

The familiar chair scooted back.

The gray eyes widened, staring at the wall, but then turned, her small frown on her pretty lips.

The man almost smiled.


She rushed to the bars, gripping them with her small, fragile hands. And he began to wonder. How? How could such tiny hands do something to hurt someone? How could they do anything? He always remembered when she would bake cookies with those hands, or heal someone, or clasp them together in front of her with a gorgeous smile. So how? How could they possibly think she could be…

"Ishida-kun!" She gasped in happiness, silver eyes shimmering, a giant beam, like he had given her the best gift in the world. He felt something twist in his stomach. How? Right then, she appeared as an innocent, enthusiastic child, waiting for something interesting to happen. "I'm very happy to see you!"

He blinked at her. He had always felt something for Inoue. He wasn't sure if it was love, but he definitely liked her. He'd wanted to hold her hand sometimes, and he'd wanted to brush back her hair when it'd fell from her pins, and he'd wanted to lean in, just once, to see if her lips were as soft as he imagined. But he knew he shouldn't think like that. He knew she was a valuable person in his life, and she cared for him very much, but he was nothing but her nakama. And that was all he would ever be.

He offered a smile, both corners turning up. His face started to ache. He hadn't smiled in a very long time. "I'm happy to see you, too, Inoue-san. How are you doing?"

She blinked, long lashes brushing against heated cheeks, "I-I'm fine," Of course she was. She always was. Another thing he admired about her; she would always assure anyone that she was fine, that she could make it by herself. Then she saddened, her eyelids lowering over her smoking gaze, "But they took my hairpins." She pushed back her heavy bangs with two slim fingers.

Again with those hands.

She giggled shortly, still smiling a bit, "It's hard to take care of my hair when I don't have anything to hold it back with. I-I…," she bowed her hand, gripping the steel rods harder with both hands, "I…I miss them."

His dark blue eyes narrowed. He knew she didn't mean her pins in the last statement. Her eyes hesitantly met his, and her lips pursed a bit, "Speaking of that, is everyone okay? A-Are they—"

"It's none of your concern," he said coldly. She flinched, her hands loosening around the bars at his tone. He felt something twitch again from deep inside of him. Though, he knew he wasn't supposed to get attached. Not while she was in this situation.

But her hands

"…I see." She replied after a few silent seconds.

"Your time is up," a familiar voice said from behind Ishida. They both turned their attention to see Unohana. She was standing in the doorway, the bright light showing behind her as if she were an angel. She didn't look like one though. She appeared tired, her hair down for the first time in long, lengthy waves. Her uniform was even a bit crooked and damp from the rain outside. It had been raining for the last few days in the Soul Society, ever since Aizen was imprisoned that is. "Everyone wanted me to let you know, Ishida-san."

He blinked, but nodded. As he stood from the wooden, uncomfortable chair, she whispered, "Ishida-kun?"

And he turned to look at her. What other choice did he have?

He expected her to cry, to beg, to be angry at him for leaving her in a place like this. But she surprised him once again. She smiled, large and happy and carefree and Orihime, tilting her head to the side slightly so her hair was moving across her back, "Will you be there tomorrow?"

His eyes widened.

"For me?"

He was able to compose himself after a few seconds, "Hai. And so will Kurosaki."

Her eyes popped wide, her mouth parting in shock. Once again, she gripped the bars separating them. He narrowed his eyes. Of course she would have that sort of reaction to him. Without warning, her tiny hand and grasped the back of his white shirt.

Her hand

When he faced her a bit, he was shocked to see tears in her eyes, spilling down her pink cheeks. His mouth fell open as she tightened her grip and then released him, her fingers lingering with heat, "I-I told him…not to come."

"Did you really think he would listen?"

"I don't want him to see me like this!" She shouted out, her voice echoing around the small cell. Again, his eyes widened. He had never seen that look in her eye before, the desperate, burning look that didn't make her appear innocent or anything like the Inoue-san he knew. The tears continued, running down her cheeks heavily, "So please," her voice quieted, "Don't let him…d-don't let him see me. Don't bring him…with you…"

"Please, it's time to leave." The captain whispered into the dark.

The last thing he saw was her hands grasping desperately at the bars.


The Shinigami swarmed around her. The rain was harder than usual today. And she had always loved the rain, always loved the smell, always loved the sensation of cool water sticking to her skin. She kept her head down, the hair falling around her face heavily. She couldn't think. She was never the one in the group to come up with plans. It was always Ishida…or…or Kurosaki-kun. He would know what to do at a situation like this. She would always look at him for guidance and smile when it actually worked.

"Keep moving, Inoue."

When they entered the giant room, she gasped, eyes wide.

"Central 46…" she whispered, clutching her elbows tighter so they constricted around her belly. Her heart drooped low and her knees buckled, but she forced herself to keep moving. She wouldn't allow herself to give up now. As she stepped forward once again, the giant doors slowly creaked open and Orihime found herself under the gazes of forty-six different people and spiritual beings. She wasn't bound in handcuffs; that was a relief, but that meant she wasn't a threat. She was just a liability without her hibiscus hairpins. She gasped in a heated, short breath, trying to hold back tears.

She wanted them back.

She wanted everything back.

The Head Captain's voice rang out as she was put directly in the line of light, "Inoue Orihime."

She started at her name and looked up with her wide, innocent, stormy eyes.

Little murmurs were heard all around the room before he continued, "You are accused of treason. You have worked for the enemy, used your great powers to resurrect and heal Arrancars. You are a traitor in our eyes."

She lowered her head, her eyelashes wet and hot with tears. She already knew all this.

"This is a first, but we have allowed your so-called friends to attend."

Another light shown bright. Orihime's eyes snapped wide as they darted to the side. Right there – beside Unohana-taichou, Hitsugaya-taichou, and Ukitake-taichou – was her nakamas. Renji was the first person she saw, with his bright red hair and unique tattoos. His eyes were narrowed, but weren't staring down at her, it appeared as if he didn't want to be there. Rukia was next to him, huddled towards his strong form, as if she needed something to lean on. Her violet eyes were staring, but not at her, at her feet, which were curling. Ishida and Chad were next. Both were dressed well, but Ishida was glaring at her. He was staring straight at her, his eyes narrowed, face pinched in pain. Chad's eyes were running down her form, as if searching for any bruises or scars.

But something was missing.

He wasn't there.

Her mouth formed the name before her brain could, "Kurosaki-kun…" All her friends started at the name, all gazes snapping to her, meeting her eyes, and then glancing away just as quickly.

"As you can see," The elder continued, "You are no longer welcome with them either."

A murmur of agreement whipped through the air, 'traitor' going along with it. Once again, Orihime bowed her head, a whimper of protest coming from her throat. Her hands gripped her elbows tighter, bringing them closer around her, squeezing her abdomen almost too tightly. She actually wanted to feel pain; it would make everything a little more bearable.

"Due to this crime, you are sentenced to…"

She slid her eyes closed. Her fate was closed.


Her eyes snapped open as the captain made his way to her. It was already happening. But this wasn't it. That wasn't what was supposed to happen. She gasped as she heard it again, echoing past the doors and through the room. Everyone froze, Rukia standing in shock, Renji's eyes widened, Chad crunched his fists, Ishida's cross glowed blue, along with his fingertips.

Orihime didn't bother turning.

She had known he would come.

"Oi! You are not allowed here!"

"Drop your weapon!"




There was a sharp reiatsu. People gasped as the doors flung off the hedges and blew into the room in millions of pieces. Others stood from their chairs, some blocking out the scorching wind that was emitting from the figure in the doorway. As the debris and dust settled, everyone's eyes landed on the person.

Orihime could feel his gaze stabbing into her back.

But he couldn't save her.

Not this time.

Yamamoto raised his hand, using the technique the Soul Society had just discovered and mastered. She opened her eyes obediently as she heard him yell once more, guards swarming around him to hold him away from her.

"Fool!" Rukia shouted, "You shouldn't have come! It will just make it worst for you to let her go!"

Orihime's eyes glazed, hot tears coursing.

Yamamoto met her gaze, narrowing his eyes slightly, "Shokyo suru."

She lost her footing and her hair fell around her.

She managed to turn slightly and met the chocolate gaze under heavy orange locks.

And then it was white.


First, there was nothing.

And then, she saw everything.

She remembered.

Kami, did she remember…

She remembered her mother's heady, thick perfume.

She remembered her father's rough hands.

She remembered Sora's gentle words.

She remembered feeling lonely on holidays.

She remembered Tatsuki-chan's hard fists.

She remembered Sado-kun's deep voice.

She remembered the jealously of Kuchiki-san's confidence.

She remembered Ishida-kun's narrowed eyes behind glasses.

She remembered the Soul Society.

She remembered her powers whipping around her strongly.

She remembered feeling weak.

She remembered escaping.

She remembered Hueco Mundo.

And then they started to vanish.

All the memories, all the beauty, all the laughs, tears, hurt, pain, comfort, friends, jealousy, passion, and heartache.

And it was gone the next second.

What else was there to remember?

Suddenly, as everything else faded to nothingness, she recalled orange hair. Similar to her own.

She had always wanted to touch the tangerine hair, but found it inappropriate. And she could see his scowls, and his high cheekbones, and his thick eyelashes, and his lean, strong arms, and his long figure, and his protective instinct.

And then that started to fade.

She wanted to grasp it with her fingers, because that was the most important to her all. She didn't want to lose him, whoever he was. Soon, his strong jaw was gone, and then his cheekbones, and then his bronze skin, and then his unique hair. All that was left was his eyes.

A warm chocolate, narrowed and so very serious. The kind of gaze that had your throat burning and your stomach clenching, nervous and anxious. Orihime lifted her hand once again and traced their shape, watching as they slowly disappeared from her sight, but she continued to trace into the sky.

But she knew, she would never see those eyes again.

"Maybe it was all worth it."

Rukia walked towards the bars, watching as Ichigo hunched over in his chair, elbows propped on his knees. The moonlight looked eerie on him. Rukia couldn't stand it. She had seen Ichigo in the dumps before, but this was taking it overboard. His eyes didn't hold the usual light of defiance and determination. She stared at his strong back, his black robes shining in the little light.

It had been a week now.

Everyone had tried. Or at least, she thought so. Ishida and Sado were returning to the real world the next day and Ichigo was to be sent after them. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair and she knew that. She loved Orihime like a sister, and she had wished this wouldn't happen. But it did and Ichigo and his friends knew what they were getting into when they brought her into the mess.

And Ichigo, oh Ichigo, he had tried to save her so many times, promised to protect her, but now

"Ichigo," he didn't move or make any sound from her voice. No acknowledgement. She had sent Renji, Ishida, Sado, and others in the Soul Society Ichigo had bonded with, but they all said he gave no conformation to their presence. "You know, Renji said he wanted to plow you one. You didn't talk to him once," she tried to smile, but found she couldn't. Ichigo didn't reply. If his powerful shoulders didn't move with each breath, she would've thought he were dead.


She gripped a bar with one hand, "Ichigo, you can't stay like this."


She gasped, her gaze shooting back to him. He had spoken. She grasped frantically at the straws, "She what?"

He lifted a hand, stared at it hard, "She…h-healed my hand."

Her eyes widened, "W-What?"

"And I didn't fucking…" He trailed off, his voice breathy before he hunched deeper into himself, pressing the hand to his forehead.

"Ichigo," she called again, "this isn't you fault. None of it—"

His reiatsu overpowered, and though he had the necklace on, he was still in control, he could still kill at least twenty people before collapsing. One of those people could be her. She gasped wildly as it suffocated her and he was suddenly in her face, hard hands gripping the bars, his eyes burning into hers, the pupils igniting a bright blue.

"Don't say that! It's my fault! All my fucking fault!"

She reeled back, stepping a few feet away from him, shocked that he would yell at her like this. Sure, she had endured Ichigo's fiery personality and she thought she had seen all his temper tantrums. But now, his teeth were clenched hard, and he looked on the verge of his sanity. The rest of his friends – though difficult to accept it – had moved on, or were trying to get over the loss of their friend.

"I-I just came to tell you what they did to her!" She hollered back, becoming defensive. He calmed a bit, but his reiatsu was scratching against her skin, burning her hotly, "They didn't kill her, Ichigo!"

He froze, eyes widening, bugging out of his head, "W-What?"

"T-They didn't kill her…" She whispered, eyes pooling now, her hands clenched at her sides, "They…they erased her."


"She's still Inoue, but…she doesn't remember. She doesn't remember the Soul Society, she doesn't remember Karakura Town, and she doesn't remember anyone. Not Ishida, not Renji, not me…," She slowly raised her gaze to his, regretting what she was assigned to tell him, "And not you."

"Why? Why would you do this to me?"

"Save us, Kurosaki-kun!"


"I-I can't…"

The door opened and closed. Renji looked away from clouds to address his small comrade.

"Rukia…Did you get him to speak?"


"Really? That's a surprise."

"I suppose."

"And did you tell him?"


Renji frowned, watching warily as her shoulders pushed into her and her tiny hands clenched tightly. His mouth fell open as she gasped for air and then a strident sob erupted from her throat. Crystal tears cascaded down to the floor, passing by their sandals. Hesitantly, he reached down a hand and rubbed it over her smooth hair. She instantly leaned into his touch and clenched his robes.

"I-I…I've never seen him…"

"I know."

"And…And Inoue…"

"I know."

"She's gone."

"…I know."

Tatsuki Arisawa had always had a strong spirit.

She didn't give up, she didn't cry, and she had enough pride to take on a tiger.

But when it came to Orihime, she was as weak as a bunny against a wolf.

She had always loved Orihime as a sister, always vowed to protect, always succumbed to eating her foods, always hugged her when she was down, and always allowed her to face danger alone. She hadn't realized – for a while – about how dangerous all the otherworldly things were. If Orihime came back fine, then all was well, especially since she trusted Orihime and Ichigo. And she knew Ichigo was protective of their close friend, he had always been, but now…now…

Tatsuki jerked from her seat as she felt it. It was…it was…gone. Something was gone, something had vanished, something had been replaced. The teacher called her name, but she didn't hear it, not when she was so deep in this dark abyss. Keigo and Mizuiro both stared at her apprehensively before she gasped out and ran from the room.

"Arisawa!" The teacher called after her.

Tatsuki pushed through the doors of the school, her eyes wide and panicked as they searched. She ran from the school, her feet flying under her, going faster than the usual human. She pushed people aside, searching, searching, searching for that familiar feeling. Where was it? Where had it gone? Why did she feel empty without it? Something was wrong. Something had happened.


She froze as the sun sank over her body. Had she really been searching for that long? And then the pain came. It was raw and forceful, stringing itself into her body without a second thought. She gripped her heavy head between her hands, gasping for air, mouth open and eyes bugging, tears wetting her cheeks.

And she remembered what Ichigo had told. He had promised. He had fucking promised.

"Don't worry so much. I'll bring her back."

Her best friend, the one she could call her sister…Where was she? Where could she have gone? Why was her presence…?

She heard the noise from in front of her, and she attempted to raise her burning eyes. The familiar clogs went through her mind. Hesitantly, she watched as he continued on his passage.

"Well," he murmured, his hat gone from his head, and the fan nowhere to be found, "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"Where…" She gasped, "Where is she?"

Urahara felt his heart ice over with regret. And he stared down at her.

She already knew the answer.


"You promised me…"

"Where is she?"

"We found somewhere. She can't be disturbed."

"How much did you erase?"

"Enough. She doesn't have her barrettes. She won't cause any trouble for the Soul Society or herself."

"B-But Yamamoto-sotaichou—"

"This conversation is over, Kuchiki. And don't even think about going after her. This is for the best."

The door shut. A hand clamped onto her shoulder.

"She's in a better place, Rukia. Isn't this what she deserves? To live a normal, happy life?"

"She won't!" She hollered back, "She won't live one…not without Ichigo."

The Senkai Gate opened, bright light flooding through the training grounds. Ishida and Chad stood beside Tessai and Urahara, who had been unusually quiet the entire time. True, everyone was hurting from Inoue's loss, but it helped to know she wasn't dead.

The familiar orange hair became visible first.

They all took in his deep-set eyes, the bags under them, the clench of his jaw, and his muscles tense.

Ishida spoke first, wryly, "Welcome home, Kurosaki."

"I will find you."

Please review for me. This is a new story that I'm not sure where will go. Tell me what you think and a couple ideas, because I'm still wondering if I'm going to continue it.