Note: I obviously own nothing and JK Rowling is queen! Be gentle as I do not write often, but I have become crazily obsessed with time turner fics.

"Welcome, welcome to another year at Hogwarts!"

Albus Dumbledore stood from his chair at the professor's table in the Great Hall. The sorting had just taken place and each table was filled with students welcoming their new members. The students began to quiet down as the Headmaster began his traditional welcome speech.

"First things first" began Dumbledore, "The Forbidden Forest of off limits to all students", he glanced and gave a little smirk to four boys sitting at the Gryffindor table who were returning his glance with smirks of their own. "I would also like to advise that. . ."

Dumbledore never got to finish his speech because the enchanted ceiling above the Gryffindor table began to emit a strange light. It seemed as if space itself was cracking as the light began to grow stronger and the sound of people screaming and yelling curses began to float through the Great Hall. Each of the professors rose from the table and began to move towards the Gryffindor table as the students in red and gold began to move back from the light.

With a bang, the crack closed, the light was gone and a young girl smashed on top of the table. Students began to scream at the sight of the young girl, who looked as if she had been through hell. The girl's clothes were ripped to shreds allowing the wounds and scars on her body to be visible. Her left arm was bleeding profusely; the right seemed to be broken as it lay at an odd angle on the table. Her face was covered in dirt, bruises and blood and her right eye was swollen. She seemed to be dead, and Sirius Black thought she was as he stepped forward to check for a pulse. Remus and James immediately followed behind him as all of the other students tried to get a closer look as well.

"Mr. Black step away!" McGonagall warned as the professors approached the table, but Sirius was already placing his fingers against the girl's neck.

As soon as his fingers touched her skin, the girl's eyes flew open and she placed an arm around Sirius's neck and pointed her wand with her broken arm at the others surrounding her. She seemed to be running on pure adrenaline as she yelled at those around her "Where am I?," she screeched.

Remus and James ran forward to aid their friend, but as Remus got closer she seemed to stiffen and aimed her wand straight at him, "You will not touch me again Greyback!," and Remus was flung into the surrounding group of professors and students. Sirius started to struggle against her, but even in her frail and tortured state, she held tight and pointed her wand at James, but Dumbledore immediately stood in front of him, "Stay away from me!," she yelled as she saw Dumbledore starting towards her.

"Please calm down miss", Dumbledore approached her slowly, "My student has done nothing to you, please let him go." She tightened her hold on Sirius causing Dumbledore to step forward, but the girl did not seem to register who he was or what was happening. She was simply afraid that she would be tortured again if she gave up her leverage of the boy. In her mind she was back in that dungeon with Death Eaters surrounding her as she tried to escape.

Minerva Mcgonagall was very protective of her students and immediately stepped forward next to Dumbledore and began to speak very tentatively, "You need medical attention, please let Mr. Black go and we can take you to the infirmary."

Mcgonagall's voice seemed to break the girl out of her adrenaline induced hysteria. The girl began to sway on her feet and she became pale. She began frantically looking around the room at all of the people and when her eyes fell on Minerva Mcgonagall, tears began to fall down her cheeks. "You're alive," she whispered.

Mcgonagall looked shocked, "Y-yes, I am fine, but you are not, so please release my student and we shall get you the medical care that you require."

The girl seemed to discover what she was doing and dropped her arm, letting Sirius run to his friends behind the professors. Dumbledore seemed to relax, "Thank you miss. . .I'm sorry, but I do not know your name?"

She ignored Dumbledore as if she didn't even hear him and began to walk towards Mcgonagall, but stumbled and fell to her knees. It seemed as though her adrenaline had finally began to wear off and her body began to shake.

"I-I-I don't understand" She whispered, "How-how can you be here? Wh-where are Harry and Ron, I'm supposed to be helping them, Voldemort is coming professor," the entire hall gasped at her use of his name, "We need, we need to kill the snake and it'll be over. I got out, they had me, but I escaped. Bellatrix said she killed you, I never...I don't..."

Mcgonagall reached the girl and went to her knees beside her, "Shh child, you need to calm down, you're very badly injured. We'll get you to the hospital wing and then we can talk alright?"

When Mcgonagall looked down the girl had passed out in her arms. Most of the students had been removed from the hall by this point and Madame Pomfrey had conjured a stretcher for the girl. She was immediately brought to the hospital wing, where she remained unconscious for three days.