A/N: This just popped into my head and I had to write it, will be making up most of the places up as I have

never been to Mexico, let me know if it seems really boring, please review :)

Disclaimer- I don't own Victorious



"Oh My God, Jade! Why have you got to be so… so…?" Tori complained from her place on the sand, she and her friends Cat, Andre Beck and Jade were sitting on a beach in Mexico.

"Why have I got to be so, what? Vega, come on enlighten me! What were you going to say" Jade interrupted the Half Latina bitterly.

"You guys, will you quit it with the arguing?" Andre said impatiently

"I will when she stops being such an irritating person" Jade mused and lead back on the towel hogging it, which happened to be Tori's

"Oh, I'm irritating? That's rich coming from…" Tori started but was cut short by their redheaded friend Cat who had covered her ears with her hands and was now, singing "La, la La" in a childlike manner

"Look girls, Can you just chill? Please? Its spring break and well you're ruining our fun" Beck piped up

"Well can you tell HER to stop stealing my shampoo?" Tori asked like a ten-year old, and folded her arms

"Oh my god, is that what it's all about? A stupid bottle of Shampoo!" André asked annoyed

"Well she used up the last of it, and now my hairs going to be a greasy mess all day" Tori whined

"Tori get over it, and Jade why would you even want to use Tori's shampoo? I thought you hated her" Beck said, as if he was some kind of argument settler

"You don't understand you're a guy" Jade and Tori said in unison, before turning to each other and childishly saying "Jinx" at the same time, which resulted in a giggle from Cat

"Yay, now they can't talk until we say their name" Cat smiled and gave André and Beck a high five. Jade huffed and puffed and the girls seemed to continue their argument with dirty looks and actions but they weren't shouting anymore which made their friends happy.

Later on that night Cat, Jade and tori got back to their hotel room. Tori and Jade had now been un-jinxed and seemed to have stopped arguing, which seemed to make Cat happy.

"So don't forget, be at the airport by 1pm sharp! Okay" Cat reminded the other two girls, for what seemed like the millionth time that night

"Yeah, yeah" Jade said flopping herself on one of the two beds in the room

"Why aren't we going with you again?" Tori asked, which resulted in Jade groaning loudly

"Because I have to be at that thing… at that certain time I told you about it, last night" cat explained through gritted teeth "Besides I don't particularly fancy driving to the airport with you two, you'd drive me insane" Cat added

"Oh charming!" Jade said sarcastically "It's Vega's fault" She added

"My fault? Really?" Tori said placing her tanned arms on her hips

"and on that note I'm going to bed" cat said and leaned back on the second bed in the room

"wait a minute… where am I going to sleep?" Tori asked realising there were only two beds in the room. She hadn't noticed before because they hadn't done much sleeping that week.

"Not with me!" Jade smirked snuggling under the covers more

"No jade, she HAS to sleep with you" Cat said

"Why?" Jade asked

"Because you've got the double this is just a single and unless you want to trade… (Silence) Well then she's sleeping with you" Cat said, as she got more comfortable under the covers and before long she had fallen asleep

"Well aren't you going to get in? Vega" Jade asked moving aside slightly, tori hesitated for a second but got in next to the raven haired girl anyway. She struggled for a while to get comfortable until Jade lost her patience

"Oh for god's sake, Tori!" Jade shouted but luckily it wasn't loud enough to wake up the red-head. She grabbed Tori by the waist and pulled her close.

"What are you doing Jade?" Tori asked

"Helping you to get more comfortable" Jade replied, Tori was confused but relaxed anyway and soon enough they had fallen asleep.

Shortly after they had fallen asleep Cat got up from her bed, and changed the times of both Jade and Tori's pear phones and any other thing that told the time to 2 and a half hours ahead. She then snuck out of the room and used her own pear phone to call André and Beck.

"Did you do it?" Beck asked when she finally got through

"Yeah, did you do what you were supposed to do?" Cat asked

"Yep, Andre's coming back now… see you later" Beck said

"Okay" Cat smiled happily then hung up her phone, tori and Jade were sure in for a big surprise.

How is it so far, let me know if I should continue... I'm nervous as I'm posting this :/