Hello everyone! I decided to start a new story (obviously). It is really similar to my other one, still after Order 66 and focused on Ahsoka. But this time she went into exile with Obi-Wan and then she goes with them on their adventure. Basically it's A New Hope with Ahsoka in it. So I hope you enjoy it! Review, too!


Chapter One

It was six o'clock in the morning. The Togruta woke up from a long nights sleep. She stretched her arms and yawned deeply. The Jedi Togruta rolled out of her bed and put on one of her robes. She went out of her room and into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Master Obi-Wan," she said cheerily to the old, worn out Jedi Master.

Obi-Wan nodded his head and took another sip of his coffee and put the mug back down. The Jedi Togruta could notice that something was troubling the old Jedi. "What is it, Master?" she questioned him.

"I don't know Ahsoka; it feels likeā€¦" Obi-Wan couldn't even describe what the termer in the Force felt like. It was big, it was strong, and it felt good and fresh. He hadn't felt this way since the Clone Wars.

Ahsoka was not sure what he was talking about, so she decided to get up from her chair and make breakfast for her and Obi-Wan. She was getting worried about him; he was getting old and a little more foolish then before.

Soon after their meal, the elder Obi-Wan Kenobi decided he would meditate while Ahsoka practiced her lightsaber techniques outside for a bit of fresh, yet very hot, air. It seems like they did every possible this on god forsaken planet. There was nothing but sand and sand. The Jedi have learned a lot though form Obi-Wan's old master, Qui-Gon Jinn. They both have been stronger in the Force then ever from all their mediating and became greater swordsmen then many of the Jedi they used to know.

Around ten o'clock Obi-Wan went looking for Ahsoka, "Ahsoka! Ahsoka, we should get going to Anchorhead. Get some more supplies and food."

Ahsoka went out back to the garage to get the speeder and bring it around up front for Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan came out of their home a backpack and a couple bottles of water if they got thirsty. However, out of the corner of Ahsoka's eye she saw something. Something she had never saw in the past nineteen years they have been on Tatooine. "Look, Master," she pointed up at it, wondering what it might be. There were flashes of lights and could make out little explosions.

Obi-Wan was now looking at, "looks as though it is a space battle, however it only looks like there is one big star destroyer."

"Now, why would the empire be all the way out here?"

"That is a good question Ahsoka. There is a bigger mystery around this," the master paused for a minute gazing up at the battle, "they must be attacking a smuggler's ship for Jabba the Hutt, or something."

Ahsoka woke up the next morning, continuing to think of what she saw yesterday. She didn't believe Obi-Wan, it was more than a just a smuggler. Once again, she got out of bed and went into the kitchen, like what she has been doing for almost the past two decades. She missed so much being a Jedi of the Republic. She missed going on crazy missions with her master and seeking advice from the Jedi Master who found her.

Strangely enough, she already found Obi-Wan up and ready, and even stranger, energetic, "Come on Ahsoka! We got to go!"

"Go where? It is only seven in the morning!" Ahsoka said concerned.

"Luke needs us."

"Master, at seven o'clock in the morning?"

"No, but later on this morning. I had a vision of him being foolish and going out into sand people territory."

Ahsoka wasn't very sure if she could believe him or not, "Master, you know what Owen Lars told you, right? A couple years ago," Obi-Wan didn't seem to care what the angry farmer told him, he just continued getting ready, "How he said, 'Don't ever come near my son again, you crazy wizard!' remember that?"

"Of course I remember Ahsoka, but he didn't say I couldn't rescue him again is he needed to be rescued. Now come on! We are going on foot."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes when the master had his back turned and asked, "On foot? Why?"

"I know he is only going to be a little ways from here and he has his speeder with him." Ahsoka knew it was pointless to argue about it, so she just followed him into the Dune Sea. They have been walking a long time now. By the looks of the suns, it was ten o'clock.

"Master, we have been walking for just about three hours! Not to mention the sand makes it even harder to walk and now it is getting rocky! We should have just taken the speeder!"

"Ahsoka, calm down. Don't focus on the negative. This is all a part of your training. You want to be a Jedi Knight, right?" Obi-Wan told Ahsoka. Ahsoka just hung her head low, she was still a little embarrassed about being thirty-two and still technically being a Padawan.

Ahsoka was about to say something else but noticed a Bantha off in the distance, "Look master, Sand People must be around here."

"So, my vision was correct. I think you owe me and apology for not believing me, thinking I am just some crazy old hermit."

Ahsoka now felt bad for thinking this, she should have never have thought it though. She knew her master could sense it, "I am sorry master, I never truly thought that."

Obi-Wan were becoming concerned about Ahsoka, just like she was becoming for him. He has been sensing Anakin in her. After a long pause of saying nothing Ahsoka noticed a young man being attacked by Sand People, "Master we got to go and help him!"

Without saying another word, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan Kenobi raced down wards the canyon seeing the boy unconscious and the same Tusken Raiders searching his speeder.

Obi-Wan used some sort of power through the Force that Ahsoka did not understand. He made a powerful yelp to scare the Sand People away and it worked. It reminded Ahsoka of a Varactyl. Obi-Wan went over to the boy and checked his pulse. He was still alive. Obi-Wan looked to his right and saw a familiar blue and white astro droid, and said "Hello there. Come here, my little friend, don't be afraid."

"R2-D2!" Ahsoka shouted. She couldn't believe it. It was her best friend on wheels during the Clone Wars. The little droid beeped with excitement, he was overwhelmed.

"Don't worry he will be alright," Obi-Wan reassured the droid. Soon the blonde haired boy awoke and the Jedi Master helped him sit up, "Rest easy son, you have had a long day. You're fortunate to be all in one piece."

The boy looked up at the man and blinked a couple times, making sure it wasn't a dream, "Ben? Ben Kenobi? Boy am I glad to see you."

Ahsoka stood back watching the two talk. She had never really official met Luke Skywalker, just when he was a baby and her and Obi-Wan came to Tatooine to hide. Obi-Wan never really told her much about him when he was born. He just told Ahsoka that Anakin had a child and it was his job to bring him to Tatooine. He never said who the mother was or what happened to her. Ahsoka seemed to have noticed Luke staring at her, wondering who she was.

"Luke, this is Ahsoka Tano, Ahsoka met Luke," Obi-Wan introduced them to each other.

Ahsoka did a little wave to the boy as Luke said, "Wow, wait. The Ahsoka Tano? The Jedi who fought in the Clone Wars?"

Ahsoka smiled, she loved when people recognized her for her war accomplishments. After a very awkward moment for Ahsoka, Obi-Wan said, "The Jundland Wastes are not to be traveled lightly," the old man helped lift the boy up onto a rock, "So tell me young Luke, what brings you out this far?"

"This little droid," he said pointing at R2 as he beeped, "I think he is searching for his former master but I've never seen such devotion in a droid before."

Ahsoka smiled at this, she did know that R2 was devoted to Anakin before he died... Ahsoka was now wondering what master Luke was talking about. Surly it wasn't Anakin since he died nearly twenty years ago.

Luke continued, "He claims to be the property of an Obi-Wan Kenobi. Is he a relative of yours? Do you know what he is talking about?"

Ahsoka was getting confused. Didn't Luke know Obi-Wan?

"Obi-Wan Kenobi? Obi-Wan. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time."

"I think my uncle knows him. He said he was dead."

Obi-Wan shook his head, "Oh, he's not dead. Not yet." Ahsoka chucked.

Luke didn't understand why she thought it was funny, so he asked, "You know him?"

"Well, of course I know him. He's me," Ahsoka thought Luke finally understood why she laughed. Luke blushed a little, he felt embarrassed from not knowing who the man looks. Obi-Wan continued, "I haven't gone by the name Obi-Wan, besides from Ahsoka," he glanced over at her," Since, oh, before you were born."

"So the droid does belong to you."

"I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid. Very interesting."

Ahsoka wondered why he didn't tell Luke R2 was basically his. R2 went with him and Anakin a lot. All of sudden, they all heard a growl coming from the distant.

"We better get indoors. The Sand People are easily startled but they'll soon be back and in greater numbers," Obi-Wan got off his rock and started for Luke's speeder and Luke followed.

The little astro droid beeped again and Ahsoka asked him, "What is it artooie?"

Luke seemed to know what he was talking about though, "3PO," he cursed. He went up the rocks some to see the golden droid into pieces.

"Whoa. C3-PO is here too? Looks like everyone is back together," Ahsoka smiled to herself as she followed Luke up the rocks. Luke and Obi-Wan lifted up the droid as Ahsoka gathered his parts that have fallen off.

"Where am I? I must have taken a bad step," said the droid.

"Can you stand?" Luke asked the droid, "We've got to get out of here before the Sand People return."

"I don't think I can make it. You go on, Master Luke. There's no sense in you risking yourself on my account. I am done for."

"No you're not. What kind of talk is that?"

"Quickly. They're on the move," Obi-Wan said as he and Luke placed him into the speeder. Ahsoka helped lift R2 in then she got in back with the two droids as Luke and Obi-Wan sat up front. Luke drove and the Jedi Master told him directions to get to the two Jedi's hovel in the Dune Sea.