Chapter 1
The Beginning
"Hey bossbot, is something wrong?" Asked a young yellow Autobot
"What? Oh, yeah, everything is fine." The young red and blue Autobot said. Their leader had pulled through and wished to see the team that captured their worst enemy. All the young Autobots and the old Autobot were nervous. They all took a deep breath of and entered the room. "You wished to see us Ultra Magnus?" The red and blue Autobot asked.
"Optimus Prime, Bumble Bee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, and Jazz, You all have proven that you all are worthy to be in the Elite Guard. We also wish to give you your own the station in any galaxy you choose." Ultra Magnus said with a smile, as Jazz handed them all the symbol of the Elite Guard. "And Optimus you are now the next in line for the Magnus title if anything should happen to me." Ultra Magnus said,
Optimus was so shocked he was speechless. "Way to go Bossbot." Bulkhead said while patting Optimus on the back nearly knocking him over.
"I am honored Ultra Magnus." Optimus said while rolling his shoulders. Bulkhead still doesn't know his own strength.
"Now before you choose what galaxy you will protect from Decepticons, I need you all to go on a very important mission. Before I was attacked by Shockwave I received a distress call from an Autobot ship. They were transferring a special passenger the Autobot needs to be brought back to Cybertron as soon as possible. The Autobot has a unique power that we can't allow the Decepticons to try and use the Autobot's power to get Megatron out of the stockade. The Autobots name is Phoenix. Phoenix has a unique ability and it can help us with a few problems." Ultra Magnus said while bowing his head.
"Where was the location of the distress call?" Optimus asked
"The ship was passing through the Milky Way galaxy when the ship was attacked, but we don't know by whom." Ultra Magnus said.
"Alright, let's go. Autobots transform and roll out." Optimus said as the rest of the Autobot transform and headed for Omega Supreme.
"Jazz, I want you to take Prowl's shell and follow them. Phoenix will know what to do." Ultra Magnus said.
"Are you sure Sir?" Jazz asked.
"Yes now go." He said. Jazz nodded in drove to catch up with the other Autobots. They then went and got Prowl's lifeless shell and loaded it onto Omega Supreme.
"What is Ultra Magnus thinking?" Optimus asked.
"I don't know O.P." Jazz said with a shrug.
"Let's go." Optimus said with a small sign. They all boarded Omega Supreme and he teleported them to Earth. Omega Supreme began to scan the planet for the distress beacon. They found it in the Washington state. They landed in a clearing. "Omega you stay here and guard Prowl's shell. The rest of us will go find that ship." Optimus ordered.
"Affirmative." Omega Supreme said.
"Autobots transform and roll out." Optimus said. They found that ship deep in the Cascade Mountains and buried under a lot of snow.
"Come on we have to get them out before their circuits freeze." Ratchet said while transforming in using his magnets to start moving the layers of snow.
When they found the hatch door, they began to try and open the door. When they got the door open they were blinded by a bright blue light. "There." Said a female voice.
"Hello?" Optimus asked while entering the ship. They soon found fembots laying in a row in a stasis sleep. Ratchet went over to them and checked them out.
"They are all right just in a stasis sleep." He said then one of the fembots woke up.
"Where am I?" She asked
"Your ship crash landed on Earth." Ratchet said
"We are here to help you home. Are there any other survivors?" Optimus asked.
"I-I don't know. One moment I am in the Well of the All Spark, and the next I'm here." She said. Optimus looked at Ratchet who just shrugged. Then the other fembots began to wake up.
"Bulkhead, Bumble Bee, you two take the fembots back to Omega Supreme. Ratchet and Jazz are with me we are going to see if there are any more survivors." Optimus said. Everyone nodded and for once bumblebee didn't complain about his job. Optimus and Jazz took the lead. They found a bunch of weird Decepticons all over the ship. "What are they?" Optimus asked.
"Decepticon experiments. They have to drain the energon from Autobot or Decepticon to survive." Ratchet said.
"So these are what vampbots look like." Jazz said while going to poke one.
"Don't touch them." Ratchet said while pulling Jazz's hand away from the vampbot. "You might awaken it. There are still is no way to completely kill or destroy a vampbot." He added.
Jazz said slightly creeped out.
"Let's move on." Optimus said. They soon heard moving sounds. "Who's there?" Optimus asked while grabbing his ax.
"If you are not Autobot we aren't here to harm you. We are here to help you." Just said while arming himself.
"You say that but you still arm yourselves. That's one way to give a welcoming feeling." Said an Autobot, who was hiding in shadows.
"What else do you expect from mechs?" Said a fembot standing next to the other Autobot.
"True." The first Autobot said. They then stepped out of the shadows. "I am Phoenix, and this is Nightshocker." The mech looking Autobot said.
"We are here to help you get back to Cybertron." Optimus said.
"Night, now you have to be good, and let's go with them." Phoenix said. Nightshocker sighed.
"No promises." She said with a small smile.
"There are no other survivors, so let's go." Phoenix said while leading the way.
"Alright." Optimus said as they followed Phoenix and Nightshocker.
"I wonder why Ultra Magnus sent in all fembot ship to pick this guy up." Jazz asked in a whisper to Optimus.
"I don't know." Optimus whispered back.
"You two really need to learn how to whisper." Phoenix said with a smile.
"And it's because Ultra Magnus is overprotective." Nightshocker said while getting help from Phoenix out of the ship. Then Phoenix got out and helped the other three out. Once they were out Nightshocker and Phoenix sealed the door shut.
"The only way to kill vampbots is to starve them to death." Phoenix said. They let the other Autobots the way back to Omega Supreme.
"Oh Phoenix, Ultra Magnus told us to show you the shell of our friend and he said you would know what to do." Optimus said as they boarded Omega.
"Where is the shell?" Phoenix asked while sighing. They then showed Phoenix the shell. "Leave and I'll take care of it." Phoenix said. Nightshocker locked the door behind them. Phoenix burned the shell and then reached into the molten metal and pulled out a baby, Prowl. "Hi there." Phoenix said while holding him to Phoenix's body.
"Awe he's so cute." Nightshocker said with a smile and going to him. They then left the room holding the baby, Prowl.
"Everyone I brought your friend back but there is a slight setback." Phoenix said about showing the baby, Prowl.
"Prowl?" Everyone asked in shock. The little Prowl waved at everyone.
"H-how is this possible?" Optimus asked.
"It's my ability and the reason why I am named Phoenix. Phoenix is supposed to be able to be reborn from their ashes. Well I was reborn from my local body and I am able to do the same thing to any Cybertonian that I choose. That's why I was sent far away from Cybertron when the war started in they had to delete the information on where I was and that is why Nightshocker was assigned to guard me." Phoenix said while letting Ratchet take Prowl and examine him. "Oh and another thing I should tell you is, that their minds and sparks are transferred to a baby's body." Phoenix said.
"So he still remembers us and everything?" Optimus asked. Phoenix nodded
"Yes he does." Phoenix said with a smile.
"So Ultra Magnus must want you to heal him that's why he sent for you." Bumblebee said
"Is he still online?" Phoenix asked
"Yes why do you ask?" Optimus asked.
"I can't heal him. My ability only works if they are permanently off-line." Phoenix said with a small sigh.
"He should know that at least." Nightshocker said slightly frustrated.
"I think the Council made him give the order." Phoenix said
"That could be it. They never listen to him or anyone else." Nightshocker said while sighing and frustration. She hated the Council, they always thought too hard about things.
"Still we have to get you to back to Cybertron." Optimus said.
"Alright, alright. No need to get your circuits tied in a knot," Phoenix said. Then Prowl began to cry.
"What's wrong with Prowl?" Bumblebee asked.
"He's hungry." Nightshocker said while going to Prowl. "Don't worry I'll take care of you." She added to Prowl. Then she picked him up and carried him into a different room to breast-feed him, since they didn't have any babybot oil or energon on the ship.
"How is she going to feed him? Bulkhead asked. Phoenix busted up laughing.
"Has anyone ever given you guys to talk about how protoforms are made?" Phoenix asked. Bulkhead and Bumble Bee looked towards each other and then to Phoenix and shook their heads no. Phoenix laughed even harder to the point where the bot was on the ground and was about to overload the bot's circuits.
"Oh give them a break. They are still young mechs." Ratchet said. Optimus wanted to know too, but he was pretending to already know.
"Oh that was good." Phoenix said while trying to calm down. "Ratchet, why don't you explain it to them?" Phoenix added. Ratchet sighed and told them how protoforms were made. Optimus was slightly surprised that it was similar to how humans have babies. Nightshocker came back with an extremely upbeat Prowl. "Looks like someone's happy." Phoenix said with a smile.
"Yes I think he likes me." Nightshocker said with a smile, because for once she didn't mind taking care of protoforms, only because he was the first one to not bite super hard on her breasts and because he was so cute.
"I guess he does." Phoenix said while smiling as Prowl snuggled closer to Nightshocker then went into a stasis mode.
"He's so cute." Nightshocker said with a smile.
"All protoforms are cute." Phoenix said. The other young mechs were slightly confused by Phoenix. Phoenix looks like a mech, but had the personality of a fembot. They were beginning to think Phoenix was a gay bot, but little do they know they were way off. Once they reached Cybertron they all went to Ultra Magnus.
"There you are." Ultra Magnus said with a smile.
"Hey papa." Phoenix said with a smile and went to Ultra Magnus and hugged him.
"Papa?" The team of Autobots asked in shock.
"Phoenix, Nightshocker, I am glad you two are all right and are doing well." Ultra Magnus said as he hugged both Phoenix and Nightshocker, but was careful because of his injuries.
"Wow, they really did a number on you didn't they?" Nightshocker asked while looking Ultra Magnus over.
"Yes but thanks to this team of young mechs, we are able to capture Megatron so it is safe for you two to come home again and you can take off the armor." Ultra Magnus said to Phoenix. Phoenix sighed in frustration.
"I can't it's kind of stuck." Phoenix said
"And are you nuts? It's dangerous here for us. It won't be safe until that tyrant is off-line and melted down for scrap metal." Nightshocker snapped.
"He is in stasis cuffs, he can't move." Ultra Magnus said
"I don't care. It's Megatron for all we know this could be part of his labyrinth plan." Nightshocker said while holding Prowl protectively to her. Prowl was taking a nap in her arms, his little body has a small energy supply.
"Both of you relax before you wake up Prowl." Phoenix said
"Phoenix is right." Ultra Magnus said as Nightshocker sighed in frustration. Then Sentinel Prime came running in.
"Decepticons *pant*escaped." He said while trying to catch his breath.