A/N: Written for Shira Lansys's Word Count Drabble Challenge. Exactly 461 words, according to the internet. I just couldn't resist the Wolfstar. Love it? Hate it? Let me know.
Ever since Lily had gotten pregnant, James had become more of an insufferable pushover than usual. And more of a suck-up than he had ever been at school towards her, which was actually quite surprising when it came down to things. But if the Marauders wanted to hang out with him (and they did), then they had to play by Lily's rules. Which was what resulted in them being inside, cleaning the house.
"Honestly James, a pregnant lady cleaning the house. Have you ever heard?"
"Don't know love," James responded from his position in the kitchen, sopping wet and mop in hand. "But that child of ours better thank me when he's older."
"We don't even know if it's a boy yet." Lily chimed happily from the couch.
"Oh, if I'm doing household chores for him, it better be a boy." James grumbled, but all Lily did was laugh.
"Sirius, shouldn't you be cleaning?" Lily asked the man sitting on the edge of the loveseat.
"Remus will do that for me, right Moony?" he called, yawning slightly and curling up into fetal position on his perch.
"Plonker," Remus snorted, plugging in the Muggle vacuum that he'd brought out of the hallway closet. While James and Peter might complain about Muggle cleaning, Remus actually found it to be oddly comforting. It reminded him of his home, and more than that, his mum. He'd just turned it on when Sirius startled so bad he fell off of his seat.
"Oi! What in the bloody hell is that?" Sirius yelped, gingerly getting to his feet and as far away from the vacuum as possible. Remus shut it off, gazed at Sirius for a moment, then began laughing so hard his frame began to shake.
It wasn't long before Lily caught on, and then she, too, was in a fit of laughter. Obviously James didn't understand, nor did Peter, who'd come in from the garden when he'd heard laughter.
Scowling, Sirius growled, "what? What's that thing?" His cheeks were beginning to heat up despite himself, as he glared at the vacuum.
"Muggle... Muggle vacuum..." Remus wheezed.
"Dogs hate them," Lily cried.
Sirius's lips started to twitch up when he heard that. The Marauders and Lily had always teased him on how much more of a dog he was than a person, but it'd always been something he'd taken with stride. "Yeah," he muttered. "It's loud. And scary."
"A Black," James gasped mockingly, grin spread on his face. "Afraid of a vacuum? Well I never!"
"I'm sure Lily can deal with vacuuming the house later," Remus said, coming up beside Sirius and wrapping an arm around him. "Or else, get James to do it for her."
Quickly, Remus kissed Sirius's lips.
"Now that's scary," Peter chided.