AN: It's been so long since the last time I wrote Remus/Tonks, and even longer since I wrote the first chapter of this fic. I was so terribly self-conscious about going full M-rated. I'm still are. Only, I could not leave these two like that.
Obviously, the characters belong to J. K. Rowling.
Time stood still. Or maybe it was just that it was unimportant. Irrelevant. All of it was, but the feeling of her body under my palms, and her fingers at my neck, toying with my hair and the patch of skin just above the collar of my shirt.
It was beyond my understanding how such a beautiful, incredible woman had chosen to give me a second glance, never mind kissing the daylights out of me. It had been impulsive, all of it had, and I am never impulsive. Correction: the few times I have dared to be impulsive in my life, the consequences have been disastrous. Now, however, it seemed that my luck was changing.
"I forgot to give her the-" I had babbled clumsily. A sorry excuse to the people around me, so I could run after her and find out what exactly that hand caressing my leg under the table had meant. And, in the meantime, what exactly the taste of her lips and the texture of her skin were.
My brain had made that last decision, and now it had just left my body to its own devices. That wretched body I use to despise, that weak body that was unable to resist every month the pull of the unforgiving moon… but there was no room for any of it. Not when said body had finally crashed with hers, as my lips enjoyed her lips, finding both softness and an intensity I could never have imagined.
Our kiss now was much less heated. It felt as if we had been trying out the boundaries, making sure we were heading in the right direction. Deciding that yes, this was definitely what we both wanted. And then she had gasped between kisses that she had never been surer of anything in her life.
Are you sure, Tonks? I had asked, unable to believe that we were finally here, but the moment of doubt had passed when her lips had met mine, so very slowly this time, almost as if she was trying very hard to memorise every wrinkle and corner. I had suspected long ago she had power over me, that given the chance, I would prove to be unable to resist. What an understatement. Why would I want to resist in the first place?
Her lips gently nibbled at the corner of my mouth, and it sent shivers down my body. She was teasing, making an excruciatingly slow progress from one corner to the other of my mouth and I had to put all my strength in controlling the urge of capturing those lips in mine, and search for that tongue that not long ago had met mine. Instead I focused on my hands. They had been drawing slow circles on her hips, protesting at the hard fabric of her jeans; I ventured them a little upwards, sliding the tips under the hem of her top. I wondered if she was ticklish, but the thought was all but forgotten with the feeling of warm, soft skin against my fingers. I just couldn't get enough, so a moment later it was my palm on her bare back, drawing her closer. She gasped against my mouth and if that was the last sound I would hear in my life there would not be complains.
My hands, with a willing of their own, were caressing upwards, pulling the top with them until it got stopped by her breasts. With a resolve I did not know I possessed, I maneuvered the top out of her and we only stopped that frantic kiss so she could take it properly off. I got a glimpse of a turquoise bra before getting lost on those lips again. Her hands, that a moment ago had been roaming everywhere, were now very much focused on the buttons of my shirt. I could tell she was impatient, so I helped her, and it was with an almost triumphant growl that she pushed the shirt off my shoulders and pressed her skin against mine.
A small spark of lucidity told me we were still standing on my living room, so I started pushing her towards the bedroom, without interrupting the kiss. She walked unsurely and I tightened my hold on her waist.
"What are you up to, Remus?" she murmured against my lips.
"No good," I couldn't stop myself, just as I couldn't resist dipping my head in the crook of her neck and trail hungry kisses towards her ear, while trying to navigate us both through the narrow corridor. She tripped against something and I felt her fingernails on my back, looking for some more support. "Almost there."
The moment we crossed the threshold she stopped kissing me to look around, curiosity dancing in her eyes. There was no much there, to be honest, but there was something about the duvet, and the white curtains, that seem to fascinate her. And it gave me a very nice view of her neck.
My lips went lower again, and this time took advantage of the absence of a top, going further down, toying with the brim of her bra.
"Oh, Remus," she sighed, and I decided then and there that I would do whatever there was in my power to hear that voice again, abandoned and hoarse as it was.
I got distracted the next second by her hands in my hair, pressing me tighter to her body, and her hips against mine. She moved, and then her hands were on my waist, fumbling with the zipper of my pants. Well, two could play that game, and before she was finished, I grabbed my wand from my front pocket and waved it.
"Did you-?" she gasped, her pants all but vanished. Her wand made a soft clatter when it fell to the floor.
"I didn't want to waste time," I tried to sound apologetic, but I know I was failing.
"Don't you now?" she gave me her best impish smile and finished undoing my pants. I was about to wriggle out of them, but he hands stopped me. She was holding them in place. Her eyes not leaving mine, she started pushing down my legs, excruciatingly slowly, caressing my hips with her palms. I think I felt dizzy at the touch, the hand still holding my wand was definitely sweaty, but she kept on going, crouching to get to the lower parts of my legs, and I did not dare to move.
The pants were finally on the floor, and she stood up, slower if possible, her hands now tracing paths on the inside of my legs. She was teaching me a lesson, and was I eager to learn.
Tonks stopped at my shorts, but I was not ready for her to go there yet. Pressing her body against mine with my hand splayed on her back, I pushed slowly until her legs collided with the bed and she fell on it with a small giggle. I was about to repeat the last spell, this time with her bra, but she stopped me.
"Give me that," she said, taking the wand off my hand, with practised skill, and dropping it on the floor. I chuckled, a little sheepish. "You'll have to work it out on your own."
"You think I don't know how?" I murmured, feeling much less confident than all that.
"Prove it."
I did not need her to tell twice. Slowly, I took her hand and pull her to stand up, her back against my body. Her skin was too distracting, though, and before I could start walking on getting her properly naked, I couldn't resist caressing her stomach, the front of her thighs, her hips that were now as close to my body as possible, my hardness against her lower back. She moved against it and I almost forgot what was I supposed to be doing.
The turquoise bra was there, though, and finally I managed to take it off. She took a deep breath, all teasing forgotten, and my hands found their place on her breasts. Again there was that urge, that need to have her as close as possible, all of her, and now. In a long caress, my hands hooked in the elastic of her panties, and a moment later I had pushed them to the floor. She turned around, eyes wide and bright, to do the same with my underwear.
I was finally able to see her properly, eyes bright, endless creamy skin, perfect body. I wondered for a moment if some of it was morphed but something told me it was't. She wouldn't. It was not important either way. My hands held her waist, almost possessively. "You're so beautiful," I muttered before kissing her again.
Her body seemed to irradiate heat, and I was sure I would not be able to control myself much longer. As if she had read my thoughts, she took one of my hands and pulled me to bed with her. She settled on her back, looking expectant, and I just wished I'd be able to do it right. The way she deserved to be worshiped.
Her hands on my chest were demanding, and mine started roaming her body, taking time at her breasts, joined by my mouth. Her hands were caressing my back, my shoulders, my neck, and it was distracting and wonderful. My hand found the source of the heat and my fingers explored it, slowly and carefully. Her moan did nothing but increase my arousal.
"Remus," she gasped, her breathing ragged. "I- I need you." The words, the voice, the slight quiver were almost enough to get me lost, but somehow I managed to control myself enough to look at her.
Her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open. Feeling that I'd stopped she looked at me, almost accusingly, and I got lost in those bright brown eyes. Her lips met mine, hungrily, her teeth taking my lower lip and pulling, while her hands grabbed my back and directed me to her.
Heat engulfed me, pressing in every direction and it was absolute bliss. Somebody moaned and I could not tell or care who. Slowly I started moving, and her hips rocked along with mine, meeting once and again.
"Tonks," I groaned, unable to describe the wave of feelings burning inside myself. She called my name, too, just before I felt her tightened, her back arched, a soft cry escaping her lips. A moment later I joined her and there was nothing but our panting, her skin against mine and the unbelievable feeling of being this impossibly close to her.
It's been fun! Almost like meeting with friends I haven't seen in a while.
Thanks a lot for reading!