Well I took a break from role playing since I used to be obsessed with it and so I haven't for like...a couple weeks so basically it's just magically given me the will to update :P Please don't hate me for taking so long D: So to say sorry here's a somewhat long chapter. Also I'm sorry is there are any mistakes but I'm sure there aren't any too bad...

Alec was sat on his couch, his shirt pushed up as he absent-mindedly prodded at his cuts and bruises. They didn't hurt too bad but every now and then he'd wince a little. Only a little.

He looked up as his father walked into the room, a stern unhappy expression on his face. Robert walked straight up to the doctor who had just finished examining Alec a few minutes ago.

"Good evening," Robert said. "How is he?"

The doctor sighed. "Just a few scrapes and bruises. Nothing serious. Just a fight," she said with a small shrug, getting her bag ready to leave.

"Nothing serious?" Maryse's voice cut in. "They almost killed him!" she snapped.

The doctor pretended not to hear her, still speaking to Robert. "I left the prescriptions for him. Call if you need me," she said before rushing out the door as if they all had some kind of disease.

Robert sighed, watching her leave. "Thank you," he said.

"Unbelievable," Maryse said, looking at Alec. "He took the bus home because the driver didn't turn up!"

Robert moved towards Alec who was still poking at his stomach. "The driver will lose his license. You'll be taking cabs," he said as he sat down next to Alec on the couch who didn't even look at him. "Outrageous," Robert said. "You hire someone to drive your child and the boy goes on a bus."

Maryse pulled on her coat and wrapping a silk scarf around her neck. "We'll take them to court, sue them and see what happens," she said, suddenly very calm.

Robert pulled his phone out of his pocket. "I'm calling the lawyer."

"Have him come in the morning," Mayrse told him.

Robert sighed. "I can't do it in the morning," he said.

Mayrse placed her hands on her hips, staring at him. "I've got to pick my clients up from the airport," she said.

"I've a meeting at the Ministry."

"I take them out to dinner."

Alec had blocked their bickering out as best he could but it was really annoying him now. Would they ever shut up?

"I have to get that job you know?"

"Everyone has something to do."

"This one looks like Italy," Alec murmured, running his finger over a bruise between his pecs.

Both Maryse and Robert stopped talking and looked at him.

Robert looked away. "The lawyer should be here now," he said.

"What is it with you? Why do you need the lawyer now?" Maryse snapped and looked up as a man walked into the room. Alec eyed him as he slowly pushed his shirt down.

"Taxi is here, madam," he said.

Maryse sighed. "I know. I'm coming," she said and grabbed her purse, walking around the couch.

The man looked at Roberts. "Maybe something to eat, sir...?" he asked.

Robert shook his head. "No, thanks."

The man nodded but just before he walked out of the room Robert spoke.

"Actually...Coffee please," he said and looked down at his phone.

It was silent for what seemed forever except from the beeps that sounded when Robert pressed a button on his phone.

Without a word Alec got up from the couch and walked out of the room with Robert watching him go.

(Line break)

Alec was sat at his desk in his room and had logged onto facebook. He checked it, seeing that everything was okay until he scrolled down.

Jace had updated his status.

OMG! This Judo will make history!

There were 43 comments.

Alec's breathing had gotten heavier and he swallowed the lump in his throat as he clicked on the button that would show all the comments.

-What the fuuuuck?

-No fucking way this shit happened!

-Jace, are you gonna have kids?


-Jace, did the sperm come off?

-Spermwrestling! Ha ha!

-Ha ha ha!

-Fucking spermshooter!

Those were only some of the comments.

By now tears were welling up in Alec's eyes and his blood boiled. How could Jace do that to him that...that...that bastard!

Alec's life was ruined now, all because of one little incident. Why did the coach have to fucking pair him up with Jace? Why Jace of all people?

He stared at the screen and began to rock back and forth before he flipped. He slammed his hands down onto the desk and stood, tangling his fingers in his hair and tugged tightly, almost ripping out the silky black strands. He walked over to his bed and kicked the mattress.

He paced back and forth, trying to calm himself down but it didn't work. He growled and fell onto his bed, grabbing his pillow and hitting the mattress with it before burying his face in it and screaming as he writhed around, unable to control himself. If someone walked in right now they'd probably think he was possessed.

His computer bleeped and he froze. He pulled his face away from the pillow, his eyes puffy and red as he stared at his computer. After staring at if for a few minutes he finally got up and walked over to it, sitting down on the chair. He sniffled and wiped at his eyes before leaning towards the screen and looking at it. He tried to calm himself down and saw that someone wanted to private chat with him.

He didn't know who it was but what it read surprised him.

SUICIDE ROOM: I'm bleeding, quietly living

Alec stared at the screen, not sure what to make of it. He sniffled again before replying

BlueEyes: I'm living, quietly bleeding

Alec sat back in his chair and watched the screen, lifting his arms up to place them behind his head.

SUICIDE ROOM: Come to me

Alec shifted his chair closer to his computer and ran his fingers lightly over the keys, thinking of what to type.

BlueEyes: How?

Not after a moment he had replied a new site popped up and the first word he read was 'Join us' in big letters. He studied the page, realising it was one of those chats that you sign up to and create an avatar.

He clicked on the join us button and began to create his own avatar, one the closely resembled him.

Once he had created his avatar and signed up his avatar was placed in a bar.

(A/N From now on I'll be writing from his avatars point of view so it makes things easier)

Alec looked around the club and to his dismay a techno song was playing but he was far more interested in his surroundings. People were dancing, chatting, drinking, lights flashing. It was like he really was there.


Alec ran towards the bar before sitting down, still looking around. It was all so new to him. It amazed him and he even forgot about everything that had happened with Jace.

Alec looked around for someone with purple hair when he spotted the guy at the bar not too far from him. The guys hair was spiked up and he was looking down. He seemed bored.

BlueEyes: Hey

The guy got up and Alec saw his yellow cat like eyes.

BlueEyes: Is that you?

Alec got off the bar stool and headed over to the purple haired man. He didn't reply, simply smirked at him and gestured for Alec to follow. He then turned around and moved towards the dance floor. Alec followed.

BlueEyes: Hello?

BlueEyes: ?

Alec almost lost him in the crowd but spotted him. He headed towards him, now standing in front of him.

BlueEyes: I though we would talk

BlueEyes: Instead of dancing in some game

The boy stopped dancing and stared at him.

(A/NBack to reality)

The game site closed down and on his screen it was split in half, he could see himself on one side and nothing but darkness on the other.

He heard the sound of weeping.

Alec frowned. "Uh...Hello?"

He could faintly make out the shape of a face but it was too dark to really see anything.

"Hello? Anybody there?" he asked again. He paused, but got no reply. "I can hear you breath." Still no reply. "I'm showing you my face." He said. "Now show me yours...Suicide Room."

He stared at the screen and after a moment a boys face came into focus though it looked like he was wearing some kind of mask

"You're wearing a mask?"

The boy shook his head.

"You're ill or something?"

Again the boy shook his head. He took a deep breath and looked away from the screen.

"Why the mask?" Alec asked again.

The boy stared at him before moving back into the dark. "It protects me," he whispered. "From harmful people and substances."

Alec wet his lips. "Do you need help? Maybe you'd like me to call someone?" he asked. "Get someone to see you?"

"Look, look!" the boy said, moving back into focus and raising his arm so Alec could see the long gash across his arm. "Take a good look!"

Alec sat back.

"See? Try fucking calling anybody!" The boy sobbed. "I'll fucking top myself, I will! Razors are my friends," he paused to try and breath. "They have very sharp tongues...Is that what you want!" he screamed the last part.

Alec stared and leaned forward. "Calm down," he said softly. "Why do you want to kill yourself?"

The boy sobbed, staring down before he smacked his lips and laughed before turning to look back at Alec. "Why don't you want to kill yourself?"

"To live," Alec said without hesitation.

The boy sniffled. "And I want to kill myself to die," he said. He took in a shaky breath. "I need to pluck up the courage and I'll do it," he whispered.

"What's your name?" Alec asked curiously.

"Magnus...Ah...Magnus," he said.

"Magnus?" Alec watched him. "I'm Alec," he said.

Magnus stared at him. "Hi Alec.

"Hi Magnus."

The two stared at each other before Magnus sighed and looked to the side. "You know...This is my room," he said, talking about the complete blackness. "You like it?"

Alec nodded his head. "I do."

Magnus seemed happy about that.

"This is my room." Alec said and sat back so that Magnus could see his room through the web cam. "You like it?"

Magnus chuckled and nodded. "Ok...What happened...to your eye?" he asked.

Alec sighed. "I uh...I had an accident. Out of my own stupidity," he said.

"Well, well," Magnus said. "An accident out of my own stupidity was what I had today," Magnus told him and showed him his arm again.

Alec smiled and shrugged.

Magnus sighed and glanced down before looking back at him. "You were doing just fine until now," he murmured. At Alec's confused look he spoke again. "Don't you know the components of the air you breathe?" he asked. "This air is killing you. I can see that. You won't fool me Alec."

Alec said nothing.

"You're fooling yourself. Why are you doing it?"

"How do you mean 'fooling', I'm not trying to..." Alec was cut off as Magnus disappeared.

Alec frowned. "Hello?"