Nathaniel Turner.

He's sensible, incredible, he's the ideal boyfriend. All my single friends and cousins are jealous. He says everything I need to hear, and compliments me all the time. He opens my car door, and pulls out my seat for me. He's so polite.

But he's not you.

I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain. I remember, two in the morning, and I'd be cursing your name. But I loved you all the same. You would make snide remarks about my hair, and I'd say things about your complexion in return, but we'd only be teasing. Some times it would turn nastly, but we'd fall back, and know that we loved each other. I didn't know I could feel so much.

Because that's us.

He respects my space. He never comes too close, and never makes me wait, for anything. My mother likes him, they're quite close. He talks about work with my father. He says he'll call at 3:00. He calls at exactly 3:00, being charming, and endearing. And I'm comfortable.

But I love you

I fake a smile; he can't see how fake it is. My heart's not breaking when I lie to him, because I don't feel anything at all with him. You- we- were wild and crazy. You frustrate me so easily, and were so complicated.

You got away by some mistake.

You were never sensible, Scorpius Malfoy, but you were incredible. All my cousins and friends were jealous, even if they weren't single. You would never open my door, or pull out my chair, but you called me beautiful. You would give me rare compliments that would mean the world to me, more than Nathaniel's everyday comments of , 'You look nice today," or, "Nice choice."

You teased me with pet names. Even though I pretended to hate those pet names, you knew I loved them really. You would talk for ages, just to piss me off, until I got so fed up I would kiss you just to shut you up. You would smile against my lips, and I would do the same. You gave me space.


You would babble on until I told you what was wrong, instead of standing back and giving me time to think about it.

You would say,"7 okay?" and then show up at 7:15. You would call half an hour later than you said you would. But it was okay. My father never liked you at first, but he warmed up to you in time. My mother adored you from the start. Everyone thought I would become a Malfoy, not a Turner.

My family were devastated when you left. I think they see through my façade. You were charming, too. I was comfortable with you, if a bit unsettled. Unsettled in a good way, though.

Because I love you.

Please come back. I miss you so much. Come back and don't ever leave.

A/N: PLASE, PLEASE, PLEASE REVIEW! I'm not too sure about this one.

Kia xoxo