I don't own any of this so yea

This is similar to pawsrox "Random Facebook" I'm just adding my twist again i don't own anything.

Peeta Mellark: Yo Yo Yo whats baking!
Katniss Everdeen: not real
Gale Hawthorne: okay...?
Peeta Mellark: Rye are you guys being so thick
Katniss Everdeen: What is with you and bread
Gale Hawthorne: What is with you and Peeta?
Katniss Everdeen: real
Peeta Mellark: :)

Maximum Ride: Finally a day where nothing is plotting, planning, or trying to kill me
today might actually be boring. what to do what to do
Fang: Today won't be boring
Nudge: No I think Max is right, I mean unless Jeb has something planned...
Jeb: nope sorry dear
Fang: hold on I'm talking to Max so go away
Nudge: Copy that I'm out
Maximum Ride: Ok so Fang how is today not gong to me boring?
Fang: Well I'm free all day so...
Maximum Ride: Maybe...


Harry Potter: So Ron, you up for some Quiditch? Because i am dead bored.
Voldemort: I can arrange that for you :)
Ron Weasley: Um Baldy i don't think he meant it that way
Hermione Weasley: Way to go RON! 3 but baldy you touch Harry or Ron I will incinerate you
Ginny Potter: Yep I'm with Hermione baldy
Ron Weasley: Hey now I don't need my little sister to protect me
Voldemort: We'll see about that AVADA KADAVRA!
Harry Potter: well well well you failed I'm still here alive for a 3rd time
Hermione Weasley: And if my calculations are correct he's going to need new computer :)
Draco Malfoy: LOL

OK i suck at this ima stop torturing you :)