This isn't a normal summer story. Usually summer if full of fun and games but nope not for these three teens. It is an epic drama filled story. I suck at summaries so please read.
The bell rang. Then the students happily left the school or stayed behind to talk about their summer plans amongst themselves. Carly, Freddie, and Sam walked home and then got into the Shay's apartment. "Finally freedom!" Carly cried she loves school but she was ready for the beach, hanging out with friends, and getting a nice tan.
"And we don't have that much summer homework" Freddie said happily usually they have to read a super long book and then do vocabulary, find at LEAST 5 literarily devices in the book, and write a summary. But for the kids going into their senior year all they have to do is read the book and summarize it. "Yeah maybe Mama can get some real sleep now" Sam said as she tossed herself onto the green couch.
"Maybe you should do more than just sleep this summer" Freddie said and Sam groaned.
"Mama lives to sleep" Sam said and then her phone buzzed. Then that led onto a louder groan.
"What's wrong?" Carly asked concerned about her best friend.
"My stupid sister is coming over for the summer" Sam said.
"Oh Sam Melanie isn't stupid she's really nice, and smart" Freddie said.
"How would you know?" The blonde asked with disbelief.
"Because back when we were dating and when you came over to my apartment because you and Carly had an argument and your mom got a new bikini? Well when you fell asleep Melanie requested a video chat with me on Skype" Freddie explained. Sam who didn't care had already fallen asleep.
"The story was kind of boring" Carly said as she poured some ice tea. Then Freddie shook Sam awake. "WHAT THE HECK FREDDIE?" Sam yelled.
"Well do you wanna finish when Melanie comes over?" Freddie asked.
"Oh yeah she's coming over in two days so who wants to help me clean out the guest room?" Sam asked with fake enthusiasm.
"I think that Carly would do the best job" Freddie said and Carly glared at him.
"Okay I guess that Freddie is" Sam said. Freddie didn't look that shocked he kind of knew that it would happen.
"What time?" Freddie asked.
"Tomorrow at 1:00 PM" The blonde said as she laid back down.
"Sam is never up during the summer before noon" Carly explained. 'This will be interesting' Freddie thought.
"Well guys I should probably tell my mom that I'm home before she has a freak attack" Freddie said as he left the room. Not prepared for the next day…. At all.