Disclaimer: I own nothing, I make no profit or I wouldn't be so broke...

I have Dyslexia (See Profile for further info) Thank Noxanlux for all the corrections!


I am posting this on a whim. It is no where near done! And the ideas are not even fully formed. So I have no idea how quickly or slowly the updates will be posted only they will. If people like it and updated it, I can say that it will more then likely get them coming faster as I will be heartened and look forward to writing more.

This is just for fun! I am still working on the masterpiece that if you go to my profile or have been to you will note is mentioned there this is just something to help keep the cobwebs away. Remember this is a WIP as in not fully written so suggestions are welcome and may very well be used!

Domino Effect


-The Start-

Harry had no idea how he ended up here, all he'd wanted was a stiff drink after having the moment his guts had been wrenched out through his chest thrown back in his face. Walking in on his girlfriend of near on three years in the throes of passion with one of his co-workers was a moment he thought would be unbeatable in terms of betrayal. Once again he had been proven wrong. Not even a year after their disastrous breakup Ginny Weasley, soon to be Mrs. Warren H. McHale, had seen it fit to send him an invite to their upcoming nuptials.

Not wishing to paint the youngest and only girl of the Weasley clan in a bad light they kept the incident to themselves, simply informing her family that things had just not worked out between them. They played nice at holidays and when forced within each other's company were painfully polite. This, however, did not mean he was in anyway willing to attend her wedding. So yeah he'd entered the pub with the full intention of becoming completely smashed.

It being only about 6 in the afternoon on a Tuesday he hadn't contemplated the notion of someone beating him to the task. Sure enough though, there at the bar sitting all alone was a blond haired man waving his hand at the barkeep for another drink. It took a moment for recognition to click, but there really were only so many people with that shade of blond hair, muggle or otherwise.

"Malfoy?" the young man turned slightly giving him an odd look before smiling almost insanely. This immediately put Harry on edge. They had, had several professional dealing since Hogwarts and had even had a tentative truce since the last battle (of Hogwarts). However, he had never seen the man smile at him in such a manner… or at all for that matter. "Potter, good, come join me." Harry raised a wary eyebrow. "You there, give Potter a drink."

Harry took the drink from the slightly annoyed barkeep with a nod of thanks, and looked at it critically noting it to be, with satisfaction, bourbon. "What are we drinking to, Malfoy?" Harry asked curiously.

Malfoy gave a snort, "Haven't you heard Potter? I'm getting married; my father has arranged the whole thing." The sarcastic tone lead Harry to believe the man wasn't completely pleased with this.

Not sure how to respond he offered an awkward, "Congratulations, uh, good for you…"

Malfoy scowled, tossing back his drink before demanding another. "No. Not good, Potter."

"Oh, why not?" Harry was getting more confused by the moment.

Giving a half groan half chuckle the blond dropped his head onto the counter. "She's the wrong bloody gender."

Harry stared at the other in surprise, he gave a soft "Oh…" then feeling completely inadequate for the situation quickly downed his own drink.

It was getting late near on eleven o'clock and Harry and Malfoy were both still in the same seats at the same bar as they had been at 6 o'clock only quite a bit more inebriated.

"Just tell your father, you no can do. I mean hell; it's the 21st century people pick their own spouses these days." Harry said setting down his once again empty drink. He'd lost count on how many he'd had hours ago.

Malfoy rolled his eyes and slightly swayed in his seat. "Potter, we've been through this, purebloods don't care about anything except tradition. This is tradition, the head of the house dictating everything for everyone."

"Well then go get married to someone else, someone male, before he can make you marry someone not male. He can't do anything then." Harry wasn't sure that was true or made since but it sounded good at the moment.

Nearly falling out of his seat in laughter Malfoy suddenly stopped, "That actually might work…"

"Huh?" Harry's hand, which held a fresh drink, halted just short of his mouth at the stunned happy look on the other's face. "What might work?"

"Merlin Potter, what you said. I can't get married if I'm already married, and I can't be forced to get a divorce or have it nullified if I'm magically married, and it's legit. All I'd have to do is make sure it's a ceremony that can't be budged." The young man seemed to be enthusiastically thinking through the details, mind seemingly functioning just fine despite the amount of alcohol in his system.

Harry nodded agreeably, "Well then, all you need is someone to marry." He finished delivering the drink to his mouth.

A drawl he knew all to well caught the dark haired world savior off guard, "Well, you're not completely repulsive, Potter," Causing him to choke on the beverage. "Certainly settling for a marriage of convenience wouldn't hurt either of us… too much."

"What's that supposed to mean, Malfoy?" He shot the other a challenging gaze.

"Oh, come now Potter, who else could pull it off? Who ever I marry would have to stand up against my father. What person would willingly and successfully pull that off? You might not do it willingly, but it's no secret that you're not afraid of my father and can hold your own against him. I wouldn't have to worry about watching your back at every turn, with him or anyone else.

"Then there is the matter, I don't exactly have a plethora of acquaintances to choose from. We see each other regularly enough in public that it wouldn't be completely ridiculous to suggest we had been together for more then just business, and may have been seeing each other on other occasions more privately.

"Everyone knows that you keep your private life even more secret then ever since you and the Weaselett broke it off. No one could say who you have and haven't been seeing. I know you probably better then Granger and I'm sure you know more about me then you realize. I couldn't pay someone to learn everything they would need to know in such a short span of time." Malfoy was over the moon excited.

"What do you mean I know you, and you know me? There is no way you know me better then Mione." Harry protested the only point that he felt he could firmly dispute. His mind was quickly throwing off any buzz it had been experiencing earlier as he realized how serious Malfoy was.

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Honestly Potter, tell me does Mione know you dumbed down your work in school to fit below the radar? You could have passed the healer examinations after that summer you disappeared without a moment of studying? Did you tell her about that tattoo on your left hip you probably got while drunk in a muggle town?" He smirked in satisfaction as Harry grew pale. "I'm sure you could name many things that not even my mother is aware of about me, I doubt anyone except a stalker would know me so well."

Harry slammed his head against the countertop more gently then he intended and mumbled, "Shit." He raised his head slightly and felt his eyes practically bug out as he saw Draco Malfoy gracefully kneel next to his stool.

Malfoy smirked at the other's facial expression before schooling his own features into complete seriousness. "Harry James Potter, savior of the Wizarding World, Boy-Who-Lived, Vanquisher of Evil, Protector of all, will you do me the honor of saving my life once more by becoming my husband?"

Harry groaned, Mione was right, he had a saving people thing and it was going to bring about his untimely end one of these days, maybe today. Swallowing past a lump in his throat he took a deep breath before nodding his life away. Only to have the man kneeling in front of him raise an eyebrow. "Yes, Malfoy, I'll save… marry you."

Malfoy smirked as he slowly rose, leaning ever so slowly into Harry's personal area. "It's Draco, my fiancé," he said before he softly kissed a shocked Harry Potter. Once he pulled away he laughed at the way Harry desperately downed his last glass of bourbon.

Okay if you didn't read the A/N: Note at the tope DO SO NOW! Reviews inspire, energize and excite authors to write more… so *Hint, Hint* Thanks for Reading!

Help: Here is a honest question I need answered... Should Harry be Furious with Draco when he's completely sober again or accepting of the situation? or vise versa should Draco be the one furious? I'm totally lost on this account...


Now Beta editied! Thanks Bunches Naxanlux!