CHAPTER 8: Happily Ever After...?

It was dinner time. I could finally eat again now that I wasn't guilt ridden anymore. It was delicious; I savoured every mouthful.

"So, Erika. You got rid of Cream Puff?" asked King Dedede.

"Yes, Sire. Well, I had some help. You see, we formed this group called the..." My voice tailed away when I saw the expression on the king's face. He didn't look very happy.

"And you ordered that monster?"

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty..."

King Dedede suddenly exploded. "Do you have any idea how much that Cream Puff monster cost me?!"

"N-No, Sire! Sorry, Sire!"

"What's the big deal, anyway?" said Escargoon, calmly eating. "You never pay for those monsters. I doubt you paid for Cream Puff either."

The king didn't say anything. He knew that Escargoon was right, and this infuriated him even more. I noticed him reaching under the table for something. Something big and wooden. Escargoon and I dropped our knives and forks and made a dash for the door, but Dedede chased after us, catching up rapidly.

"Get him, not me!"

"No, get Erika! She was the one who ordered the monster!"


The two of us went sprawling across the corridor. King Dedede gave a satisfied nod and marched back to the dining room. For a few seconds, we lay there in silence. I looked at Escargoon. He looked at me. For a few seconds we were gazing sadly into each others' eyes, feeling sorry for each other. Maybe we were forgiving one another for everything we'd done. Maybe we were going to put an end to our ridiculous rivalry and be friends from now on.

But then again, maybe not.

"Why did you have to say that to him?" I hissed.

"Why did YOU have to order a monster?"

"Because I was sick of you getting me into trouble with the king!"

"I'm sick of you, full stop!"

"You know what? I wish Cream Puff really had killed you!"

"At least I wouldn't have to put up with your whining!" he retorted. "And let's face it, if I did die you'd feel so guilty your life would be a misery."

"What makes you think that?"

"Oh Escargoon, I'm so glad you're alright!" said Escargoon in a high pitched imitation of my voice. "I thought you were going to die!" Hmm... voice imitations... that reminded me of something...

"Hey, King Dedede!" I shouted across the corridor in Escargoon's voice. I grinned at him. He looked so freaked out that I laughed. "Why is your ass so big?"

Escargoon gasped. "You little...!"

I laughed again and leapt to my feet. I could hear the king's feet pounding across the dining room. "Better start running, slowcoach!"

The dining room door flew open and His Majesty emerged with his mallet. "Escargoon! You're in for it now!"

The snail screamed and ran away as fast as he could. Unfortunately for him, the king was faster. I also ran as quickly as my feet could carry me in an attempt to catch up with them. I wasn't going to miss this show for the world!

Isn't revenge sweet?