Hello, I am back with a new Victorious story. It has been such a long time since I wrote a story for Victorious. I know it has been about two weeks since Tori goes Platinum but I have been writing this since that Sunday. I had it done about a week ago but I went to the beach and I didn't get a chance to upload it before I left. I hope you like and I will stop talking now but before I go please review, it makes me so happy.
I sadly do not own Victorious just the plot.
Tori POV
It's been a week since The Platinum Music awards and it has been awkward between Beck and I. When I will look at him during class, he is already looking at me. When I look into his beautiful brown eyes, I start to blush so I have turn around and talk to Cat or whoever is next to me. I think I like him and I mean I would have kissed him if it wasn't for Jade. Jade is one of my friends and you can't do that to a friend. Right? I pull into the parking lot and see Andre and Jade talking near the entrance of school. I park the car and head over to see them.
"Hey girly" Andre says when I walk over.
"Hey Andre and Jade" I say look at Andre than Jade.
"Hey Andre, can I talk to Tori alone?" Jade says putting a hand on Andre's arm.
"Sure" Andre said walking away to go say hey to Robbie and Rex.
"So what's up?" I ask after I know Andre is out of ear shot.
"I know" Jade said.
"You know what?" I asked.
"I know about you and Beck"
"What? How?"
"Someone left a computer up and I guess you guys were video chatting or something."
"Nothing happened I swear"
"I know that's why I wanted to talk to you."
"I'm confused"
"You said you couldn't kiss Beck because of me and I feel bad because I have moved on"
"You have?"
"Yea well Andre and I have been on a few dates now and we just made it official now."
"So what are you trying to say?"
"kiss beck or date him I don't care just I don't want to be the reason you guys are not together and sad when I have moved on cause I'm really happy with Andre."
"Thank you Jade"
"No problem"
I walked right into school when the first bell rang. I walked over to Beck's locker but he isn't there. I shrugged it off because he probably already went to class. I don't have science with him which is my first class. My first class with Beck is Drama which is 4th period right before lunch. I make it through my first three periods pretty easily but it is when I get to fourth period where I get worried because we are 30 minutes into class and Beck is nowhere in sight.
"Now you may talk quietly little children." Sikowitz says.
I turn to Cat, who is in all of Beck's classes, and ask "is Beck here today?"
"I haven't seen him." She said in between biting her hair.
"Alright thanks"
I sigh and look to my right and see Andre's arm around Jade. You have to admit they are cute together. I grab my phone out of my bag and text Beck.
To: Beck
From: Tori
Hey where are you?
I wait a few minutes than finally get a reply.
To: Tori
From: Beck
My sister is sick and both my parents are gone this week so I had to stay home to take car of her
To: Beck
From: Tori
I'm sorry I can come over to help after school
To: Tori
From: beck
That sounds nice thank you
Right before I was going to click send the bell rang for lunch.
To: beck
From: tori
Your welcome, I'll see you at your house
To tori
From beck
K see you later
I put my phone into my bag and head outside to The Grub Truck for lunch. I wait in line for a few minutes with Robbie. I order 1 taco with cheese, beef, and lettuce. It takes not even a minute to get it ready. Festus handed me my taco and I hand Festus the $1.57 I owe him for the taco. I head over to our table and sit next to Cat.
"So how were everyone's morning classes?" Andre asks.
"Good" everyone says.
"So does anyone know were Beck is?" Jade asks winking at me.
"I don't know he wasn't in any of our classes." Cat said.
"He is home with his sick sister" I said looking down at my taco.
"Aw I hope she feels better" Trina said.
"I'm going to his house to help take care of his sister." I said eating a bit of my taco.
"What is his sister's name?" Robbie asked.
"Melena" I said.
"That's pretty" Trina said.
The rest of lunch was spent talking about the upcoming play of Alice in Wonderland. Auditions are tomorrow and I am so excited, I'm trying out for March Hare and Beck is trying out for the Mad Hatter so if we both get the parts than all of our scenes will be together. My afternoon classes went by pretty fast and before I knew it I was on my way to Beck's. When I got into the car one of my favorite Carrie Underwood's song came on. So of course I had to sing along.
Wanna find some boy, rip his heart right out
First man I see, gonna take him down
It ain't the Christian thing to do, they say
But someone, somewhere's gotta pay
And if it wasn't for guys like you
There wouldn't be songs like this
And if you hadn't gone and done me wrong
I wouldn't go off like this
Yeah, even I'm surprised
How easy sweet revenge rolls off my lips
If it wasn't for guys like you
There wouldn't be songs like this
Broke my TV, pawned my guitar
After maxing out my credit cards
You lied much too much, and you lied again
'Caught you on the couch with my best friend
And if it wasn't for guys like you
There wouldn't be songs like this
And if you hadn't gone and done me wrong
I wouldn't go off like this
Yeah, even I'm surprised
How easy sweet revenge rolls off my lips
If it wasn't for guys like you
There wouldn't be
Songs like this one
That tell the whole world
Just what a jerk you are
And if it wasn't for guys like you
There wouldn't be songs like this
And if you hadn't gone and done me wrong
I wouldn't go off like this
Yeah, even I'm surprised
How easy sweet revenge rolls off my lips
If it wasn't for guys like you
There wouldn't be
No, if it wasn't for guys like you
There wouldn't be songs like this
By the end of the song I was pulling into Beck's driveway. I first went to Beck's RV door but he wasn't in there. I walked over to his front door. I knocked and waited a few seconds till Beck opened the door.
"Hey Tori" Beck said.
"Hey how is Melena?" I asked.
"Good she just fell asleep."
"That's good but how much hours of sleep have you had today?"
"Um maybe three"
"OK you need to sleep, come on" I said pulling him to the couch.
We both sat down on the couch and I put my head on his shoulder. I looked up at him a few minutes after we sat down and he was already asleep. He was so cute sleeping. After about another five minutes I feel asleep. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock, it was 4:36. I had been asleep for about an hour. I looked up at Beck and he was still asleep. I sat there for a few minutes until I felt someone kiss the top of my head. I looked up and smiled.
"Hey beautiful" Beck said with his amazing smile.
"So I talked to Jade"
"What did she say?"
"That we should date"
"She told me that too"
Than Beck put his lips on my lips, the kiss is way better than the one we had during my first week at Hollywood Arts.
"I like that" Beck said smiling.
"Me too" I said with a smile from ear to ear.
"So will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes" I said kissing him.
So what do you think? I know this chapter only said like two sentence about Alice in Wonderland but I needed to get Tori and Beck dating first and I didn't want to have a paragraph about how they started dating I wanted a chapter because they are so cute together. Next chapter will be the auditions. Please review.