A/N: Finally I got it up. My newest Rebekol story, inspired by Romeo & Juliet. It was suggested by the lovely Dante 101 and well, I wrote it. I want to thank my beta Jen aka stelenacasket on tumblr, and I hope there aren't too many mistakes left after I went and did some more writing to it afterwards. Those of you waiting updates on my other fics, they are coming, I just got taken away by the need to write this. Next chapter, if all goes well and I get lots of reviews *hint hint*, should be here next Sunday. I will try to update once a week or more, that depends on you, lovely readers. I also want to say that, this fic is very dear to me and I have never written a chap so long so please let me know how you liked it, because I know you liked it. (yes, I am that conceited lol). Anyway, I will stop blabbering and let you read. Enjoy! -SeleneD ... p.s. If you don't like this ship, don't read it, I will not tolerate hate.

Chapter 1



. *Pain was destined to be the melody of her love. And one can at the best, face destiny … but not change it*.



Rebekah walked up the stairs, irritated at her mother and father. She had not liked hearing about how in a month's time, she was to be married. Her hand glided over the banister and she held on to it, to stop herself from falling down. Tears gathered in her eyes and she took a deep breath trying to calm herself down, her lower lip trembling, legs suddenly feeling like they were jelly. Her long, golden hair framed her face as she lowered her head, staring at the ground, thinking of what this meant for her. She turned and quietly sat down on a step, bringing her hand to her mouth, covering it to muffle any sound that would come out. It would not be wise to alert anyone that she was crying. Rebekah would have rather done it back in the safety of her room, but could not make another step.

Tears fell down her face, over her pale cheeks, a soft whimper escaping her lips. Her hands began to tremble as she sobbed quietly on the stairs. Her white skirt forgotten in her sorrow, now gathering dirt from beneath her. Rebekah did not care for it, she did not care for anything but how miserable her life had suddenly become.

Her parents surely could not do this to her, she thought. It was not right. Rebekah was young, too young to be married. To be a wife, a mother, to be with someone she did not love or want or feel anything towards. She didn't want to live that life. But she knew that there was nothing she could do. Her two eldest brothers were already married, and it was only a matter of time before she too was forced to go through with the same fate.

Wiping her tears off from her face with the back of her hand, Rebekah stood up and brushed her hands over her clothes, straightening them and removing any dust that might have held on. She lifted her head and ran a hand through her hair making sure it was smooth and did not show any distress she felt. Finally making sure that no one was around, Rebekah finished climbing the stairs and opened the door to her room, breathing a sigh of relief that no one had seen her.

She looked in the mirror before calling her chambermaid, happy that her face wasn't flushed or her eyes weren't red from crying. She took off her clothes and let them drop to the floor, stepping out of them while she waited for her help. Rebekah was clad only in her underwear and opened the doors to the balcony, stepping outside, looking at everything. The sky was dark and no starts were to be seen. Maybe the world felt her sadness, Rebekah though and smiled, leave it to her to think of something so ridiculous.

"My god, child," She heard from behind her and turned with slight smirk playing on her lips, "Get dressed this instant or you'll catch your death like that"

"But nanny you know how I feel about those clothes." Rebekah said with a smile, and walked closer to the old woman picking up her clothes and wrapped her arms around her. "I much rather be cold than not be able to breathe. Who ever made them should be forced to wear them, not I"

Rebekah spoke softly and with a childish innocence. She knew her nanny didn't mind, as the old woman was more of a mother to Rebekah than Esther ever was. Ever since Rebekah had been born, she was taken care of by Nanny and Rebekah was very close to the old woman. She could be herself around the woman and not fear being ridiculed or told to act her age, or a certain way.

"Do not speak of such foolish things, and go have your bath so you can go to bed" Nanny said, with a faint smile as she pushed Rebekah's hands off her.

Rebekah didn't answer but moved into the bathroom to find her bath drawn and ready for her. Slipping of the remaining clothes she had on, Rebekah slid in the bath and under the water. She loved most to pretend to be able to live underwater at least for those few moments before her lungs forced her to break free and inhale. She would lie there with her head under water and the rest of the world seized to matter for a moment. No sounds were heard, no shouting or screaming. All she was feeling was a sense of peace and tranquillity and she cursed her lungs for being so weak and needing air, wishing she could stay there forever.

Her nanny came and washed her hair and left towels for Rebekah when she was ready to come out. Rebekah could hear the old woman in her room, probably getting her bed ready and folding her clothes. Rebekah didn't care much, she was glad to have been left alone to her thoughts.

She wished she could drown herself but knew that nanny will save her in time. Rebekah also knew that nanny would tell her parents and that was something she didn't want. After today's revelation, she didn't want anything to do with her mother and father. She wished she could talk to her married brothers, but they would just tell her to stop being so foolish and do what she had to do.

Rebekah hated that they didn't understand how different this was for her. Niklaus and Elijah had chosen their wives themselves. It wasn't like they were forced to marry someone they didn't know or love. She still remembered the day they came home with smiles on their faces and told her that they had chosen to marry and would be leaving the house to live with their wives.

"Sister, I have great news" Niklaus exclaimed and wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, turning them both, making Rebekah laugh.

"What is it brother? It must be something special if it has you in such good mood" Rebekah asked, giggling when her brother returned her to her feat.

"Oh it is. Elijah and I have decided to marry" Niklaus said, grinning like a fool and Rebekah's smile dropped. "Don't worry Rebekah; you are still my favourite sister"

Her brothers were going to leave her. She understood that thought but was not happy about it. She wanted to scream at Niklaus for abandoning her but seeing how happy he was, she didn't want to ruin his good mood. Maybe she would be happy when her time came, she thought. But seeing his chosen girl at their wedding, gave Rebekah a realisation that all women were unhappy in their marriage as they did not get to choose who to marry, with whom to spend their life with.

The water in the bath had gone cold and Rebekah's teeth were chattering when she rose from her thoughts. Quickly finishing washing, she wrapped the towel around her body and tip toed back to her bed, glad that the room was warm. She dried herself off and then put on the long night gown that was left on her bed and climbed under the covers, sighing happily that the bed was warm.

Her wet hair were sticking uncomfortably to the back of her neck but she shook the thoughts away as the warms enveloped her and she fell asleep, all bad thoughts from today disappearing as her tiredness took over.



Her slumber was interrupted as light caresses' were ghosting over her face and she realised that someone was trying to wake her up. Her side was shaken once more and she heard her name being called. She frowned and groaned, not wanting to open her eyes and see who it was, but the shaking was starting to annoy her and without opening her eyes, she stretched her arms and hit someone right in the face.

She heard a gasp and a whispered curse and realised that it was her brother. Thoughts ran through her head as she thought of why he was here in her room and more importantly in her bed at this time of night. Surely he hadn't had heard of her fate just yet, she thought groggily, she had wanted to tell him herself.

Slowly, opening one eye, she smiled as the face of her brother materialised in front of her. He was lying on his side, facing her, his brow was creased in frustration and anger, but in his eyes she could see a great deal of pain and sadness.

"What's happened, Kol?" She asked in a whisper; bring her fingers to his face, lightly touching his furrowed brow. She didn't like to see her brother sad, or in pain. "Is something the matter?"

"Nothing sister dear, I just head some rather disturbing news and just wanted to see you." Kol answered, his voice barely above a whisper. His hand was lying on top of Rebekah's arm and fingers softly brushing over her skin. "I hope you don't mind that I woke you. I didn't want to be alone at this moment"

"Of course I don't mind" Rebekah smiled and rested her hand on the side of his face. It had been so long since she had seen him. She wanted to make his stay with her for as long as she could. "Tell me, what have you heard that's so awful? I wish to know everything and don't leave anything out"

Kol raised his hand to his face and put it on top of Rebekah's, giving it a light squeeze and bring it to his lips, softly kissing it once, than intertwining their fingers, all while looking into her eyes. He noticed the light flush that crept on her cheeks and smiled to himself. Kol was glad to have been able to do that to his sister. He always regarded her as more than his sister because to have thoughts like that was wrong, he knew, but he didn't want to stop.

Thoughts of Rebekah haunted him all the time and he was sure that he was slowly going insane. He would sometimes watch her when she wasn't looking and imagined how she would feel wrapped in his arms. Sure, he held her sometimes, but at those times he was acting like her brother, not like a lover he so wished to be.

He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her so passionately and not share her with anyone. He loved how her hair always smelled like spring. Her skin felt so soft against his and he cursed for wanting to touch her and taste her. He could never act on his desires; Rebekah would surely think that he was mad. He'd much rather have her like a sister than not have her in his life at all.

Kol stood then and Rebekah thought that he was leaving her but relaxed when she saw that he was just removing some of his clothes and lifted the covers so he could slide in and she moved her body closer to him. She was already hot under the covers, but she couldn't miss the chance to be this close to him. He was the only man who she had lied with and was sure that brothers and sisters weren't supposed to do this but something inside of her just called for him, wanting to be close to him, to touch him. But she held herself back, only letting him touch her as much as he wanted, out of fear that Kol too will leave her if he discovered what was wrong with her.

Feeling Rebekah so close to him, Kol put his hand on her waist, surprised slightly that she didn't tell him to stop. He took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes before starting to speak.

"Father called for me tonight. I knew it was something bad as you know he doesn't really talk to us unless it's to order us around. I went to see him and mother was there too. I was surprised at first, but when he began to speak, I realised that they were both there because they knew I would never agree to it." Kol explained, frowning. His thumb was rubbing over Rebekah's skin and she was looking at him with confusion in her eyes. "They told me that it's time I chose a wife. Can you believe them?"

Rebekah forgot how to breathe the moment Kol mentioned taking a wife. She couldn't lose him too, not to some woman she didn't know. She frowned at his words and opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

"But I thought you can chose when you wish not when they tell you too" She asked after a moment.

"Not this time. Father already made arrangements, I marry a week after you and I have so little time to find someone." He answered and sighed. Removing his hand from Rebekah's side, he turned to his back and closed his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief.

He thought about how he was supposed to find someone to love and marry in only a matter of weeks, knowing full well that any woman he finds will be nothing compared to the blond beauty that lie next to him, the one he loves with all his heart and soul. He turned his head towards her and opened his eyes, marvelling how much beauty his sister possessed and didn't even realize it.

Kol wasn't happy to find out that she was to be married off to some man who will not love her like he loves her, who will never treat her the way she deserves to be treated, who will not give her all the things she will want. He felt jealous of the man already and wished there was something he could do, to save his sister from a life that will make her unhappy. But what was he to do when he was in the same situation as her. His only chance was to spend as much time with her now as he could.

Rebekah watched her brother as he turned and felt suddenly cold without his hand on her. Her heart was beating so fast in her chest that Rebekah was sure Kol could hear it, but if he did, he didn't say and she returned her eyes to his face. His chestnut coloured hair was sticking up and she wanted to run her fingers through it, to see how soft it was. Biting on her bottom lip, she let her eyes move lower on his face, admiring how he looked in the soft glow of candle light. His eyes were closed but Rebekah knew that he had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen on a man. His lips looked so inviting that it took all of her self control not to bring her lips to his and taste him.

When he turned to look at her, Rebekah sucked in air and just stared in those big eyes of his, thinking of how much she will miss him when they will be married and almost never see each other again. But while she still has him, she will make it very hard for any woman he chooses. Kol was her brother and she will not let him be with someone that didn't deserve him.

"What are you thinking about Rebekah?" Kol asked, raising a brow, looking at her like he knew exactly what she had planned.

Rebekah turned on her stomach, and held herself up on her elbows. Her left shoulder was exposed as her nightgown had slipped in her turning but she didn't care, it was far too hot to be so covered up, especially with Kol next to her.

"Nothing brother, do not worry" Rebekah answered with a smile. She played with her hair, choosing not to look at him too long. She felt his fingers on her shoulder and tensed, wishing he would touch her more.

Kol couldn't stop looking at her shoulder, and when Rebekah had started playing with her hair his resolve broke and he reached out and moved his fingers over her delicate skin. It was so soft and warm, that he wished he could touch more but feeling her tense under his touch, he quickly removed his hand and got out of bed.

Rebekah felt the shift in the bed and lifted her head to see him putting back his clothes on. She was sad that he had chosen to go, but she knew not to dream about things that would never happen.

"I've kept you up long enough, I should go and let you sleep more" Kol said and leaned down to kiss her on the head, "Goodnight Rebekah"

She watched him go and released the breath she had been holding ever since he touched her and with a groan let her head fall on the pillow.

This is wrong, she told herself, I should not feel like this about him. But she couldn't help the way she lit up around him, or the way her heart was beating out of her chest whenever Kol was near, or the way her butterflies went crazy in her stomach whenever he smiled in her direction. She loved her brother dearly, but she didn't love him as her brother, she loved him much more than that and wondered if she will ever stop.

Turning back around and lying on her side, facing the door, Rebekah closed her eyes and waited for sleep to wash over her, so she could forget about this day. The day her whole word collapsed around her when she found out that not only she was to marry, but her brother as well.



Kol quickly and quietly moved to his room, thankful that he didn't bump into anyone as he didn't know how to explain to someone why he was sneaking out of his sister's room in the middle of the night. He closed the door behind him and rested against it, his breath coming in pants as he was excited at how his night had turned around after finding out that he has weeks to choose a wife.

Remembering the conversation with his parents, Kol felt a surge of anger in him and walked away from the door to the balcony. He needed some air and he held on to the railings hard. His knuckles were turning white but he didn't notice, as he stared out and composed himself.

He was angry for so many reasons that his brain had a hard time choosing one and giving it to him, instead throwing all his thoughts at him at once.

His sister was getting married. His darling sister Rebekah was to be married and there was nothing he could do about it. He will be losing her forever and he knew that it will break his heart more than anything else and he was sure that the pain will kill him alone. But he didn't want to leave Rebekah all alone in a world where no one would take care of her. He would rather suffer the pain then do that to her.

Then there was his upcoming marriage. What his parents were thinking he will never know, but he was sure that they weren't thinking at all. His father only cared about what others thought of him and that meant that everyone in the family had to suffer. Everyone except mother as she was just like father and cared more about others than about her children. He wished that the woman he will be forced to marry will be different than his mother as he would not be able to tolerate her and it would mean the end to his life as he knew it.

Kol hated being put in this position. His brother's were free to choose who and when to marry so why not him? He had already made up his mind that once Rebekah was married off, he will leave the country and disappear from all their lives and suffer in pain all by himself, no need to involve others. But now that he was forced to do this, and his feelings towards Rebekah have only grown in the recent months, Kol knew that he will not be able to leave like he planned. He will be forced to live with another, to touch and kiss and produce an heir that he did not want, all because his parents told him too.

Sometimes he wished that he was stronger than that. That he would be able to stand up to his father and tell him that he will not under any circumstances will marry now or ever and that was final. But he wasn't, he thought as he lowered his head and put his arms on the railings, holding his head in his hands.

"What am I supposed to do?" He asked himself out loud, knowing that no one will hear him. "How am I supposed to stop all this?"

Sighing, he straightened out and walked back inside, dropping down on the bed, with one hand behind his head and the other on his stomach.

When he had stormed out of his father's room, he went straight to Rebekah knowing full well that she will be sleeping already but he had to see her. When he was lying down next to her, watching her sleeping face, he had smiled to himself imagining her face on his wife, but the image didn't quite work there. He had touched her face, brushing her hair away from her eyes. He wanted to lean in and kiss her, to brush his lips against hers and taste her lips before she disappeared from his life forever. When she had awoken, she looked so adorable, that he wanted to pull her to him and never let her go.

Kol knew that torturing himself with thoughts of Rebekah as more than his sister wasn't right, but at least he could have her in his thoughts. Getting from bed, he shed the clothes on his back and after a quick shower; he got under the covers and closed his eyes, imagining Rebekah's soft lips moving against his as he fell asleep.



When Kol woke, the first thing he realised was that the sun was shining in through the windows he didn't close the night before. And the loud screaming noises from down the hall. Without thinking too much about it, he jumped to his feet, grabbed a robe and ran out of his room and to find the source of the screams so he can finish the job and wring their neck so he can get back to sleep. He was almost at his sister's door when it opened and out ran Rebekah, crying her eyes out.

Kol being the protective brother than he was, ran after her and when he caught her, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her body to his and held on tight, while he moved them so they were back in his room. His hand was on her hair, gently stroking it as he tried to calm her down, while the other hand was on her lower back fitting together like a puzzle.

"What happened, Rebekah?" Kol asked. The crying girl in his arms muttered something but he didn't understand. "I'm sorry what? I can't understand you"

Rebekah pulled away from his embrace for a moment to clarify herself. "She wants me to marry Tyler Lockwood! Kol, I can't marry him, he's a monster. He already had two wives and they're both dead. If I marry him, I know I'm going to be next" She said and then continued crying.

Kol held her while he tried to remember all there was to it about the man, his parents were marrying his sister to. He had heard that Tyler Lockwood was a ruthless man, much like their father, so what Ester was thinking when she gave her permission for the union, Kol didn't know, but he'll be damned if he will let his sister become the third and possibly dead wife of such a man. He had heard how Lockwood's wives suddenly died a few months into the marriage and wasn't going to stand by and let the same happen to Rebekah.

"Don't worry, it won't happen" He told her, not sure if she heard as he whispered it.

He wasn't going to let that lay his hands on Rebekah, even if he has to get rid of him himself. And that is exactly what he will do, Kol realised while he thought of a way to save his sister from an unhappy marriage. He will get rid of Tyler Lockwood and any other man that wanted to take his sister away from him.

"I'm sorry. I probably woke you and here you are making me feel better" Rebekah said, pulling away from him and he let her go, no matter how much a voice inside his head whispered to him that he should just pull her close and crash his lips to hers.

"You did wake me, but it doesn't matter. It was time for me to get up anyway, have to go and find me a wife, don't I?" Kol said, attempting a laugh, but his tone sounded angrier and laced with poison than anything else, and he hoped that Rebekah wouldn't ask him why he did.

Rebekah looked disgusted for a moment but then remembered that she isn't supposed to be unhappy that her brother wants to find his bride and relaxed, smiling instead. "Can I help? Maybe we can go into town and I can help you choose? After all, who will know you better than me, brother?" Rebekah asked, smiling, secretly hoping that he will say yes, so she can make sure that Kol doesn't find anyone.

"Of course you know me so well, sister. Yes, why not, let's do just that" Kol answered, then looked at Rebekah properly and then at himself. They were still in their robes and would need to change before stepping outside. "I will meet you downstairs, alright? I believe it will be better if we change first and not make a spectacle of ourselves by leaving the house in our robes"

Rebekah looked at her clothes and realised that she wasn't wearing much and blushed right away; she should not be with Kol when she wasn't properly dressed and she should not be blushing like that either. She turned around and waited for her face to cool down before turning back to face Kol and nearly jumped when she found him standing right behind her and so close that she could feel his heat radiating off him. Rebekah blushed again, this time more than earlier and couldn't take her eyes off him.

She found him looking at her with such an intense look that she wondered if she will melt under his gaze. Rebekah felt his fingers touching the side of her face and took a sharp breath at the contact but didn't dare say anything in case he would stop. She saw him looking at her and she wondered what he will do next.

Something pulled inside of him, when he saw her blushing and frowned when she turned away from him. Stepping closer to her, Kol didn't realise what he was doing until he heard her inhale and then he was ready to be told to get away but she just looked at him and remained silent.

He brushed her hair away from her face and brushed his thumb over her cheek. His other hand rested on her side and he felt her trebling under him. He slowly lowered his head and before he could talk himself out of it, crushed their lips together.

Rebekah's heart was beating so fast, she wondered if she was dying. She could feel every single touch of his fingers and her skin felt like it was on fire. She didn't know if it was normal to feel like that but she didn't have enough time to think about is when she felt his lips on hers and she actually considered that she might have died.

She whimpered into the kiss and moved her lips with his, following his movements. He tasted sweet and Rebekah was sure that no matter what happens next, she will never forget how Kol's lips tasted.

The kiss was over too fast for Rebekah's liking but didn't say anything when Kol pulled away, just stood there staring at him. She remembered that they were supposed to be going to town and blinked, making sure that whatever inappropriate thoughts she had in her head, were staying right there and not coming out of her mouth and turning this situation even more awkward. Right now she had to make sure that her brother didn't choose just anybody for his wife.

"I should go change" Rebekah whispered, looking in his eyes.

Kol nodded not trusting his words not to betray him, and watched her leave. He felt backwards into bed, holding his hand over his chest to make sure that he hadn't accidentally died and this was all a dream. Finding his heartbeat, Kol sighed and as quickly as his legs carried him, he went into the bathroom to have a shower before spending a day with his sister while they searched for a bride for him.

When he had showered and dressed, he moved all the thoughts away to one side, instead choosing to spend a day with his sister and not think about the kiss they shared and how much he wanted to do more of that. But his wish didn't come true, as she saw Rebekah standing downstairs by the door waiting for him, dressed in a while summer dress that wasn't tight, but on Rebekah looked just wonderful.

"Ready?" He asked, stopping behind her and he had to laugh when she visibly jumped.

Rebekah had been so lost in her thoughts since leaving his room that she didn't hear him until he spoke behind her and she had gotten scared almost jumping in the air and screaming her head off. She turned to look at him and had to control her hormones not to jump on him right there and then.

"Ready" She answered, not sure why nothing else hadn't come out of her mouth but didn't think too much, as he opened the door and took her hand in his and she followed him out. She knew that it wasn't smart to let him touch her or to touch him, it was only fuelling the fire that was burning inside of her but she couldn't let go of his hand, and she didn't want to. So she kept quiet and walked along side Kol as they neared the town square.

A/N: I am shaking with excitment to know what you thought, please add to your alerts and leave a review. And come talk to me on tumblr - queenofrebekol is my new url. :)