About 30 minutes later we were all sitting in the den of my uncle's house. We had to wait a while because someone had to bring Kate home, this wasn't really something she should be a part of.

"So what exactly happened tonight?" Pogue asked as he joined us in the room. No one had really said much of anything since we had agreed to meet back here.

"I don't really know, I was angry." I didn't see the point in having this conversation since I had already decided what I was going to do. I was going to leave Ipswich.

"That's really helpful there Grace."

"What do you want from me Reid? I don't know what happened okay? One second I was yelling at Caleb and the next I was killing him. What other explanation is needed?"

"How about what triggered this?" Reid and his attitude were getting on my nerves.

"Have you not been listening? Anger, okay. I was mad at Caleb for keeping from me the fact that Aaron had been cheating on me with Kira. From pretty much the beginning."

No one said anything after that. "Oh, so no one else has anything to add to that? I know you all knew so don't try and hide that or anything."

"So why just go for Caleb?"

"He knew first, he knew and instead of telling me he told all of you about it, instead of telling me he made Reid come up with the stupid bet, and instead of telling me he let me ramble on about my feelings for an idiot who could care less about me."

"Grace, I'm sorry okay, it just seemed like the best solution at the time. So maybe I didn't handle it right, but what do you expect from me?"

"I don't expect anything from you Caleb, okay? I don't know why I even care, it's not like we are friends. So why would you feel the need to tell me anything?"

Caleb looked hurt by my words, but at this point in time I didn't really care all that much. "Grace" Caleb's voice got softer, and he took a couple steps toward me. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I really did think that he would tell you himself. I wanted you to find out from him, it was the right way to do it. I really am sorry that you found out that way, especially on your birthday. You know I care about you." Caleb was standing right in front of me, and for a minuet I forgot that the other guys were in the room.

Then I heard someone clear their throat, "Do you guys want the room because we can leave."

I took a step back from Caleb, I knew I had to be blushing so I looked down to try and hide it. "Very funny Reid, there is nothing going on." Caleb retorted as he walked back towards the couch.

"So what exactly are we going to do about this?"

"About the two of them? I say we look them in a room together and let their hormones figure it out for them."

I looked up to meet Reid's eyes, I glared at him "Oh so not funny."

He just shrugged it off, "Seriously though guys, we have to figure out what to do about this whole thing." Pogue really sounded concerned. I wasn't sure if it was because he was worried about me, or if he thought I might try and kill someone again.

Either way it didn't really matter because I was a danger even if they didn't want to see it that way, and if they did see it that way that it was good, because they would be more open to what I knew I needed to do. I had everything figured out already, I just didn't think they were going to be okay with the plan. I just decided to let them talk it out, hopefully they would end up coming to the same conclusion. If they didn't though, that was fine too, it wasn't going to change my decision either way.

"Grace are you even listening to us? Why don't you act like you care?"

"Of course I care, don't you dare say that I don't. I almost killed Caleb."

"Well it's not like you are our biggest fan, how do we know you really even care." I couldn't believe what had just come out of Reid's mouth, I had no idea what had gotten into him tonight. Sure I haven't really been all that friendly as of late, but did he seriously think I would be okay with hurting them, or anyone for that matter? Normally I would have been pissed buy what he had said, but a part of me really couldn't blame him. I just go up and walked out of the room, this whole thing was pointless, I doubted there was any part of them that didn't hate me know anyway. Sure Caleb had feelings for me, but how long would that last?

"Reid, how dare you say that about her? Grace is a lot of things but she isn't a killer, and besides one of the things she is, is family and if you can't accept that then maybe you should get out." I hadn't walked far so I heard every word my cousin had said, I never imagined him sticking up for me like that.

"Come on Pogue, Reid's family too. Besides you know he didn't say anything we weren't all thinking already. She hasn't been that friendly to us."

"OK, so what you are saying Tyler is that we don't help her because she was mean to us?"

"No Caleb that isn't what I meant, of course we should try and help her, but how much help are we going to be if we are the cause of most of her anger?" there was silence for a moment, they really did have a point, the same point I had come across hours previously.

"Baby boy has a point Caleb, all of her anger is here, maybe the best way we can help her is to let her go."

My cousin almost sounded defeated with this admission.

"I know you guys are right, but it doesn't seem fair, she is just starting to trust us again, to let me in. I want to be selfish and keep her here for myself, I shouldn't have to give her up again." Caleb sounded close to tears, I would have felt bad if it didn't freak me out so much. I knew he loved me to some extent, and that he had for a while. But it just hadn't felt real till this moment. I hadn't really cared before, and I realized it was because I was starting to have feelings for him too. Right then though I decided I couldn't tell him, he never would have let me go then and there was no way I could do that to him, he needed to be able to move on. I walked back into the room. "Tyler is right; I can't stay here."

I was trying to avoid looking at Caleb, I never would have been able to say what was necessary "I know you have tried to make me feel at home here but all the anger I have is centered in this place, all the memories I have that I don't want to have are here. I'm not saying that all of them are true memories, or bad. But some are just how I make myself believe them, and if I'm going to have a change in controlling this, I can't be here, surrounded by all the confusion. I need to get away and sort everything out, then maybe I won't be so mad. I just know I don't want to get addicted, and if I keep using like I have been, that's exactly where I'm going to end up."

"Where are you going to go Grace? You can't live on your own."

I forced myself to look at Caleb for the first time. "I have money from my parents, I can get it if I need it. I have other family, my mom didn't have a lot of them but I have a grandmother who would be willing to take me, she live in California. It's supposed to be relaxing where she lives, I can sort through stuff."

"It sounds like you have been thinking about this."

"Look, we all know I hated it here, the only reason I stayed was because of my powers, and ironically that's now why I have to leave. I'll call my grandmother in the morning, now I'm tired, I'll see you guys later."

Before they could say anything else on the subject I went up to my rom. I knew this was what I needed and maybe I would be able to come back, I found it strange that I was actually upset by the fact that I had to leave. As I crawled into bed I recognized the feeling that was overwhelming me, I as sad. As much as I had fought it they past couple year, this place had become my home, more so in the past days. I started to cry, I hated that it had come to this, why had I got so angry? Why did I feel the need to use so much? Why couldn't I control it?

"Grace" I heard Caleb say my name, but I didn't want to respond, I wanted him to think I was sleeping. I couldn't handle him right now. However, my crying kind of gave me away. I felt him sit on the bed next to me but he didn't move after that. I took some deep breaths and calmed myself down. Then I sat up, it was weird, Caleb just sitting there. "You know you don't have to go, we can figure another way out. You don't usually let your anger take control like that, there is nothing to say it would happen again."

"There's nothing to say that it won't."

"Then what's going to stop you from hurting someone in California?"

"I don't know Caleb, but I have to try something."

"Do you have to try something so drastic though?"

"I have hated all of you since I got here, how could it be better for me to stay here? To possibly get you all in trouble?"

Caleb didn't say anything for the longest time, I wanted to know what he was thinking. "So you are doing this to protect us?"

"Do you know what would happen if I exposed myself here? They would starting looking at Pogue too, and eventually all of you and your parents. I pose too big of a threat here."

Caleb turned to look at me, I think he was trying to gage if I was being serious or not. I was being serious, the thought hadn't really accrued to me till just a couple minutes before, but that didn't make it any less true. "Grace, we can take care of ourselves."

"Yeah, I know you can. But at what cost? Caleb you ascend in a couple months and after that, it's all over for you. You have to stop using. You do realize that right? Every time you use it pulls you in more, I know you here this from your mom all the time because of your father. But you can't possibly understand it until you are living it."

"Grace, I… I never even thought about how much this was hurting you, I mean on the power level. You were using a lot against me. How much did that draw you closer to the edge?"

"A lot closer then I even want to admit to myself right now. I'm trying not to think about it."

"Grace, if you are close you can't leave. You are going to need our help to stay away from that line."

"Don't you see Caleb, it's even more reason for me to go. Around here I'm too tempted to use, all of you guys can and do use it so it pulls me in more."

"Then let me go with you." Caleb held my hands in his. I couldn't believe he had just said that.

I didn't say anything at first, did he honestly want to go with me? He would throw his entire future away for a girl who can barely stand him. There was no way I was going to let him do that, as much as it was going to hurt him I had to act like I didn't care. I pulled my hands from his a moved away a little on the bed. "Caleb you can't, I have to do this on my own. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to you."

"Would you stop thinking about me for one minute and think about yourself. You are the one that needs the help, and the guys are right, you are family and families help each other."

"Caleb, I have been nothing but selfish since the day I stepped back into this house. It's time I start thinking of other people. I will be fine, you don't have to worry about me. My grandmother is a nice lady, I have met here a couple times. I will be in good hands."

"But I want you in my hands." I was surprised by his boldness, "I know you heard what I said downstairs and I'm sticking by that. I don't want to lose you again."

I had no idea what to say to him, he was making it really hard for me to push him away. Then he started leaning towards me, I knew I should stop him but I didn't. Our lips met and it was everything I thought it would be, which meant it was everything that we shouldn't be doing.

I pulled away from him and stood up, I turned my back to him to gather my thoughts.

"Grace" he was hesitant. I guess he didn't see what was wrong with what had just happened.

I turned around to face him, "Caleb we can't do this. It isn't fair to you. I know how you feel and I'm still not sure about everything. Besides I'm leaving and I don't know when or if I'm coming back. You need to be able to move on."

"Grace, I can't let you leave. Not now."

"Caleb you say that now but what happens when I hurt someone. I know you don't think I will, but I don't have that faith in myself. Especially because I don't know how it happened the first time. And this" I motioned between us "Whatever this is, isn't going to help me, it's just going to complicate things. I can't do this Caleb, I don't want to do this."

"Then why were you crying?"

It would be that simple for a guy, but it wasn't that simple at all. I sat back down on the bed. I didn't know how to get it through to him. "Caleb don't ask me that."

"Grace" he reached for me but I moved out of his reach.

"No, Caleb you don't understand and I don't expect you to. But this is something I have to do for myself and if you love me like you say you do then you will let me go." I meant that in more than one way, but I wasn't sure if he would pick up on that.

"That's not fair."

"No, your right it's not. It's not fair to you and I know that. But it's what I need Caleb. I need to get away from here, I need to figure things out for myself. I need to get away from you." The last part was harsh and I wish I didn't need to say it but it was the only thing that would hurt Caleb and make him let me go.

"Ok Grace." Caleb got up and walked to the door. "I hope you figure everything out." Then he was gone.

I laid back on my bed, hating myself for what I had just done but knowing it was the right thing to do.

The next couple of days went by too fast for me. I had called my grandmother and she was happy to have me come live with her. We were going to worry about getting me enrolled in school once I got there. I was set to leave Saturday.

At first my aunt and uncle tried to talk me out of leaving, they didn't see how it would be good. But once I sat down and explained everything to them they reluctantly agreed to let me go.

Kate was really upset by my decision. Of course I couldn't tell her the real reason for me leaving so I just told her I had to get away from all the drama. She didn't know that I wasn't coming back for school though, she thought it was just for the rest of the summer. I couldn't bring myself to tell her otherwise.

It was Saturday before I knew it and I still hadn't talked to Caleb again. I figured he would come see me before I left, but I guess it was probably better that he didn't.

"Grace, you know it's not too late to change your mind."

I smiled at my cousin. "I'm not changing my mind." I looked at the three guys standing in front of me, I never would have imagined them actually wanting me to stay. I looked out the front window because I thought I heard a noise.

"Grace, I don't think he is going to come."

"I know, it's better that he doesn't. We should get going though, I don't want to miss my flight." I don't know how much they actually knew about what went on between us, but it didn't matter anymore so there was no reason to fill them in now.

My aunt and uncle were at work, I had said goodbye to them the night before. They told me I was welcome to come back whenever I wanted to. But since they weren't there Pogue was talking me to the airport. The car ride was a little awkward, Pogue thought I was making a mistake too but he wasn't one to state his opinion when it wasn't wanted. He learned a while ago that it wouldn't do any good.

"Just say it."

"I have nothing to say."

I rolled my eyes "Pogue, of course you have something to say. You have been really quiet about the whole situation, I know you have an opinion."

He didn't say anything for a minuet "I have a conflicting opinion. On the one hand I think you are making a mistake, running away from your problems when you should stick around and figure them out, and the people that can help you do that are here. However, I can kind of see why you want to leave. Also, there is the Caleb thing, he is my best friend, like a brother to me and what you are putting him through pisses me off. I don't know what is best for him, but maybe you being away on your own he will be able to get over you."

I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but it definitely wasn't that. "Pogue I, I never meant to hurt him, I never told him that I had feelings for him. He knew I was with Aaron and also that I wasn't ready to have a relationship. I explained all of that to him on more than one occasion."

"Grace, I wouldn't worry about it if I was you. He will get over it. Just focus on yourself so you can get back here."

By now we were at the airport and Pogue was helping me get my suitcase out. We just stood there for a second, I guess we weren't exactly sure how to say goodbye. "Do me a favor, tell Caleb I said goodbye and that I'm sorry."

"I will. Take care of yourself, and if you need anything."

"I know, thanks for everything." Then we awkwardly hugged and I walked into the airport.

Over the next two hours I forced myself not to think about the fact that I was leaving. I got my ticket went through security did all those things. It wasn't till I was sitting in my seat next to the window that I started thinking about it. How I was sad to be leaving, how much I was actually going to miss Kate and some of my other friends at school.

I was staring out the window as the plane took off and I whipped a tear as it rolled down my check.

Okay guys, well that's it. I know the ending was a little abrupt but I do have ideas for a sequel if enough people show interest. Thanks to everyone who stuck with me over the long haul and the spaces without any updates. I hope you all enjoyed the story and I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas for the future of Grace. It was a pleasure. :D