Prologue: In Which We Find that Titania and Hungary are Too Much Alike

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, A Midsummer Night's Dream, or any of the characters. The basic plot belongs to Ashynarr's. She is allowing me to adopt this bunny and is even being my beta. Thanks friend!

~~~~~~~~~ON WITH THE SHOW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

None of what was to come in the upcoming months was supposed to happen.

The turbulent events that would come to be known simply as "That Time," started all because of three things: one, a series of regular and unimportant incidences; two, a very bored fairy (myself, the ever-charming Puck); and three, a horny Queen of Fairies.

However, some countries that were a little less charitable about That Time could be quoted as saying that the whole mess was England's fault. And maybe it was. In my humble opinion it does not matter what caused all of the chaos, just that for awhile it was greatly entertaining. And really my dear audience, I think you will agree with this beloved Puck. After all, what may have caused great chaos and strife among the humans and Nations is always great fun for us of the Fey.

So, please enjoy my tale. This humble Puck promises that you will be very entertained…

Our story must start with how That Time all began for that is just as humorous as the rest that will follow.

Now as many of you know, our dear friend Arthur Kirkland, aka the Nation of England, has a somewhat complicated relationship with a former charge of his.

As you also know, these complicated feelings especially come out when he is intoxicated.

It was a warm May night when England had decided to get completely drunk. That is normal and would not cause alarm normally; the problem came that earlier our dear friend had tried to summon up a demon to curse France (in this humble Puck's opinion the two really need to get over themselves and have sex already—their fighting/flirting is getting dull.) but had managed to summon Russia instead. Then Russia refused to leave.

This lead to our dear friend having a drinking buddy that night and that "buddy" was the first step to delightful disaster. Because when darling Arthur gets pissed, he gets chatty about his past and his feelings towards his old charge, Alfred F. Jones avatar of the United States of America.

Normally this meant Arthur would talk to nobody and nothing would come of this. However, Russia hangs out with that General Winter fellow (who has no sense of humor, I will forever maintain that my little mischief that one night was funny!) and has a most warped sense of fun. He seems to delight, my dear fey friends, from chaos and destruction and humiliation of others. He really must have some of our blood in his veins.

But I digress. The point is that instead of wallowing alone, England had someone with him to, as the humans say, "push his buttons."

"That stupid wanker! All I wanted was a (hic) sweet little brother and then he had to get… to get taller than me and go… and go… and leave me. It's not fair," whined and wailed Arthur.

"Yes, America does tend to do things to hurt others. Whether it is intentional or not remains to be seen," stated Russia calmly to the intoxicated English Nation.

"If there was only some way (hic) to get him to be… sweet and (hic) cute again…"

"Well, you have magic, don't you? Why not use some of it to make America love you again?"

"That is a great (hic) idea, chap! But, wait… isn't that… oh what is the word… unet- unethical?"

"Why? America has hurt you and I think it would make a much better world if he listened and loved you again. Then he wouldn't act so stupid at meetings." Russia didn't actually believe this but it was funny to play with the Brit's head and would make for an interesting next World Meeting if America of all Nations started to act all lovestruck with England.

"You know, you know what…? You are, you are so right and smart (hic) and (hic) a good friend. Rus- I mean Ivan (hic) you don't mind if I call you Ivan right? I am going right (hic) now and I am going to going to (hic) do it. And you are a great (hic) friend." At this proclamation our dear, drunk Brit stumbled out of the pub towards his home.

Now, as we all know, Arthur has some magic talent but he can never aim it properly. So when he got home and stumbled downstairs where he kept his magic gear, mistake number two of the night happened. It is understandable really. He had a lot of magic books, how was he supposed to grab the right one when he couldn't even touch his nose?

So he grabbed the special magic book. The red, old book that doesn't even have writing on the cover anymore because of its advanced age and is written in the old tongue, you know which one I mean. He grabbed that one and flipped to love spells, found the most powerful one and began the ritual. (Our dear friend loses common sense when he has crawled inside the bottle.)

This is when this humble Puck may have stepped in.

But really, England shouldn't have left his spell before he was done. Even drunk he should remember that such action basically invites outside forces to meddle and prod and generally have great fun at his expense. And he wonders why most of his magic never turns out right. He never finishes his spells! I WAS PRACTICALLY INVITED TO HAVE MY FUN AND I WILL NOT BUDGE FROM THAT POSITION!

I didn't even do that much, just added some extra ingredients to the spell and maybe a bit extra magical power. Now I am sure that you are wondering what spell our friend used. In due time my fey friends. I don't want to spoil anything yet. After I had done my bit I was just about to leave when our beautiful and powerful Queen Tatiana arrived with much fanfare. Immediately I went to my knees in front of our most wonderful (and easily offended and fickle) Queen.

"How may this small Puck be of service to Her great, grand, and most beautiful Majesty?"

"Oh stop it Puck. I am in no mood for your games." She turned her head and wandered around the basement where the spell was still cooking (I hadn't closed off the spell to finish it yet). "I see that England has decided to fiddle with love magic? And he is only including America? Oh, that will never do. Especially with how I see you have changed the intent and purpose of the spell Puck."

"My lady, I apologize if I offend… it was only a jest."

"No I am tired of waiting."


"The North American Twins have not yet lost their chastity and I am sick of waiting for them to have sexy fun times with other handsome male Nations!"

"…What?" I must confess that at this point even I was confused at what the grand lady meant.

"I find human males attractive, Puck. But male Nations are beyond words. And I find that the female Nation of Hungary has the right approach. As you know, Oberon will never allow me to take a Nation to bed—to messy and political, he says. Hmph! He is just jealous of their good looks—so I must content myself with watching the Nations copulate among themselves. However, the beautiful blond twins have remained frustratingly remote! I want to see them messed up, naked, sweaty, and writhing underneath some other sexy and equally naked, sweaty Nation! Do you understand?"

"… Yes?"

She glared.

"I mean, of course. It should be simple to add Canada—that is his Nation's name correct?—to the spell and have it set in effect for the next month—"

"Not good enough. I want the spell to begin at the next World Meeting when all the countries are there. Canada will arrive first and America will be late. When both nations are seen, the spell will take effect and the twins will not be able to escape from at least one of the other Nations' clutches. And then finally I will get my hot blonde twin sexy times!"

"I see Your Highness. It shall be done."


And that, my fey friends, is how That Time began. It really wasn't England's fault. It was really our beautiful and sexually frustrated Queen's fault. But as I have said before, none of that matters because of the phenomenal pandemonium that will bring a smile to my face and a song to my heart for many a year to come. And now this humble Puck hopes you will enjoy his story.

End of Prologue

I hope you all like. And thank you Ashynarr again for letting me adopt this bunny and for being my beta. I hope to do you proud. Please read and review.
