Title: Normal life

Disclaimer: Don't own anything but this story

Summary: Normal life is treating Seto and Yugi in ways they never imagined. With two children to raise, and their own relationship struggling…can they make it through living so normally?

Rated M for future, and is a love story between Seto Kaiba and Yugi Moto, so if you don't like that then please don't read.

Note: This is my first time posting on this site, but I was a very active writer on another journal-type site…I stopped writing for a LONG time, and have just gotten bored. If I'm doing something wrong with posting, will someone please let me know?


"Shh," Seto said quietly. Yugi smiled as he looked through the crack in the door. Seto Kaiba was rocking their infant son to sleep, his own eyes growing tired and his hair disheveled. Yugi wanted to enter the room, to put the baby to bed, but he didn't want to break the moment—because they were rare. Seto was seldom gentle and the times he'd held Kyo could be counted on one hand.

"Papa," Aemi said quietly, pulling on Yugi's sleeve. "Is it time for bed?"

Yugi looked through the crack in the door and sighed: Seto had put Kyo in his bed and was coming their way. "Yes," Yugi said. "Time for bed."

He picked the girl up and brought her to her bedroom. He tucked her into her sheets and sat on his knees next to her, all the while feeling Seto's eyes on his back. "I'm scared," Aemi said, as she always did.

"Why?" Yugi asked quietly, touching her forehead gently.

"Monsters," Aemi said obviously. "In the closet, under the bed…"

"Those monsters are too scared to come out," he smiled. "They know tomorrow is a big day for you."
"I'm scared, still," Aemi said. "What if…the other kids don't like me?"

"How could they not?" Yugi asked, switching on the night light next to the bed. He could see Aemi's eyes drooping and knew there wasn't much left to their conversation.

"My…hair," Aemi whispered, her eyes closing. "Monsters mess it up," were her last words.

Yugi waited a full minute to make sure she was actually asleep before he stood up, kissed her forehead, and headed towards Seto.

"Kyo sleeping?" he asked, though he already knew.

Seto nodded.

"You tired?"
"You shouldn't let her think monsters are real," Seto said gruffly, ignoring the question.

"Aren't they?" Yugi suggested, and Seto just rolled his eyes. "We don't need to discount monsters completely—just the bad ones."

"That doesn't make sense at all."

"She's four," Yugi rolled his eyes. "Monsters are a part of her life. We need to do whatever it takes to make her comfortable with them."
"She's four," Seto reiterated.

"Are you a worried daddy?" Yugi teased, and Seto's eyes grew tighter.

Instead of answering, Seto went to the bedroom, undressed, and dropped into the bed. When Yugi came along moments later, having checked on Kyo, he did the same.

He could feel Seto drawing closer to him, despite his hardened scowl. Seto Kaiba did not like to admit he had feelings of any type—and to most of the world, he did not have any. But he'd known Yugi for over ten years, and eight of them had been spent in a strange, rollercoaster relationship. Though he'd never once openly admitted that he possessed any feelings beyond desire, Yugi knew the truth.

"Aemi wants us to drive her to school in the morning," Yugi said. "I said you were probably going to be busy."

Seto was quiet, and that answered the unasked question.

"I'll drop Kyo off at the daycare and then meet you at work," Yugi said. "We're testing out some new merchandise, right?"

Seto nodded. His body was flush against Yugi's by then and his fingers were dancing nonchalantly up and down Yugi's bare arm.

"I wish we could take a vacation," Yugi said quietly, moving his body into Seto's embrace. "Just take the kids and get out of here."

"Why?" Seto's voice was soft and curious.

"I…just…want to do something new."

"And having a baby isn't something new?"
Yugi smiled. "It was…but he's growing up."
"It's been two months," Seto said, his Yugi saw a smirk on his face.

"Settling down is so boring," Yugi admitted. "After saving the world a couple times, raising two kids and living in a flat in the city just doesn't excite me anymore."
"Are you an adrenaline junkie?"

Yugi just shrugged. "I miss how things used to be."

"Would you give everything up, for a chance at the old life?"

"Of course not. I like my life now—I love Aemi and Kyo, and…you."
Seto's silence followed, and Yugi just sighed. He never expected to hear a returned "I love you" but it would have been nice, just to verbally hear Seto say it. Just once.

"I'll go," Seto finally said after Yugi had almost fallen asleep.


"To take Aemi to school."

Yugi felt something welling in his stomach and it was hard to suppress. He wiggled so that his face was inches from the other man's. "She'll be so happy," he smiled. "And so will I."

Seto leaned down and kissed Yugi gently—a single, chaste kiss on the lips before he settled into the bed and closed his eyes.

"Good night," Yugi whispered, and Seto just grunted in return.