Author's Note: Ahem, HEY-Y'all ( awkwardly and bashfully). SO... I have not forgotten about this fic. To be real with everyone life has been so hard this past 3 yeas. However, I have been working on this chapters for FOREVER. Uh-Here's a sneak peak. Happy New year . OMG it's 2020


A few minutes later, the pharmacist said " Your total is 52.75". Bonnie pulled out her credit card and handed it over. She quickly took the box. She turned around briskly as she headed out of the store. She struggled to open her purse.

'Are freaking kidding me… 50 bucks. A box of condoms would cost only 12 bucks'. Thought to herself the caramel beauty. She struggled to open her purse due to her hasty and none tentative manner.

"Bonnie!", a voice said. The caramel beauty froze as she tried to shove the box into her purse. Her heart beat quickened...

Chapter 19

"BONNIE", The voice resonated throughout the aisle.

The caramel-skinned woman's form came to a halt. Her brisk gait became lead-footed. She debated whether to turn around and face the voice that called to her.

She reasoned with herself as she stood in place. She struggled to put the box inside of her purse. She fidgeted with it and it seems to be impossible for her to force the box inside. The more she tried, the harder it became to place it with dexterity.

The petite woman let out a sigh as she once more heard her name.

" Yo-hoo, Bonnie?!".

Bonnie turned around while her palms wrapped around the box roughly. It appeared as if her hands had lost circulation as they grasp onto the box with force.

"Bonnie, honey is that you?", the boastful and nosy voice echoed.

Bonnie plastered a smile as she wanted to kick herself mentally. She wished that the earth had swallowed her whole.

She looked to the floor rather quickly as the steps became louder and closer. The dreaded pained grimace crossed her face.
The caramel-skinned woman let out a gusty sigh as she felt her mouth run dry. The other woman's body swayed from side to side with such impetus and yet it had this confident air to her walk.

"Bonnie-Oh good, it's you!".

Blerp, so there is that. Let me know what if y'all want this update or nah

love Luzsingravedad