A/N: As promised, my first Dramione. I'll be changing POV as the chapters go on, but it won't be confusing. Don't worry. :)

I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters, all is owned by J.K Rowling…who is a goddess…just saying.

Draco POV.

The library was silent. It was almost curfew; I again mentally kicked myself for spending more time here and caring about my studies. There was no doubt about it. I was failing potions. I was failing potions badly. I guess some people are just blessed with the ability to create potions, but my standards have fallen to those of Neville or Weasley.

Snape has been kind enough to overlook my poor potions as I'm in his house, but lately, with exams coming up, I'm going to need to do something… Or I'll end up with a T in potions. That's just embarrassing.

Right, so Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world, okay… This is the potion I have to create a perfect batch of in two weeks time. Ugh, kill me now. So this perfume smells good to what the persons attracted to. So, what… I'm not really attracted to well… I guess I'll just smell what I smell when I make it.

I stretched and yawned and stowed the book away in my bag, before standing and turning the corner. Not before bumping into the mudblood herself. I mentally groaned.

"Malfoy." She mumbled. "What are you doing here at this time Granger?" I snarled. "Checking out a book, you?" She answered, raising her eyebrows. I'd never been this close to her, god it was disgusting, could she not do something about the lions mane surrounding her face? And that smell. Oh god it was awful. Was that her take on perfume? I might be sick…I can feel it now, I'm gonna puke.

"Well…okay, don't answer my questions. I need to get past, excuse me Malfoy." Hermione mumbled, sliding past me in the small space. I could feel her body rubbing up against mine. This is fucking gross. I could feel her, against me… I could literally feel how curvy she was… Eh, not as fat as I thought… and she's got a nice pair.

What the fuck Draco? I closed my eyes and gave myself a hard mental kick before pushing Hermione in the direction she wanted to go. "Don't lay a hand on me!" She protested angrily. "Oh shut up." I mumbled turning away from her. I could almost hear her blushing.

I think the world would be a better place if mudbloods like Hermione Granger were wiped out; along with her friends Potty and Weasel. God they annoy me. I tried to shake the last of Grangers sent of me as I exited the library and started down to the common room my mind back on Amortentia.

What would it smell like for me? I have double potions with the lions tomorrow; I guess I'll find out…

A/N: Next chapter in Hermione's POV. There shall be a twist coming up and I think Draco will have to get over his little phobia of mudbloods.
