This story is a AU version of another one of my stories called Devil May Cry: The Devil Shinobi
Well anyway I hope you like the first chapter to my new story Rise of a New Devil.
Long ago a demon fought against his own kind for humanity in its darkest time. The demon went by the name of Sparda, to some he was known as the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda. Sparda woke up to justice and fought against his own kind, Sparda stood alone in his war against his brethren, yet despite that Sparda won in the end. Sparda casted a spell destroying the bridges between our world and the demon world, however he had to pay a price and that price sealed away most of his power into the demon world as well, when he died the rest of his power went into his sword Force Edge. Before he died however Sparda married a human woman by the name of Eva and had two sons by the name of Dante and Vergil. Sparda gave Eva his amulet, which she gave to her sons after she divided it into two pieces, and made for his sons two enchanted swords for them, by the name of Yamato and Rebellion.
The sons were different each representing a different piece of Sparda's soul. The older twin Vergil represented Sparda's demonic side and was the wielder of the sword Yamato, Yamato was a sword said to be able to cut through anything no matter what it was and capable to open or close the portals to the demon world. The younger twin was Dante and he represented Sparda's humanity despite he himself being a demon from hell, Dante wielded the sword known as Rebellion it was symbol of Sparda's undying will to never surrender.
While the two were siblings they fought each other as hated enemies Vergil sought to undo the spell that Sparda casted to make an opening to the demon world to find their father's sword and claim the power of their father power for his own means, regardless of the effects that it would have on the human world. Dante fought his brother to protect the human world despite them being family; Dante saw something in humans like their father that was worth protecting.
In the end Dante defeated Vergil, despite Vergil having the sword of their father and saved the human world, that was the start of one legend. Dante did many other deeds and saved the world several other times. He had walked in the path of his father and saved many lives. As time passed, the world changed along with it, the legend of Sparda was covered up and forgotten by the sand's of time.
Many centuries passed and on the tenth of October in a land known as the Elemental Nations, a demon known as the Kyuubi no Kitsune or the Nine Tailed Fox attacked Konoha seemingly out of nowhere and for no reason whatsoever. It was held off for about a week but the casualties for this action were in the hundreds as loyal shinobi and civilians of Konoha lost their lives to the dreaded Bijuu. Many families were broken apart, children orphaned, wives widowed, friendships shattered, and homes were destroyed by the unstoppable force of nature known as Kyuubi.
But none had suffered as greatly as a small infant who was unfortunate enough to be born on the day as the Kyuubi had attacked. Why you may ask it is simple really the infant was used by the Yondaime Hokage to defeat the all mighty being one and for all and lost whatever chance he possibly had to live a normal life in Konohagakure.
One would ask why the infant suffered. If the infant helped the Yondaime Hokage defeat the Kyuubi wouldn't it be treated as a hero, right? Sadly, this was not the case here as the way the Hokage defeated Kyuubi using the infant is what has caused it to suffer unbelievably so.
No human no matter how powerful could ever hope to beat a demon, so the Hokage used a powerful jutsu to seal the Kyuubi into the child.
The Jutsu summoned the god of death himself to the field, the price the Hokage payed to seal it away into the baby was his own soul. From that day forth Minato Namikaze was seen as a true hero, while the baby that he wanted seen as a hero by the people was forced to suffer a life worse than death since that day.
This is that child's story, this is the story of the child who awoke his ancestor's blood and followed his heart, protecting those he held close as he also walked the path of his ancestors.
Chapter 1 From the Ashes
At a small ramen stand in the city of Konoha there was a small group of four people there enjoying a nice meal of ramen for dinner. Three of these people looked alike in some regards obviously meaning that these people were family. The woman had long black hair that went half down her back and black eyes with pale skin, she was wearing a dark blue shirt and beige pants, she was Mikoto Uchiha. The teenager there had dark brown hair and tanned skin that separated them in that department he was wearing the standard Anbu uniform without the mask, and then the little girl who sat next to a boy. The little girl was about six and looked like a miniaturized version of her mother with the same black hair and black eyes she was wearing a blue Yukata with peach blossoms that went down past her knees with a red obi that had with the Uchiha symbol on the back of it, this was Satsuki Uchiha.
The one that stood out the most though was the little boy, he was also six and had spiky sun kissed blonde hair that seemed to go in every direction possible with bright blue eyes his most noticing was the three whisker marks, and he was wearing a white shirt with a red swirl on the back and orange shorts. He had big goofy grin on his face that seemed to show pure happiness while he ate his ramen, this one was Naruto Uzumaki.
Mikoto had a good idea on who his parents were and went to the Sandaime about it. When she told him her theories and who she believed to be Naruto's parents. The Sandaime sighed and told her the truth about who Naruto's parents were, after his explanation he asked Mikoto to keep it a secret and to not tell Naruto out of fear that he would tell people that he was the was the son Yondaime, and then Iwa would send assassins' to kill Naruto since he was the son of the man who was hated by everyone in Iwa. Mikoto at first wouldn't agree and told him that he deserved to know of his parents and his burden.
Sarutobi begged her to not tell him and asked her if any child deserves to know that they bear such a burden. It took a little more convincing until Mikoto finally agreed, before she left however she said, "know this Sarutobi if anything happens to him. It's your fault, because you lacked the backbone to protect him when he needed help."
As they ate their ramen with gorging down like there was no tomorrow that today would be his last day on earth. "Hey Naruto the academy will be starting up soon will you be joining it too," Satsuki asked curiously.
"Yeah I can't wait I'm so excited, I'll be a step closer to being the Hokage," Naruto said.
"True you'll be a step closer but you would still have a long way to go before you can make that dream come true," Itachi said with a small smirk.
"Itachi don't be such a downer or you'll grow wrinkles at this rate, just enjoy the moment," Mikoto chastised.
The small group laughed (or in Itachi's case chuckled) they enjoyed their ramen peacefully and laughed but all things must come to an end sooner or later. Soon they had to go their separate ways, Naruto was sad that it came to an end even though to him it seemed to just begin. See you tomorrow Naruto," Satsuki said as she hugged Naruto with a smile on her face, Naruto didn't know why she had a small tint of red on her cheeks.
"Take care of yourself Naruto," Itachi said as he ruffled his hair. Mikoto then came up to him and hugged him and said, "Goodbye, see you tomorrow."
Naruto turned around and started to walk back to his apartment until he heard a little girl's voice say, "Naruto! Wait!"
Naruto turned around and saw Satsuki running up to him with something in her pocket. Naruto looked at Satsuki and asked, "Something wrong Satsuki."
Satsuki looked at him with a smile causing Naruto to smile and she said, "Naruto hold out your hand please I got a surprise for you."
Naruto did as he was told and closed his eyes and after a few seconds he felt something cold in his hand, when Naruto opened his eyes he saw a golden locket in the shape of an oval, Naruto looked up at her and saw that she had smile on her pale face. "Naruto there's more to it watch," she pressed a small button on the side of it and Naruto heard a small click.
When Naruto heard the click he saw that half of the locket could now move freely, Naruto lifted the other half of the locket and saw a photo of him and Satsuki with their arms around each other and a smile on their faces. On the other side of it Naruto saw an inscription that said 'Never forget' and couldn't help but like it even more.
Naruto looked up at her and gave her his big goofy grin and hugged the girl and said, "Thank you so much Satsuki!"
Satsuki would have said something if she was not currently lost in la la land. Satsuki's face was as red as a tomato. Naruto didn't know but her family did know that she had a crush on the blonde for a while now since a couple of months since they first met when they were four.
"Well Naru-Naruto I got to go see you to- tomar-tomorrow," Satsuki stuttered. She then ran off heading back towards her family. After she left Naruto stuffed the locket into his pocket as he heard people whispering and several of them were along the lines of, "hey look, it's the Kyuubi brat, and what was the other child doing with that thing," one villager whispered.
"That crest, wasn't that the symbol of the Uchiha clan on that other kid's clothes?"
"What was a member of the Uchiha clan doing with that...thing?"
As Naruto made his way back to his apartment he ignored the looks and glares that the people were sending and kept up the image he wanted them to see. The image that he wanted them to see, he wanted them to see a happy go lucky kid. Naruto's thoughts then moved to his precious people mainly that family.
Naruto enjoyed every moment he spent with those people there, because unlike most of the people in Konoha who glared at him with hatred, those people accepted him with open arms. Naruto treated everyday like it was his last day alive and cherished every moment for a reason.
He didn't know if it would truly be his last day alive. He wasn't a fool like the people thought he saw he noticed the glares the hatred they sent his way. What he did know was that it involved the fox that attacked six years ago. He went to the Sandaime and asked him about it, but all he told him was that they were misguided that you aren't what they think you are. That wasn't enough for him.
Didn't he have a right to know why they hated him, why they scorned him when he did nothing to them at all. Sometimes he wondered who the real monsters in this village were, was it him like they claimed he was, or was it them who beat him and blame him for something that he never did.
The last time Naruto cried was two years ago, after another beating, Naruto decided that he had enough crying. He wanted to leave this place yet he couldn't he had a lot of money what he lacked was the ability to protect himself. He didn't have any weapons or powers that could aid him if he got into trouble, so he figured that it would be best to wait before he made any attempts.
When Naruto stood in front of the building he opened the door and saw the graffiti on the walls, the graffiti said 'monster' and several other profanities. Naruto ignored them as he also ignored the scamper of rats and roaches in the building.
He didn't care about them anymore, when he first tried to get rid of them to make this place better they just came back. Eventually Naruto stopped caring and trying to get them to leave.
Naruto stood in front of the door to his apartment and opened the door it was the only reasonably clean place in the entire building it was a decent place it had the necessities and next to no possessions of major value.
But that was enough for him. All he needed was the essentials to survive, as soon as he entered the room the smile he had faded away into a cold and calculating look. He looked over at the rug and moved it to the side revealing hatch to a tunnel that led out of the building.
This room was the very reason why he chose a room on the first level to begin with. Not even the Hokage knew of the trapdoor the building he lived in, it was the very reason why he chose this building to live in of all places. One day he was being chase by a mob and went into this very building in the very room he now lived in. The Hokage tried to convince him to change his mind but Naruto stood firm and didn't change his mind, one day he figured that he could use this tunnel to escape the leaf, but for now he had to wait.
Naruto placed the rug over the hatch and then made his way to the bed; after he fell he closed his eyes hoping that he would get the questions to his answers soon. As fate would have it he would get the answers that he wanted and so much more.
Naruto's Mindscape
When Naruto opened his eyes he found himself in a whole new place. It looked like a sewer if the water any indication. He looked around and noticed some pipes on the roof were glowing light blue with a slight tint of red. Naruto, began to follow the pipes, until he came to a large room where the only thing that resided there was a giant cage door. Naruto walked closer to inspect it and saw that he gates were being held together by a single slip of paper with the kanji for seal written on it.
"Is anyone in there?" Naruto called out loudly.
For a moment nothing happened, then it came a loud swish sound that made him jump back just as a large clawed paw slam into the gate. A loud chuckle came from within the darkness of the giant cage. Then the thing that had attacked him came into view, it was huge, it body was covered in reddish-orange colored fur, burning red eyes. But the most notable feature of the creature was the nine tails swinging back and forth behind it.
"You're the…" Naruto began as he stared at the beast with a cold and calculating look on his face.
"The Kyuubi no Kitsune," the creature finished for him.
"So the Kyuubi is sealed inside of me, that answers several questions then,"
"Kyuubi raised an eyebrow and said, "you are smarter then you let people think you are, interesting."
"I do the last thing I need is even more people out there trying to kill me."
"True enough."
Naruto glared at him and said, "you know everything due to you being inside your host correct?"
"Yes I do so everything my host knows I know since I am inside of them."
"So Kyuubi do you know who my parents are?" Naruto asked curiously having a feeling that the fox knew who they were.
Kyuubi gulped having a bad feeling that the kid wasn't going to like what he heard next.
"You're mother was Kushina Uzumaki my former vessel who was related to Mito Uzumaki the First Hokage's wife. She died the night of me being sealed into you, if you think that she abandoned you."
"And my father?" Naruto asked as he glared at the fox. Wondering why his status as a jinchuriki was revealed and not his mothers and Mito's status wasn't. The old man knew that and didn't bother to hide his status, Naruto was angry at the old man and his anger was growing by the minute.
"You're father was…was the…Yondaime Hokage who sealed me into you."
Naruto's anger was growing even larger by the minute; he had a scowl on his face and asked, "Did anyone offer to take his place in the sealing?"
Kyuubi nodded with a solemn look on his face and said, "yes the old man as you call him and...your godfather who if I remember right, his name was Jiraiya the toad sage."
"My godfather," Naruto growled out, his anger finally reaching the breaking point.
Naruto's glare intensified and his face showed rage, pure rage at being lied to so many times by the old man about why he was hated and who his parents were, all that he had to suffer because of that one man, because of his own father, Naruto yelled out in hatred for his father. "THAT BASTARD!"
Naruto got down on his knees in his mindscape and was currently unknowingly drawing on Kyuubi's chakra around his body; he started slamming his arms down in anger on the floor of the mindscape. Naruto started screaming out in frustration and anger, if he was paying attention to the outside world he would've noticed a purplish blue aura started to surround him and his eyes were starting to glow red, they glowed so brightly that their seemed to be nothing in them but a bright red glow, their wasn't anything else at all in those eyes except the red glow.
Kyuubi could only stare wondering what was happening until a familiar scent had hit his snout.
'This scent it… it can't be! I thought that the line died ages ago!' Kyuubi thought as he watched the boy. The boy stood up and Kyuubi saw instead of a blonde hair and tanned skin boy, he saw a silver haired and pale skin boy with glowing red eyes.
However his most notable change was his right arm, his right arm now looked like a demons instead of a human's, the skin was now a glowing blue and seemed to be under a red articulated armor that resembled a lizard's skin, the hand was now a claw and seemed to glow brighter as the seconds passed. Kyuubi stared at him with his mouth hanging until he finally managed to say.
"You… You are a descendent of Sparda!"
"Sparda? Who's Sparda?"
Kyuubi cleared his throat knowing that this story was probably going to take some time to do, "Long ago, almost 8,000 years back or something like that I was there was a full out war between Humans and Demons. Humans fought to preserve their race and the demons to destroy it. The demons were led by a powerful demon prince named Mundus. Mundus wanted control of the entire human world. He amassed an army and selected demons of great power to lead them. One was named Sparda. At first, Sparda fought the humans and with his army, slaughtered many. However, one day, according to legend, he 'woke up to justice,' which I believe is a load of bullshit, anyway."
"He turned on Mundus and his fellow demons and fought against them. Single handedly, he fought Mundus's armies until he finally returned to hell to defeat Mundus himself. They fought long and hard until finally he defeated Mundus. He sealed Mundus away and forced his armies to separate. He pored his entire being into his sword and sealed the portal to the demon realm. He then set demonic guards to keep the portal safe and then disappeared, only appearing in various times throughout the ages to protect humanity."
"After that Sparda ruled over the humans for a time, he eventually vanished into history, he was a legend to the human world and was known as the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda. Sparda eventually met a human woman named Eva, and eventually married her and had two sons, twins."
Kyuubi then told him about Sparda's twin sons and their weapons Yamato and Rebellion, "I remember that the weapons were hidden so others couldn't get them, but they are protected by powerful allies that the twin sons' had. Their most likely devil's that they beaten in combat to obtain. You should wait a bit when you are much stronger before you make any attempts to retrieve them. Your arm also might lead us to them as well."
Naruto had a contemplative look on his face as he thought over the story everyone thought that all demons and devils were evil and untrustworthy demon.
Naruto could only think that he was descended of people that had actually managed to overcome hell itself and win. Kyuubi told him of how demonic society worked and the Devil Arm's that are achieved through defeating a demon of sufficient power.
"Kid I'm willing to cut a deal with you, in exchange for a small amount of freedom; I shall become your first Devil Arm."
"Why the hell are you willing to help me?"Naruto asked, demons were devious, he knew that you should never trust no matter what the offer was. He figured that it probably wasn't like them to just offer up their power to anyone.
"Because Sparda's are notoriously powerful and won't be killed easily. Even without this power you've unlocked, I've been watching you kid. I know I can't corrupt you enough to let the seal off even if I tried. With this power, you would just resist me even more anyway. At least with this, I can get some form of freedom."
Naruto thought it over and he would need a weapon that would help him out in the future, "fine we have a deal, so what happens now." Naruto saw that the mindscape and Kyuubi was starting to fade away and asked, "What's happening?"
"It would seem that you are waking up?"
"I see, can I talk to you again?" Naruto asked the giant fox who had a smirk on his face.
"This is your mindscape all you have to do is think what you want to say and I will hear you even though I will be a weapon we will be able to communicate with each other, if you need a example it will be as if you are a jinchuriki without a demon sealed inside of you," the fox responded.
"One more thing, what's your name? I doubt that Kyuubi is you real name," Naruto said as he began to fade away.
"You're right," Kyuubi said, "its Kurama." Before Naruto faded away he nodded showing that he heard the fox's name.
Naruto opened his eyes and took in a large gasp of air. Naruto took several calming breathes and then looked at his right arm which now looked like a demon's arm. Naruto flexed the arm and rolled his hand around, it felt like it never changed at all that it was still the same arm, Naruto looked in the mirror and saw that his skin was pale and that his hair had turned into light silver in color and it was no longer spiky at all. He then lifted the shirt off of his boy and saw that he now had a tattoo of a red fox head surrounded by fire on his right bicep, but the most noticeable change was the whisker marks or better yet lack of. His most noticeable feature gone like it was never there.
'I got to tell the old man.' Naruto thought as he made his way towards the door, Naruto grabbed the knob to the door but before he opened the door another thought entered his head.
'Why let him know, when he was the one who let them have their way with you, who lied to you so many times in the past.'
Naruto stopped thinking of a reason why. A reason to tell him of the change, but no matter how hard he thought no reason came to mind. Nothing at all to add to the argument that he should. In fact the reason to not tell him and leave just increased. Soon Naruto's hand left the handle and another thought entered his head.
'This is it. This is it; this is the perfect time to leave. I don't look anything like my old self. I got the way out of the leaf, but they'll just send people out looking for me if I just leave, so what to do?'
'Kurama you there?'
"Yeah I'm here, what do you need?"
'Do you know a jutsu that makes physical clones?'
"Yes the Shadow Clone jutsu, it will make solid clones an all the information will be passed down to you when they are destroyed, your mother used this one allot."
'How do I do it?'
"To do the Shadow Clone jutsu you have to make a ram sign, and to save us both time, since you'll ask anyway make a cross sign. What are you planning?"
'Let's just say through the ashes of one a new life is born.'
Naruto got his hands into the cross position and made several clones, he then had the clones use the transformation jutsu that Itachi taught him to turn them into random people. Since the academy was going to be starting soon, Itachi decided to help train Naruto and Satsuki in the basic jutsus of the academy. Which were the Transformation, Substitution, and even the Clone jutsu which Naruto failed horribly at doing.
"Alright one of you guys go get a couple bottles of bear and another of you go get a lighter, here's some cash," Naruto said as he handed some money to two clones. The clones nodded, each of them running off to get their respective item.
"The rest of you keep watch for any Anbu until the other two come back, this all depends on luck and timing." The clones nodded and left the room to blend in with the people leaving Naruto alone who was now moving the rug off the hatch.
Naruto moved towards the window and looked up at the night sky, he couldn't help but want to stay, not for Konoha, but for Satsuki, Naruto dug his demonic arm into his pocket and pulled out the locket that Satsuki gave him, he opened the locket and looked at the picture inside of it. He stared at it for a few minutes in silence, his head then dropped and he had a few tears rolling down his face, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Naruto wiped the tears away and then made his way to his bed, Naruto took out a black hoodie and a black glove, he place the glove over his hand an then put on the jacket, he then crouched down and pulled out a backpack from under his bed, Naruto filled the bag with his clothes, food, and a journal.
Naruto placed the bag on his back and then turned his head to the door when he heard a knock. A clone opened the door and said, "Boss their back, what's next?"
Naruto went to the blanket on his bed and started to rip it into shreds, he took the shreds and gave it to the clone and said, "have the others make a couple molatavs an then have them throw them into the building, I'll take the secret way out through the tunnel and be outside of Konoha's wall after you guys set the place on fire, then find a secluded place and see the people's reaction, but after that immediately dispel yourself got it."
The clone nodded and said, "sure thing boss, good luck and hope you don't get caught." The clone then left the room, Naruto quickly opened the hatch and jumped down the hole and then closed the hatch, before he ran down the tunnel as fast as he could never looking back.
The Clones
The clones that Naruto created were standing outside the building with the molotavs lit and ready to be thrown, one clone said, "ready boys."
The rest of the clones nodded and then threw their respective molotovs threw the windows of the building, it didn't take too long for the fire to spread out and smoke to rise up into the sky, the building was soon completely ablaze one clone stepped forward and said, "guys we got to go now, their bound to notice this."
"Right let's go!"
The clones then ran as fast as they could in a different direction if they were caught it didn't matter, but it would draw suspicion that Naruto wanted to avoid. The clones easily found a hiding place among the many buildings an alley ways in the district. They watched as several Anbu showed up and performed some water jutsu to hopefully put out the flames before the flames could spread to other buildings in the area.
Then they saw the old man himself appear with a look of horror on his face. There were several Anbu around him and one with a dog mask on his face with gravity defying silver hair, they couldn't see his face but they knew that he was afraid and hoping that Naruto got out. People started coming out of their homes and saw that the building that the 'demon' lived in was on fire. The Hokage and silver haired Anbu tried to run in and see if Naruto was in the building, but they were stopped by several Anbu that grabbed them and prevented them from going in. Just as the Hokage was about to command them to let him go the building started to collapse on itself, and with a loud crash the building had fallen in on itself.
The Anbu had let them go and did several more water jutsus to douse the remaining flames. The Hokage got down on his knees as tears were starting to fall down his face. The Hokage raised his hand and then made a fist as he slammed it into the ground, one of the clones managed to hear him say, "Naruto I'm so sorry…I should have done more… but I allowed my stupid belief to blind me… please forgive me."
The Anbu that tried to run in also got down on his knees and slammed it into the ground he then let out a scream of sadness and anguish. The civilians that saw him as a demon were cheering in happiness that the demon was dead. The clones having enough decided to dispel themselves to stop watching this event.
Naruto reached the end of the tunnel and kicked open the door to the tunnel. Light immediately flooded into the tunnel, Naruto went through and took in a large whiff of fresh air. Naruto then let out a content sigh and thought, 'feels good to breathe in fresh air after being in that tunnel.'
"So Naruto where are we going," Kurama asked.
'No that doesn't feel right anymore,' Naruto thought.
"What doesn't feel right?"
'That name, my name it doesn't feel right anymore, that's what my par… no that's what Minato and Kushina called me, but it doesn't feel right anymore. Naruto died in that fire today, and from Naruto Uzumaki's ashes…Nero Sparda was born. That who I am now. I am Nero Sparda and I will make my mark on the world.'
"I know you will boy, I know you will."
Naruto now Nero then made his way north as he let the wind be his guide, if he bothered to look back at the village he would see smoke rising up into the sky. The clones' memories entered his head and he shook his head refusing to think about it. However even though he was leaving a place that had hated him since he was born, there were tears going down his face, those tears weren't for the leaf… they were for leaving the person closest to his heart.
There will be several chapters until Nero returns to the Leaf Village and I will include several Devil Arms from the Game like Alastor and maybe Pandora.
Nero will be traveling with two Oc's who he meets during his traveling and before he returns to the Leaf Village.
Neither of the Oc's or Nero will be using Alastor I have someone else in mind for that.
Leave me a review to tell me what Devil Arm I should use from the game or leave me leave my your idea for a Devil Arm.
Well hope you like and please leave a review.