanko of Livjournal, whose artwork kept the creative juices flowing (http:(doubleforwardslash) .com(forwardslash)lexi_nyanko(forwardslash)gallery(forwardslash)00002s8y?page=1). Fai's poledancing song in my head was "Rondo" by On/Off, AKA the opening theme to Vampire Knight Guilty.

There's a follow up to this in the works. Not really a sequel, just connected: an xXxHolic crossover. Who likes DouWata? We'll see how it works out, ayway.

I've had some bad comments regarding my depiction of Fai, and I agree with all of them. As a student mental health nurse, Fai is a brilliant character for me to play with, and I intend to do so more fully in the crossover.

"Deceptiveness in adulthood may stem from relationships in childhood in which it was not possible to trust one or other parent. The emerging adult, unable to trust, conceals his thoughts and feelings." – Rose, N. (1998) Essential Psychiatry. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications. Fai, anyone?

Thanks for the support!