This has probably been done but whatever. This is my take on it.

Disclaimer: Bryan and Michael own all of this. I am just a humble fan.


"What happened?"

Korra's brow furrows, and she glances at Mako, confused as to what he's referring to.

He's staring her down, but his eyes are not focused on hers, but lower on her face.

Self-consciously, Korra touches the scar on her cheek.

"Oh," she mutters. "I got it when I was fighting Tarrlok."

Mako's expression goes flat, and Korra can see the anger in his eyes. Tarrlok had done his best to ruin everything, it seemed.

"It's no big deal," Korra says lightly, shrugging under Mako's scrutiny. "Now Beifong and I can match."

Mako's fingertips come up and trace the flesh of Korra's cheek.

She stills, silently wondering what she should do, and great, now Mako has his complete attention on her and she wants to fidget but she can't bring herself to move unless he removes his touch.

And then he's leaning forward and brushing his lips along her scar, and Korra shivers, not daring to even breathe.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, sliding his arms around her shoulders and pulling her into an embrace.

Korra relaxes then, letting her shoulders slump as she leans her forehead on his shoulder. And she is grateful, so grateful for Mako, for providing this sort of comfort.

It is the first time she's felt safe in days.
