Chapter Sixteen: A Happily Ever After

Grimmjow watched Ichigo's expression as the orange haired man walked down the aisle. He inwardly chuckled as he spotted Ichigo's father crying and being held back by the twin sisters. The corner of his mouth curved upward as he watched the sudden collection of surfing petals from the overhanging blossom tree branch landed in dusty pairs on Ichigo's red suit. Recalling the argument between the orange haired man and Rukia from down the hall four nights before, both friends agreed to a red suit instead of white or black.

A week prior to this date, Grimmjow had hurriedly booked a flight for both he and Ichigo to Belgium the next morning, barely making it to the plane due to Rukia's and Ichigo's argument over what to pack. To make things smoother, in his own mind, the blue haired man paid for Chad's flight, too, seeing as his best man was shortly notified of the trip and short on cash. As for Rukia, the declared and accomplished wedding planner for the couple, and the rest of the attendants to the wedding, Grimmjow had cringed when he found out that more than ninety people were attending. How they all were able to come on short notice was thanks to Rukia's effort; she had explained to him that Bookface was a wonderful social site that allowed people to create events and invite people. Apparently, the site had been up for a decade or so, and he had barely heard about it.

A few days before, Isshin, Ichigo's father, had come to him and sized him up. The groom had no idea what was coming for him until the old man threw a solid fist that was quickly blocked by Ichigo's swift hand. Before he could ask what the punch was for, Ichigo had taken the liberty to smack his father upside the head and subdue him. At that moment, Grimmjow understood why his lover and his lover's brother were as strong and kind of scary as they were. Upon meeting the rest of the family, the blue haired man was sure that the family had its moments of greatness and pure violence, especially when matters came down to the best football team in America. Those arguments were never pretty. With some walking about and loads of Belgian chocolate, the family was able to calm down for a few hours until the sugar rush kicked in later.

Rukia gave Ichigo to Grimmjow, who turned with his groom to face the priest. During the whole ceremony, the groom couldn't stop looking at Ichigo, for he kept tracing the other's beauty and differentiating the tones and shades that made Ichigo look the way he did and cast the spell he felt. Those strings he felt earlier tugged at his breast, pulling him closer to his groom and sealing him against Ichigo, buttoning him to the other with a kiss.

The after party went great. There was dancing and drunk singing, mostly by Ichigo's cousins. Ichigo and Grimmjow had their share of dancing, too, but that turned out to be a competition, which Ichigo won by a long shot. Chad and Shiro were sharing war stories with the children, who all decided to play army throughout the rented hall. Even they had to get in on the action, especially when the separated groups of kids tugged the two friends apart to be on their teams.

Shiro and Chad spent their time creeping around tables and ambushing some of the children to tickle them. Shiro pretended that he was dying and dramatically told one of the children to tell Nel that he loved her. The child ran over to Nel to tell her, and Nel pretended to be a widow in deep sorrow. Chad pretended to die after seeing Shiro playing dead. In doing so, the two men were able to get up and take a break to watch the other children fight out the rest of their little war.

Grimmjow and Ichigo joined the two men and Nel at their respective table, which, like all the other tables, was decorated with green cloth, white ribbons, and glitter. The chairs were dressed to match their tables, too. They all sat near each other as Shiro sighed happily as he looked at the kids.

"They're good kids," commented Shiro. "All of 'em."

"And jumped up with sugar," added Chad. He chuckled along with a few others.

Ichigo asked, "When are you going to have kids, Shiro?" He was leaning on the table as he looked toward his brother.

"If the wife lets me," replied Shiro, "I'll start tonight." He chuckled as Nel slapped him on the shoulder with reddened cheeks.

Seeing the couple laugh and playfully bicker had Grimmjow thinking. When would he and Ichigo have kids? Despite their inability to conceive any, their options were still good. He looked at his groom as the young man poked fun at Shiro, who stuck out his tongue at him. Grimmjow could just see it all: growing old together with two or four kids coming home to say that they have their grandkids in their arms.

That was a pleasant vision. He would enjoy it when the day comes.

Yuzu and Rukia pulled at Ichigo to dance with them; the orange haired man just laughed as he joined them. Grimmjow just set to keeping his eyes on his husband. His arm brushed at the scattered silverware and plates as he admired the person he married. The other was shaking his hips and laughing as Yuzu made a silly dance move. Eventually, Nel pulled Shiro and Chad on the dancefloor, too, telling them that they have to stop acting twice their age and actually move. Though, the trio kept to their own sphere, so they would not bother Ichigo in his playful groove with his little sister and best friend.

Grimmjow laughed as Ichigo acted like Danny from the movie Grease during one of the movie's happier songs. His hips were moving as he snapped his fingers, making the funniest face he could. The orange haired man even smoothed his spiky hair with an imaginary comb. Rukia was recording the dance, while Yuzu jumped in next to her brother and was trying to match the moves.

"You're not getting out there?" came Isshin's voice near Grimmjow's ear.

The blue haired man jumped and looked back at his father-in-law. The older man was wearing a modest tux. The shoulders on the old man made him look six years younger. "Um. No," replied Grimmjow. He watched the other sit down next to him after pulling up another chair.

"Don't like dancing?" asked Isshin. "I know I'm old, but I'm sure I saw ya dancing earlier." He was smiling as he leaned back, looking at Grimmjow with his fatherly face.

With a little laugh, Grimmjow replied, "I just…" He licked his lips. "I just-" His blabbering stopped with a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't sweat it, son," laughed Isshin, who sat back and looked at his son and daughter dance together. He sighed. "I know how ya feel, Grimmjow."

"You do?" asked Grimmjow.

With a nod, Isshin replied, "I had the same look on my face when I married Ichigo's mother many years ago… The woman was beautiful. I gotta tell ya. She made my heart go absolutely insane with just a smile. The way she moved, the way she spoke, the way she just did things…" Isshin looked at his son-in-law. "Ichigo and Yuzu out there remind me of her. Even Karin does, too. There's just a little bit of her in every single one of them. So I never forget her because she's with me in them… Seeing you sitting here, Grimmjow, I feel as if I'm watching myself."

Isshin's words sunk into Grimmjow's mind as he looked from the old man to Ichigo, who was drawing a crowd of other friends and family around him. As he did so, he felt himself catch his breath as he briefly made eye contact with his husband. There, he felt his heart just twist in place as he watched those angel feathered lashes flutter.

"His eyes," said Grimmjow as he watched Ichigo wave him over to join the dancing crowd.

"Hm?" responded Isshin as he looked at the blue haired man with a raised brow.

"I'm drawn to Ichigo," replied Grimmjow, "mainly because his eyes just swallow me whole… They're beautiful." He looked at Isshin, who was just grinning his fatherly grin at him.

Before the older man could reply, Ichigo came over and grabbed Grimmjow by the hands. "Come on," said Ichigo with a smile, "and dance with me!" The blue haired man could not protest as he was pulled from his seat and guided through the mob of laughing cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends. When released, Ichigo was jamming out to 90s classics. His body swayed from side to side as he looked at his charming husband.

Grimmjow felt his spirit lift at seeing Ichigo look only at him. With a grin, the blue haired man started to match his lover like a mirror. As they moved in sync, they got closer and closer, soon touching bodies and holding hands. Grimmjow guided the other's arms around his neck, and he settled his own hands on the other's hips. Their foreheads were touching as they moved to the fast paced music, which faded to a slow song.

The grooms smiled at each other. Ichigo chuckled as he blushed, his eyes lidded as he looked in to Grimmjow's eyes. Their noses were nearly touching as Ichigo giggled again. "What's so funny?" asked Grimmjow.

"Just that this is a cliche romantic moment," answered Ichigo with a small grin. At that answer, they both chuckled as they moved. Suddenly, the orange haired man's arm was raised, so he spun and clasped his body back in Grimmjow's arms. There was a bunch of cheering and whistling.

Ichigo did his best not to laugh and ruin their dance when Chad yelled, "Beso!"

"What does that mean?" whispered Grimmjow.

"Kiss," answered Ichigo.

"Oh well," said the blue haired man with a smirk. "Don't want to ignore a friend." His ears were graced with a giggle before he kissed his groom. Coos were being given throughout the room.

After dancing all night, the wedding day ended with the family and friends dispersing. Shiro was drunk by the end of the night, announcing that he would start with making his kids, which Nel scolded him for saying out loud and which his father commended him for. Chad decided to take a walk with Rukia to the hotel everyone was staying at; lucky for them, the hotel was only a five minute walk down the street. Isshin and his daughters, after congratulating Ichigo and Grimmjow once more, caught up to Chad and Rukia.

Ichigo and Grimmjow walked away from the hall after making sure that everyone was able to get back to their hotels safely. They held hands as they looked about the town, enjoying the lights and architecture that made Belgium so grand. The atmosphere was perfect.

"So," started Grimmjow. The clicks of his and Ichigo's shoes filling their ears and the barely empty street.

"So," replied Ichigo with a smile as he looked at the other man, "what?"

With a smile, the other answered, "How was your night, honey?"

Ichigo chuckled and asked, "Honey?" The other kept his smile and kissed him on the cheek.

"Because you're so sweet," whispered the blue haired man into Ichigo's ear. At that, the orange haired man turned his head and kissed his man on the lips.

"You're not too bad yourself," husked Ichigo. Even though he was flirting, the dust of red on his cheeks was still visible in yellow light of the street lamps.

Grimmjow licked his lips, a smile gracing his face. He leaned in on his husband's shoulder and murmured, "Oh it gets a lot better." His smile turned into a full grin at the reddening of his lover's ear. "I promise you that." Upon returning to his upright position, he saw that his Ichigo was completely flushed. Though, Ichigo was smiling and looking downward. Grimmjow chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Ichigo, a grin still on his face.

"Because you're cute," answered the blue haired man.

"Because I'm cute," Ichigo repeated lowly.

"Yup," replied Grimmjow. He slipped his hand around his lover's waist and cut in front of him, making his husband bump into him. He gazed down at his Ichigo, who looked back up at him. "More than cute... You're the most beautiful person I've ever met." His teeth were glistening as he quietly laughed at his husband stutter and look at his shirt with a darker shade of red on his cheeks.

"You make me feel," started Ichigo as he looked back up at Grimmjow, "special…" His smile warmed the other's chest. "Like I'm something rare or I don't know. Just special… I love that you do that."

"I do it because you are special," replied Grimmjow. He touched at Ichigo's cheek. "And I will always treat you like the prince you are."

Ichigo smiled as he bit his lip. "My shining knight," said the orange haired man.

They both chuckled and continued their walk, not rushing when they got to the door of the hotel. They slowly made their way in with Grimmjow holding open the door, and they waved at Rukia and Chad, who were lounging on the couches in the lobby. Ding! The elevator went off upon arriving to the doors, letting out a couple who were laughing about something. They took that elevator to the honeymoon suite, which was shaded and decorated for them.

The room was large. The walls were painted a creamy white, and the floors were covered in brown sugar colored carpeting. There was a two person hot tub near the windows, overlooking the beautiful city and its grand river, and a little fridge sat across from it. The bed was set against the wall; its ivory sheets were covered in red rose petals and little chocolates. A bathroom was across from the bed, its porcelain and toiletries hidden by the ajar door. Bedside tables were placed on both sides of the bed, each colored white like the bed, and they held little lamps that had heart shapes in the shades' designs. Lastly, a fireplace was set in the wall across from a loveseat nearest them.

"This is gorgeous!" exclaimed Ichigo as he walked in. "I have never been in a hotel room this big!" He looked around and brushed his fingertips over the loveseat, and he looked at the bed with hands on his hips.

For Grimmjow, this was like watching a child at a toy store. The blue haired man stood there with his hands in his pockets. He kept grinning as Ichigo gushed over the hot tub. When Ichigo was done with his gushing comments, Grimmjow asked with amusement, "So you like it?"

With a wide smile, Ichigo answered, "I love it!" He walked over to Grimmjow and pointed at the hot tub. "I want to get in there first. That looks good right now."

"I'm with ya on that," said the blue haired man with a nod. After disrobing and throwing their clothes on the loveseat, both men were standing proudly in their boxers, walking toward the tub. Grimmjow turned on the contraption, while Ichigo picked up a little chocolate from the bed and started to suck on it. At the other's innocent sucking motion, the blue haired man blushed and looked down at the tub, pretending to be fascinated by the rising water.

Ichigo sat on the edge of the tub and lauded, "Wow. These chocolates are really good. Belgium has got to be Willy Wonka's place of inspiration or something." His fingers were coated thickly, and his lips were smeared over with chocolate. Without hesitation, the orange haired man cleaned his fingers and licked his lips. A trace of chocolate was still lingering on the corner of his lips; Grimmjow spotted that little spec of sweetness.

With a gentle caress of Ichigo's chin, Grimmjow leaned in and kissed on the spot of chocolate, missing the puckered lips of his husband. Instead of just leaving the other looking a little confused, he kissed the other on the lips, too. "You had some chocolate on your face," he said with a smile.

Ichigo touched at his face and wiped away the discovered chocolate smear. "Thanks," he replied and licked the chocolate off of his finger. His face was a little pink as he looked toward the water, pointing out that it was filled up enough. Once the filled tub was checked for temperature and they stripped their boxers, both men slid into the relaxing pool of heat, smiling as they gazed out. "This feels fuckin' awesome."

"Mhm," agreed Grimmjow as his own gaze was focused on his husband's relaxed expression. They stayed quiet for a few minutes, and the blue haired man was not liking the silence all that much. Though, the grace of the silence was in his viewing of his husband, who was sitting back and looking out the window. He watched those angel wings flap once, twice, and more. The glow of the city's lights sparkled in the reflection of the orange haired man's eyes. Even though he knew the other was not looking at him, Grimmjow knew that he was captured.

"Your eyes," said Grimmjow with a fond smile.

His husband looked at him with a raised brow. "My eyes?" asked Ichigo. Then with a smile, Ichigo added, "Oh. You mean my angel eyes." An amused giggle escaped his lips as he leaned on his arm. "What about them?"

"They're beautiful," answered the blue haired husband. When the other raised a brow again, Grimmjow narrated, "They're so pretty that they swallow me whole whenever I look at you… They don't just look out, they capture everything like some mirror, and I feel like I'm always within your grasp with just one look."

Ichigo was smiling, his teeth showing, and blushing. "Wow," he said.


"That was cute."


The orange haired man sat up and replied, "Very cute." He scooted over and hugged at Grimmjow's waist, resting his head on the larger man's shoulder. "You kept saying angel eyes, angel eyes, and I guess I didn't know how deep that really was to you…" Grimmjow and Ichigo made eye contact; they just stared at one another. One taking in the angelic nature of brown, and the other indulging in the calm ocean of blue. "Well, I have to say that I love your eyes, too, Grimmjow."

The blue haired man tilted his head. "Is that so?" he asked with a small smile.

Ichigo smiled back at him and replied, "Yeah."

"What do you like most?"

"That they're more than just blue."


"They're a calm ocean color that express what's going on with you."

"Well, what do they tell you now?"

The young orange haired husband gazed deeply in to Grimmjow's eyes again and answered, "They're calm, but the waves are crashing with excitement."

That answer had Grimmjow smiling. His husband was right, after all. He was excited. He had a lot to look forward to: taking his love to different places, spending holidays with family and inviting friends, having children and raising them to be passionate about their lives, grandchildren, and making legends out of their lives together. With all that in mind, Grimmjow kissed Ichigo, mumbling an "I love you" to him with their lips connected.

"Mmm," moaned Ichigo into Grimmjow's mouth, "I love you, too."

They smiled at each other and continued their poem of playful tugging lips. The blue haired man was the first to set his hand on the other's body, placing his fingers between the short strands of orange hair that stuck to his dripping skin. That same hand slowly made its way down the orange haired beauty's neck and stopped at his chest. There, Grimmjow could feel the other man's chest rising and falling in excitement. The other's skin was flushed and slightly damp due to the two men moving closer and closer.

Ichigo did the same, mimicking Grimmjow's movement, but instead of just resting his hand on the other's flexing pectoral, he used the moment to push away a bit. Their lips were hovering next to each other and exchanging heated breaths. Grimmjow's skin was prickling, and his hips were heating up from more than the heated water. His eyes were just as hooded as Ichigo's as they stared at one another.

"You'll go slow, right?" asked Ichigo.

Grimmjow didn't forget. His husband was not familiar with the bed situation that much. As he nodded his head, he wondered, How much experience does he have?

"I've never," started the orange haired man again. He looked down from the other and fumbled around with his words a little, picking up and discarding words. "I haven't-well, I just… You know… I…"

"I understand," replied Grimmjow. He propped the other's chin up with a gentle hand. "Just how far have you…" The other was blushing and withdrawing his hand from his chest.

"Got curious a few times," answered Ichigo as he looked down. "I… Well… Masturbated a bit but no-um… None of that."

With a small smile, the blue haired man said, "Don't be embarrassed." When the other looked back up at him, he continued, "I won't do what makes you uncomfortable. We have our whole lives, Ichigo. I'll go as slow as you want me to." At that, his husband smiled and hugged him, thanking him for being wonderful to him.

After cuddling, Grimmjow started to kiss Ichigo again. The other's silk lips ran smoothly over his, and their tongues slipped together and traced each other. The smacking of their lips echoed in the room, and the sound of rippling water joined in. The blue haired man touched at the other's chest again, running his palm over the other's pec and letting his fingers slowly graze over the small nipple. With the other hand, he held the back of Ichigo's neck to aid in the attack of his multiplying kisses. In return, he felt Ichigo's hands running up his back and cupping at the muscles of his upper back. Those hands, then, ran back down his back, lightly scratching at his skin and making him shudder in delight. His spine was tingling so much that he lightly groaned in the other's mouth, feeling a smile on the other's lips.

"Ticklish?" asked Ichigo after his lips smacked in a chaste kiss.

Grimmjow just smiled and answered, "A little." Upon starting up another kissing frenzy, his hands slid down from the other's chest, his fingers slipping over his orange haired husband's abdomen under the water. He smiled when his Ichigo gave an inaudible gasp as he ghosted his fingers past the other's abs and rested just above the pubic hair, then he could feel the other's heat when he walked his fingertips across to trace Ichigo's thigh, resting on the knee finally.

Without wasting a second, Grimmjow angled his head and started to rest kisses on the other's chin and jaw, making his way to the other's neck and sucking on the sweet skin. The other's hands went to his hair, massaging his head with his fingertips and scratching at him with his nails.

"Oh!" breathed Ichigo as the blue haired man nipped at his neck.

The larger man didn't stop there. He kissed and sucked tenderly at the base of Ichigo's neck, making the other have to keep his head back in a beautiful arch. Grimmjow traced more loving laps and kisses down to the other's chest, looking upward to see Ichigo looking down at him while biting his lip. The blue haired man thought about going lower, but there were two problems: the water and his inability to turn into aquaman. He grinned up at his lover, who tilted his head in question, and he slid both hands over the other's thighs and cuffed the other's buttocks. At that, Ichigo jumped a little, but the blue haired man did not stop in lifting his husband and sitting him on the edge of the tub.

After a comment on his strength, Grimmjow slid his hands to his lover's knees, which spread for him and allowed him to rest between them. His own knees were resting on the bottom of the tub as he kissed at the other's abdomen, laying a chaste one on each ab muscle and resting his lips lovingly on the other's hip bone. Water droplets slid down Ichigo's stomach and plopped on Grimmjow's puckered lips and nose. The water just carried down the other's unique flavor that was sweet and pure. His skin prickled when he felt Ichigo's rising pleasure near his chest. With one hand, Grimmjow grasped at his husband's penis and started to rub, slowly stroking the other up and down.

"Oh, Grimmjow," moaned Ichigo as he rested his head back and arched in to the other's touch. At hearing his lover approving his motions, Grimmjow's own manhood jumped. He licked his lips as he moved his other hand down and started to stroke himself. His hips, legs, and spine were tingling with delight as he thrust into the wet wonder of his hand. All done as his mouth was gaping and his eyes were trained on Ichigo's flushed and pleasured face.

Slick, slick, shluck! Grimmjow worked the other's erection and admired how its moderate size reacted to his touch. The head was dripping and red, bulging and hot against his cool hand. There his lip twitched, and before any thought of asking permission first came to mind, Grimmjow slipped his mouth over the red strawberry top of Ichigo's erection. Suddenly, his hair was gripped and a long drawn moan of pleasure came from above.

"Oh my-" gasped Ichigo. "Uh! Grimmj-yes!"

The other's sounds were making Grimmjow hotter and hotter. His erection was twitching in sync with the twitching of Ichigo's erection. He moaned as he slid his full mouth down and up, sucking everytime he got to the top. His tongue playfully slid up the bottom and traveled into the slit of his lover's dick. The taste of salt and the feeling of warmth was building up around his tongue and smearing around his lips. By this time, Ichigo was squeezing the edges of the hot tub with a bone white grip, and his head was thrown back as he moaned out to the ceiling. Upon sliding back down, Grimmjow's eyes widened a bit at feeling his lover thrust into his mouth. Slurp! That didn't stop him. He justed bobbed his head faster, loving that his Ichigo was moaning and yelling his name. The water around them was sloshing as Ichigo's legs were moving and wrapping around his shoulders to keep him there.

The blue haired man gripped the thighs around his neck and held them apart for himself to move. He moaned as he kept the up and down rhythm, sucking tenderly at the top and going back down. "Ah, ah, ah, ah," moaned the orange haired man. "Hah! Oooh! Yes! Yes!" Those sounds were definitely music to his ears. Every moan and outcry slithered down his spine and ended at the tip of his dick, swirling there in anticipation of a wonderful climax. The slippery, heated skin of Ichigo's erection was starting to twitch in his mouth, and he could feel the other's essence becoming heavier. His baby was close.

Seeing the other look so pleasured, Grimmjow slipped his lips off of the other's cock, precum and saliva dripping down his chin and plopping back onto Ichigo's erection, and he stood, water sloshing and splashing as he rose above his lover and looked down. His own manhood heated up at seeing Ichigo's face completely. The flush, the eyes of a lazy lamb, and the spread of the other's thighs that fit in to his hands all made him lick his lips.

"Grimmjow?" said Ichigo as he looked at his lover. A look of confusion was painted over his features as he panted, not moving an inch as he made eye contact with his husband.

"God you're sexy," growled Grimmjow as he dipped and kissed his Ichigo. One hand held Ichigo's head in place by the other's orange locks, while the other hand began stroking his husband's dick again. He was done with the gentle kisses at this point. There was nothing that could stop him from devouring his Ichigo's mouth and swallowing his Ichigo's moans by the mouthful. He groaned when his lover decided to join the play.

Ichigo's hand was moving over Grimmjow's cock, alternating between fast and slow paces that, in the blue haired man's mind, was driving him crazy. Those teasing fingers would tighten and become loose within strokes, and they would venture low and slowly swipe at his balls. But that hand always came back up and pulled on him a little, inviting him closer and closer.

"Oh, Ichigo!" moaned Grimmjow into his lover's mouth. He gasped as the other ran his thumb pad over the head of his erection and prodded the opening, spreading the familiar warmth of precum over the head and tracing the slit once more. His hips were heating up, his spine was tingling, and his entire body was rushing for more. He started to move his hips, thrusting rapidly into the wet and welcoming hand of his lover. The feeling of his lover trying to do the same thing made him stop his kisses and thrusting to wrap Ichigo's arms around his neck and pick up his lover by the ass cheeks again. Like that, Grimmjow walked to the bed and laid over his lover. Rose petals were sticking to their skin, and the strewn chocolates were being swatted away to make room for them.

Grimmjow kissed his husband as the other moved farther up the bed on his back, and Ichigo returned those kisses just as sloppily and needy as the other. The sheets rubbed at them as their bodies dripped heavy drops of water and mixed in sweat. When they reached just under the pillows, they stopped and started up their tongue battle, tangling their hands on each other's hair and body. Grimmjow didn't waste time, though, in spreading his lover's legs and laying between them.

Thrust, thrust, squeak, squeak! The blue haired man thrust his hips against the other's inviting pelvis. Their cocks were rubbing together with remnants of water and precum soaking their red skin. Their lips smack hungrily as Grimmjow balanced on one hand and used the other to keep their erections as close as possible. Ichigo wrapped his legs around his his husband's hips, then those legs traveled downward to push on the other's buttocks.

"I'm s-so close," stuttered Ichigo, whose toes were curling tightly.

The blue haired man nodded. He knew a little trick that would make his little Ichigo cry out his name for sure. The only problem was his lover's consent. I'll jus' ease into it, thought Grimmjow, who stopped thrusting and went back to only kissing Ichigo. His hand slid down from their cocks and fondled his lover's balls, then it slipped down to slide between the other's cheeks.

"Grimmjow," said Ichigo. He was looking into his husband's eyes with a serious face.

"You've never been down here?" asked the larger man. When the other shook his head, Grimmjow bit his lip and figured that he could give the other a blow job again. He doubted the other would even let him lick his ass hole.

"Just," started Ichigo, getting the other away from his thoughts, "just one finger." When Grimmjow's eyes widened at his response, he asked, "What?"

The blue haired man just shook his head and replied, "Nothing." As he sat back, Ichigo asked him about lube, and he nearly hit himself over the head for not thinking of it earlier. He mentally chastised himself as he replied kindly and started to go through the drawers. The hotel had to provide some sort of lubricant, right? Just as he was about to groan out in frustration, the last drawer he opened on the other bedside table revealed a little box that had their names painted into the box's velvet design. His eyes opened widely in wonder as he sat on the edge of the bed and lifted the lid, seeing a note as the cover of the contents.

"What's that?" asked Ichigo over his shoulder. He took the note from the box and read aloud, "To Ichigo and his lovely new husband. Thought you two would need something to both embarrass and help you on your first night together as newlyweds. Love Rukia. P.s. Be happy I didn't give this to you guys during the party. That would have been funny but bogus, so enjoy your night. P.p.s. I'll know you guys were having fun when I'm complaining to you in the morning about keeping your noise level down." After putting the note down, Ichigo groaned, rubbing his face, and smiled. "Oh Rukia."

"Remind me to thank her later," said Grimmjow as he looked down at the box with a small grin. When Ichigo looked down at the box, he blushed a deep red. The box, although the size of a shoe box, was a paradise in the blue haired man's hand. Two different sized dildos, three bottles of lace wrapped lubricant, two separate bottles of flavored lubricant wrapped in purple paper, candycane and gem coated massage oils, mint colored condoms, and strewn chocolate kisses were neatly packed in the box, making it look like a package of candy for sex.

We're gonna have to try all of this later, thought the blue haired man.

Ichigo chuckled and picked up one of the flavored lubes, turning it in his hands and reading watermelon on the fancy label. "I'll definitely have to thank her for this," said the orange haired man. "She really thought this through."

"Want to use that one?" asked Grimmjow, gesturing to the bottle in Ichigo's hand. "Watermelon flavor." He set the box on the nightstand after the other nodded his head. He took the bottle and popped the cap open, taking a whiff of the lube and sensing the watermelon. Oh this one was going to be sweet.

Ichigo scooted over on the bed and asked, "Do I lay on my back?"

"Yeah," answered the other as he got closer to his lover. Grimmjow spread Ichigo's legs and told him to hold them up. After making sure that his husband was comfortable with pillows and all, he got to work on introducing the lube and his pace. With a drop of the liquid spread along his hand and fingers, the larger man gave a few strokes to his lover's stiff manhood, making the other hiss at the slicker friction. Then, that hand went down to the other's hole and traced the outer ring, prodding at the opening every few seconds.

The puckered hole was squeezing when the finger came closer again, but then it loosened upon the finger's retreat. Then, the digit slid in, stopping halfway when the hole tightened. Grimmjow's cock jumped at that feeling. He slid his finger out and tried to go deeper, but the hole stopped him. The blue haired man licked his lips and looked at his lover, who was biting his lip and watching him with a fearful look. Those eyes were not glistening; they had limp angel wing feathers. That wasn't right. Grimmjow would not have his lover tensing up and being anxious around him.

"Baby," said Grimmjow as he slid his finger out, "you okay?" Ichigo didn't reply, but the smaller man did nod his head. The blue haired man shook his head and leaned over the other, resting his forehead on Ichigo's. "You're the one in charge here, Ichigo." Those eyes of his husband's were staring up at him, a bit of innocence swirling within them. "I can't do much if you're not relaxed down there."

After licking his lips, Ichigo asked, "Will it hurt?"

"If I'm doing this right," answered Grimmjow, "it shouldn't hurt at all." He smiled when those angelic windows of shining brown started to glisten again. Sliding back down, the blue haired man poured lube on Ichigo's hole and smeared it around, and he pushed his thumb in a little, swirling the pad inside. There, he heard his husband give a short and sharp gasp. "Did I-"

"-No!" cut in Ichigo. "You didn't. You're good."

Grimmjow just nodded and slipped his finger inside again, and he was excited when his finger slid in all the way. The warmth of his lover's insides was searing his flesh and sucking on his finger. He curled his finger, knowing that his favorite gland would be at the tip of his finger. Ichigo moaned out and begged he do it again. A smirk was cracking his face as Grimmjow started to pump his finger and curl the end to catch that spot again.

"Oh shit," Ichigo gasped as he dug his head in to the sheets. He hissed through his teeth and begged, "A-Another one, Grimmjow. One more finger."

"I'll give you more than a finger," answered the blue haired man, his tone deep and husked with playful lust. His grin returned when he felt the hole around his digit squeeze him. He watched with his mouth gaping in pleasured anticipation as his middle finger slid in upon the next thrust of his pointer finger. When those fingers were established well and making his lover turn completely red at the chest and face, Grimmjow stuck his tongue inside. He kept tasting and licking at the watermelon flavored hole, grinning widely as he did so.

"Did-ah!" started Ichigo. "Oh! Yes!" He let go of one leg and held onto Grimmjow's hair, pushing the other onto himself. The pleasure was too good as he kept screaming Grimmjow's name. "Uh! Grimmjow, that's so good! Mmmmmmm. Another finger. Please-ah!"

Grimmjow was happy that his husband was taking well to the pleasure, especially when the tight hole was loosening up for him. Though, he did not think that Ichigo would be begging for a third digit. He didn't argue, however, for he just added another squeeze of the wheezing bottle of lube and the third finger joined the fray. Seeing his lover arch and scream yes, Grimmjow's own manhood was twitching and begging for attention. He growled as he grabbed himself and stroked his cock. The heat in his legs and the tingling in his spine was getting nowhere with just his hand.

"Fuck," cursed Grimmjow as he put some of the lube on himself and started stroking again. He did his best to multitask, but the blue haired man had to drop his own cock to keep his baby high up in the clouds. After the third time, the other noticed this.

"Grimmjow," said Ichigo. When the other looked up at him, he said, "Put on a condom. I think I can do this." The other man just blinked dumbly at him.

"You sure about that?" asked Grimmjow. "I don't want to hurt you. My dick is a little bigger than three fingers, Ichigo."

"It's not fair that I enjoy everything," said Ichigo with a smile. "So hurry up."

The blue haired man didn't argue as he grabbed one of the condoms from the box and put it on. Then, he placed himself between his lover's legs, laying his erection on top of Ichigo's hole. Just feeling the heat radiating onto the underside of his cock had his nerves jumbling. He looked up at his Ichigo, who was looking at him with complete patience and trust. The orange haired man nodded his head. "I'm putting it in, Ichigo," announced Grimmjow. With that, he fit the head at the hole and slid some of it in. He kept going deeper and deeper, constantly looking up at Ichigo's face. When he finally touched the other's hips, Grimmjow stood still and said, "It's all in there."

"Well," breathed Ichigo with a small smile, "that wasn't so bad. Just don't go too heard, yeah?" His lover just nodded and pulled out slowly, then Grimmjow slid back in, giving out a small moan as Ichigo moaned. "A little faster than that, sweety."

Grimmjow pulled out and slipped back in a little faster, and he was rewarded with Ichigo throwing his head back and moaning out sweetly. He put his husband's legs in the pit of his arms and started to thrust at the desired pace. "Hah," moaned Grimmjow. Hot, wet, and tight were all the words that scrambled in the blue haired man's mind as he kept getting sucked inside.

Ichigo, on the other hand, was yelling his pleasure without shame. "Oh my-uh!" he cried. "Right there! Yes!" He started stroking himself as he requested, "Faster!"

The other did as asked and moved his hips like a pumping piston. Just like that, his entire body was set ablaze with tingling waves that brushed his limbs like rushing sea water. "Ah, ah, ah," breathed Grimmjow. He gripped Ichigo's thighs as he kept moving. His abs and thighs were on fire for clenching and flexing for so long, and they were not getting better as his pleasure kept building and building.

Grimmjow could see Ichigo's brown eyes were dilated and glistening with tears. Those angelic lashes were flapping and flapping. He licked his lips as he made eye contact with his lover, who did not shy away from returning his stare. Squeak, squeak, squeal, bam! The bed banged against the wall. Their stares were still intense, even as the bed kept banging against the wall. Bang!

Suddenly, Ichigo tightened and curled his toes as his working hand extracted a pouring stream of cum from his hot cock. "Ah! Grimmjow!" exclaimed Ichigo in bliss. His eyes were tight, and his free hand was clenching the sheets. Then, he slumped in place as he moaned at still being made love to.

"Fuck!" cried Grimmjow as he slammed his hips onto Ichigo's and came. His entire body felt drained as his dick emptied into the condom. He could still feel Ichigo twitching around him as he stayed still, trying to catch his breath. He gently set his lover's legs down and leaned over Ichigo's body to kiss him. They kissed and kissed until Grimmjow had to pull himself out. The condom was thrown away and both men went to the bathroom, where they cleaned up.

"That was fuckin' awesome," said Ichigo to Grimmjow. The orange haired man leaned against his lover's back and held him. Grimmjow put down the towel in his hands and looked over his shoulder.

"I know I'm good," said Grimmjow with a lighthearted grin. The other just laughed and released him. He turned and hugged his husband, resting his chin on the other's head. "I love you."

Ichigo smiled and replied, "I love you, too, Grimmjow."

The End

Author's Note:

And then the story ended.

I know I said there'd be two or so, but I just wanted to get to the good stuff already. I had fun writing this chapter, so I hope it is well liked by you all.

Thanks for the follows, faves, and reviews, ladies and gentlemen! See you guys in "Warrior's Fate" and in the next Extreme Seme Files story. Poll for next ESF one shot couple is still up! I won't be closing it for another week. :)