Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter in any way, otherwise I would be famous. I also do not own the song: You are so beautiful by Akon.

Dedication: I am going to dedicate each chapter to my amazing reviewers and favouriters, if I don't mention you I will thank you at another time.

Author's Note: So, this is the first chapter. It is a Marauders fanfic, and just a prank story. It has no real plot, just the two future parents of Harry Potter pranking each other. There will probably be other pranks too, and its not just in their PoV's. It starts in Lily's PoV.


Chapter 1: Strange Singing Charms



"Damn you, Potter." Lily muttered, glaring at her mirror.

"D-don't worry, it'll b-b-be ok." The mirror answered, before giving way to many childish giggles.


Needless to say, there was a problem. A fairly obvious problem, if you were brave enough to glance at Lily.

Her usually flaming red hair had been charmed to go from purple to green to blue and then back to purple. Why, you might ask? Well, the answer was simple: this was the work of James Potter.

Lily fumed inwardly, cringing at the thought of everyone laughing at her. She had already been laughed at the week before because her eyes and her lips were swapped around – it is rather a funny thing for you to have red eyes and green lips.

Time for a little revenge, thought Lily. Her now purple eyes gleamed at the thought.


"Why, Potter?" Lily demanded. James grinned as he saw her.

"Surely it isn't Christmas already, Evans? You usually wait until December before putting up the Christmas lights."

"Very funny. Well? Why'd you do it?" Lily snarled.

James mumbled something that Lily didn't hear. "What was that?" she asked.

James, his face as red as Lily's normal hair, shook his head and ran off. Seething, Lily walked into the Great Halll, and sought out her friends at Gryffindor table. She marched over to them, ignoring the giggles all around her.

"Potter?" Alice asked, and Lily nodded. "So immature and pathetic. He did something like this before." She scoffed. "So, whats the plan of revenge?"

Lily filled them all in after casting the Muffliato (a spell her friend Severus had informed her of), and Eleanor looked at her with wide eyes. "Will it work?" She whispered, eyes still fixed on Lily, who smirked. "Hell yeah. Potter won't know what hit him."


Lily crept into the Charms classroom, looking around her nervously to check no one was watching her, as she needed to talk to her Professor.

'Miss Evans, how may I help you?" he asked, almost toppling off his tall chair.

"Well, Professor, I was just wondering if possibly we could practise singing charms next lesson on those toads you ordered? You see, I had almost forgotten how to do them, and it would be such a help." She smiled at him sweetly.

"Of course, Miss Evans. Might I ask, is there any other reason behind your favour?" Professor Flitwick replied, eyes twinkling. Lily's own eyes (they had gone back to their normal colour, although her hair was still flashing) widened, as she realised that Professor Flitwick knew what she was up to, before feigning innocence.

"Oh no, Professor. Why, that would be unbelievable, taking advantage of your good nature. I assure you, I just need to practise because of certain events coming up." She grinned.

"Exams, I assume?"

"Yes sir."

"Very well, we shall practise Singing Charms. And Miss Evans?"

"Yes, Professor?"

"I suggest trying Non Multicolore." Professor Flitwick grinned.


"On the hair. You don't want to get a detention for inappropriate hair colours." At this, Lily pretended to scowl before waving goodbye to the tiny Professor. She merrily skipped off to her Common Room, saying on the way:

"Mission Accomplished." Her eyes gleamed evilly.



"Open your books, please, fourth years. Turn to page forty one. I thought that since you have exams coming up soon, we should go over some of the earlier spells just in case you forgot them. That will cover this lesson and next. First of all, we shall have a recap on the singing charm." Flitwick smiled at Lily.

'Who can tell me what the singing charm does? Miss Evans?"

"Whoever you cast the spell on immediately bursts into song. To control that song choice, you must think of a song whilst moving your wand in the movement needed."

"Correct. Five points to Gryffindor. Now, please collect a toad and practice. Remember to think of your choice of song."

Lily took her toad to her place.

"Oi! Lily!" She heard a voice calling her. It was James.

"What?" She whispered.

He pointed at his toad, and spoke the spell whilst doing the movement. Nothing happened.

"You didn't think of a song, dummy." She giggled. He flushed, and started talking to Remus.

"Sono Carmen." Lily spoke whilst waving her wand in a complete circle and leaving shimmers in the air. Then she stabbed into the middle of the circle in the direction of the toad, which burst into song.

"Excellent, Miss Evans! Continue practicing some more, and then go to the next charm. And take another five points."

Lily smirked at James, who whispered, "I'm ready now! Listen."

His toad opened its mouth and belted into song. Lily blushed, as it was singing:

When I see you
I run out of words to say
I wouldn't leave you
'Cause you're that type of girl to make me stay

I see the guys tryna holla, girl I don't wanna bother you
'Cause you're independent and you got my attention
Can I be your baby father? Girl, I just wanna show you
That I love what you are doin' hun

I see you in the club, you getting' down girl
I wanna get with you, yeah
I see you in the club, you showin' thugs love
I wanna get with you

You're so beautiful
So damn beautiful
Said you're so beautiful
So damn beautiful

Oh, James was sooooo dead. He was always flirting with her, and it was embarrassing.

James: two, Lily: none. But it sure as hell will change soon.