In a post-apocalyptic world society has devolved into mayhem. Men dominate in a world of violence and suffering. This is the world Serena was born into, this is the world she lives in. This is the world she is terrified of. Now on her own, she must fend for herself and hope she survives.

I want to apologize to all of my fans. I have not been very good to you lately. I've been absent from writing on here for about a year. I don't have any excuses, really I don't. I only hope you enjoy this story. I in turn hope to update this story often. I have a few other stories in the works but wanted to try this one out. Check out my profile. I started a Facebook (Unfortunately but I did it for YOU!) and a blog. Check them out! Anywho, REVIEW! I will respond!


Dear Diary,

I figured I had better start writing the accounts of my life before it's too late. I will start at the beginning and hope, that if this diary is ever found by some future race, they will understand what happened here.

