Chapter 1

It was when Cato her so called ally thought it would be beneficial to sacrifice her in the bloodbath just so he could get a clear shot at Katniss that Clove decided to cut all ties with the boy, and the other careers. Cato was truly surprised when he saw Clove return from the Cornucopia battered but alive and well enough. She was covered in blood but it was not her own, a knife in her right hand dripped with dark fresh blood.

Cato welcomed her back with open arms as if her didn't just abandoned her on her own just so he could take out the district 12 girl. But Clove sneered at him and attempted to cut him with her knife. Seeing her attack coming the tall boy quickly dodge the deadly swipe of her sharp blade.

"What the hell Clove you could have given me a serious cut there." Cato said with shock in his voice. Clove stared at him with deadly eyes and attempted to raise her blade again but Marvel the boy from district 1 caught her arm and twisted it backwards. Clove hollered in pain from the powerful grip the boy had on her arm.

"Just let her go Marvel she want try it again." Commanded Cato as her gave Clove a daring look. Marvel who was enjoying himself didn't listen and continued to hold on to Clove. The district 1 boy started laughing throwing his head back, he loved the fact that he had strength and power over the weak and in his eyes he saw Clove as weak.

Clove saw her chance as Marvel let his guard down laughing she rounded her leg and swung it under marvel hitting him dead in the balls. Marvel went pale and doubled over falling to the ground her clutched the middle of his pants as tears fell from his eyes. Glimmer the pretty blonde girl from district 1 who was leaning against a tree laughed at her ally's antics.

Cato just rolled his eyes and looked down at Marvel. "Next time I give an order you better fucking follow it." Said Cato dangerously. He didn't care that Marvel got his balls kicked he was more upset of the fact that Marvel choose to ignore his command. Last time Cato checked he was in charge no one else.

Clove stared darkly at Marvel before she kicked him in the stomach and turned her attention to Cato who stood across from her with his muscular arms crossed against his deep chest. "You bastard you tired to get me killed, you just left there me all of you." Shouted an angry Clove. Clove accused all of them of betraying her and abandoning her.

The games had just started after the count down, and every career and tribute made their way fighting to the Cornucopia to get what supplies, and weapons they needed during the early start of the game. Clove was the first one to reach the weapons she knew to well her knives and once they were in her hands she had let one fly into the back a the boy from district 9 who was fighting with the fire bitch over a orange supply bag. And so when she threw her next knife aiming at the back of Katniss's head as she ran away into the woods, the district 12 girl had already gotten the backpack on and had used it as a shield against Clove's knife. After Clove lost sight of the girl she turned back to her team but Cato,Marvel, and Glimmer were gone. She was left alone with the other tributes who saw her solitude as an opening and a weakness. But Clove fought her way out of there with bravery and deadly intent a girl from district 6 lost her life as Clove slice her throat the tribute's blood spluttered all over Clove's face.

Glimmer rolled her blue eyes at Clove's dramatic acting. "You're just over thinking somethings Clove relax or something." "Fuck off witch." Said Clove with venom in her voice. "Don't talk to her like that Clove." Cato said as he walked over to Glimmer throwing his arms around the slender girl's waist and pulling her closer. Glimmer then wrapped her own arms around Cato's strong shoulders and leaned her head against his chest. Clove's eyes widened with realization hitting her in the face like a cold bucket of ice water. She stepped on Marvel who was still on the ground in pain as she made her way to both Cato and Glimmer. "Are you fucking kidding me, Cato what the hell?" Clove looked at Cato with pleading eyes wanting answers for why he was even with Glimmer. "It would seem that the district 12 losers aren't the only star crossed lovers in this game." Cato simply said as he smiled at Glimmer and they both shared a kiss. Not a min after a white parachute fell from a hovercraft in the arena's sky. It was for Cato.

"You know it benefits a lot to be in love." Glimmer said smirking at Clove. "But now how would you know that being a cold heartless bitch that no one wants, and Cato loves me so much that when I asked him to leave you behind to prove that love he didn't think twice about it."

Clove couldn't believe what she was hearing from Glimmer. Some people would say that Glimmer is only a pretty face but she is as manipulative and conniving as a career should be. Without thinking Clove throw a knife at Glimmer that hit her in the shoulder. The blonde girl hollered in pain and quickly pulled the knife out with blood oozing from the open wound. Clove turned to Cato he had a dangerous gleam in his eyes and he lunged for Clove but she was far swifter then him. Clove zig zagged around their camp picking up the knife with Glimmer's blood on it and also grabbing the pack with the bow and arrows running away into the deep dark woods as fast as she could. She didn't turn around when she heard a whistling sound fly past her left side but she knew what it was. One of Marvel's spear that just barely missed her by mere inches was stuck deep in a tree still vibrating from the force of it's thrower. But by now she was out of sight gone in the dark woods.

"Damn I missed her." Cursed Marvel. Cato turned to him and shrugged his shoulders. "Its only the first day of the games we will meet soon enough again and next time there want be any missing." Said Cato darkly. Then it it the district 2 boy and realize what Clove was planning to do when she grabbed the bow and arrows he smiled. Cato then went to attend to Glimmer and her wound. Marvel feeling sick observing the other two careers went to got retrieve his spear before he hurled.

Clove wandered for an hour or two getting in as much distance from the other careers as she could. The knife girl knew that the others would be slowed down from Glimmer's wound and Clove smiled at the memory of stabbing the blonde-headed bitch. Clove toss the blade that did the damage to Glimmer in her palm and stored it in a special compartment in black vest, she was gonna save that blade for Glimmer when it came time to finish her off for good.

Clove knew she was in trouble and her odds of winning the games were not in her favor she needed and ally. A crazy thought came to mind and that teaming up with Katniss was a strong chance. The district 12 girl receive a 11 during her performance for the game keepers and Clove knew that Katniss had potential.

The knife girl was planning it all as she walk in the direction she saw Katniss run through. Clove decided to team up with Katniss and then when it was time she would kill Katniss herself. Clove just needed to keep Katniss alive long enough for herself to stay alive to win.

It was still midday or at least it felt like it but it was scorching hot and it seemed the temperature fell and dropped every so often. Clove cursed under her breath. Damn those game keepers they know some people have not found a source of water and they are making it even more hotter a higher chance of dying from dehydration. But Clove knew the game keepers wouldn't let it go that far after all where is the fun in seeing some kids die from thirst, it's just to bloodless.

Sweat drip down from Clove's forehead well it ran everywhere on her actually but she didn't care but even walking in the shade of the trees helped little, and she was trying to save all the water she could in her bottles. Her bottles were being kept cool in a special container, and that's when Clove's brightened. She was thinking half the day of how she was gonna get Katniss's trust and she could use the water for that. Clove knew that as she walked in the same direction as the district 12 girl that she had not found any water yet and so she would be very thirsty. The knife girl also had what Katniss has been dying to get her hands on when the games first started the bow and arrows.

Clove wasn't train as a hunter or tracker but she knew when someone has been walking over leaves and mud leaving visible evidence through it. She found foot prints that could be Katniss's they were small and light but the train ends there. Clove swirled around wondering how and why her train ends where did she go and what happened to her? Clove almost passed out from all the questions going in her head.

Then something hard but small fell on her head it plopped down on the ground she picked it up and examined it. But her lack of knowledge of plants and anything else other than her blades or any weapons were at a lost to her. She twirled it around in her fingers it was round with what she called a crown around at the top with a little point in the middle. Clove wondered if it were edible but was scared to try it for herself.

"That's an acorn in case you were wondering." said a voice. Clove whipped around wide eyed with a knife ready to defend herself but no one was there no one was anywhere. "Show yourself coward." Yelled Clove she was still looking around madly. "I am showing myself if you look up and I'm not a coward." Clove then looked up and immediately met light gray eyes looking down at hers. It was Katniss in a damn tree! The first thought that came to the knife girl's mind was that Katniss threw what she called was a acorn at her head. "Why did you throw this at my head fire girl?" asked Clove. Katniss just shrugged and made to hop to another tree branch further away from Clove. Clove followed her around the large trees trying to keep the agile girl in sight. Finally katniss stopped and looked back down at Clove. "Why are you following me career?" Katniss demanded more than asked her. Clove mimicked Katniss from a few mins ago and simply shrugged her shoulders. Katniss let out a huff and climb higher in the trees. Clove cursed out loud knowing she may just have to follow the girl there in her domain.

"Hey fire girl I just wanted to talk to you and maybe we could reason with each other or something." yelled Clove. Clove waited for a reply but known came. "You know if I wanted you dead all I would have to do is toss a knife up there." Still no sound from the other girl. Clove went around the tree she saw Katniss in. The girl on fire had fallen asleep. Clove cursed at the other girl for ignoring her like that. Katniss must have assumed that she was in no immediate danger from Clove and simply fell asleep. She was strapped with her belt wrapped around the tree branch that she laid on.

Clove figured from the thickness of the leaves and trees that Katniss didn't notice the bow and arrows in her hands. Clove began climbing up a tree with the two packs she had. It wasn't easy Clove's body was much to heavy for half the branches but she had strength enough to hoist her body upwards. Finally out of breath she made it to where Katniss was. The tribute girl had her eyes open and was giving Clove a nasty glare. Clove only smiled back sweetly. Katniss who was still strapped in didn't have much options but to try and kick the career girl down out the tree. Clove cursed at her and blocked her heavy boots with her arms.

"Dammit fire girl calm down and just here me out." Pleaded Clove whose arms were turning red from Katniss's strong kicks. Katniss remained quiet and Clove took this as her chance to reel the girl in her favor but she didn't miss the moment when she saw Katniss eyes widen. Clove followed the girl's gaze and saw they landed on the bow and arrows behind her. Clove smiled as Katniss tried to reach out for them."Tsk tsk tsk hold your pretty horses fire girl we need to come to an agreement on a few things." stated Clove. Katniss let out a huff and folded her arms glaring at Clove. "Well then what is it you want?" asked Katniss. Clove let out a heavy sigh and simply asked Katniss to form and alliance with her. Katniss laughed out loud and a few startled birds flew away from the shocking sound. Katniss had tears in her eyes and wiped them away. "So you think that by bringing me the bow and arrows I would without a doubt become allies with you?" Katniss asked. "Tell me though whose stupid idea was this Cato's?" Katniss started laughing again. Clove's face went red with fury and she almost made to strike the girl with her hand but quickly stopped herself.

"It wasn't his or anyone else's idea but my own, because well...I'm not with the other careers anymore." Clove said quietly, the pain of being betrayed was as strong as ever. Katniss looked at the girl again and asked her why that was. Clove told her all about it and Katniss truly felt sorry for Clove. "So you want to form an alliance with me in hopes we could make it in the top eight together or something and just maybe together we could take down Cato and the others." Katniss asked Clove. Clove shrugged her shoulders. "It doesn't seem like that bad of an idea." Clove simply said. Clove reached behind her and gave Katniss the bow and arrows the tributes eyes brightened and she smiled thankfully at Clove. As she passed the weapons to Katniss their fingers brushed against each other and Clove felt a shiver run through her spine, she wondered if katniss felt it to. But the girl on fire was to busy examine the bow and arrows. Clove blushed when she realized that she rather liked the feeling. The knife girl reached out with her hand to brush against Katniss's again to feel the affect once more. Clove shivered with a strange excitement. Katniss looked at her with a confused look on her face. "What are you doing" she asked Clove. Clove quickly lied and said she thought Katniss was running a fever and just wanted to check and make sure she wasn't. Katniss believed her and said she was alright then went straight back to her bow and arrows. "I just don't want you getting sick on me fire girl." Said Clove. "You want have to worry about that know that I have a bow thanks to you." Smiled Katniss. Clove blushed under Katniss gaze. "Your welcome" she quietly said.

Katniss tied the bag of arrows to a tree branch beside her and laid the bow in her lap. Clove decided to try and get comfortable on the branch but couldn't. "You should strap yourself in otherwise you will fall out when you least expect it". Warned Katniss. Katniss tossed clove a rope to tie around her waist which the knife girl did now Clove felt safe and secure. Clove looked down she wasn't a big fan of heights.

It was still hot even though the sun was beginning to set and then Clove remembered something. "Are you thirsty fire girl?" asked Clove. Katniss opened her eyes quickly shaking her head yes, and Clove could tell for the first time how drained and chapped the girl appeared to be. Clove reached in her pack and pulled out a large bottle of cold water and handed it over to Katniss. Katniss quickly reached for it and began to drink heavenly from it. It was refreshing and gave life back in Katniss. Clove gave a truly meaningful smile at the girl before her. Katniss saved the rest of the water and tucked it in her pack.

She told Clove that tomorrow she was going hunting. Clove looked interested at the thought of Katniss hunting. Clove was from district 2 the district with the strongest loyalty to the Capitol of Panem, and so she never experienced hunger or the need to hunt for her meal. Clove wondered what life was like for Katniss in her district but thought she could only guess and imagine it herself.

The temperature was dropping fast and night was coming as well. But both Clove and Katniss were happy that they didn't have to spend the first night in the arena alone. But sleep seemed impossible when it felt like the desert in the day and the arctic during the night. Clove couldn't bring herself to get adjusted to the quickly changing temperature. But there was Katniss who was already asleep her head had fallen to the side her soft dark curls falling all around her face. Clove wished she could brush the curls away and her eyes widened at the thought. Why would I want to do that? She thought. But she just knocked the crazy thoughts away from her mind and tried to get some sleep.

A bright light caught her attention and she reopened her eyes. What the hell is she doing? Clove could not believe her eyes as she stared across the forest at the girl from district 8 who had lit a fire trying to warm herself. Clove nudge Katniss with her boot the girl awoke with a start grabbing her bow. Clove pointed to the fire and the district 8 girl who made it. Katniss thought the girl to be stupid but knew the coldness of the night must have driven her to this stupid madness. "She's a sitting duck down there with that fire." Said Clove. Katniss agreed and her and first thought was to shoot the girl because her thoughtlessness was gonna get them all killed, targets may as well be on their foreheads. The light from the fire grew and was hitting Clove and Katniss breaking them out of their shadows.

Loud snapping came from a distance and Katniss and Clove saw them before the girl from district 8 could. Cato broke through the woods along with Glimmer and Marvel and...Peeta! Katniss nearly fell over despite being strapped in from the shock of seeing Peeta with the careers. Clove knew what Katniss was thinking as she spotted the girl's so called lover boy.

The district 8 girl screamed when she saw the careers for the first time, she pleaded with them for her life. Clove could her glimmer's high pitched laugh across the forest and instinct made her clutch her blade as she recalled the horrible memories from earlier in the day. Katniss could hear Cato order someone to kill the poor girl and she saw Peeta move towards her. Then the girl's screaming died down. Katniss couldn't believe this was happening. Why Peeta? Why? Asked Katniss over and over again in her head. Marvel quickly put out the fire the girl made and Glimmer began looking through the district 8 girl's pack. Judging from the fact that Glimmer was throwing things left to right she didn't find anything useful other than some crackers and dried fruit.

Cato told the group it was time to move on but stopped and wondered why the cannon did not sound signaling the district 8 girl's death. Cato told Peeta to go and check to see if she were truly dead. "Cato what use is he why are we dragging him about with us?" Aksed Glimmer. Cato turned to her and said that with him they will be able to find his girlfriend and also Clove, plus Cato added that the boy seemed handy with a knife. Katniss was fuming with anger so clearly Peeta could do more than just toss heavy objects across a room. Then the cannon sounded with a deep shot and Peeta had made his way back to the careers. "Where do you think your girl is hiding lover boy?" Asked Cato to Peeta. Peeta merely shrugged and that's when Marvel grabbed him the the scruff of his shirt and hauled him against a tree. Peeta hit the tree with a deep thud the breath knock out of his lungs. "Easy there Marvel we don't want him dead...yet." Said Glimmer with a flashing white smile. Clove looked on with disgust at the district 1 girl. Cato came and ripped Marvel's arm from around Peeta and told them all to get moving. Cato, Glimmer and Marvel each put on some dark glasses and began looking around the woods before they disappeared altogether.

Katniss was just shell shocked at what all happened. "I can't believe Peeta is betraying me like this." Said Katniss. Welcome to the club. Thought Clove. "I Don't think he is betraying you fire girl to me it seemed as if he doesn't have a choice." Explained Clove who was trying to make the other girl feel better. But Katniss refused Clove words and just decided that Peeta truly has played her. Clove fell silent knowing that trying to reason with the girl was useless for now.

The dark sky lit up with faces of all the victims that fell today. Clove recognized the district 9 boy's face her first kill. Katniss recognized his face as well since it was Clove doing that the boy spit blood all her face while she was fighting over a supply pack with him at the Cornucopia. Other tributes faces lit up until both Katniss and Clove saw the girl from district 8's face. Katniss let out a sigh at least the little girl Rue made it through the first day. Then the artificial sky went dark and all became calm and still.

Clove fell back against the tree trunk and closed her eyes but she felt Katniss watching her with a quizzical look. "Something amusing you Kat?" Asked Clove. Katniss quirked an eyebrow at the nickname but just smiled and closed her eyes. Clove rolled her own not truly understanding the girl from district 12. But Clove didn't want to ponder on the many mysteries that is Katniss the girl on fire all she just wanted to do was sleep for now.