Disclaimer – I don't own NCIS
Authors note – hey! So thanks for everyone's support on this story, it was a real joy to write and I've loved it so much. This is just a sweat and fluffy end to round it all off. I hope you have enjoyed and enjoy this….
10 years later . . .
"I know you want to see him Abs, we all do but I promise you we'll come and see you all as soon as he's back." Said Jenny. She was currently stood at the airport among a crowd of fellow military wives awaiting the arrival of her husband. She was now 29 and they'd been married for the last 6 years, yet every time she looked at her left ring finger she still couldn't believe it.
"But he's been away for so long, and we've missed him!" wined Abby on the other end of the phone.
"Abby, I know, but he's only been gone a month this time and he'll be here soon."
"Promise you'll bring him back to your house as soon as! We have a party and everything."
"I promise Abby. Now I'll see you all soon." She replied as she saw the first few men in uniform begin to come through. Jethro had been in the Army since he finished his University prep and he loved it. At 21 he finished training just as Jenny finished her law degree. He'd had six months before he'd been called away on duty for a year and a half. Just before he left he'd proposed and until he came back they survived on the letters. He was now a gunnery sergeant and did sniper work – one of the best the army have. Jenny was proud of him, just as he was of her.
She'd finished her law degree, yet after the trial it wasn't a solicitor she wanted to be. The trial had made her realise the other side of law. And she'd been all ready to apply to the police as a graduate, then she'd been approached by MI5 who'd wanted to take her on in the anti-terrorism. She'd now been with section D for 8 years. She'd worked her way up and was now in charge of the anti-terrorism division and reported into the home secretary. She loved her job, Jethro worried, she used a gun and went into dangerous situations but she loved it. And the look of excitement made him push away his fears.
Jenny looked at the sea of Army officers and saw her man. At the first clearing in the sea she ran towards him and he picked her up spinning her around and kissing her fully. They both wore massive smile on their faces. "I love you!" he said when they parted and he put her down.
"I love you too!" she replied before he wrapped his arm around her waist and they walked out of the airport and towards the black Jaguar she had parked in the car park. As they fdrove home they chatted about work, but hey began with the same questions they always did. "Have you been shot or injured?" she questioned.
"Nope." He replied smiling. "Have you?"
"It was just a graze, nothing serious."
"Jenny!" he warned.
"I was leaning out of the open car door to take the shot whilst we were driving. We misjudged, thought because he was driving he wouldn't shoot. He did, it grazed my arm, nothing serious."Gibbs just laughed. "What?" she questioned.
"You, 'I was leaning out of the open car door trying to shoot some guy whilst we were moving' you say it like it's an everyday occurrence."
"A decade ago you were worried about a trial, now you're shooting people whilst leaning out of car doors."
"So, you're a sniper."
"Yep, we really are the strangest couple." He replied smirking.
They arrived at the house which was a nice family home in the suburbs. They got out, he grabbed his back and they paused quickly on the door, both knowing what would be waiting inside. He kissed her fully and properly before they went in. Just as suspected there were banners and balloons everywhere. Abby had never grown up or matured. She was now one of the best forensics scientists in the world and was constantly consulting on cases across the world. McGee worked also for her majesties secret service yet in the cyber division. Kate was a therapist as everyone had assumed she would be. Fornell had joined the Police and constantly got under Jenny's feet. But they were a family, and that's all they wanted.
The party continued until around 2100 when everyone left to go home. Jethro poured them both some bourbon before going back into the lounge. Jenny sat curled up with him. She smiled as she realised she had some news to tell him and now was the right time. "Jethro can I ask you something?"
"Course." He said surprised by her question.
"Have you ever thought about having kids?"
"Yeah, but I'd only ever want them with you Jenny. What brought this on?"
"So you'd like to be a father?"
"I'd love it Jen, but-"
"Then congratulations Jethro. We're having a baby!" He looked at her shocked before kissing her and telling her everything he couldn't. Their lives would have to change, things would have to change, but no matter what, they'd do it together, because they were going to be a family, and nothing was going to stop that…
Please leave me one final review :D