Notes: ok, last chap. Sorry it took so long and thanks for reading. Also? Review please.
Epilogue: Two Halves, One Whole
Now (Buffy)
The alley is dark, but it's ok because you can see perfectly. If you concentrate you can actually see a different angle of the alley, like a ghost image over what you're seeing. And you know that that's what Faith's seeing.
A few more things developed after you started to feel each others emotions. Like how you just have to concentrate to be able to tap into her senses. All of them. It was pretty weird at the beginning.
Neither of you knew how to handle the flashes you got of each other; the sight, the sound, the smell, the emotions, the feeling, the taste. All of it, so damn weird, so disorientating, especially as you didn't know how to control it all. It took you a while, lots of trial and error.
Though it did make for some very interesting times in the bedroom.
You never knew you tasted so sweet on her tongue.
The demon you've been waiting for enters the alley, not even noticing Faith stepping behind him as you step in front of him. You don't have to co-ordinate with Faith, like you realised when it started, knowing someone's emotions is almost like knowing their thoughts.
"Going somewhere?" the demon's startled by your presence as you step into the light from the streetlamp. He opens his mouth to speak, but the tip of a blade pricks the skin under his chin. "Meet my other half." You hear Faith chuckle at the private joke, because she really is your other half now.
"Make a move. Please." She pushes the tip of the blade in a little deeper as he squirms.
You can feel as the handle of the knife digs into Faiths palm and hear her heartbeat, steady in her chest. You can actually smell the crispness of her skin and relish in the feeling of her sense of right, as it rolls around your chest.
When she was gone you felt like half of you was missing without her there. Now she's back, now she's yours, your world is whole again, and so much more.
You didn't just get her back, you got your forever back too.