A/N: Okay, I thought I'd write a very different story than what's on fanfiction now! :D I really hope you enjoy this, and please don't hesitate to tell me what you honestly think!

WARNING: This chapter is Rated T+ (It's not exactly M or T) for mentions of suicide, some mild content (nothing serious), but nothing too serious! You've been warned. Don't like? Please, just don't read, then!

Disclaimer: I don't own How to Rock

Stevie Baskara and a couple of her friends, now all 18, have their ways of getting into local bars. It's called a bribe. "Can you believe it? We're finally out of there!" Stevie says. The small group of friends whoop, holding up the drinks they ordered in a toast. There's only a couple of there. Kacey Simon, former Perf. Nelson Baxter and Kevin Reed, former geeks-no one saw that one coming. There's also Nelson's girlfriend Grace King, a former Perf herself. There's also one of Stevie's other friends Claire Fontana.

"It's about time! Brewster was getting a little old for us," Kevin says. "Right?" Claire says. "So, Stevie?" Claire says, turning her stool to face her friend. "What are your plans now that we're free?" she asks. Stevie shrugs. "I'm deciding whether or not I should go to college," Stevie says. "I'm not going. I just got out of school. The last thing I want in life is more school! I think I want to start acting," Claire says. Stevie rolls her eyes and laughs. "Well, good luck with that then, I guess," she says.

Claire laughs, but she doesn't reply. Stevie goes back to her drink. She looks, to her friends, happy... but in truth, she really doesn't want to be there. She's been upset since her father's death. She just wants to go home to her appartment. Her mother said it would be best if she had her own place to mull things over in and such. So, her mother bought her an appartment. Stevie knew though that her mother couldn't handle a child with the sudden death. Stevie understood. It made things easier. Less fighting, more healing.

"I'm going to be right back," Stevie says, slipping out of her seat. Her friends don't really notice her absence. She slips into the bathroom, letting a couple tears of stress fall. She wipes them away carefully though before they can smudge her eyeliner. She makes sure her eyes don't look at all puffy or red before returning to her friends. "Where'd you go?" Claire asks. "Bathroom," Stevie says. She's a bit hurt her friends didn't even hear her when she told them earlier.

It only added to her stress. It had gone on for a couple months now, and she was just tired of it all. She stays silent most of the night. By midnight, she's drowned out most of the pain inside with alcohol overload. She's so drunk, that subconsciously she knows this will bite her in the butt tomorrow. She doesn't know where her friends went off to. Quite honestly, she doesn't care.

"Hey, you!" the bartender calls to someone on the other end of the bar. "You well enough to drive?" he asks the man on the other end of the bar. The man nods. "How many drinks have you had?" the bartender asks. "One," the man replies. "Good. You're taking her to her home. She's too out of it, and I don't know where her friends went off to. Besides, I'm closing up now," the bartender says. The man he's talking to seems a bit taken aback.

"I don't know anything about her!" the man argues. "Ask her for her license," the bartender says, not really caring anymore. The man gets up and walks up to Stevie. "Miss?" he asks. Stevie looks up, trying to focus on the man in front of her. Eventually it becomes to difficult and she slurs, "Yesh?" "Do you have a license?" the man asks. "Yeah... shure," she says. "Can I see it?" he asks. "No... not on me, silly!" she laughs.

The man sighs and says, "Come on, I'm gonna take you home." He grabs her my the arm, gently though, and pulls her to his car, making sure when she stumbles, she doesn't fall. He gets her into the passenger seat and shuts the door. When he gets into the car, she starts laughing, and eventually asks, "My home?" "Um... sure?" he says. He has no idea where she lives. He knows he's going to have to bring her to his appartment.

It takes a little over a half hour to get to his appartment across town, but when he arrives, he helps a giggling, stumbling Stevie inside. He sets her down on his bed and grabs the extra blanket on the floor and goes out onto the couch.

It's 4:38 AM when he's woken up by whispering. He opens his eyes and sees the girl he brought home in front of him. "What is it?" he asks groggily. She's still drunk, he realizes, as she slurs, "I can't sleep..." He sighs and says, "Yeah?" He's not trying to sound rude... but he was in the middle of a pretty hot dream. "Well... will you talk to me a bit?" she slurs. Her slurring isn't as bad as it was three hours ago, he notices. He sits up on the couch to make room for her, and she sits down in front of him.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asks. "What's your name?" she asks. "Zander Robbins," he yawns. "What about you?" he asks her. She plays with a few snarled strands of hair as she says, "Stevie Baskara." He actually likes her name. It's very pretty. "How old are you?" he asks. "18," she replies. He's shocked. "First time drinking?" he asks. She nods. That explains it. he thinks. "How old are you?" she asks him. "21," he says.

She's quiet a while and then says, "Are you happy?" "What do you mean?" he asks. The questions takes him by surprise. "I mean... do you ever feel so depressed you wish you could... you know... leave it all?" she asks. "Define 'leave'," Zander asks. "Die! Leave! Go!" Stevie says frustrated. Zander shakes his head. "Not that I can recall, no."

Stevie stays quiet after that. "Why'd you ask?" Zander questions. Stevie shrugs. "I guess... I don't know. I've been depressed lately..." she sobs. "My father dies a couple months ago... my mother basically shipped me off into my own appartment as soon as possible... my friends don't seem to notice when I leave them at all... I just want someone to be there... I mean really be there... and stay," she says. Zander nods his head. Why was she telling him all this random, irrelevant stuff?

As he's lost in thought, he doesn't realize how close she is suddenly... until she's kissing him. He's not stopping her either. It's wrong, and he knows it... but Zander Robbins never really could stop a pretty girl from doing what she wanted with him. This is the first girl that's ever, in his mind, been told is supposed to be off-limits. But, he can't find it in him to stop her... or himself.

It doesn't take long before her body is flush against his, nothing seperating the pair. He can feel it, the way her body is "speaking," that she's entirely inexperienced. This makes this whole thing even more wrong. But... he just can't pull away. When did we get into my room? he asks himself.

The next morning, Stevie wakes up in what she knows isn't her appartment. Her heart skips a couple beats as she's trying to remember where she is... why... and...

Why she's in someone's arms... not wearing anything. She carefully slips from the man's arms. She sneaks a look at the other presence. The man is quite handsome... she wishes she could remember everything from last night...

She scrambles to carefully and quickly pick up and put on her clothes from yesterday-he head throbbing as the sunlight reflects off the white walls of the man's bedroom. She hears him starting to stir, so she slips from the bedroom, down the hallway and out the door in the small kitchen.

Zander opens his eyes as the front door to his appartment closes. He groans as he sits up and recalls everything from the night before. Crap.

A/N: Heyyy how'd you like it? I actually am very proud with how this came out, and even just the plot! I hope you enjoyed it to, and let me know what you think and if I should continue! :D Thanks, lovelies!