A/N: So, this chapter is really anticlimactic, but I felt it had to be here. Ya know, for plot purposes and such. Also, sorry for the long delays in between each chapter, but life sucks, ya know?

I wanna thank those of you who have already reviewed. There have been times where I just wanted to give up on this story 'cause I thought it sucked, but I've read your reviews and I would hate to let you all down, even if it is only a little. I'd also like to thank those who have favorited/put this on their alert lists. I know it's boring now, but it'll get better I promise. :)


PS: I just wanna give a shout-out to my friend, Anna, who the character Elizabeth is modeled after. We're the best of friends-practically sisters-and I totally could not live without her. She's the yin to my yang (in a heterosexual way). So, thank you for letting me use your personality for one of my characters. (Just so you know, this totally makes you my bitch. 'Cause now, I can make everyone think you're one way when you're not. Random people can hate you now, just because I made you seem that way. So, what now, biyatch?)

Grace frowned at the screen of her phone.

I'm in a meeting. It's important. I'm sorry, Grace. ~ S. Rogers

She sighed and texted him back immediately.

It's okay. I understand. Just text me when you can and we'll meet there. :) ~GC

At the same time as she sent the text to Steve, her cell vibrated furiously, indicating one coming in. Sighing, she flipped it open, read the text and rolled her eyes.


God, you're helpless when it comes to directions. Where are you, I'll find you and then GIVE YOU A FUCKING MAP LIKE YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST TAKEN WHEN I OFFERED IT. I knew this would happen. And I don't want to say I told you so, but... I MOTHERFUCKING TOLD YOU SO!~GC

Grace groaned at the thought of having to help her sister find her way through the building. If she would've just taken the map, she wouldn't've gotten lost and she wouldn't have to take her own sweet time to locate her sister's whereabouts. Which would, undoubtedly, wind her up somewhere no one had ever previously discovered before.

A sudden vibration from her hand indicated her sister had replied.

Oh, shut up. You got lost your first day, too. And YOU had a map! ~Liz

Grace ignored this and gave her sister a quick text back.

Fine, just give me ten minutes. I have to finish this up before I can take a break. ~GC

After finishing the rest of the paper work, (which took way longer than even thirty minutes) Grace walked out of her cubicle, through the room, and into the hall...

Only to walk smack into someone and break her heel as she fell.

Of. Course.

A fountain of obscenities poured from her mouth as she took the dilapidated shoe into her hands. She noticed a hand offered to her to help her off the ground and took it, still pursing her lips furiously at the one half of her wonderful pair of black pumps that was currently in pieces in her hands.

She thanked the person begrudgingly whilst glancing at them through the corner of her eye.

At the sight of who it was, she rolled her eyes and groaned. "Oh. It's you."

Tony Stark spread his arms in a 'Come at me, bro' fashion and chuckled. "What? You miss me or something?"

Grace scoffed. "As if. God, I really hoped I'd never see you again."

Tony feinted hurt and gasped. "Wow, Gracie. You really cut to the bone on that one. But why? I am an absolutely wonderful man and a terrific partner. Or, at least, so I've been told."

"Oh yeah?" Grace laughed curtly. "Who told you this? All of your other one night stands?"

Tony grinned and shrugged. "Well, only the drunk ones, so far, but the others really did seem to be enjoying themselves at the time... But, I have heard it from my girlfriend!"

Grace's mouth fell comically agape as she heard Tony's words. "Infamous lady-killer Tony Stark actually has a girlfriend? Wow, I am really shocked. Wouldn't picture you as the settling type."

Tony glanced down, smiling to himself. "If anything," he said softly, "she's the one who's settling."

Grace's phone went off in her pocket, but she ignored it. Her smile turned legitimately warm. "She's really something special, huh?" She grasped his arm in a friendly way. "You look so happy right now... You gonna marry her someday?"

Tony met Grace's eyes again. He patted her hand. "I hope so," he murmured. Suddenly, he pulled away and smirked at her. "So. Are your days of chasing after all of the male superheroes over?"

"Not quite," Grace chuckled, her eyes glinting deviously.

"Ah, I see," Tony said, laughing. "You've got one in your clutches as we speak. Am I right, or am I right?"

Grace shrugged, cracking a devilish smirk. "Maybe a little. The thing is, this guy's so sweet, I almost feel bad for using him like this. Get this, he actually respects me and shit. Nothing like the other ones I've been with. Remember when I told you about the Human Torch? God, that guy was most narcissistic man I've ever been with."

"Who is it?" Tony asked, genuinely curious.

"Ah, ah, ah." Grace tsked and wagged at finger at the billionaire. "You know my rules. I don't kiss and tell... At least not until they're completely out of the picture."

"That's right," Tony said in fake-awe. "The golddigger with rules and morals. Tell me, how's that been working out for you?"

Grace frowned and glared at Tony coldly. "Pretty well, actually," she snapped. "And I'm not a golddigger, Stark."

Tony glared back. "That's right. You're much worse." Tony's voice was laced with venom. "You see, with golddiggers, the man knows he's being played. The woman's too good to be true. But with you... The poor bastard never knows what hits him."

Grace pointed at Tony harshly. "Don't patronize me, Stark. I know what I'm doing is wrong and, sure, sometimes I feel guilty. But then, when the men I'm with turn out to be assholes, I don't feel so bad. And that's when I leave. It's always the same, Tony. I trick them, they fall for me, I get them to cater to my every whim, they show their true colors, I leave. Simple as that."

Tony narrowed his eyes. His voice was colder than ice when he spoke. "Steve's different, Grace. You know why? Because he's good. Unlike the rest of us jackasses." Tony paused for a moment, deep in thought. After a moment, he met eyes with Grace. She was shocked to see they he was almost pleading with her through his eyes. "Don't hurt him, Grace. As much as I can't stand him, he's still on my team. And I can't have him wallowing around all the time. Got it?"

Grace rolled her eyes and muttered a short, "Whatever." She walked away from him, but turned around at the end of the hall. "Don't tell him, Tony. If you don't, I won't hurt him." And with that, she strode away, more confused on how Tony knew it was Steve than anything else.

"There you are! God, I've been waiting here all day for you!"

Grace glowered at her sister. "Shut the fuck up, Liz," she snarled. "I'm not in the mood for your smart comments. It took me a half an hour to fricking find you!"

Elizabeth gave her a suspiscious look. "And where were you the hour before that?" she questioned.

"At work, asshole," Grace snapped. "I told you I had things to finish up, and then I could come looking for your sorry ass."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and started walking away.

This caused Grace to roll her eyes and start after her sister. "It's the other way, genius," she shouted after watching her sister make a wrong turn. A moment later, Elizabeth stormed past, going the other way and muttering "I knew that."

After guiding her sister out of the building and hailing a cab for her, Grace glanced down at her phone again and smirked.

Meet me in the park at five. Consider this our first real date. ~S. Rogers

Grace glanced at her watch. It read 4:45. She hailed a cab.

"Central Park," she told the driver. "And step on it."

A/N: I know, right? Grace is a total bitch! Feel free to hate her, 'cause I sure do. Poor Steve. :'( But please don't give up on this! I have a plan, I promise!

