A/N: Tiger Lily: The last chapter was really sad, isn't it? I almost cried from it, and I don't cry very often. But hopefully you are okay that you can continue reading this chapter! Good luck to Dani and the others!

Rose: So, did any of you cry? Aslan's gone and they are off to battle. What will happen next? This! Enjoy!

The End? I Think Not!

As we waited for the battle to start, Peter seemed to get a little restless. I reached out to him and placed my hand on his arm causing him to turn to me. I looked into his eyes, silently reassuring him that we'll see this through. Suddenly a roar was heard from across the battlefield. A minotaur was seen standing on a rocky outcrop with the rest of the army coming up the hill behind it.

"Are you ready, Dani?" Ariella asked turning her head so that she could see me.

"As ready as I'll ever be. How about you, Peter?"

He lowered his visor and unsheathed his sword. "It's now or never." Just then, the Witch came up the hill in a gladiator-style carriage pulled by two polar bears. "Charge!" The armies raced at each other until they crashed in the middle.

I was able to get a few shots from my bow off before they got too close and I had to pull out my short swords. When a hag became my opponent I was glad for the quick, but very useful training that Orion gave me.

After defeating the hag, I don't remember much of the battle until I saw Peter at a distance confronting the Witch. She seemed to be winning until Edmund jumped down from one of the rocks that surrounded us and tried to engage her. Ed was able to break the Witch's staff but in retaliation, the Witch stabbed Edmund with the broken end.

"EDMUND!" Peter and I both yell.

"Ariella, I'm going to help Ed," I said beginning to dismount.

"No, Lady Danielle, you could be killed!"

"Find Brendon and help him. I need to help them." I turned back to her to see Ariella just standing there. "GO!" With that, she turned and galloped off to find her mate. I raced to Edmund's side to find him still breathing.

"You'll pay for what you've done!" Peter yelled. He charged the Witch and re-engaged her. I pulled out my bow and stood ready to harm any of the opposing army who tried to intervene when we heard another roar break through the sound of battle. This time it was the roar of a lion. We all froze and looked up at the cliff to see Aslan standing there with Susan and Lucy at his sides. They also had all of the creatures that had been frozen by the Witch with them ready for battle.

Aslan bounded down the slope and came straight for the Witch. In one fell swoop, the Witch fell never to get back up again. The battle was soon over after that and the Pevensies and I gathered around Edmund.

"You just had to go be the hero, didn't you, Ed?" I teased as tears fell down my face. Edmund didn't look so good and I was really worried. He had just gotten back to the way he was when we were younger.

"Wait!" Lucy exclaimed, pulling out her vial of...

"Healing Elixir!" I said excited. Lucy poured two drops of it into Edmund's mouth, and after a few moments passed, we heard Edmund gasp and turned to see him start to sit up.

"Edmund!" we all cried out and surrounded him in a group hug before Aslan called Lucy away to help the other wounded as he returned those who had been turned to stone back to their former selves.

"Hello," Edmund said. "What did I miss?" We stared at him wondering if he had lost his memory. "Wasn't there a battle going on before I became all heroic?" he teased sounding very cocky.

Susan smacked him upside the head. "That's what you get for playing the hero and scaring us!" she yelled before wrapping her brother in a hug.

Soon after our reunion with the girls and a healed Edmund, everyone traveled to Cair Paravel where the four thrones stood in a magnificent hall covered with a glass roof. The Pevensies and I were whisked away to different rooms where we were cleaned, pampered and made ready for a ceremony. I turned to the female faun who was helping me.

"What ceremony are you getting us ready for?"

"The coronation, my Lady." After hearing that, I could barely sit still out of anticipation. "Lady Danielle, I need you to sit still if I am going to be able to fix your hair," the faun laughed.

During the coronation, I stood off to the side watching them come down the aisle all dressed in regal clothes looking like kings and queens. After each of them stood before their respective thrones facing the congregation, the beavers came in carrying their crowns. Mr. Tumnus placed the crowns on their heads as Aslan said, "To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant. To the great Western Wood, King Edmund, the Just. To the radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle. And to the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent." My breath caught in my throat as I saw Peter standing there; he looked every inch a king. "Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen. May you rule with grace and justice until the end of all days."

Suddenly, the crowd began clapping and cheering, "Long live King Peter! Long live Queen Susan! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Lucy!" Then, the music started and the celebration ball began. Peter walked straight over to me and bowed.

"May I have this dance?"

I curtsied to him and gave him my hand. "Yes, you may." We danced the night away.

After that, our life in Narnia was pretty peaceful, except for the occasional bumps and hiccups like that time I had a run in with the ruler of Calormen. But, there's no room in this journal for all of that. Although, I will say that I think that that was one of the reasons that brought me and Peter to where we are today.

Unfortunately, our time in Narnia had to come to an end much sooner and in a much different way than we expected.

"Come on, Ed. Hurry up!" Lucy yelled as we galloped through the forest after the white stag. After our many years in Narnia, we were tired of just hearing stories of the white stag that grants you wishes if you catch it, so we went on a hunt for it.

"Just a minute!" he called back. We turned around, rode back to him, and found him staring at a lamppost.

"What is wrong, Edmund?" I asked. "We were so close to catching it and you stopped. Not up for the hunt anymore, are you?"

"I only got sidetracked by this strange device. I wonder what it is."

Lucy dismounted and walked up to the post as if in a daze. "War Drobe? Spare Oom? " she murmured before running off in the direction of some pine trees. "Lucy!" Peter and I yelled before we both followed after her quickly with Ed and Su in tow. We all squeezed into the tight space between the trees, but it was so tight that we all started pushing, shoving and stepping on each others' toes.

"Ed! Stop pushing!" Susan yelled.

"Get off my toe!" he shouted at Peter.

"I'm not on your toe!" Peter replied.

Before Lucy and I could even make our complaints, we all stumbled out of the wardrobe and onto the floor right in front of Professor Kirk. I looked around at the others and saw that we looked like the group of kids who passed through the wardrobe so many years ago.

"Hello," the Professor said, holding the ball that Edmund had hit through the window. "What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir," Peter responded.

The Professor tossed the ball to Peter. "Try me."

It turned out that Professor Kirk had been to Narnia before and had encountered the Witch, so he believed us completely. Later during our stay with Professor Kirk, Peter and I found ourselves alone together. I was confused as to how things would continue between us since all that had happened happened in Narnia.

"Hello, Peter," I said as I walked up to him.

"Hello, Danielle." We stood in silence until Peter turned to me with a sad look in his eyes. "What does this mean? In Narnia, we were going to be married, but now that we are back, what do we do? Do we go back to the way things were? I hope not because I don't want that." Peter took my hands in his and looked me in the eyes. "Whether it's here or in Narnia, I still love you." Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared back into his. "Did I say something wrong?"

I threw my arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips. In response, he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close to him. Once we broke apart, I smiled at him and said, "No. You said the best thing possible. I love you, too."

So, Peter and I became boyfriend and girlfriend in England and were overjoyed to hear that Mother and I would be moving back near the Pevensies. I ended up going to boarding school with Susan and Lucy which led to more and more adventures. And with the last line in this journal, I finish the story about how I became the Fifth Pevensie.

A/N: Tiger Lily: That's the end! ...Or is it? Thank you for reading this story, I am really grateful to be here. Until next time, catch you later!

Rose: I am sorry, but this is the end… of this story. I am beginning to work on a sequel to this story called 'Adventures in Calormen' so keep a weathered eye on the horizon for it. Until then, I lend you my ears, now let me hear you. Please review!