I don't own Starkid :( or any of the characters :( I only own the story line :)

Nothing, in the entire universe that the GLEE crew knew of, was scarier than Taz. Scratch that, nothing in the entire universe was scarier than angry Taz. And that was how she was at the moment.

Even when she was a small, 15 year old girl Taz was one of the toughest people anyone had ever met.

It was 25th July and as the sun rose, so did the Lopez family. It was Tasia's 15th birthday but unlike and other 15 year old, she was not looking forward to the day. Unfortunately, the reason she was dreading the day was because she had to wear a dress at her Quinceañera, but that was the least of her problems as she found out when the clock struck dead-on 4pm. Tasia had escaped from the party and was sat in her favorite tree. She loved sitting in this tree because she could hide herself away from the world, after she got in a fight, or argued with her parents she could go and sit there and think away her troubles. This particular day, she was sat in the tree because she had argued with her parents about having to dance and heels and a dress.

BANG! Suddenly, everything in Tasia's mind slowed down. It felt like it had been an hour before crying and screaming could be heard. Kicking off the heels she wore and hiking up her dress, Tasia leapt from the tree and sprinted to where the screams were coming from. "Mierda." she whispered, as to not get noticed. Robots. As if someone had flicked a switch, everything sped up. Laser beams were shooting left right and centre, all of Tasia's family being knocked down because they have no-where to go or nothing to fight back with. Looking around desperately, Tasia grabbed the closest thing to her, a metal pole which was holding up the garish pink tent. Perfect.

The next thing Tasia could remember doing was being tied to a tree upside-down like a piñata.

"¿Dónde están mi familia? ¿Dónde coño está mi familia? " She screamed. The robots started to laugh. It wasn't even a laugh because robots couldn't feel emotions, so they were just doing to mock her. An evil, metallic cackle. They moved out the way and Tasia's stomach dropped. They were dead. They were all dead. She wanted to cry, harder than she had ever cried in her life, but she would never give these hijo de putas the satisfaction of seeing her weak, she had to be strong for her family. Tasia was ripped from her thoughts when a strong, aching pain arose in her stomach and she realised, she wasn't like a piñata, she was a piñata. Still, she wouldn't show any weakness. She may be human but she would act like the robots. Cold, heartless bastards. Tasia closed her eyes and waited for the strike that would kill her.

"Get the fuck away from her!" A man with a deep southern accent shouted. Loud bangs could be heard and Tasia felt no more sharp new pain, only the dull aching from her head and the peircing pain from the cuts all over her body. She heard another laser being sot and squeezed her eyes shut, in case the shot was meant for her but it hit the rope. she fell, expecting to hit the ground but instead fell into a strong but soft pair of arms.

"Holy shit, are you okay? Oh dead-god please be alive." Tasia listened to him, even though his words sounded soft and pleading, his voice was rough and hard. Tasia opened her eyes slowly and saw a man, he must have been about 22 or 23, holding her in his arms.

"Oh thank dead-god, what's you name?"

Tasia tried to speak, but her voice failed her and all she could croak out was "Tas..." She couldn't even finish her own name.

"Okay Taz, you have to listen to me, I know this is hard for you but you need to come with me. My name is Commander Up, I'm a Starship Ranger." Taz had heard of starship rangers, they were the people who...

"Salvar vidas." Taz whispered. Save lives.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish, umm, ¿Estás bien?" Up remembered learning Spanish in training and 'are you okay?' was the only thing he could remember.

"No you idiota! My family are dead!" 'So she can speak English' Up thought. And Taz finally let the tears flow. Hugging into a man she had only just met, she cried. She cried for the pain. She cried for the loss of her family. She cried because she was alive and they weren't. She cried for everything.

It wasn't long until exhaustion took over Taz and she fell asleep in Up's arms. She awoke in a clean, white room she didn't recognise.

"Good, you're awake. Can you remember me?"

"Si, Senor Up. Where am I? What happened?"

"Taz, you are on a Starship pod. Do you not remember anything?"

"I was tied to a tree, and my family..." Taz hiccupped. "My family had all d...di..died. Jou shot the robots and jou saved me. But jou couldn't save my family, could jou?"

"No, I'm so sorry Taz, we got there after your family had been killed, I can give you a moment alone if you would like that."

"No! Please Senor Up, stay. I can't be alone."

"Okay, you know you can't go back to your home, right? You are going to stay on the ship for now, is that all right?"

"I guess so, will I be safe here Senor?

"Of course you will be Taz, and your room will be next to mine, just in case you need anything." A young man walked into the room and started making loud noises and shouting the nurses.

"For dead-gods sake Jones will you shut the hell up! Can you not see that this girl need quiet!" He roared at the man, who left as quickly as he had run in.

"Wow Up, he was terrified of jou."

"Well he has to be, that makes me a good Commander."

"Are jou like that with everyone?"

"Pretty much, why?"

"Because jou.. never mind it's estúpidos."

"Taz." He lifted her chin with his thumb and forefinger. "What is it?"

"Jou are being nice to me." She said quietly.

"I know Taz, there is something about you that brings out that side of me, maybe it's the way you were a tough son-of-a-bitch when the robots had done everything they had done to you, you know, I think you'd make a pretty good ranger."

"Really, jou really think that? When can I join?"

"Whoa Taz, slow down, I only said I think, and you have to be 16 to join, how old are you?"

"15, but I have nowhere else to go Up, please, please can jou make an exception, jou said it jourself, I am a tough son-of-a-bitch!"

"I know Taz, i'll have to talk it over with some people."

It was 3 months on when Up finally got back to Taz about it.

"They said yes."

"What? Who did?"

The head of the GLEE, you can join early."

"¿Dónde estás? Tu hijos de puta!" Screamed Taz, as she ran down the corridors, pushing people out of the way. Well, only the ones who were stupid enough to get in her way when they knew she was in a rage.

"Show jour faces! I know jou did it, so even if jou hide, I will get to jou and I will kill jou!" Taz would never run out of threats, although they all usually started off with Spanish swear words and end in death threats. See, that was a good thing about Taz, you know if you piss her off, you are most likely to die or at least end up with a serious injury. The reason this is good is that everyone knew not to rile her up. Well, everyone but the cocky first years who bet each other who get her the angriest before she flipped out and broke something. What they didn't realise was, that the broken thing would be them.

There was only one person who could calm Taz down when she was enraged, and that was Commander Up. This is why the three first years were running to his room because as long as they got there before Taz could catch them, they were safe. At least they thought they were.

"Commander, COMMANDER! Help us! Please open the door! Please Commander! HELP!"

Inside, Commander Up was taking a nap. Ever since his 'famous' injury, he felt a bit down about everything and naps always helped him clear his head. He suddenly awoke when he heard shouting and multiple, desperate sounding thumps on his door. Being woke up in the middle of his head clearing nap made him very grumpy.

"What do you want! What the hell do you think your doing!" He roared. The knocks and shouting from outside continued so he thought it would be best to go see what was happening. The door slid violently open and three terrified first years faces was the first thing he saw.

"Where the joder have jou idiotas gone! Get back here so I can kill jou!"

And in an instant, Up knew what was happening. These first years had come to him because Taz was outraged. So he could either let them die at the hands of a very annoyed Hispanic ranger, which sounded like a good idea because they had ruined his nap, or he could calm down Taz and look like the hero. This was a tough decision. There were pros and cons to both. Letting them die would look bad on him, but they did deserve it because everyone knows you don't piss off Taz. Calming down Taz would make him look good and Taz wouldn't lose her job, but she would be angry at him and he didn't want that from his best friend. He knew hat he had to do just as Taz stormed round the corner.

"There jou are you estupidos pollas! Prepare to die jou.." Taz stopped as Up stood in front of the first years.

"Taz stop, we have been through this before. You can't go round killing people who are on your team. Just come into my room and we will watch The Karate Kid and I'll make you a coffee." Up did always know what to say to Taz to calm her down.

"Fine, but don't think you've gotten away with it" She warned the first years. As Taz was walking into Ups room, she turned to the tallest of the three and punched him straight in the nose.

"I guess that I can let you do that Taz, seeing as they did wake me up."

As soon as the door to Ups room close, Taz was off into a rant.

"Those estuidos idiotas, thinking they can mess with me and get away with it. Jou saw it Up, didn't jou, they always do it!"

"Taz, they do it on purpose, you know. The want you to get angry, they love to see how far they can push you, oh, and I think you broke that boys nose, I think I heard something crack."

"Good, they deserve it" But before Taz could say anything else, the sweet lips of her boyfriend swooped down upon hers.

It was around 4 years after joining the GLEE that Taz realised she didn't just join because she wanted to be a ranger. She joined because she wanted to be a ranger with Up. She had always loved him.


"Yes Taz."

"Why did you take me in, jou know, 4 years ago?"

"I felt sorry for you." Shit, this was the wrong thing to say. Taz stormed from the room and not long after the door had closed, a long bang then a few angry muttered spanish words could be heard.

"Shit." Up mumbled and like always, he went after her.

It had taken Taz a few days to calm down after this, and she and Up went back to their old routine. Watching The Karate Kid and snuggling on the couch. The end credits rolled up the screen and Taz turned her head to face Up, but it just so happened that Up did the same thing to face Taz and they ended up with their faces about a centimetre apart.

Up had always loved Taz. Since her first saw her beating up robots whilst tied to a tree. You see, Up didn't think that Taz was any less of a girl because she liked to fight. No, Up thought it made her a hell of a whole lot sexier.

So here they were, so close, both in love with each other, but neither of them would tell the other. They had kissed before, but this moment felt firs kiss was special, but this moment didn't feel romantic, it felt like raw animals had taken over their minds and they just wanted to touch each other. Taz leant forward, she was a tough son-of-a-bitch, just like Up had told her all those years ago. She would take this risk. Taz's lips brushed against Up's and faster than light, Up grabbed Taz round the waist and pulled her round onto his lap.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for that."

"Feel any better?" Up asked, smirking.

"A little."

"How about now?" Up whispered as he captured Taz in another sweet kiss. The kiss lasted longer than the first one and sent shivers up both Up and Taz's spines.

"Yeah, I do feel better."

Later on, when cuddling on the couch and watching The Karate Kid, like usual, Taz looked up into Up's soft, greyish blue eyes and whispered,

"I hate having to hide this from everyone."


"Hijo de puntas! Who complained? I bet it was about us Up, I reckon it was Krayonder! Urgh!"

"I know, but you and I both know it's against GLEE rules for a Commander and a Lieutenant to date. It's only allowed if we are the same rank, so if we are both Commanders or both Lieutenants. There is only one exception and that is if you are both the same ranks and dating then one of you gets promoted. I'm sorry."