Deadly secret

Disclaimer: all my ideas came from the amazing vampire diaries and you will pretty much see the similarities. But the characters are mine, and the plot kind of follows vampire diaries.

Chapter one

Dear Diary

I have been sitting on the living room floor rug for about an hour now. The truth is, I don't know what to write. I've never used the diary before, so I'm just saying what I don't want to say out loud, I think that's how it works. Oh diary, I'm ever so lonely! It's only me and Adam left, even he lives away out of reach…so here I am sitting on the rug in the living room, in MY house. Oh dear diary, I'm going to cry if I don't stop writing, but I've been holding it in for weeks. You see, the reason I'm so upset is because my parents died, it was icy on the roads and the car just went out of control. I survived…just, but my heart has been ripped out. I have been staying with my uncle john, he's a lively man. But my birthday was three weeks ago, so now I'm 18, facing the world alone! Well, I have trustworthy friends of course, friends since year nursery to be exact. Sheridan, with her blue eyes, black hair, her smartness and grown up seriousness. Primrose, with her fierce red straight hair, her baby like features. Danny, with his passion for sport and will who wouldn't hut a fly…unless they deserved it of course. Oh diary I'm so lonely, I don't know the first thing about living alone, but I won't be will I…I'll have my friends. Mum and dad wouldn't want me miserable. So why can't I be happy? But diary, if I'm happy it might look like everything's fine, but it's not. Where's Sheridan and Primrose when you need them? They always come up with plans B and C while I'm only on A. I can't wait to see them diary all of them! But my best plan A for now is: Be Happy!
