Summary: Kendall on a sugar high is pure madness. He is determine to get himself more candy without getting cought by his three best friends. While Logan, Carlos, and James try to stop him from having any and destroying the palm woods or they will have to ( shudder ) work again. Kendall + candy = Another crazy day at the palm woods.

"Kendall put it down, come on give it to me," Logan pleaded

Kendall just shook his head and held the bag closer to his body. He looked like he was willing to protect it with his life. This was going to be harder than Logan thought it would be.

"Come on Kendall you don't want to do that you know what happens." James all so tried, unsuccessfully. He didn't want a crazy Kendall running all over the place. It sure was funny but he always tended to make huge mess. Gustavo said they couldn't destroy anything else this week or they will have to work again.

He shuddered, just thinking about it, he hated working. That would just cause stress and that caused wrinkles. Then the next thing he knows his hair will be all messed up and that would be a disaster.

This time Kendall just stuffed it in his mouth and swallows it. Getting a crazed look and stuffed other, now a grin covering his face. Giggling he backed away from them getting closer to the door.

"Kendall give me the chocolate know," Logan insisted, "you know what happens, you are not supposed to have chocolate or any sweets."

"No Logie my candy," Kendall shook his head, giggling with a huge grin before eating another bar of chocolat, finally finishing his bag of candy.

Both Logan and James were worried, when this happens Kendall becomes …well… really weird. He becomes all loopy and crazy. Pretending he was Spiderman and then he really has a thing for rainbows after he had any kind of sweets.

"No more candy for you Kendall," James said

"Nooooo. I want candy and chocolate" Kendall pouted, "please, please. My tummy will be very happy with you"


"pleeeeeasee," Kendall begged, making it harder to deny him.

"NO! Kendall now….." before James could finish Kendall sprinted out of the room laughing loudly. Before he could make it out of the room he was tackled by Carlos who had hidden behind the door.

"Thanks Carlos." Both James and Logan were thankful for Carlos ability to appear out of nowhere, which they thought was really weird but now they were just greatfull. They really didn't want to chase Kendall through the Palm Woods.

"No problem but you guys owe me, you all know how much I love when Kendall his all high on sugar. He is so fun." Carlos said, successfully pinning Kendall down to the ground.

"Noooooo. Me want candy," Kendall's eyes becoming teary. All he wanted was more chocolates and cookies and rainbow ice cream, he suddenly started to cry. He won't get any unless he got out because his friends were meanies and wouldn't give him any candy.

Logan turned to James, whispering. "Give him some gum that might calm him down"

"Kendall do you want some gum here, we know how much you love it. Here have some, its your favorite."

"But its sugar free. I don't want it. I want sugar. Why won't you give me any? Do you hate me?" more tears fell, trying to put his best puppy dog face. He could compete against Katie and win. None of them could resist that face, it broke their heart.

"We don't hate you," All three answered at the same time.

"Then why don't you give me sugar." Then his face light up "No, I want a rainbow cookie. YUP, Kendall wants a rainbow cookie"

"Will give you one is you are a good boy, ok" Kendall nodded, smiling because he will get a cookie because he is a good boy.

"Ok now go sit down on your bed, ok," Logan asked talking to him like he was four, but Kendall's acts like he is four when he gets any candy at all.

He went and sat at his bed, jumping up and down, getting board right away

"We should take turns watching him 'till he crashes," Logan said running away, James fallowing not far behind, leaving Carlos with a crazy Kendall. They didn't want to be around Kendall when he has had any sugar, it was a disaster. He could usually drink a smoothie without getting this hyper but with chocolate or candy he get a hyper and wierd..

"Carlitos can we play a game. I want to play a game please, I'm so bored"

"Sure," Carlos hesitated, he was a little wary of Kendall. He could make great plans in an instant and if he wanted something he will try his hardest to get it. It would be even worse now that he was high on all that candy he had eaten earlier. Ignoring his thoughts he agreed it wouldn't hurt plus he was also bored.

"Let's play….. HIDDE AND SEAK." Kendall yelled, suddenly getting a plan to get out and get his other bag of candy hidden under his bed, which he just remembered he had hidden. Logan would have just taken it away and never had given it back be cause he was not nice and a meanie, "You count and I will hide. READY GO"

"ONE, TWO, THREE..." Kendall ran to Logan's room grabbing the biggest book out of the whole shelf, which was huge considering most of Logan's books had hundreds of pages. He grinned, this will work. He ran back to the room that Carlos was at still counting and climbed on top of the dresser, ready to give Carlos a big happy surprise.

"NINTEEN AND TWEENY, HERE I COME." Carlos opened his eyes expecting to see Kendall nowhere in sight. Not in front of him holding a book bigger that his head ready to swing it.

"Kendall what are you …" before he could finish he was whacked in the face, successfully knocking him out. He knew Logan's book only brought pain and missery to everyone he thought before passing out.

"I'm not Kendall. I am Spiderman!" he jumped down from the dresser and did a Spiderman pose. Running to his bed he got his bag full of candy and his Spiderman mask before running out of the apartment. Laughing and giggling, that boy sure loved to giggle.

Well this will be another strange day for everyone in the Palm Woods

Please review if you liked it just a little but if you dont its ok.

Also tell me if I should make it slash or not. If so leave me a review of which paring you would like me to write. Might put up a poll. :D