A/N: Yes, I've made it two years on the site! Time really does fly when you're having fun. I just want to thank everyone of my friends I have made on here and everyone who has helped and supported me every step of the way. I decided that despite the fact that I couldn't finish Olympian Force on time, you guys have waited long enough. So, I decided to post this on my two year mark. Thank you so much for all of the wonderful OCs you guys have created. I hope I give each of them justice.
Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers or any of the OCs except for Adina, Christopher and Elena. Global Corps just happens to be the creation of my wandering mind during class.
"Do you think we should wake her?" a small brunette twenty year old asked with a thick German accent, as she nodded towards a female Mexican who was sound asleep in a chair. The Mexican appeared to be the youngest in the room and was dressed in old pajamas. Meanwhile the German was dressed in a white dress like the Greeks wore and had a crown of leaves on her head.
Eight adults, all ranging from eighteen to twenty five, were scattered throughout what appeared to be a conference room. None of them knew how they got there, only that one minute they were somewhere else and the next in a strange room with seven others.
The room held one oval shaped table with eight chairs, a set on cabinets on the left wall; which were all gray and held sliding doors, a few monitors and a projector, along with a security camera in the corner.
"For all we know she could be an assassin," a Scottish man, around the age of twenty-two said. Small wire framed glasses covered his eyes and he wore a white lab coat with the name McGee written on it in blue thread.
"If she was an assassin she would have woken up by now," an Israeli woman dressed in green cargo pants and a white shirt said. A mix of dirt and blood covered her body and her wild dark brown locks. Her eyes were fixed on the security camera in the corner. "Or she is a very bad one at that."
A blonde haired, brown eyed man who wore a dark blue blazer and a Luxemburg badge on his hip moved towards the women. Suggested by the suit the man wore, he was not a police officer rather a detective. He shook the women, causing her to jump up.
"¿Dónde estoy?" she asked. She looked down at her pajamas and suddenly became self-conscious. Her pajamas were pink with small white bunnies all over them.
"No pasa nada. Mi llamo Leonardo. ¿Habla Inglés?" the dark-skinned Brazilian man asked. He was dressed like he belonged in the circus with gold and dark blue training gear on. Up against the wall was a tightrope walking poll that he had in his hands at the time he was transported.
The female nervously bit her lip and eventually nodded. "Yes, I do."
"Just to clarify, does everyone here speak English?" a man dressed in a karate robe with a black belt asked. A red bandana was tied around his right bicep. Even though he didn't appear to be Chinese, having pale skin, dark brown hair, and green eyes, he had a Chinese accent. A few yeses sounded the room along with a few head nods. "I'm Darren Westbrook."
"Vanessa Diaz," the dark haired Mexican female said. "But you can call me Nessie."
"Leonardo Vasquez," the Brazilian man said.
"Lauren Peirce," the German female said, who originally asked about waking Nessie up.
"Matthew McGee, but I prefer Matty," the Scottish man said.
"Aaron Taylor," a Canadian brunette man said. He was dressed in a pair of grey sweat pants and a blue t-shirt. His hair was messed up and his eyes were droopy. Like Nessie, Aaron was most likely was asleep when he was transported.
"Alfons von Kreig," the Luxemburg Detective addressed himself. Everyone turned to where the Israeli woman was sitting the last time they hear her speak, except she wasn't there.
"Adina Levi," the women said, as she gracefully balanced on a chair under the security camera. Sometime during waking Nessie up and introductions she had silently made her way over to the camera. The bolts that held the camera to the wall had been pried out and placed on the table. The camera was pulled off the wall exposing a group of wires. Quickly she produced a small knife off of her hip and cut the wires. Jumping down, she threw the camera to the ground satisfied.
Before anyone could say anything about the knife in Adina hand the sliding doors that had been locked opened up. Christopher accompanied by Elena walk in. Elena held eight folders in her hands all which had a blue logo stamp in the center, like FBI classified folders.
Adina quickly lunged towards the two. But, before she could do any damage, Alfons grabbed her and held her back.
"Let me go," Adina yelled, as she struggled against Alfons' hold. In a quick flash, she stepped on his toe and twisted his arm around causing him to yelp.
"Officer Levi stop!" Christopher shouted grabbing the women. "We mean no harm."
"No harm!" Leonardo yelled, as he got up out of his chair. "First you kidnap all of us and now you tell us you mean no harm?" Adina yanked herself out of Christopher's arms. She backed up next to Aaron and crossed her arms.
"We demand to be released now!" Darren yelled, standing up and slamming his fist down onto the table.
Nessie, who was still confused from when she woke up, remained quiet. "What do you want from us?" she asked, her voice coming out in a barely a whisper.
"My name is Christopher and this is my partner Dr. Elena Montgomery," Christopher said. "We need your help. Our world as we know it is coming to an end."
"Fourteen years ago a special police force known as Global Corps was created to help regulate global crimes," Elena said, as the eight strangers in the room slowly calmed down. Most of them had made their way to a seat except for Adina and Alfons. "Five years ago though, two officers came across an unusual energy source. Commander Darcy, the founder of Global Corps, and I quickly went out to investigate. What we came across were nine jewels like stones."
"What Commander Darcy didn't know at the time was someone else was also looking for these exact stones," Christopher said, as he passed out a portfolio to everyone. "This man called himself Rasha. Legend has it that these stones have the power to take complete control over anyone's mind when all nine are put together. We have reason to believe that Rasha wishes to use this to take over our world. Unfortunately before Global Corps officers were able to secure all of the stones, Rasha attack Commander Darcy and successfully grabbed one of the nine. The rest were scattered throughout Earth."
"Recently Rasha has started to look for the rest of the stones," Elena said. "His attacks have become more frequent and wider spread. There aren't enough Global Corps Officers to keep up with his attacks. This is where we need you. We need you to become Power Rangers and find the rest of the stones."
"Power Rangers?" Matty asked. "It's been fifteen years since Power Rangers have been on Earth."
"No offense, but all of this seems like a bunch of hogwash to me," Aaron said, crossing his arms.
"The eight of you were hand chosen for this," Christopher said.
"How can you expect us to drop everything just to play Indiana Jones?" Lauren said.
"It's going to take a lot of sacrifice. You're going to have to live here on the base full time and be put through many hours of training. But you eight are the only ones who can do it," Christopher pleaded.
"I'll do it," Darren said, as he opened his portfolio. The inside held a picture of him and a brief biography. Next to him it said Operative One, Red.
"Me too," Matty and Vanessa said at the same time. Lauren also added a reluctant head nod to the mix, after flipping through her portfolio. Leonardo answered with a loud yes and Alfons and Adina also added their yes to the mix.
"These are your morphers," Elena said, as she opened up a metal brief case. Inside were eight small silver dog tags. They held the numbers 001-008 on them along with a color. Christopher handed out the ones that said red, blue, yellow, green, pink, white, black and gold on them to Darren, Aaron, Lauren, Matty, Nessie, Adina, Alfons and Leonardo respectively.
"To morph you yell GC, Activate. The Global Trackers were invented by me a few years ago when we realized that Global Corps didn't have the technology or power needed to capture Rasha," Elena said.
"Once your DNA bonds with your morpher your connection becomes permanent. You'll realize that you'll know more than you ever did and your reflexes will be advanced. You'll be able to do things you could only dream of," Christopher said.
"If we're going to be living here, can you at least tell us where here is?" Aaron asked, as he slid his dog tags on over his head. The edges along with the writing on his tag glowed blue for a few seconds.
"You are currently on Global Corps's Brazilian Island Base shortened to B.I.B., located at about 500 miles off of the coast of Rio de Janeiro. It is about 0523," Dr. Montgomery said, looking at her watch. "We want to start training at 0600, so you'll have a little more than a half hour to get situated into your bunks. You'll find that some of your personal items have been also transported to the base as well."
"Our base is equipped with highly advanced system known as D.E.C.A," Christopher said. "D.E.C.A was invented on a nearby planet known as KO-35. Cameras located throughout the base allow D.E.C.A. to monitor the base. D.E.C.A. controls just about everything on the base. Each of you has already had a retinal scan done by D.E.C.A. without you knowing. Dr. Montgomery had given you each high security access on the base."
"Welcome to Global Corps," Elena said.
Useful information: Global Corps takes place in the universe Theta. The only past Power Ranger team includes Aura Possession (my other OC team). Before Aura Possession, Power Rangers never existed on Earth. Besides KO-35 all of the other planets mentioned on Power Rangers do not exist. More as to how D.E.C.A. was installed into the base will be revealed.
Trivia: This chapter was rewritten, deleted, lost and rewitten many times. By the last time, a lot of information from my original idea had changed.