Konaha College: Chapter 1

Gotta Love Mondays


Naruto walked in to the crowded library early on Monday morning a coffee warmed his hand as he yawned widely. "Hey Naruto," Kiba greeted wearing an equally tired expression. Naruto nodded his replied as he passed wanting nothing more than his double shot of caffeine to kick in. He continued his path through the library looking for a quiet place to do some quick revision before his next class before spying an old friend.

"Hey Sakura," Naruto greeted as warmly as he could, god did he hate Monday mornings. Sakura looked up at him it was obvious she had been crying. "Sakura what's wrong?" Naruto asked quickly his expression worried as he sat down next to her wrapping a reassuring arm around her shoulders.

"I ah... broke up with my boyfriend," She replied finally squeezing her eyes shut trying to stop the barrage of tears that threatened to spill over.

"What do you mean what happened?" Naruto asked gently. He knew like everyone else from their senior year Sakura had been with her boyfriend since softmore year. As far as he knew they where going strong I mean they had moved in together when college started.

"We couldn't stop the fighting..." Sakura began, "and then I found him with..." Sakura fell into a fit of sobs from the memory.

"Sakura I'm sorry," Naruto replied squeezing her shoulder as the sobs racked her body. "Are you going to be ok?" He asked when she had finally stopped crying.

"I don't know," She replied slowly tears brimming in her eyes once more. "I need to find somewhere to stay," Sakura added sniffing. "I can't bear to stay in that place with him not after what he did... But rent is so expensive," she added holding her head in her hands.

"Hey you should stay with us," Naruto replied kindly. Sakura looked up taking in his smiling face.

"Are you sure that's ok?" She asked nervously.

"Yeh sure, Sasuke's apartment it huge and if we split the rent three ways it will work out heaps cheaper for all of us," Naruto added winking.

"Wow Naruto that would be great."

"Hey no worries I'll just call- oh shit I am going to be so late," Naruto exclaimed as he saw the time on his phone. "Sorry but I gotta go!" he added getting up and rushing off. "I'll call ya later!" Naruto yelled over his shoulder earning a chorused "Shhh," from the inhabitants of the library. Sakura waved as she watched him go smiling for the first time in a while.


"Apartment 243 Sato Street," Sakura read the address she had written out loud once more not believing where it had taken her. "They live in a place like this?" Sakura thought taking in the hotel like apartment block. "It even has a lobby desk," she said to herself as she looked around the entrance hall.

"Can I help you miss," The man at the desk asked snapping Sakura out of her awe like daze.

"Ah yes I need to get to apartment 243," she replied quickly.

"Of course," The man replied cheerfully. "Take the lift for the south building to the top floor and then go to the 3rd door from the left," The man said gesturing to the elevator on her right.

"Thank you," Sakura replied bowing her head slightly before walking over to the elevator and pressing the button waiting impatiently as the numbers slowly decreased.


After what seemed like forever the elevator finally came to a stop at the top, its doors opened to reveal a richly carpeted hall way decorated with delicate paintings. Sakura looked up and down the hall way before exiting the lift. Sakura checked her paper one more time before knocking on the door of 243. After a moment she heard a commotion from inside before the door opened revealing a soaking wet half naked boy.

"Sakura?" Sasuke questioned after a moment of confusion. Sakura couldn't concentrate she was far too distracted, there was a naked boy standing in front of her. Ok so he was wearing pants but still his body was practically glistening as the remaining water droplets sparkled in the light. She was sure this is what Stephanie Myer had envisioned when she had written that ridiculous story which was making a little more sense now. "Ah," Sasuke began.

"Sakura hey you made it!" Naruto yelled suddenly appearing at the door.

"Oh... ah yeh... hi," Sakura replied after she was startled out of her day dream, in which she and Sasuke where lying in a meadow...

"Come in come in," Naruto said ushered her inside. "Hey where's all your stuff?" he asked noticing Sakura was only carrying one large handbag and a small box.

"Oh well that's a long story," She replied.

"Speaking of long stories," Sasuke began eying Naruto suspiciously as he followed the other two into the lounge.

"Oh yeh I forgot to tell you I invited Sakura to stay with us," Naruto replied nonchalantly.

"What? Since when," Sasuke asked raising an eyebrow.

"Come on she needed a place to stay so I said why not with us we're friends and plus she can help pay the rent," Naruto added nudging Sasuke in the ribs. Sakura waited nervously as Sasuke looked from her to Naruto.

"Fine," Sasuke sighed "you can stay for as long as you need too Sakura," He added before grabbing the towel from around his neck to dry his hair. Once again Sakura lost all sense of time as she watched Sasuke shake the last of the droplets from his hair. "This would look so good in slow motion," she through "I wish I had my camera."

"Sakura!" Naruto nudged, disrupting her fantasy once again.

"Oh sorry I'm so out of it today," Sakura replied quickly, laughing unconvincingly. "Oh I almost forgot I got these to share," Sakura remembered placing her box onto the nearby coffee table and pulling out a small selection of baked goods.

"Wow Sakura-chan these look so good!" Naruto awed practically drooling over the selection.

"I work in a bakery so I always have access to baked treats," Sakura replied happily watching Naruto devour a piece of cake.

"See Sasuke I told you, this is going to work out great!" Naruto announce between mouthfuls.

"Hn," Sasuke replied walking out of the room "I've got to get ready for work show Sakura around," He called.

"Oh yeh," Naruto said after swallowing his last piece of cake. "Follow me," He said as he got up and began walking out of the room. Sakura grabbed her single bag and follow him out of the room. The pair walked down a hallway and entered a light room with windows that reached from floor to roof. "This is the kitchen," Naruto announced gesturing to a modern, work space with a large oven and dishwasher as well as a sink full of dishes and a well used coffee maker. The space stretched out onto a large balcony that overlooked the city. "Up there is the loft that's Sasuke's room," Naruto continued pointing to the balcony over head. As he did Sasuke descended the stairs in his work uniform he looked like he could be... "a waiter maybe," Sakura thought as she watched him grab a bag of the counter.

"I'll be back late," Sasuke informed as he passed the pair.

"Oh bye, have fun at work," Sakura called as Sasuke disappeared down the hall she flinched when the front door slammed shut.

"Yeh you will have to get use to his... moods," Naruto said smiling and wiggling his eyebrows. Sakura looked at him quizzically.

"Moods?" She asked.

"Anyway on with the tour," Naruto continued ignoring her question as he walked through to another hallway. "Here is the bathroom he said going to a door and opening it so she could look in. "It looks like every other boys bathroom... barely used and it smells," Sakura thought to herself. "You will have to share with me," Naruto added scratching the back of his head nervously.

"That's ok I know how to share with boys," Sakura replied cheerfully smiling at him. Although groaning internally.

"Ok cool... ah well this is my room down the end," Naruto continued pointing to the far door and your room will be this one," He added walking over to the closer door and opening it for her. The room was full of old boxes covered over by white sheets. "Oh right I forgot that all this stuff was in here," Naruto said walking into the room and pulling a sheet off a pile of boxes. Sakura coughed as she entered her new room.

"What is all this stuff?" Sakura asked as she walked over to a box opening its lid.

"Don't," Naruto warned. "These belong to Sasuke," He added slowly. Sakura froze "They are... from his family," Naruto continued grabbing the lid from her hand and closing the box before replacing the sheet.

"Oh," was all Sakura could say. She knew these boxes held memories Sasuke would rather forget. Memories from the night his family was murdered.


So, here is a new story... about the college life in Konaha. If you guys have any ideas for what they should be studying let me know I have so far just decided that Kiba is doing vet ;P so yeh let me know what you think :)