Chapter 11: Preparations for the Incoming Darkness
Wow, this thing is getting long! I didn't even think it would become this involved. Oh well, it's fun to write. Anyway, I was wondering why I didn't get many reviews for this? Is this fic really that bad? Sheesh, I hope not. But please review I really want to know what the public thinks about this. Hmm. . .other than that, the same warnings apply and now on with the story.
Chapter 11: Preparations for the Incoming Darkness
"What happened Draco? What's wrong with Derek?" Harry scrambled up from his position on the rug in front of the hearth and rushed over to his lover and his friend. "What happened Draco?"
Pushing the door closed with his foot, Draco struggled as he carefully led Derek over to the couch and lightly pushed him down until he was lying on his back. The Slytherin made sure that Derek was comfortable before he stepped away from him. He then turned to Harry and gently grabbed him by arm to guide him to the other side of the room.
"What's wrong with Derek?" Harry whispered once there were out of hearing range. His emerald eyes traveled over to his friend and his expression laced with concern at the sight of the reddened eyes and tear-stained face.
"I found him like this outside of the Slytherin dorms. I'm not really sure what happened to him but I think that Rai may have told him that he was leaving." Draco almost grimaced at his own words. He couldn't imagine if Harry had to leave him like that now that he had finally found his lover and soul mate. /By Merlin, Derek. I am so sorry./
Studying Derek, who seemed so small and fragile crying his heart out over his missing lover, Harry shivered as the thought of the pain that he was going through and what it must feel like for the other. He bit his lip as he considered the current situation before facing Draco again. "What are we supposed to do then?"
Draco shook his head, his silver gems now also resting on his fellow classmate. "We just have to watch after him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid just because Rai's gone."
"I suppose."
Silence descended upon the flat, the only sounds being Derek's heavy breathing occasionally accompanied by a choked sob. A sudden crack and rumble of thunder from outside the only window of their castle flat permeated the warmly lit room and it caused all three to jolt with fear. Silver met green and both of their thoughts immediately went out to Rai who was still in the Forbidden Forest. As every second passed, their worry increased. For outside, a storm was on the approach.
* * * * *
Rai perched as still as an assassin on a high branch as he gripped his bow tightly in his hands. Not a muscle twitched on his body and even his breathing was slow and controlled as he studied the ground beneath him. He watched as a large group of creatures walked past directly under him and he smirked as he was sure that not even those with the sharpest senses would be able to detect him.
A flash of silver caught his eye and Rai darted down a few branches to catch a better glimpse of the intruder. However, upon seeing that it was a unicorn, the elf visibly relaxed and he lightly dropped to the forest floor.
The ethereal creature tensed as he sensed a movement behind him and he pawed the ground nervously. "Who's there? Show yourselves."
Smiling, Rai emerged from the underbrush. "Tis I Lord Rai. How are you faring Ruen?."
Ruen snorted in relief at the appearance of his elven friend and stepped closer to Rai. He gave a gentle whinny of greeting, bending his head to allow Rai's to lay a hand on his head. "I am quite well. I thought that I would not find you."
"You will always find me if you look. Tis either that or I will find you my friend." Rai knelt so that he was able to look directly into Ruen's eyes. "Do you bear any news?"
"Aye. The patrols and wards have been completed in the western and northern ends of the forest. Currently the protections in the eastern end are being worked on and nearly finished. There have also been no sightings of the enemy."
A feeling of respite accompanied by uneasiness washed through Rai at the news. /Why aren't they attacking yet? Where are they?/ "I see." He frowned, glancing around the forest. "Have you seen Aseale?"
Ruen nodded. "I passed her a short way back. She was speaking with a centaur."
The elf took a mental note of this and a small worry in his mind vanished. "Then we shall have their ears too."
"We have the entire forest." Ruen spoke with a small smile in his voice.
Rai chuckled. "True. Now I must return to my post. Be careful my friend. I expect to see you after the fighting is done."
"As I do you."
Leaning down, the wintry-eyed elf placed a chaste kiss on the unicorn's nuzzle. "May Elbereth be with you."
"And may Mielikki [1] guide you." Ruen answered with a quiet whinny and Rai's eyes followed the mare until he had vanished into the depth of the trees. Sighing, Rai scaled up the nearby tree, once again returning to his post as a silent sentinel.
* * * * *
Harry and Draco looked up as Derek stirred. The glazed cobalt depths cleared slightly as Derek sat up and it seemed that the ebony-haired Slytherin was taking note of his surrounding for the first time since he had arrived. /Where am I? Rai. . .where's Rai? Oh no. . .a storm!/ "Rai!" Bounding up from his place on the couch, Derek panicked as he raced for the door. He would have made it out into the corridor too if it wasn't for Draco's quick thinking.
Draco, seeing that his friend had finally realized that Rai was not with them, instinctively moved to pursue Derek. Without hesitation, the blonde tackled his classmate, sending them both crashing to the ground. "Derek! Calm down! You can't go out there! There will be no way in hell you can locate Rai! You have to trust him!"
Derek shook his head defiantly and continued to thrash and struggle almost kicking the other Slytherin off of him but a sudden shout of stupefy from Harry and all movement ceased. After a moment to insure that the raven- haired wizard truly could not move, Draco warily extracted himself and stood.
"I am so sorry Derek but we cannot let you leave." Draco told his friend. His own heart echoed the pain of Rai's absence as he watched crystal droplets course down Derek's face and he clenched his eyes shut to prevent his own tears from escaping.
"Draco. . ." The breathy gasp of his name caught Draco's attention and his gaze flickered over to Harry before joining his lover at the large bay window which overlooked the Forbidden Forest. He had no worries that anyone would spot either Harry or him since the window was charmed to appear at part of the wall from the outside. "There's something out there in the rain."
"What?" He frowned when Harry gestured to something at the outskirt of the trees and Draco followed his finger to the thick cluster of foliage. Silver eyes squinted as he tried to penetrate the deep sheets of rain and the flashes of lightening in the darkened sky. After a long period of studying, Draco's breath caught when he saw a glimmer of metal and the distinctive lines of cloaked human figures. Only one thought ran through his mind. "Rai. . ."
* * * * *
Dashing through the bushes, Rai cursed when he came upon a mysteriously cloaked figure. Kneeling carefully beside the man, the elf cautiously flipped him over and lifted the arm of his robes. The sight of the Dark Mark made him scowl for it was deeply engraved in his memory from the many times that he had had to protect his own people from these black magicians. "The mark of Voldemort." Lifting one hand, a silver orb appeared and drifted down to penetrate the unconscious death eater's forehead causing all signs of possible life to completely vanish from the dark wizard.
"What is it Rai?" Aseale panted out as she finally caught up with Rai.
Rai stood and with a snap of his fingers the body of the man disappeared. "A minion of Voldemort. He seems to have been attacked by fairy magic." He drew his ivory and silver wrought daggers, spinning them expertly in his hands before resheathing them. "I want you to spread the warning and have all the security increased. An attack is more likely to come with the storm."
"I agree. Where shall you be?"
"At the southern edge of the forest nearest to Hogwarts." He rounded on his heels but paused for a brief moment. "Whatever you do, I do not want you to come after me. I shall return if I can. If I do not, then I want you to take over and ensure that Hogwarts is well protected."
Aseale nodded, spinning around on her hind hooves. "You have my word. Be careful my old friend." With that she rushed back into the trees.
Rai closed his eyes, taking a deep, soothing breath before leaping up onto a low branch and creeping his way to the edge of the forest. As he came to the last tree before he would drop onto a large field, Rai's suspicions were confirmed and his eyes narrowed as he caught sight of the lone figure making his way to the school. /So we have finally emerged have we? I shall teach you to ever mess with my dearest friends./
Drawing his cowl, Rai's eyes bled fully silver as he drew his blades with the beautiful low resonance of metal against metal. The elf muttered an incantation beneath his breath and he nodded in satisfaction as he felt the power incase the entire area.
As he dropped soundlessly to the grass-covered ground, Rai simultaneously fell into a crouching position, dashing toward his target. He was about to strike the man when the figure spun around, brandishing his own blade.
"Do you honestly believe that I didn't know someone may bring up an anti- magic field?" The Death Eater snarled as Rai. "So which pathetic Hogwarts professor are you?
Rai chuckled in minor amusement at the stupidity of the man before him and suddenly he was glad for the abrupt downpour and his cloak. "That would be no business of yours. I am only here to keep you from entering the castle."
Laughing cruelly, the wizard across from him shook his head. "We shall see. I would like to see how well you were instructed with those daggers of yours. Probably a crash course in it, am I right?"
"Only one way to find out." Bringing his daggers to the ready, Rai was the one to initiate the fight and automatically forced his opponent on the defensive. Their movements were precise and graceful from years of practice as blade met blade through the harsh weather. The brunette winced as his foe managed to nearly slice his stomach but silently he congratulated the other man. /Perhaps he is a better swordsman than I thought. These humans really can be fascinating creatures./ He barely dodged another blow and this brought his wavering attention back to the matter at hand. /He's good but I know I can beat him./ Catching a few more parries and attempts to break his defense, Rai finally found an opening. His enemy had brought his sword up high and he was about to bring it crashing down when Rai sent one dagger up to knock the attack astray and plunged the other deeply into the other's chest.
Rai watched on coldly at the other's eyes widened behind the black mask in shock and the elf followed him down as the Death Eater collapsed onto his knees. Hastily he kicked aside the sword and slid his own blade out from the dying man's chest. Eyes locked with the dark gray orbs, Rai's curiosity overtook him and his reached out to remove the man's mask. It was with the revealing of the pale blonde hair and the aristocratic features that the brunette recognized his opponent. "Lucius Malfoy!"
Lucius laughed callously, followed by a coughing fit of blood. "Good to know I'm so famous. Now do I get to know who you are?"
"Not quite. Not after everything you have done to Draco. You do not deserve to know the identity of your executioner." Rai murmured angrily, he had only too often heard the Slytherin speak of his father with a hateful tone in his voice and once he had asked him why he had despised his own parent so much; the conversation had not been pleasant.
"'Parent? Lucius was never a father. Given he never beat me but a father still would not have let me see what I did. A father would never have willingly given over his son to Voldemort and have him subjected to torture.'"
After that day, Rai had always despised Lucius, it was strange since he had never even met Draco's father but now that he had, he knew that his feelings were justified.
"You would not deny me that right!" Lucius exclaimed, furious.
Rai's wintry eyes hardened into unfeeling silver gems. "I would and I am. After all, there are no tears shed for a coward." One hand hovering over the Death Eater's forehead, the elf muttered a simple spell and in mere seconds, a shimmering globe was in his hand. Although before he could complete his enchantment, an aura surrounded Lucius' body and Rai watched with horror as he vanished. [2]
/What the. . ./ Standing, the elven lord snarled in frustration as he realized what happened. Cleaning his daggers and replacing them in their sheaths on his back, Rai came a decision. /I suppose I should tell Aseale I'm returning to the castle for now./ Gaze darting about him, Rai sprinted quickly back into the cover of the trees, unaware of the two pairs of eyes that had witnessed the entire ordeal.
* * * * *
"Are you sure Drac?" Harry asked worriedly, his emerald orbs following his boyfriend as Draco slumped into a nearby armchair.
"I'm positive. That was my father. Not many people have hair like mine Harry." His silver eyes were fixed before him and even with the knowledge that his father had almost been slain Draco felt no sorrow. He smirked grimly at how many possibilities that could have been opened to him and the Slytherin hardly noticed the hour passing until the door to his and Harry's flat swung open.
All three glanced up; Derek from where he was rubbing his sore neck since he had only been released from the stupefication spell a few minutes before. Upon first sight of a thoroughly drenched elf, the wizards were shocked but gradually that ebbed away to delight and suddenly Rai found himself the subject to several hugs and words of concern. "I am fine. Trust me. I had only come to deliver some news to Draco and if you do not mind I should like to remain the night."
"Of course not and I think I already know what you want to tell me Rai. Harry and I saw the whole thing from the window." Draco answered, taking the soaked cloaked and casting a drying spell on it.
Meanwhile, Harry bustled about in the kitchen, preparing tea while Derek held on tightly to his newly returned lover.
"Are you alright with what happened Draco?" Rai asked softly from where he was now sitting pressed against Derek and trying to convince his fussing boyfriend, who insisted on running an inspection on him to make sure that he was not hurt in the slightest way, that he was well.
Draco slowly nodded. "Although I would have preferred if you had actually completed the task. What happened?"
The elf's lips twisted into a sneer. "Voldemort happened. I would gather that my anti-magic spell had worn off near the end of the duel and Voldemort interfered before I could fully kill Lucius."
"He would save his favorite pet." The platinum-haired Slytherin spat out in anger. "Although I highly doubt even Lucius got out of his failure without repercussion."
"True." Rai smiled gratefully as Harry entered the living room and handed him a steaming mug of tea. "Thank you Harry. So how did everything go while I was gone?"
"Well, none of us got any sleep all night and Asgaroth over there," Draco drawled teasingly, "was hyperventilating and going through a full blown panic attack when he finally realized that you really had left. Harry had to stupefy him to keep him from chasing after you."
Rai raised one fine eyebrow and twisted around in the arms that held him to look up into Derek's flushed features. "They had to stupefy you Derek?"
If possible the cobalt-eyed seventh year turned an even brighter shade of red. "I was worried about you and I couldn't very well leave you out there by yourself."
Sighing, the elf shook his head, giving Derek a small peck on his lips. "I'm really touched that you do worry about me so but that would not have been a wise decision. Besides, I know the Forbidden Forest better than my own hand and I have been protecting it like this for many years." Rai suddenly chuckled, his eyes dancing with mirth and love. "You are just too amorous for your own good sometimes Derek but I do love you for it."
Derek lightly kissed the tip of Rai's nose before burying his face in the elf's neck where his throat met shoulder. All four sat in silence then, both couples holding each other as their minds traced back to the impending doom encasing them. However, after only ten short minutes, Rai was the one to interrupt the silence. "I suppose I should be leaving then."
"What?" The arms about the brunette's waist tightened dramatically and there came a low growl from Derek.
Rai sighed. "Relax Derek. I am only going to see Lord Dumbledore. I must tell him of what occurred in the forest."
"Then we'll come with you." The seventh year Slytherin replied, not all too fond of losing sight of his lover at the moment.
To the couple's surprise, Harry was the one to cut off Rai's protest. "Derek's right Rai. We should be able to know what's going on as well. I mean, considering we are the ones this is happening to."
"I don't know. . ."
"Oh come on Maxwell." Draco drawled, sounding every bit the Slytherin he was before he and the others had become friends. "It really isn't fair that we can't know what's going on. Plus, if we did it would just make it easier to do our own part to protect ourselves."
Biting his lip in thought, Rai studied the three pair of determined eyes that were locked with his and with a final breath of surrender, the elf nodded. "Fine. Then let's hurry."
1. For all those that have read the Dark Elf Trilogy you will know who Mielikki it. For all of those that have not she is the goddess of nature and her symbol is the unicorn. Therefore I thought it was appropriate to incorporate her in this series and have her as the deity of the unicorns.
2. Can't very well let the bastard die since I sorta need him for Summer Break to make sense. Twists are fun aren't they?
Well, that's it for chapter eleven. This is by far the longest fic I've ever written. I hope this is okay. Please review and thanks to everyone that have read it this far.
Wow, this thing is getting long! I didn't even think it would become this involved. Oh well, it's fun to write. Anyway, I was wondering why I didn't get many reviews for this? Is this fic really that bad? Sheesh, I hope not. But please review I really want to know what the public thinks about this. Hmm. . .other than that, the same warnings apply and now on with the story.
Chapter 11: Preparations for the Incoming Darkness
"What happened Draco? What's wrong with Derek?" Harry scrambled up from his position on the rug in front of the hearth and rushed over to his lover and his friend. "What happened Draco?"
Pushing the door closed with his foot, Draco struggled as he carefully led Derek over to the couch and lightly pushed him down until he was lying on his back. The Slytherin made sure that Derek was comfortable before he stepped away from him. He then turned to Harry and gently grabbed him by arm to guide him to the other side of the room.
"What's wrong with Derek?" Harry whispered once there were out of hearing range. His emerald eyes traveled over to his friend and his expression laced with concern at the sight of the reddened eyes and tear-stained face.
"I found him like this outside of the Slytherin dorms. I'm not really sure what happened to him but I think that Rai may have told him that he was leaving." Draco almost grimaced at his own words. He couldn't imagine if Harry had to leave him like that now that he had finally found his lover and soul mate. /By Merlin, Derek. I am so sorry./
Studying Derek, who seemed so small and fragile crying his heart out over his missing lover, Harry shivered as the thought of the pain that he was going through and what it must feel like for the other. He bit his lip as he considered the current situation before facing Draco again. "What are we supposed to do then?"
Draco shook his head, his silver gems now also resting on his fellow classmate. "We just have to watch after him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid just because Rai's gone."
"I suppose."
Silence descended upon the flat, the only sounds being Derek's heavy breathing occasionally accompanied by a choked sob. A sudden crack and rumble of thunder from outside the only window of their castle flat permeated the warmly lit room and it caused all three to jolt with fear. Silver met green and both of their thoughts immediately went out to Rai who was still in the Forbidden Forest. As every second passed, their worry increased. For outside, a storm was on the approach.
* * * * *
Rai perched as still as an assassin on a high branch as he gripped his bow tightly in his hands. Not a muscle twitched on his body and even his breathing was slow and controlled as he studied the ground beneath him. He watched as a large group of creatures walked past directly under him and he smirked as he was sure that not even those with the sharpest senses would be able to detect him.
A flash of silver caught his eye and Rai darted down a few branches to catch a better glimpse of the intruder. However, upon seeing that it was a unicorn, the elf visibly relaxed and he lightly dropped to the forest floor.
The ethereal creature tensed as he sensed a movement behind him and he pawed the ground nervously. "Who's there? Show yourselves."
Smiling, Rai emerged from the underbrush. "Tis I Lord Rai. How are you faring Ruen?."
Ruen snorted in relief at the appearance of his elven friend and stepped closer to Rai. He gave a gentle whinny of greeting, bending his head to allow Rai's to lay a hand on his head. "I am quite well. I thought that I would not find you."
"You will always find me if you look. Tis either that or I will find you my friend." Rai knelt so that he was able to look directly into Ruen's eyes. "Do you bear any news?"
"Aye. The patrols and wards have been completed in the western and northern ends of the forest. Currently the protections in the eastern end are being worked on and nearly finished. There have also been no sightings of the enemy."
A feeling of respite accompanied by uneasiness washed through Rai at the news. /Why aren't they attacking yet? Where are they?/ "I see." He frowned, glancing around the forest. "Have you seen Aseale?"
Ruen nodded. "I passed her a short way back. She was speaking with a centaur."
The elf took a mental note of this and a small worry in his mind vanished. "Then we shall have their ears too."
"We have the entire forest." Ruen spoke with a small smile in his voice.
Rai chuckled. "True. Now I must return to my post. Be careful my friend. I expect to see you after the fighting is done."
"As I do you."
Leaning down, the wintry-eyed elf placed a chaste kiss on the unicorn's nuzzle. "May Elbereth be with you."
"And may Mielikki [1] guide you." Ruen answered with a quiet whinny and Rai's eyes followed the mare until he had vanished into the depth of the trees. Sighing, Rai scaled up the nearby tree, once again returning to his post as a silent sentinel.
* * * * *
Harry and Draco looked up as Derek stirred. The glazed cobalt depths cleared slightly as Derek sat up and it seemed that the ebony-haired Slytherin was taking note of his surrounding for the first time since he had arrived. /Where am I? Rai. . .where's Rai? Oh no. . .a storm!/ "Rai!" Bounding up from his place on the couch, Derek panicked as he raced for the door. He would have made it out into the corridor too if it wasn't for Draco's quick thinking.
Draco, seeing that his friend had finally realized that Rai was not with them, instinctively moved to pursue Derek. Without hesitation, the blonde tackled his classmate, sending them both crashing to the ground. "Derek! Calm down! You can't go out there! There will be no way in hell you can locate Rai! You have to trust him!"
Derek shook his head defiantly and continued to thrash and struggle almost kicking the other Slytherin off of him but a sudden shout of stupefy from Harry and all movement ceased. After a moment to insure that the raven- haired wizard truly could not move, Draco warily extracted himself and stood.
"I am so sorry Derek but we cannot let you leave." Draco told his friend. His own heart echoed the pain of Rai's absence as he watched crystal droplets course down Derek's face and he clenched his eyes shut to prevent his own tears from escaping.
"Draco. . ." The breathy gasp of his name caught Draco's attention and his gaze flickered over to Harry before joining his lover at the large bay window which overlooked the Forbidden Forest. He had no worries that anyone would spot either Harry or him since the window was charmed to appear at part of the wall from the outside. "There's something out there in the rain."
"What?" He frowned when Harry gestured to something at the outskirt of the trees and Draco followed his finger to the thick cluster of foliage. Silver eyes squinted as he tried to penetrate the deep sheets of rain and the flashes of lightening in the darkened sky. After a long period of studying, Draco's breath caught when he saw a glimmer of metal and the distinctive lines of cloaked human figures. Only one thought ran through his mind. "Rai. . ."
* * * * *
Dashing through the bushes, Rai cursed when he came upon a mysteriously cloaked figure. Kneeling carefully beside the man, the elf cautiously flipped him over and lifted the arm of his robes. The sight of the Dark Mark made him scowl for it was deeply engraved in his memory from the many times that he had had to protect his own people from these black magicians. "The mark of Voldemort." Lifting one hand, a silver orb appeared and drifted down to penetrate the unconscious death eater's forehead causing all signs of possible life to completely vanish from the dark wizard.
"What is it Rai?" Aseale panted out as she finally caught up with Rai.
Rai stood and with a snap of his fingers the body of the man disappeared. "A minion of Voldemort. He seems to have been attacked by fairy magic." He drew his ivory and silver wrought daggers, spinning them expertly in his hands before resheathing them. "I want you to spread the warning and have all the security increased. An attack is more likely to come with the storm."
"I agree. Where shall you be?"
"At the southern edge of the forest nearest to Hogwarts." He rounded on his heels but paused for a brief moment. "Whatever you do, I do not want you to come after me. I shall return if I can. If I do not, then I want you to take over and ensure that Hogwarts is well protected."
Aseale nodded, spinning around on her hind hooves. "You have my word. Be careful my old friend." With that she rushed back into the trees.
Rai closed his eyes, taking a deep, soothing breath before leaping up onto a low branch and creeping his way to the edge of the forest. As he came to the last tree before he would drop onto a large field, Rai's suspicions were confirmed and his eyes narrowed as he caught sight of the lone figure making his way to the school. /So we have finally emerged have we? I shall teach you to ever mess with my dearest friends./
Drawing his cowl, Rai's eyes bled fully silver as he drew his blades with the beautiful low resonance of metal against metal. The elf muttered an incantation beneath his breath and he nodded in satisfaction as he felt the power incase the entire area.
As he dropped soundlessly to the grass-covered ground, Rai simultaneously fell into a crouching position, dashing toward his target. He was about to strike the man when the figure spun around, brandishing his own blade.
"Do you honestly believe that I didn't know someone may bring up an anti- magic field?" The Death Eater snarled as Rai. "So which pathetic Hogwarts professor are you?
Rai chuckled in minor amusement at the stupidity of the man before him and suddenly he was glad for the abrupt downpour and his cloak. "That would be no business of yours. I am only here to keep you from entering the castle."
Laughing cruelly, the wizard across from him shook his head. "We shall see. I would like to see how well you were instructed with those daggers of yours. Probably a crash course in it, am I right?"
"Only one way to find out." Bringing his daggers to the ready, Rai was the one to initiate the fight and automatically forced his opponent on the defensive. Their movements were precise and graceful from years of practice as blade met blade through the harsh weather. The brunette winced as his foe managed to nearly slice his stomach but silently he congratulated the other man. /Perhaps he is a better swordsman than I thought. These humans really can be fascinating creatures./ He barely dodged another blow and this brought his wavering attention back to the matter at hand. /He's good but I know I can beat him./ Catching a few more parries and attempts to break his defense, Rai finally found an opening. His enemy had brought his sword up high and he was about to bring it crashing down when Rai sent one dagger up to knock the attack astray and plunged the other deeply into the other's chest.
Rai watched on coldly at the other's eyes widened behind the black mask in shock and the elf followed him down as the Death Eater collapsed onto his knees. Hastily he kicked aside the sword and slid his own blade out from the dying man's chest. Eyes locked with the dark gray orbs, Rai's curiosity overtook him and his reached out to remove the man's mask. It was with the revealing of the pale blonde hair and the aristocratic features that the brunette recognized his opponent. "Lucius Malfoy!"
Lucius laughed callously, followed by a coughing fit of blood. "Good to know I'm so famous. Now do I get to know who you are?"
"Not quite. Not after everything you have done to Draco. You do not deserve to know the identity of your executioner." Rai murmured angrily, he had only too often heard the Slytherin speak of his father with a hateful tone in his voice and once he had asked him why he had despised his own parent so much; the conversation had not been pleasant.
"'Parent? Lucius was never a father. Given he never beat me but a father still would not have let me see what I did. A father would never have willingly given over his son to Voldemort and have him subjected to torture.'"
After that day, Rai had always despised Lucius, it was strange since he had never even met Draco's father but now that he had, he knew that his feelings were justified.
"You would not deny me that right!" Lucius exclaimed, furious.
Rai's wintry eyes hardened into unfeeling silver gems. "I would and I am. After all, there are no tears shed for a coward." One hand hovering over the Death Eater's forehead, the elf muttered a simple spell and in mere seconds, a shimmering globe was in his hand. Although before he could complete his enchantment, an aura surrounded Lucius' body and Rai watched with horror as he vanished. [2]
/What the. . ./ Standing, the elven lord snarled in frustration as he realized what happened. Cleaning his daggers and replacing them in their sheaths on his back, Rai came a decision. /I suppose I should tell Aseale I'm returning to the castle for now./ Gaze darting about him, Rai sprinted quickly back into the cover of the trees, unaware of the two pairs of eyes that had witnessed the entire ordeal.
* * * * *
"Are you sure Drac?" Harry asked worriedly, his emerald orbs following his boyfriend as Draco slumped into a nearby armchair.
"I'm positive. That was my father. Not many people have hair like mine Harry." His silver eyes were fixed before him and even with the knowledge that his father had almost been slain Draco felt no sorrow. He smirked grimly at how many possibilities that could have been opened to him and the Slytherin hardly noticed the hour passing until the door to his and Harry's flat swung open.
All three glanced up; Derek from where he was rubbing his sore neck since he had only been released from the stupefication spell a few minutes before. Upon first sight of a thoroughly drenched elf, the wizards were shocked but gradually that ebbed away to delight and suddenly Rai found himself the subject to several hugs and words of concern. "I am fine. Trust me. I had only come to deliver some news to Draco and if you do not mind I should like to remain the night."
"Of course not and I think I already know what you want to tell me Rai. Harry and I saw the whole thing from the window." Draco answered, taking the soaked cloaked and casting a drying spell on it.
Meanwhile, Harry bustled about in the kitchen, preparing tea while Derek held on tightly to his newly returned lover.
"Are you alright with what happened Draco?" Rai asked softly from where he was now sitting pressed against Derek and trying to convince his fussing boyfriend, who insisted on running an inspection on him to make sure that he was not hurt in the slightest way, that he was well.
Draco slowly nodded. "Although I would have preferred if you had actually completed the task. What happened?"
The elf's lips twisted into a sneer. "Voldemort happened. I would gather that my anti-magic spell had worn off near the end of the duel and Voldemort interfered before I could fully kill Lucius."
"He would save his favorite pet." The platinum-haired Slytherin spat out in anger. "Although I highly doubt even Lucius got out of his failure without repercussion."
"True." Rai smiled gratefully as Harry entered the living room and handed him a steaming mug of tea. "Thank you Harry. So how did everything go while I was gone?"
"Well, none of us got any sleep all night and Asgaroth over there," Draco drawled teasingly, "was hyperventilating and going through a full blown panic attack when he finally realized that you really had left. Harry had to stupefy him to keep him from chasing after you."
Rai raised one fine eyebrow and twisted around in the arms that held him to look up into Derek's flushed features. "They had to stupefy you Derek?"
If possible the cobalt-eyed seventh year turned an even brighter shade of red. "I was worried about you and I couldn't very well leave you out there by yourself."
Sighing, the elf shook his head, giving Derek a small peck on his lips. "I'm really touched that you do worry about me so but that would not have been a wise decision. Besides, I know the Forbidden Forest better than my own hand and I have been protecting it like this for many years." Rai suddenly chuckled, his eyes dancing with mirth and love. "You are just too amorous for your own good sometimes Derek but I do love you for it."
Derek lightly kissed the tip of Rai's nose before burying his face in the elf's neck where his throat met shoulder. All four sat in silence then, both couples holding each other as their minds traced back to the impending doom encasing them. However, after only ten short minutes, Rai was the one to interrupt the silence. "I suppose I should be leaving then."
"What?" The arms about the brunette's waist tightened dramatically and there came a low growl from Derek.
Rai sighed. "Relax Derek. I am only going to see Lord Dumbledore. I must tell him of what occurred in the forest."
"Then we'll come with you." The seventh year Slytherin replied, not all too fond of losing sight of his lover at the moment.
To the couple's surprise, Harry was the one to cut off Rai's protest. "Derek's right Rai. We should be able to know what's going on as well. I mean, considering we are the ones this is happening to."
"I don't know. . ."
"Oh come on Maxwell." Draco drawled, sounding every bit the Slytherin he was before he and the others had become friends. "It really isn't fair that we can't know what's going on. Plus, if we did it would just make it easier to do our own part to protect ourselves."
Biting his lip in thought, Rai studied the three pair of determined eyes that were locked with his and with a final breath of surrender, the elf nodded. "Fine. Then let's hurry."
1. For all those that have read the Dark Elf Trilogy you will know who Mielikki it. For all of those that have not she is the goddess of nature and her symbol is the unicorn. Therefore I thought it was appropriate to incorporate her in this series and have her as the deity of the unicorns.
2. Can't very well let the bastard die since I sorta need him for Summer Break to make sense. Twists are fun aren't they?
Well, that's it for chapter eleven. This is by far the longest fic I've ever written. I hope this is okay. Please review and thanks to everyone that have read it this far.