
Sakura turned to face her worst nightmare the man that broke her heart the guy that she saw her future with. "Oh Hi Neji," She replied her fake smile plastered across her face.

"Wow I can't believe you're here," Neji exclaimed stepping out of the door and walking over to the group.

"Oh yeah well we were in the neighbourhood so you know…" Sakura trailed off awkwardly stepping away from Sasuke. Naruto and Sasuke exchanged glances as they watched the difficult greeting between the two estranged lovers.

"This is Sakura's x?" Naruto whispered taking in the older male with his long silky locks and hemp clothing. Sasuke simply shrugged in response not really understanding what Sakura saw in the guy either.

"Oh well that's nice," he replied slowly as he brushed his over long hair out of his face. "Hey why don't you come in and have some tea?" he offered smiling.

"Yeah that would be nice actually," Sakura replied stepping forward.

"Sakura," Sasuke hissed grabbing her by the arm. "What are you doing?"

"Hey man, leave her alone," Neji warned. Sasuke raised an eyebrow not threatened by this wannabe hippy.

"Sorry can you just excuse us for a second," Naruto interrupted pulling both his house mates back to the car. "Sakura what are you doing?"

"What? What do you mean?" she replied.

"We're here for your stuff, remember?" Sasuke added.

"Guys I don't know, I just can't ask him," she replied waving over at the man.

"What's going on Sakura, you're acting weird," Naruto asked having to wave his hand in front of the pink haired girl to regain her attention.

"What do you mean, it's your stuff?" Sasuke added slightly exasperated.

"I don't know guys it's just those eyes, and his hair and ah he has this power over me that I just cant-"

"Sakura Tea?" Neji asked again gesturing to the house.


"Sakura you need to stand up for yourself come on," Sasuke encouraged.

"Yeah think of the TV!" Naruto added quickly. Sakura looked in between the two groups, a mental battle raging on.

"Come on Sweet Pea," Neji encouraged holding out a hand. Sakura paused before shaking her head and taking the hand.

"What the hell just happened?" Naruto asked as he watched the couple retreat into the house his eyes and mouth equally wide.

"Just wait," Sasuke replied shoving his hands into his pockets as he leaned against the car.

"But we are gonna miss the whole game at this rate," Naruto whined folding his arms across his arms across his chest. Sasuke simply rolled his eyes before the front door of the house suddenly burst open.

"No I am not going to stay and this stuff is MINE!" Sakura yelled pushing the older man away.

"But Sweet Pea we were so good together," Neji rushed as he grabbed his x's hand. Sakura stopped and turned back to the guy she once believed was her everything. "We can start over," he added pulling her closer. Those eyes, those dreamy eyes like pools of nothingness swallowing her pulling her under-

"What the hell is she doing here?" Sakura was suddenly snapped out of her daze by the obnoxious voice that could only belong to one boyfriend stealing bitch.

"Hey Ten-Ten," Neji called stepping away from Sakura.

"Well I'm sorry Neji it was a nice offer but I don't think I could ever get back with a cheating bastard like you," Sakura said loud enough so that the she devil would hear.

"What are you trying to say like he would ever want to get back with something like you, when he can have this!" Ten-Ten replied gesturing to her curvy physic.

"Whoa ladies come on no-"Naruto said coming forward but was swiftly silence as Sakura threw her bag of clothes at him.

"You know what Ten-Ten," Sakura began walking over to the girl. "You can keep Neji but you can't keep my stuff!" She yelled storming into the house quickly followed by both Ten-Ten and Neji.

"What do you think you're doing!" She yelled as Sakura re-emerged carrying a large flat screen an almost too big for her to carry flat screen.

"Sakura?" Sasuke called moving forward.

"You know what I'm doing getting my life back after you destroyed it," Sakura ranted as her famous blind rage kicked in.

"Sakura!" Sasuke warned

"And you know what-"She yelled throwing her arms up to emphasize only forgetting that she was holding a very large very fragile flat screen TV.

"SAKURA!" Sasuke yelled.

"THE TV!" Naruto cried.


"Hey guys I'm really sorry I lost my cool back there," Sakura said as she watched the boys from a safe distance while they tried to duct tape the broken set back together.

"It's ok Sakura," Naruto replied walking over and grabbing the remote. "As long as the… TV works yes!" Naruto broke off as the TV hummed to life remarkably displaying a crystal clear picture.

"What Naruto meant to say was that it's ok because you accomplished not only gaining your stuff back but also being able to move on," The dark haired male offered as he sat down next to her.

"Thanks Sasuke," Sakura replied feeling heat begin to rise to her face. "I-"

"Guys it's only half time, come on let's do this!" Naruto yelled jumping into the spot in between the two house mates already thoroughly transfixed by the screen.

"Ah how bout I get some snacks," Sakura offered standing up and walking to the kitchen as Sasuke watched her go.

"Nice one bro," he said as he elbowed Naruto harshly in the side.

"Ow what the hell man!" Naruto hissed rubbing his side.


As Sakura reached the kitchen her phone began to vibrate. "Hey Ino how have you been?" she answered.

"Sakura hey I'm so good," Ino replied happily.

"How was the trip away?"

"OH MY GOD it was seriously the most amazing thing that I have ever done taking a gap year was such a good decision but now starting class work and assignments I'm keen for another," She replied laughing. "So how are you any way I hear you broke up with Neji, is everything ok?" she added concern colouring her voice.

"Yeah we broke up, but I'm fine I'm moving on and trying to focus on school right now," Sakura replied slowly attempting to put some strength into her words.

"Where are you staying? You can't have moved back with your parent's right?" Ino quizzed.

"Oh no that wasn't really an option you know since, well you know, ah I have just moved in with the guys from school Naruto and Sasuke-"

"You what!?" Ino practically screamed almost causing Sakura to drop her phone in surprise drawing some quizzical looks from the lounge room. "No way have you seen him naked yet? Ah does he walk around topless eeee!" Ino squealed.

"Ah no he doesn't, and I haven't well actually there was this one time when I first got here…"


"So anyway I was calling for a reason," Ino interrupted after some time spilling secrets and giggle like the little school girls they were. "As you should know Valentine's Day is coming up and I really wanted to do something to get Hinata and Naruto together."

"Ino you can't replace Cupid," Sakura laughed.

"No but I am descended from match making royalty-"

"Please I don't need to hear this story for the hundredth time," Sakura interrupted sarcastically.

"Ok ok fine, well I was thinking we could arrange a girls day where we go to the amusement park that's how we will get Hinata in and then you should tell Naruto to come with you," Ino explained. "Oh and you can bring Sasuke too," She added quickly.

"Haha sure I'll see what I can do," Sakura replied. "Just text me the details of you brilliant plan later I have to get the boys some food before they try to eat the sofa," she added stealing a glance at her housemates that where both now thoroughly immersed in the game.

"eeeeeeeeek awesome I'll text you later!" Ino replied excitedly. "Bye!"

"See ya!" Sakura replied pressing the end call button with a sigh. The young med student really wasn't looking forward to this sudden mission she had been roped into. Sakura had completely forgotten about Valentine's Day and considering all that had happened she really didn't feel like celebrating the day of love.

"Hey Sakura did you need a hand getting things ready?" Sasuke said suddenly right next to her. Sakura almost jumped out of her skin.

"Oh my god don't sneak up on people," She exclaimed glaring at the younger male heat rising in her cheeks.

"Sorry," Sasuke said with a smile. "So what about Valentine's Day?" he asked grabbing an apple from a nearby bowl and taking a bite.

'Mind reader!' Sakura thought immediately her eyes widening.

"Ah I heard you talking on the phone as I was walking over here," Sasuke replied.

"Ah ha," Sakura nodded slowly still suspicious. "If you must know Ino has made plans for us to hang out on Valentine's Day, oh and you also invited," she added quickly.

"Hmm," Sasuke replied taking out his phone. "That's next Thursday, ah I can't, I have something on sorry," he added shrugging.

"Oh that's-"

"HEY! What are you guys taking about!" Naruto interrupted as he danced over to the kitchen, obviously his team was winning. "And what happened to the snacks?" He added looking around the bare kitchen. Sakura just sighed.

"I'm making them now and Sasuke was just offering to help," she replied smiling. "By the way Naruto what are you doing next Thursday?"


Hi everyone thankyou for all the reviews and follows I hope Sakura's wasn't too obvious but then again who else could it be? I'm not a fan of Neji so I don't really have any idea what his character is like I just wanted to make him into kind of a hippy and kind of a sex god he is the kind of guy that gets all the girls and you don't know why.

So do you want an extra special bonus story?

Well you're going to have to work for it :P

The question is…. "What does Sasuke Study at University/College" I will choose winners that either have the correct answer or come up with the most creative, funny or plausible answer.

(Winners will be notified by direct message and published in the next chapter)

The story you get will NOT be posted on FanFiction it will however be referred to throughout the main story. So if you wanna be in on the joke get reviewing!

And Good Luck!

Kaitlizlen xox

P.S Thank to TheDreamer1433 for editing this weeks chapter :P