
A Future for us

By Terrenis


A/N: Second part of the 'A future for us' – Trilogy…Exactly one year after their fall, Loki and Thor crash-land on Earth near the Bifrost site, leaving them heavily injured. S.H.I.E.L.D. finds them there and takes them in. While both gods recover, they briefly wonder where and if there will be a future for them…AU – Sequel to "I'm always with you"

Pairings: Thor/Loki; Hints of Hawkeye/Coulson, Jane/Bruce

Warnings: Angst, general Fluffiness

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!


Loki was unsure of how long they had been falling. They had passed cosmic nebulas, black holes, even entire solar systems and galaxies, wrapped up in an icy, windy cocoon. At some time during their fall he also had lost his sense of time and space, and he knew that the same had happened to Thor.

All the more surprising was the sudden impact on hard ground, which separated them, but also brought them back to reality. When the cloud of sand, stirred up by their collision with the dust-dry earth, finally began to clear, Loki slowly opened his eyes, trying to take in his surroundings.

High above him was a clear blue sky with a yellow sun shining brightly. Blinded by her, he turned his head to the left. There he saw nothing but sand, rocks and dust, a few mountains in the distance. Looking to his right, he saw the same and the lower half of Thor's body.

Thor. Thor. Thor.

Within a moment, Loki became wide awake. He had to know if Thor was alright after this long fall and the crash. He owed him that much. After all, it had been his fault that the thunder god had freed himself from Odin's saving grip, just to come after him and to die with him. And after what he did….

The god's green eyes suddenly filled up with tears. What had he done? He had betrayed the one, which he loved most…so manipulated him that he had been banished in the end…lied to him…fought against him AND tried to kill him. And yet, in the end Thor had done, what Loki had desired for centuries. He had stayed with him, when all seemed to end.

And the thunder god had confessed his love for him, something that Loki had to wait for a long time.

Loki turned sideward to take a closer look at his brother, groaning, when pain shot through his upper body. It felt like ever single bone in his body hurt from the crash, and he wouldn't be surprised, if one or more of them were bruised or even broken. Thor on the other side was only a few metres away in a small crater of his own, lying deadly silent there and looking as white as a sheet. The dark-haired god was afraid that this wasn't unconsciousness, just like he hoped, but the worst scenario.

"Thor?" Loki whispered, hoping that the thunder god could hear him.

But Thor showed no reaction to Loki's voice.

"Thor!" Loki shouted as loud as he was able to.

But again he got no response and the dark-haired god felt vaguely remembered of the time, when he had sent the Destroyer after his brother during his banishment, killing Thor almost.

Loki dragged himself almost painfully slow to the unresponsive thunder god. Thor just laid there, his armour severely damaged from the impact. His eyes were closed and Loki couldn't see, if he was even alive or breathing. He put his right hand, where he could feel his brother's pulse, just like he had seen it in the healing rooms in Asgard, and he was more than relieved, when he felt the constant throbbing under Thor's warm skin, although not as strong as Loki was used to.

But Thor was alive and at the moment it was all that counted. And there was still the most important question: Where were they and how did they get back to civilisation? Assuming, there was something like civilisation in this realm…

Under other circumstances, Loki could have transported them both away with the help of his magic. But at the moment he was too weak for that, and everything he wanted now, was sleep. Just for a moment…

Loki let his head drop on Thor's chest and slowly his green eyes closed, when the stress of it all and the pain became too much for him.

Just resting for a moment, he said to himself mentally, before the darkness overwhelmed him.


Not far away from the crash site, three black cars stood on the unpaved road. Next to the leading vehicle stood a black clad man and watched the area through his binoculars. Finally, after a whole while, he took them down and turned to his colleague, who was sitting in the car.

"Sir, I've found the site. It's about five kilometres southwest from here…in this direction!" he said, pointing there.

"Well done, Agent Barton! Let's drive there, while I inform Director Fury." Coulson replied, taking out his cell phone and dialling Fury's number.

Clint Barton grinned at the other agent and got into the driver's seat, started the engine and immediately the convoy hit the road again. Soon they would reach the crash site and he briefly wondered whether they had to expect the same sight as last year or worse.

Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. was about to find out.




Well, Loki and Thor are back on Earth. I hope you liked this first chapter. There are nine more and Part Three is currently in the process of being written.

^^ Terrenis