"Oh, shit. I'm sor-" I started to say, but immediately stopped when I made eye contact. This boy was beautiful. His hair fell is perfect curls around his face, his eyes were a stunning light brown, and his lips were the perfect shade of reddish-pink.

The boy laughs a nervous laugh then replies, "Don't worry about it." He smiled ever so slightly and I melted inside.

Oh, god. I bet he's gay. They are always gay. It would be just my luck. I Thought.

The boy looked at me with confusion, "Did you hear me?" He asked and I probably looked so stupid.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, snapping out of my trance.

"I said, what's your name?" He repeated, flashing the most glorious smile. His teeth were perfect too. Was everything about him perfect?

"My name's Leslie." I replied with a smile in return. I looked down to my feet and blushed. My red Toms matched the rest of my outfit almost perfectly. I had a light-wash pair of super skinny jeans on, a black tank-top, and a red cardigan. I hoped I looked cute enough for him. I looked back up at him to see him staring at my chest, and I let out a small sigh of disgust. Are all guys the same? I thought. "What's yours?" I asked in return.

"The name's Harry." He said with a subtle wink and I busted out laughing. "What?" He said with a pout.

"I- I'm sorry," I laughed between words. "That was just so cheesy, yet cute."

He kept up the pouting face, "I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not."

"Don't worry. It is." I smiled politely and stopped laughing at him.

"Hey," he said to get my attention. "This is kind of a spur of the moment, but would you want to come to lunch with me?" He gave me that ridiculously irresistible smile.

"I'd love to," I replied, blushing. He grabbed me by the hand and my face got even redder as he dragged me up the stairs, out of the subway station, and into the streets of the bustling New York City. It didn't matter if I've lived in New York my whole life, this place still captivated me every time I saw it.

Dodging the taciturn city folk in their crazy outfits, we ran into the safety of the warm Ben & Jerry's. I smiled intently as we neared the counter; I've gotten their ice cream from the grocery store, but never the actual ice cream shop. "You look like you're entering Disney World for the first time! Have you never been here before?" He asked, laughing at my amazed expression.

"I've always been meaning to, but I've never gotten the chance!" I didn't even look at him while I was speaking; I was too enchanted by all of the delicious looking ice creams with witty names. It took me forever to choose, but I eventually decided on "Half Baked."

Harry and I took our seats in the far back corner, it was probably the quietest there. "So tell me about yourself, Leslie. How old are you? What are you in New York City for? Yada Yada. You know." He smiled as he took a bite out of my ice cream.

"Oh, me?" I asked with a laugh. "I'm eighteen, and I'm here as a freshman at Mannes College."

"Mannes? Isn't that a music school?"

"Yup!" I replied with a mouthful of ice cream.

"What's your major?" He asked, staring at me like he was intrigued by my words.

"Voice. What about you, Harry? Why are you in New York?" He looked at me in shock and I just gave him a confused look.

"I'm on tour." He replied and it suddenly hit me. I jumped out of my seat and pointed at him while hopping back and forth on each foot. He started laughing at me and I quickly sat down.

"I know who you are!" I whisper-yelled. "My little sister's obsessed with you! You're Harry Styles from that British boy band! That explains the accent and the sneaking around!" I was still whisper-yelling and he was just beginning to slow his laughter.

"You're very different." He said, still slightly laughing at me. I made a pouting face at him and he got serious, "Oh, in a completely good way. Trust me." I grinned at him and took another bite of my ice cream. "It's nice having somebody to just talk to rather than get screamed at."

I didn't know how to reply so I just lessened my extreme grin into a polite smile showing that I understood. When I finished my ice cream, we left the shop and he pulled his hood up over his head. "Careful you don't mess up your hair!" I exclaimed and he grabbed me by the hand, once again pulling me through the streets. By the time we got to where he was taking me, I was out of breath, and it was only two blocks from Ben & Jerrys.

"You are so out of shape for a fit girl." He stated and I shot him a quick glare.

"Whatever." I replied as I pulled my hand away and shoved it in my pocket. Harry frowned but kept going and we rounded the corner side-by-side. I glanced up slowly in astonishment. "Woah!" I jumped back and forth on my toes again really fast at the building in front of me. Harry started laughing again at my little fit of excitement. "RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL!" I screamed and hugged him. He seemed super shocked, "Oh, sorry. Is this where you're going to play?" I asked in a yell.

"Nah." He replied with that big, cheesy grin plastered back on his face. He kept glancing at me as we walked closer. "Are you busy?"

"When?" I asked.


I glanced down at my wrist where a watch should be and acted as if I was reading the time. He gave me a puzzled look then laughed after he got what I had done. "What a shame. You see, I kinda made plans with this really cute guy."

Harry sighed and frowned, "Darn. Maybe some other time?" He asked in a hopeful tone.

I just shot him a look that suggested "really? Are you stupid?" and he stared at me for a second.

"OH! You mean me!" He yelled, then blushed when he realized I called him really cute. Then he smirked, "You think I'm really cute, hm?"

"Oh, come on. Just finish what you were asking!" I yelled grabbing onto his arm and holding it. We must've looked like a couple even though we had only just met about an hour and a half ago.

"Wanna go somewhere with me tonight? I don't know where yet, but just… anywhere?" He looked so adorable with the hopeful look in his eye, I just couldn't refuse.

"Sounds like a date." I replied with a wink and he kissed me on the cheek. Blood rushed into my face and I immediately looked down at my feet. It was like energy had surged through my body.

"Here," he handed me a small slip of paper. Meet me there at seven." He smiled and walked off.

I turned around and walked the opposite direction. My smile was growing bigger and bigger. It was three now, so that gave me four hours to get home, get ready, then be at the address he gave me. I read the slip of paper:


I like you. You're really cool and down to earth. I really hope you come tonight. Please do. Meet me at room 600 on the top floor of the big Marriot. Oh, and don't worry. I'm not trying to get you in my hotel room or anything.

I laughed at the last line and made my way over to the subway station to get home. Who knows what would happen tonight?